[Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)

Started by Tapewolf, January 18, 2012, 03:46:41 PM

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Mmm.  A difference of personal definitions then.  Attempting to do something registering as 'evil' but failing doesn't register as 'evil' in Richard's case to me.

Speaking of him, I hereby submit the fan theory that under Richard's right glove is a skeleton arm a la Mozenrath (Aladdin Animated Series).  I submit that it became skeleton-y through some sort of magical punishment; a permanent scaring that can't be simply repaired with magic, but doesn't interfere with the convict's functions.  Basically a sign proclaiming the crime they committed.


Quote from: Meany on August 15, 2012, 02:36:15 AM
Mmm.  A difference of personal definitions then.  Attempting to do something registering as 'evil' but failing doesn't register as 'evil' in Richard's case to me.

Let's put it this way, Niall refused to save him from being hanged.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2012, 03:38:23 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 15, 2012, 02:36:15 AM
Mmm.  A difference of personal definitions then.  Attempting to do something registering as 'evil' but failing doesn't register as 'evil' in Richard's case to me.

Let's put it this way, Niall refused to save him from being hanged.
That's still rather unhelpful, there's a wide range of deeds that Richard could have done to exclude him from Niall's crusade and depending on the point of view the level of evil would be different. That being said I'm putting my money on the classic soul eating stereotype, and I'm talking about a lot of souls eaten maybe from a particular set of Beings to make it even more heinous.


Justacritic, you can comment and you can speculate, and I'm sure Tape will welcome both, but it's starting to sound like you're telling him how to write his story. I hope I'm just reading your posts wrong.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on August 15, 2012, 11:00:48 AM
Justacritic, you can comment and you can speculate, and I'm sure Tape will welcome both, but it's starting to sound like you're telling him how to write his story. I hope I'm just reading your posts wrong.
Sorry, I was taking a comment and information that was out there and trying to think of what Richard could have done that could make Niall who goes saving cubi from trumped up charges resulting in death sentences refuse to save him. If I gave you the wrong impression I apologize. Still from writing this I wonder, does Niall only save cubi who have death sentences or imprisonment due to anti-cubi prejudice?   


Quote from: justacritic on August 15, 2012, 11:05:57 AM
Sorry, I was taking a comment and information that was out there and trying to think of what Richard could have done that could make Niall who goes saving cubi from trumped up charges resulting in death sentences refuse to save him. If I gave you the wrong impression I apologize. Still from writing this I wonder, does Niall only save cubi who have death sentences or imprisonment due to anti-cubi prejudice?   

Well, it's all been pre-written up to about chapter 34 anyway, I don't anticipate making significant changes to those chapters, though I will probably tweak and improve a few things.

Niall does have standards.  A key factor for him is how much they regret what they did.

As for Richard, he hasn't successfully managed to steal souls yet (see chapter 14).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Gabi on August 12, 2012, 07:23:59 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 12, 2012, 05:29:41 AM
"idle until your name is called again"

... now, there's an instruction with a loophole the size of a bus. If I heard that, I'd be thinking about removing Trixie's head. If, of course, I thought that would stop her - which I'm less sure about...
I thought about that too, but I think it would be more effective to neutralize those who would say her name. Then Trixie wouldn't be an issue.

True, but... it's possible there are previously-set "defend/avenge the commander" type instructions, which would then be triggered.

Either is just as likely, though, and the same sort of instructional loophole applies in both cases.

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 13, 2012, 05:12:03 AM
"I mean, when it first happened, I thought it was rather cool.  I figured we'd never have trouble changing the lights in the warehouse again," he said, pointing at the mercury vapour bulbs suspended from the high ceiling.  "It was a disaster.  Have you ever tried picking up a soap bubble with your fingers?"

"The bulbs were like that...?"

"The fittings were like that," Daryil said.  "I didn't get as far as the bulbs."

(chapter 23)

This implies that Daryil hasn't thought this through properly. While he might be unable to change the bulbs himself, there's nothing stopping him putting a hand down, and someone else stepping onto his palm for an easy lift up to the appropriate height...

But that's just me thinking. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hopefully running this out of the usual schedule won't cause too many problems.

Chapter 18

"Where are we actually going?"  Sheila asked Professor Falkirk, when they had packed up the tent.

"We're going to make for the Malverns," the poodle said, brushing aside one of his locks in a futile attempt to keep it excluded from his field of vision.  "There's a small 'Cubi population there, and we should be able to get help."

"How long will it take?"

"Depends how fast we can go," he said.  "But we're quite close.  I think we're only about fifteen miles out from the base of the Malvern hills.  Most of that will be through forest, mind you.  But we should definitely be there for dinner.  Too bad we can't call ahead and arrange a party booking at the inn..."

He broke off at a sudden, shrill sound.

"A hawk?"  Daniel asked.  Mike, the osprey griffin, shook his head.

"That was no bird," he said quietly.  "There were words in that cry."

Then it called out again, descending from the sky above them, a high-pitched voice that spooked some of the more emotionally volatile students, causing them to drop their tents.

"Professor Falkirk!"  It demanded.  "Where is Professor Falkirk?!  Which of you is Professor Falkirk?!"

"I am Professor Falkirk," the poodle replied, and the creature descended to chest height, hovering in front of him.  It was formed from pure darkness, edged only with a faint orange glow that reflected in the poodle incubus' black leather jeans.

"I have a message for you, Professor Falkirk," the Warp-Aci said.  "An ultimatum from Lady Finch.  She demands that you immediately turn one of your students over to our custody.  They will not be harmed, but we must speak with them in private, face-to-face."

"Any one of my students?" Falkirk said, and a lazy smile crossed his features.  "Let me see, who's been most disruptive lately?"

Richard edged away, concealing himself behind Sheila.

"No!" the creature trilled.  "Do not jest, Professor!  You know very well who, I was told so!"

"Humour me," the professor said, folding his arms.  "Who were you sent to retrieve?"

"You are to turn over the fox incubus, Sidney," it said.  "In exchange, we will return the staff members to you and the school will be free to resume its business once our clan operatives have left it."

"Sydney...?  Why, what's he ever done to you?"

"You are well aware of his importance," the Warp-Aci said, glancing at the nearest fox.  "Even if he is not."

"I see," the unkempt poodle said slowly.  "And if we refuse?"

"If you refuse, we will take Sidney by force of violence.  This is your one chance to settle things peaceably."

"You attacked and disrupted an entire school, just over one student?!"

"I am only the messenger," the warp-aci reminded him.  "What is your answer?"

"Go fuck yourself," Professor Jevex instructed it.

"No..." the poodle murmured.  "No.  I will need some time to think about this.  You will have your reply tomorrow.  Is that acceptable?"

"I was told you might say that," the little creature said.  "I will return in twelve hours, and you must answer me then.  Choose wisely... the Lady Finch is not to be trifled with!"  So saying, it vanished.

"Oh Jeeze," Richard said, and the professor glanced at him, with a strangely quiet and detached expression.  Sheila looked horrified at Sydney, who seemed to be struck dumb.  Then he shook himself.

"Professor," Sydney said.  "What did it mean?  Why do they want me?  What have I done?"

"I don't really know what it was talking about, Syd," the poodle sighed.  "I was bluffing, hoping it would give us some clues.  My best guess is it has something to do with Jyraneth, but it's only that, a guess..."

"When the school was attacked, the attackers were clad in Darkness like Jyraneth's old Raiders," Sheila said, horrified.  "Do they want to join him to their ranks?"

"Then they'll want me too!" Nick whimpered.

"No, no, no," Professor Falkirk said.  "I can't believe they're really Jyraneth - it's all wrong!  If they were acting under that crazy hag's orders... well, for one, she wouldn't be guaranteeing Syd's safety.  And Jyraneth seemed to be particularly cut up by you.  Why would she ask for Syd at all?  From what the two of you have said, I don't think she even knows his name!
"But whatever does happen with Syd - and I won't abandon him if I can possibly avoid it - we'll keep you safely hidden.  If necessary, I'll take you to Daryil's allies myself once we reach the Malverns.  If they are as desperate for Syd as they sound, we might not be able to keep him.  But... Daryil may be able to use your clan link to locate Syd so we can rescue him."

Syd was almost in tears at this and although Sheila was hugging and holding him steady, she wasn't really doing much better herself.  The professor cast his gaze back to the white jackal, who had remained uncharacteristically quiet and was radiating a wide variety of negative emotions.  One of them was guilt.

"Richard," the poodle said quietly, "I have a strong feeling that you know something about all this, don't you?"

"Yeah," the jackal said awkwardly.  "Lady Finch is my mom..."

* * *

"Johan Cross?!" the hare said, incredulously.  "You are truly the Great Dictator of yore?!"

"The exiled lord of Ha'Khun, at your service," Jakob said silkily.  "And you are...?"

"Tina," she said, eyes shining.  "If things work out between us, I can tell you more."

"Indeed?  What kind of 'working out' do you have in mind?"  Jakob asked, shifting his position slightly to adopt a more seductive pose.

"Well... it occurs to me that being under Daryil's wing must be a rather... constraining experience for one such as you.  All the things which you have done at Ha'Khunn, all the things you could have done, given the choice.  So many innovations that you could conceive of, and now all of that is gone, such great potential shackled by the yoke of Daryil's Being-loving Tenets."

"Well," Jakob said, scratching his chin, "I haven't really thought about it that way for a long time now, but... dammit, you're right."

"And Beings," the succubus said.  "With all their weapons.  Our whole clan yearns for the time to come again when they are put back in their proper place, near the bottom of the food chain."

"But if I aided you against my Leader, my very soul would be forfeit," Jakob said casually.

"Ah, but we can protect you from him," the succubus pointed out eagerly.  "Don't you see?  When Daryil betrayed us, decreed that we weren't allowed to hunt and kill Beings for sport anymore, we started out own clan.  A clan that is mostly made up of ex-Daryil members.  Join us, and we can break your link with that slave master you call a Leader!"

"Cut the strings," Jakob asked, "Become a man instead of a puppet?"

"Indeed!  Together, with your experience from Ha'Khun we can overthrow our Being oppressors and bring the 'Cubi race back from the darkness into the light it once had, that it should have!"

"Light eternal!"  Jakob cried.  "The Master Race!"

"Fa'Rana Clan shall guide all Creatures into the future!"  Tina said.  "Our future!"

"Good," Jakob said simply.  "Just checking, really... now I know you're a bunch of fruitcakes."

The hare stared at Jakob as if he'd suddenly slapped her, wings fanning out.  Her face twisted into a mask of hatred, and she choked up for a moment.

"If you won't see reason, then we'll... we'll have to detain you," the succubus snarled.  "You really should have cooperated, Lord Cross.  You had your chance.  Now... The Professor will deal with you personally."  So saying, she turned to the android.

"Trixie, destroy yourself," Jakob said, very quickly.  There was a blur of motion, and the horse collapsed, the extruded skewer from one hand thrust clean through her brain and out the other side of her skull.  There was no blood of course, but a true android would have had a noticeable change in expression.  Trixie's eyes remained just as dead as they had been when she was alive, if you consider her to have ever been alive at all.

Tina just stared at the android for a few moments, an appalled expression on her face, utterly unable to accept what had just happened.  Finally the succubus managed to turn her attention back to the prisoner, her back-wings rippling and becoming tentacles, a wrathful expression on her face.  But by the time she had torn her eyes away from Trixie's wreckage, the wolf had already kicked the door down and was halfway down the corridor.

They've still a few bugs to work out with those, Jakob thought, with a savage grin.

* * *

"Yeah," Josh was saying to Niall as they sat in front of a video screen.  Joshua was in incubus mode, sporting a pair of feathery wings and head-wings, and he had adopted a clothing style more typical of the 'Cubi race, a front-only shirt, arm sleeves and leggings.

This kind of look wasn't something he did at work or on official business and he only usually did it openly in the presence of Jakob or his allies, since at the end of the day, Josh was an android with the 'Cubi extensions and not really a 'Cubi at all.

It's funny, he thought, Most 'Cubi spend decades learning to hide their 'Cubi nature so they can live as if they were Beings.  I'm a Being learning to live as if I was a 'Cubi...

"Well, I've come to the end of my tether with this," the husky said.  "I can only assume that the killer is some kind of android, so I wanted your professional opinion.  I'm sorry you had to see this."

"I feel sick," Niall said.  "Those poor people..."

"Yeah, I know.  It's not been fun viewing for me either.  What do you think she is, though?"

"Oh, I think you're right.  She's got to be some kind of android too.  There's something about the gait that makes me think they're based on Jayhawk algorithms and motor reflex data, but there's also something strange about it as well.  I'd say they're probably a competitor's clone based on pieces of our earlier designs and patents."

"And the teleportation?"

"It's a new one on me.  Clever, though.  I'm going to assume it's some kind of space-folding system... if it wasn't so easy to teleport magically, perhaps we'd have made something like it ourselves."

"It would make a nice upgrade," Josh said wistfully.  "Let me know if you make one."

"I'll put it before the board," Niall said.  "You're right, it may have a lot of commercial possibilities."

"Okay," Josh said.  "So we have a teleporting android on a murder spree.  Any idea who made them?"

"Well, that's the big question, isn't it?" the fox incubus sighed.  "It looks a lot like a dedicated warrior robot to me," Niall said, and winced at the memory.  "That horrible skewer thing... we've never added internal weapons, never!  Our focus was always on protecting the individual and enhancing their life, not on allowing them to harm others!"

"I was going to mention Dorcan and how he crushed the Mayor's skull," Josh teased, "But then I remembered how you put in interlocks to stop me attacking Jakob when he was playing Mr. Evil..."

"We only made him strong," Niall pointed out, headwings drooping slightly.  "What people do with their strength is up to them - if Dorcan was that pissed at the Mayor he'd have killed him anyway, even at normal strength."

"Just needling you," Josh said.  "Though I am curious about the marksmanship add-on."

"That was commissioned by the Being-Creature Commission," Niall said.  "And it's tightly controlled, you have to have a license for it, like that bounty-hunter wolf guy does... what was his name...?
"But that's the thing, see.  The Commission put a lot of restrictions in place against building warrior androids, which is why we don't make them.  Internal weapons are out, and reflex upgrades are... well, they're not supposed to be that good," he said, and looked away from the screen as the mare calmly impaled a fox Being unfortunate enough to have witnessed her rampage.

"What I mean is this..." he continued.  "You're quite simply not allowed to build something like that!  It counts as New Life because it doesn't fall under the exemption for guys like you and Dorcan.  The penalties for doing that are pretty dire.
"And that means, whoever built this monster, and I think they'll have built lots of them... whoever did it simply doesn't care what the Being-Creature Commission thinks about it."

Josh's fake headwings fluffed out as the implication hit him.

"You think it's a revolution," the cyber-husky said slowly.  "That this is a test, and when they've built enough of these androids, they're going to take over."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Interesting developments!  Always good to note Jakob hasn't let his old skills slide, both acting and quick reflexes.

I just know it's my own lack of empathy talking, but the bleeding hearts in this fic are reaching the triple digits! :U  Also, is your alternation between the spellings Sidney, and Sydney intentional?  Not criticism there, just a question.

On to Trixie, a shame such a valuable piece of hardware had to be destroyed, but there are more where she came from! 

So the Daryil Separatists, who's name I will only find in going back a page have an orange glow to them.  I wonder if they managed to remove the Daryil clan trait in the branching.


Quote from: Meany on August 18, 2012, 01:35:15 AM
I just know it's my own lack of empathy talking, but the bleeding hearts in this fic are reaching the triple digits! :U  Also, is your alternation between the spellings Sidney, and Sydney intentional?  Not criticism there, just a question.

You may notice that people who call him that don't know him.
With the bleeding hearts thing, are you thinking of Niall?  He's usually like that.  The thing with the mayor in Project Future was an aberration.

QuoteSo the Daryil Separatists, who's name I will only find in going back a page have an orange glow to them.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 18, 2012, 05:34:09 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 18, 2012, 01:35:15 AM
So the Daryil Separatists, who's name I will only find in going back a page have an orange glow to them.

I believe he's talking about the orange glow around the warp-aci, and presuming that "darkness" around the separatists is the same thing.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 18, 2012, 08:12:05 AM
I believe he's talking about the orange glow around the warp-aci, and presuming that "darkness" around the separatists is the same thing.

Whoops, I missed that.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow, that was one major bug!

A little typo, if you don't mind: "the succubus pointer out eagerly"=>"the succubus pointed out eagerly"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on August 19, 2012, 01:37:52 PM
Wow, that was one major bug!

Sometimes they're so obvious you don't think of testing them...

QuoteA little typo, if you don't mind: "the succubus pointer out eagerly"=>"the succubus pointed out eagerly"


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

The problem with that one is not that you can order the machine to kill itself, but that the machine is less than selective about who it accepts orders from.

... which leads into a whole different ball game about how you authenticate people, since in a verbally-addressed system you can't base it on, say, genetic markers. Hrm. And with shapeshifters, you can't specify a shape - or even a voiceprint, since a shapeshifter should be able to shift the shape of their vocal cords to match; albeit that might be trickier to manage, since you can't hear yourself from outside to make sure it matches....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 20, 2012, 03:27:28 AM
The problem with that one is not that you can order the machine to kill itself, but that the machine is less than selective about who it accepts orders from.

... which leads into a whole different ball game about how you authenticate people, since in a verbally-addressed system you can't base it on, say, genetic markers. Hrm. And with shapeshifters, you can't specify a shape - or even a voiceprint, since a shapeshifter should be able to shift the shape of their vocal cords to match; albeit that might be trickier to manage, since you can't hear yourself from outside to make sure it matches....

That is rather difficult problem to fix. But in a way, it's no different from what Jakob's Panthers have to cope with or any other living and thinking creature would have to deal with under the circumstances.

Another way around it (Which the Panthers probably have) is free thought to think about the orders and question if under the circumstances they should be followed. Of coarse, to much free thought might mean that the robot might start questioning why they listen to anyone anyways.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on August 20, 2012, 03:02:36 PM
Another way around it (Which the Panthers probably have) is free thought to think about the orders and question if under the circumstances they should be followed. Of coarse, to much free thought might mean that the robot might start questioning why they listen to anyone anyways.

Yeah, the problem is that they've gone down the programmatic AI route.  Changing to a fully sentient design like the panthers - or Joshua - would likely take years of redevelopment.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: joshofspam on August 20, 2012, 03:02:36 PM
That is rather difficult problem to fix. But in a way, it's no different from what Jakob's Panthers have to cope with or any other living and thinking creature would have to deal with under the circumstances.

You said a mouthful. It's an incredibly tricky problem to resolve, and I don't pretend I have the slightest idea how to start resolving it.

It's the sort of thing you could kick around for an entire evening over beers, and still not even have a hope of starting to figure out a plan to resolve it. In fact, it's on a level with the challenge given to the designer of the e type jag; his boss bet him he couldn't design one in less than a month. He did it, and it came out incredibly well.

I can't find the youtube that listed it, though; I can find the part just _after_ Clarkson explains it, but not the actual part itself. :-/
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 21, 2012, 11:35:35 AM
You said a mouthful. It's an incredibly tricky problem to resolve, and I don't pretend I have the slightest idea how to start resolving it.

It's covered in a little more detail around chapters 33-36, so I don't want to pitch in too much yet.

Anyway, for those who are interested, Merlin has made a cool rendition of Professor Falkirk here:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


..bet you saw this coming.

Chapter 19

Daryil was crouching in front of a small table in the Arctic base when Jakob finally found him.  A large white feral rabbit sat upon the table and Daryil passed his hands over the bunny's head.  The animal belched and Daryil pulled from its mouth an exquisitely small magician's hat.

"Er, Daryil..." Jakob said and the fox whirled around with a startled expression.

"Oh, you're looking cute today," he said, appraising the wolf with a coy expression.  "In fact, those tight pants are wing-shifted, aren't they?  You're not really wearing any clothes at all!  Did you do all that just for me...?"

"Um, not right now," Jakob babbled.  "I was kidnapped, and they stole my clothes!"

"Hot," Daryil said.  "And then you made sweet love?"

"Funny you should say that, but no," Jakob snapped, and then looked contrite.  Daryil's headwings drooped slightly in sympathy with Jakob's.

"Please, Dar, it's serious," he begged.  "They took me prisoner at first until I told them I was Johan Cross.  Then they wanted me to join their wacko clan and betray you, so that they can take over the world on behalf of all Creature-kind, and kick all the Beings into the curb!"

"That doesn't sound like the best date I've ever been on, I'll give you that," Daryil admitted.  "Let me guess... it was Fa'Rana clan, right?"

"You knew?"  Jakob exclaimed, his wings fanning out again with a hurt look on his face.  "After all the shit I've been through, you knew and you didn't warn me?!"

"I didn't know what they were actually doing," Daryil protested, "And I'm grateful that you've found out.  See, I got a call from Callahan telling me they were up to something dodgy, but the clan don't trust him so he doesn't know what.

"And I do know someone has captured ISIS, but I only found out just after you'd gone.  I'm sorry." he put a hand on Jakob's shoulder.

"No harm done," Jakob sighed.  "Well, apart from losing a bunch of clothes and my wallet.  And my trench..."

"Better cancel your cards," Daryil said.  "Ask them if they can cancel the trench coat too, you never know.  Did you learn anything else before they raped you?"

Jakob just stared.  "What's got into you, Daryil?  Why are you acting like this?"

"It's spring," Daryil said.  "Can't you feel it too?  The urge to just grab some cute guy, tie him up and then-"

"No," Jakob cut in forcefully.  "Probably because it's early September."

"Oh.  Well, it feels like spring," Daryil shrugged.  "But yeah, okay.  I'll find Simeon when we're done talking, grab him, tie him up and then-"

"Whatever.  You do that," Jakob suggested.  "Try and work it off or something, because with all due respect, my Lord, this is important stuff.  For example, the Fa'Rana guys seem to have been building some warrior robots,"  he added.

"Warrior androids?" Daryil said, and his face lit up.  "Were they hot?  Cute bishie boys in shiny armour?"

"Female," Jakob said after a pause.  "Pretty plain-looking, actually.  No obvious armour, internal or external."

"Dammit!"  Daryil made a face.

"And they have lightning-fast reflexes and internal blade weapons that can punch through even their own skulls.  I think they actually are robots, though.  I mean, programmatic AI, not a soul.  This 'Trixie' was making exactly the sort of mistakes you'd expect from a computerised AI, they even forgot to stop her from obeying my orders, but that's not all!
"Trixie didn't have a mind to read, no emotions.  Nothing!  Even shielded you have some residue... in fact, the succubus used her own mind as a decoy, so that this 'Trixie' was able to knock me out from behind."

Daryil whistled.  "AI from scratch?  That's against the convention," he said.

"No shit!  But... oh crap, I forgot!  They... I know why why they've taken over the school!  They're trying to kidnap your son, Dar!"

All three pairs of Daryil's wings fanned out, and he went very still.

* * *

Professor Falkirk and about half the students within earshot stared at Richard with a mixture of expressions and the group as a whole radiated a seething mass of feelings, a kaleidoscope of conflicting emotions that covered almost the entire spectrum as if it was some kind of psychic freak-show.

"You what?!"  Sheila demanded, appalled.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it..." Richard said, backing off under the onslaught of feelings that even he was able to pick up.  "Mom... She kept asking me questions, about the other students.  Ones I was friendly with..."

"You told her to kidnap me," Sydney snarled.  "You sold me out!"

"That's not true...!" Richard protested.

Syd looked like he was about to hit the jackal, but Professor Falkirk shoved him aside.

"A plant," the poodle said, and his fur smoothed itself back, his tentacles out, wing-heads leering dangerously at the jackal.  His own expression was one of quiet confidence.  "You helped orchestrate the attack on our school," he said and one of his tentacles wrapped itself around his enemy's neck, a grey snake of fur, its little wolflike head promising a terrible death as it squeezed the life from its victim.  Richard gurgled and choked, clawing at the tentacle with his gloved hands.

"Please, Professor..." Sheila begged.  "Please... Don't kill him...!  He's... he's just a kid!  You can't kill your own students!"

"He ceased to be a student the moment his parents attacked ISIS," the incubus said calmly.  "Terms and conditions, part 4, subsection 2.  But no, I won't kill him.  My Lord would go apeshit and after all, he's only young.  But most importantly of all, Richard is much, much more use to us as a hostage.  Two can play at this game."

* * *

"So," Daryil said, when he trusted himself to speak again.  "Do we know which son they had in mind...?"

"No.  I have no idea what they're thinking of.  But what about Jezebel and Lilith?"  Jakob asked.  "How are they doing?  Are they safe?"

"A bit broody," Daryil said.  "They're kind of upset about not going back to ISIS, and I can't blame them."

"And they'd be a target for the Fa'Rana guys," Jakob said.

"Absolutely.  I've sent them into hiding for now."

"...which doesn't help the brooding?"

"That too."

"What about Lisa?" the wolf said.  "How's she doing?"

"Okay," Daryil said, closing his eyes briefly as he probed his link to the vixen.  "I don't really know.  She kept her part of the bargain and I kept mine, doubly so since it turned out to be twins.  I can tell she's alive since she's one of my Children now, but we haven't really spoken much since the ritual.  As far as I'm aware, she's mostly carrying on with her old life, and taking a part-time course to help her control her powers and feelings."

"Probably a coping mechanism," Jakob pondered.  "At some point she'll probably accept she's not a Being anymore and make a bit more use of her powers.  But do you think she's a target?"

"Unlikely," Daryil replied instantly.  "She's kept her 'Cubification pretty secret."

Jakob paused, watching Daryil's white rabbit for a moment.  "I suppose we ought to warn the whole clan about it," he suggested.  "They seem pretty gone, kidnapping every male member of Clan Daryil until they find the one they want... it's not impossible."

"I will," Daryil said.  "But first, I'm going to get laid.  Want to tag along?"

"I'd rather not," Jakob said.  "Oh, and Dar..."


"You're my Leader and all, but please.... Don't ask Simeon to shapeshift into me again, right?  That was just creepy."

"Ah.  Yeah, I guess it was," Daryil said and his ears blushed slightly as he turned to go.

"Oh yeah," Jakob added, "And if you do get Simeon to shapeshift into me, please don't send him around to try and seduce me afterwards.  That was even more creepy."

"It won't happen again," Daryil said and became a grey wolf incubus with long grey hair, an identical copy of Jakob.  He headed to the door and then stopped.  "Can you put Bessie back in her hutch for me...?"

* * *

Richard seized his chance as the Professor turned to talk to Sheila, and the grip of the tentacles loosened for one vital moment.  Then he was away, pushing through the crowd of assembled students, streaking off blindly into the woods with no direction in mind, just the urge to run, to flee from his erstwhile fellow students.

The poodle sent out a wing-tentacle to try and trip him but Richard had glanced back and spotted it, dodged.  But Sydney was after him too, and the muscular build of an ex-adventurer gave him a significant advantage over the jackal so he was soon gaining.

Fuelled by hate and disgust at Richard's betrayal, The fox's own tentacles came out, snapping at Richard, and then going for his feet.
The jackal tumbled over, but Syd noted that Richard had clearly had some training of his own because he dropped into a roll.  Unfortunately for him, it wasn't enough and moments later Sydney was on top of him, trying to pin him down.

But Richard didn't intend to just roll over and give up.  He struggled, bit Syd's arm and even managed to summon his own wing-tentacles, throwing the fox off balance.  He would probably have got away if Sydney hadn't grabbed his arm.

Richard thrashed, trying to regain his balance.  Syd clung on, and before he realised quite what was happening, the glove had slipped off in his hand.  Richard let out a scream of terror, and then went limp.

Syd was quite alarmed.  For a moment he thought that the jackal had been hurt or was suffering from some kind of seizure, but the sudden deluge of energy had struck him hard, saturating his psychic faculties.  As it tailed off he was able to resolve it... Richard had just emitted a massive flux of shock and terror, a crippling emotional reaction to the prospect of losing his glove.

Even so, Sydney checked the white jackal over for any injuries, but he stopped when he saw the other 'Cubi's wrist.  His fur stood up and his leathery wings fanned out and he stood there, frozen where he was as Sheila and the others began to arrive.

Richard himself had stopped struggling and just lay there, weeping gently and radiating a significant amount of misery and fear.  As she knelt down to check him over, Sheila found herself feeling rather sorry for him.  Sydney, however, was starting to worry her.

"Holy gods," the fox was saying to himself.  Sheila brushed him gently aside, and then froze too.  She shook herself and turned back to the Professor.
"Professor Falkirk, come here!" she called, for want of anything else to say, because the Professor was already hurrying towards them.  "You'd better see this yourself!"

"Well bugger me with a fish-fork," the poodle said.  "No, it can't be!  It's impossible!"

It was the first time any of them had seen Richard without his gloves.  On his wrist was the mark of the clan of Lord Ikaarion Daryil.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Insert *dun dun dun dun* music. Poor Jakob, Daryil still hasn't given up on him. Nice trick from the tri-winged leader, pulling a hat out of a rabbit  :mowsmile I don't know what is going with the students right now but it seems things are getting stranger.   


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't think it should have come as that much of a shock, considering his clan branched off from Daryil's clan. After all, hasn't it been established that some Ja'Fell members have Jyraneth's clan marks?

I still find it more shocking that Daryil has somehow managed to turn an adventurer into a toy.

The thought of cancelling a trenchcoat was funny. How could that be done?, I wonder.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Wow! Daryil seems to be really good at making Jakob feel awkward.

Not to mention what is the deal with that rabbit?

Seems like Richard got himself in a lot of trouble. But it seems like he's left quite a few of his class confused. Though the mark on his hand has me wonder just why does everyone seem so shocked?

Granted most didn't know he was from a branched clan of Daryil's. But I think he at least told the two he hangs out with the most about it. So why so surprised and just why does uncovering it make him have such a huge emotional reactions to it?

I'm guessing branching off entirely isn't as easy as just saying it makes it sound.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on August 25, 2012, 04:46:44 PM
Wow! Daryil seems to be really good at making Jakob feel awkward.

Not to mention what is the deal with that rabbit?

Seems like Richard got himself in a lot of trouble. But it seems like he's left quite a few of his class confused. Though the mark on his hand has me wonder just why does everyone seem so shocked?

Granted most didn't know he was from a branched clan of Daryil's. But I think he at least told the two he hangs out with the most about it. So why so surprised and just why does uncovering it make him have such a huge emotional reactions to it?

I'm guessing branching off entirely isn't as easy as just saying it makes it sound.
I think Richard's reaction was mostly magnified embarrassment, since he hates Daryil clan so much, it shames him to have their clan mark, and even more so if others see it. The fact that he's a Cubi makes his emotions even stronger, so I believe that's why he fainted.

But I don't understand why the others were so shocked either.

As for the rabbit... from what I've seen so far, she seems to be just a pet.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


The rabbit thing is just Daryil being Daryil.  I'll not comment on Richard, but he does have his reasons.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I forgot to upload this last night, as usual.

Chapter 20

"You're... of Daryil's clan?!"  Professor Falkirk gurgled.  "What the hell are you doing among Fa'Rana's followers...?"

"Please... please don't tell anyone..." Richard begged through tears.

"Oh, for the love the of the gods!" Sheila snapped, "Am I the only one who isn't ashamed of their clan?!"

"Oh, I doubt it's that," Professor Falkirk said gently, handing Richard his missing glove and easing him up.  "Well, he probably is, but I think he's more worried about Fa'Rana's clan.  They don't know, do they?"

"Dad does," Richard wept.  "The gloves were his idea... Mom probably does... Don't think anyone else knows..."

"Ah, so it was your father... he's your Daryil parent, isn't he?  And our clan takes genetic precedence because Daryil's an ascended leader.  That's a point... does Daryil himself know about your father?"

"He's hidden himself from Daryil," Richard said.  "He'd be executed for his crimes, so he disrupted the link to his Leader.  He did the same to me too when my clan mark came in..."

"Did he?" Professor Falkirk mused.  "Daryil clan took priority, so at least part of the link to him must be live..."

"What now, Professor?" Sheila asked.  "You were trying to strangle him earlier.  What do you plan to do now you've found you're clan-mates?"

"He's a fallen Daryil member," Falkirk pointed out, an undertone of bitterness in his voice.  "But even so, yes, this complicates things a great deal.  Even if his father is beyond redemption, it's not too late for Richard.  I'll have to bring him before my Leader."

"No!" Richard shrieked.

"He won't hurt you," the Professor said gently.  "And nor will I.  I'm really sorry about what I did earlier, I shouldn't have been this hasty."

"But Daryil...  We've broken his laws... What will he do?"

The poodle patted Richard's hair gently, comforting him.  "Keaton Jyraneth tried to murder both Daryil and his lover," he pointed out.  "And you know what?  She walked away unharmed.  You can't possibly have offended him worse than that!"

"But it's my Dad," the jackal sobbed.  "Daryil will destroy him for breaking the Tenets... I- I don't want my Dad to die!"

"I'll see what I can do," the poodle replied.  "He'll be in trouble, but really... Daryil isn't Jyraneth.  He's not some kind of ogre who kills people on a whim or for pleasure, certainly not his own descendants!  It's far more likely he would find some way to restrain your father without causing much permanent harm.  That's more Daryil's way."

"What about us, Professor?"  Daniel asked.  "We're still stuck in the middle of the forest."

"Very true.  We should probably put this behind us and continue on to the Malverns.  If we can get there before evening we should be able to get Syd, Nick and Richard into safety.  Any objections?"

* * *

Josh was preparing to leave when the call came in.

"Hello?" he said.  "Oh, Niall!  How are you doing?  I was just about to go."

"Not bad," the fox said.  "I wanted a word if you're not too busy, though.  Or if you are, actually.  It's kind of important.  How are you doing?"

"Things are going pretty good," the husky replied.  "I ran a search on... Haley."

"Oh?  A CCTV pattern recognition job?"

"Yes.  There have been sightings of someone very closely matching her appearance in Marlbury, so I'm going to check them out.  If nothing else, it will take my mind off it when I find out that it's all some weird coincidence."

"Is it that important?" the fox inquired.  Josh glared.  "I... I mean obviously it's important to you," Niall added hastily, "But isn't the massacre a higher priority?"

"I'm stuck with that project," Joshua said.  "But since the massacre was at Marlbury anyway, it might help give me some vital clue.  She may know something.
"If all else fails, investigating Haley may distract enough to let my subconscious pick at the problem.  So far, I've had a very good record at Starfire, so I think they can forgive me for one wild goose chase if that's what it turns out to be.
"At the end of the day, there's definitely something bizarre about it, and evaluating the risks of the bizarre is something we do."

"Well, good luck," Niall said.  "But I'd hold on if I were you.  See, we have good reason to believe that Fa'Rana clan has been illegally building warrior robots in violation of the conventions, and it's likely they built the thing responsible for the massacre.  It's likely they might be attempting some kind of takeover."

"Shit," Josh swore.  "I've got the flight booked, I can't cancel it now.  But I will look them up en route.  And if you can send me what proof you have, I'll get someone to look into it and focus on that angle when I get back. "

"Also, they are trying to kidnap Daryil's son."

"What son?" Joshua blinked.

"We don't know.  He hasn't had a son for centuries as far as we're aware, but it's entirely possible they are just confused, of course.  If so, that is likely to make them especially dangerous, particularly when they realise they've made some kind of mistake."

"Thanks," Josh said.  "I'll pass that on too."

"Currently they seem to be very active in Grunmore, near Parbury City.  But that might not be their only stronghold.  I'd keep an eye out for Fa'Rana activity on your field trip too," Niall advised.  "If they realise you have ties to Daryil clan, things might not go well for you, android or not."

* * *

Mayor Dickens looked up as the door crashed open and his face became a mask of terror.  His aide, Patrick, dropped the folder he was carrying.  Both of them stood transfixed in horror at the sight of the winged grey fox who had just stormed into the room, eyes blazing with fury.

"He's here!"  Mayor Dickens shrieked and fell backwards as he tripped over his chair.  The Lord Daryil ignored him, instead making a bee-line for Patrick, but from the floor, Dickens couldn't see what happened... the only thing visible was Daryil's cruel visage.  There was a muffled cry from the fruit-bat, a flash of light and then silence.  Daryil turned his gaze upon the llama.

"Mayor Dickens," he called out, his voice tinged with anger.  "Come here.  I want a word with you."

"I... Milord... I didn't do anything!  You had Grunmore... exactly as promised!  We kept nothing back!  No, no!  You can have the city... Please don't kill me..."

"Quiet," Daryil snapped, and lifted the llama back to his feet.  "Listen to me, Mayor.  Patrick is dead and you'll be next unless you..."

"No, no!" the llama wailed.  "Take the city.... all of it, just let me live..!"

"Shut up," Daryil shouted, and glanced down at the figure at his feet.  "Actually, maybe this will show you."

He dragged the Mayor roughly to the other side of the desk, where Patrick lay crumpled on the ground.  Only he wasn't a fruit-bat anymore.

"P... Patrick... was a succubus?" the llama gurgled, staring at the unconscious leopard on the floor.

"Patrick's dead," Daryil repeated with a sad sigh.  "This little bitch murdered him and took his place.  It must have been done recently, because he was definitely a Being during our negotiations."

"Not one of your clan...?" the Mayor said, a hopeful expression in his eyes.  It faded quickly - if it was a Daryil succubus, he was probably doomed...

"No.  I came here to warn you, Mayor.  Grunmore has been infiltrated by Fa'Rana's clan, and they have presumably done the same in Parbury itself.
"Now, I don't know if you heard about Arnold's murder, but we found one a feather belonging to the assassin's controller.  We were able to identify them by their DNA.

"I came here to warn you that they are likely to try and take over Parbury.  Unfortunately it seems I was little too late," he said, glancing down at the succubus.  "I'm so sorry about your aide."

"What... what should I do...?" the llama asked.

"Go into hiding," Daryil said.  "I can protect you.  In the meantime, I'm afraid I'll have to take your role."

The Mayor's eyes narrowed for a moment.

"Gods Dammit," Daryil snapped.  "Haven't we been through this already?!  I'm not trying to steal your city, I'm trying to save your life!  You do want to be saved, right?"

"I'm sorry," the llama said.  "It's just..."

"Look, nevermind," Daryil said, scooping up the succubus and draping her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  He hesitated for a moment and then dumped her into a nearby chair.  "We can go over this later.  First I must teleport you to safety, and then revive Miss Patrick here."

"Revive... you're not letting her go?!" the Mayor exclaimed.  "After what she's done...?"

"Well, yes," Daryil said.  "I'll ward the door first, then I can revive her.  She should be out for a while yet..."

"But why?"

"Because if I capture her, her masters will know," Daryil said patiently.  "And that will spoil things.  I need to revive her and make her forget any of this happened.  See, I want to watch what she does, up to the point where she'll try and kill you too.  Or me, I should say."


Daryil turned himself into a passable copy of the llama.  "Like I said, I'll take your place.  What you're talking to now is an avatar of me, a remotely-controlled projection of my true self.  A handy tri-wing trick," he added.
"So.  When they try to dispose of you, it will actually be this avatar they're attacking.  Even as a projection I'm more than a match for her," he gestured at the unconscious feline.

"So, how do you look?" he added, removing his shirt.

* * *

"Well," Professor Falkirk said, "This is the village.  Pretty, isn't it?"

"Yes," some of the students said.  "No," said the others.  The Professor rounded on them with a sly smile.

"I'd like everyone who said 'yes' to go over there, everyone who said 'no' over there.  Those who don't care can stay where they are."

"Why?" Richard demanded.

"The camping trip is a way for the staff to get to know us," Sheila said.

"I wouldn't put it so... bluntly, but yes, there is an element of truth in that," Professor Falkirk said.  "Now, Mike?  You voted 'no'?"

"Well," the osprey griffin said, "I grew up in the country.  It's kind of boring."

"Very good.  Daniel, you like it?"

"I grew up in the country as well," the Doberman said.  "It reminds me of home."


"Well, I grew up in a town, mostly.  It's nice to get away from the hustle and all the grey stone and concrete..."


"City girl," the Border said.  "I guess... well, I mean, I suppose it does have a certain quaint charm to it, but... well, there can't be a library around here for miles," she protested, a note of desperation entering her voice.

"Very good.  I think that will do for now," the poodle said, and entered the inn.  "Excuse me, can..."  The professor stopped in mid-sentence and his back-wings fluffed out.  He rapidly started backing out of the doorway and as they watched, the students saw that he was actually being driven out by someone else, a wolf succubus with leathery red wings.

"Professor Falkirk, I presume?" Lady Finch said.  "Pleased to meet you at last.  Now... tell me your decision."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow, did they ever step into it!

They might have even walked into Fa'Rana settlement. Bad luck.

Let's hope that Daryil's plan works out better.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on September 01, 2012, 03:36:28 PM
Let's hope that Daryil's plan works out better.

It'll take a while for that to unfold.  But hopefully the business with Richard's mark will be a bit clearer now.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chapter 21

"Well...?" Lady Finch asked.  "Will you hand over Sydney of your own free will?"

"I... can't," Professor Falkirk said, and behind him the other two members of staff stiffened and began to prepare combat spells.  "He is under my care.  As acting headmaster, I am honour-bound to protect my students."

"We need him," Lady Finch said.  "And we will have him.  If that means killing you... we will do it, reluctantly.  I have only to think and half a dozen robotic enforcers will warp in.  If that happens, students will likely die... students in your care, whom you are honour-bound to protect.  You have to weigh it up," she said.
"Losing one student - who we need alive and well - against having several students killed.
"And I need not mention that we are under no obligation to keep staff alive," she said quietly, looking the poodle straight in the eye.  "Indeed, taking you out first would be a strategic advantage."

"Do you understand, even slightly, what would happen to you if I were murdered?"  Professor Falkirk asked.  His face was completely calm except for his violet eyes, which were hard as steel and twice as cold.
"Do you think for one moment, that Lord Daryil would just shrug off the fact that you killed one of his clan and used lethal force against young students of the school he helped found?
"Daryil would have your souls for that," he said mildly.  "His rage would be unspeakable, his vengeance against your clan dire.  He'd likely put the crystals containing your souls into orbit, imprisoned for billions of years until Furrae's sun expands and consumes them, long past the point where your minds had disintegrated from sheer loneliness..."

Lady Finch's fur fluffed out, and her wings became tentacles.  "Silence!" she screamed.  "Neutralising Daryil is the entire point of..."

"Stop it!" Sydney yelled.  "I surrender!  I'll come with you... just let the others go!"

"No!" Sheila yelped, along with the headmaster and several students, but he brushed them all aside.

"I have to," he said quietly.  "It's more important that the rest of you are safe.  If they need me alive... well, one day they may let me go.  Just make..." he swallowed.  "Try to make sure my family don't try anything rash..."  Sheila nodded and tried to hide her tears.

"I'm glad one of you has seen sense," Lady Finch said, calming herself.  "Come here, child.  Richard, you too.  We shall find you another school, one more suited to your talents..."

"If any school will agree to take him after this," Professor Falkirk retorted.  The wolf succubus just smiled at him silkily, as her warp-aci began to surround her and her charges with a band of orange light.

* * *

Professor Falkirk sat in a corner of the Prancing Penguin, nursing a large drink which smelled vaguely of lemons.  He had chosen a table far from the others and seemed to be trying to keep to himself.

"Professor," Sheila said, touching him on the shoulder.  Falkirk spun around with a snarl.  "Leave me be..." he began.  "Oh, it's you."

"Please, Professor, come back.  We need you."

"For what?" he wailed, "I let Sydney go, I broke my oath to protect my students!"

"You did what you had to, Headmaster," Sheila said.  "It was a tough choice, but..."

"I'm not your headmaster anymore," the poodle interrupted.  "I quit.  I've failed in my duty to protect you.  Professor Jevex should take over."

"No," Professor Jevex said, forcefully.  "That madwoman wasn't bluffing.  She was quite prepared to kill her way to Sydney.  If it had come to that, then you would have failed.  Letting Sydney go was the right thing, and I'm sure Illiath will back you up when she returns."

"We'll see," the poodle said dolefully.

"Professor," Sheila said, "What happened tonight was awful.  But you can salvage most of it by leading us to safety.  You had to make a terrible choice back then, but it's what Sydney wanted, he said so himself.  It's not your fault, and you haven't failed.  But please, you can't just abandon the rest of us now... Could you really live with yourself after that?"

"You're quite right, Sheila," he said after a moment, and sat up.  "I'm sorry I let my emotions get the better of me.  But what do you suggest we do now?"

"Our first priority must be to get our students to a place of safety until such time as the school can be reopened," Professor Jevex said.

"You're right, of course," Professor Falkirk said, sitting up and composing himself.  "Fa'Rana clan may decide they want to, uh, 'collect the set', so to speak.  In any case, we have Nicholaus to think of as well.  He must be protected from Jyraneth if at all possible."

"How do we do this, Professor?" Sheila asked.

"I don't know," the incubus admitted, "But I know a man who will.  I must contact my Leader."

"Please do it soon," Professor Shreve said.  "It's getting dark..."

* * *

Daryil was in the disused meeting-room again when Jakob found him, the cool aura of mental clarity that washed over him as he approached was a giveaway that it really was Lord Daryil himself and not one of his projections.  The fox appeared to be putting the finishing touches to a neat stack of soup boxes where the fort had been and then, after some deliberation he took one of the boxes and opened it up, placing it on the floor.

"Come and look at this," he said.  Jakob did.  "I wouldn't stand too close, though," he warned.  Jakob didn't.

Daryil stood back a few more paces and waggled his fingers at the box like a magician performing some sensational trick.  At that moment, every single packet of soup inside the box simultaneously exploded for no apparent reason.

"Gods, Daryil!  What did you do that for?!"  Jakob said, his wings fluffed out.

"Haven't you ever wondered what noise it would make if you did that?"  Daryil asked him, casually removing the wolf's shirt.

"Sometimes," Jakob admitted wistfully, as if he wished he'd done it himself.

"So, was there something you wanted?"  Daryil asked, somehow folding the shirt into a paper boat.

"Yes, but I can't remember what it was now," Jakob said.

"You were wondering if I'd heard about Arnold's new body being given preliminary approval, subject to background checks," Daryil said.

"Yes, that was it," Jakob said.  "But I wish you wouldn't do that.  The fact that just talking to you means you suddenly know all my recent experiences, my sex life, everything... it's still kind of creepy."

"Leader's privilege," Daryil said dreamily.

"What, that by ascending, you get free porn?" Jakob asked, sarcastically.

"Free porn of your family," Daryil retorted, making a face.  "It can be a real drag.  I mean, okay, folks like you or Nigel... I mean sure, I call all my clan members my children, but really you're like... distant cousins tenth removed.  Besides, you have really cute butts, and it's been kind of fun when I see myself in it too.
"But Lillith and Jezebel..?  They're my daughters, my direct descendants.  You think I really care to know what kind of humping they like...?"

"Eww, eww, ewww..." Jakob said, backing away.

"I guess it's something we'll all have to get used to," Daryil said, and brushed his hair back.

"Look," he said after a pause, "If my being able to see your memories really bothers you, I can show you how to block it.  Alternatively I could hide in the basement for the rest of time and communicate only via avatar projections, but frankly that would be really crappy."

"True," Jakob said.  "But blocking it..?  Is that safe?"

"I'm not Jyraneth," Daryil said.  "Did you know that she used to do this thing where her members were obliged to attend a special ceremony every ten years?  It was so that she could absorb their knowledge and find out who's been having any heretical thoughts..."

Jakob blanched and took a step backwards, thanking the gods that he hadn't been born into Jyraneth's clan, and not for the first time.

"...and Her inquisition checked for heresy in between," Daryil finished.  "But as you may have noticed, Clan Daryil doesn't have an inquisition.  Well, I don't think I do. If there is one, it's so superbly concealed that even I don't know about it, but that's not the point.
"What I mean is, even if I do have an inquisition dedicated to sniffing out heretics and traitors within my clan that I've somehow forgotten all about, I really can't see you turning violently against me or your clan-mates."

"Thanks, Daryil," Jakob said, and for a moment had to struggle to avoid getting all teary-eyed over his Leader's trust and faith in him.  After the Johan Cross incident, trust was such a hard thing to come by...

"What I'm saying is," the fox continued, "If you want to block that particular faculty we can try something out.  Be warned that it may also make you weaker and it will definitely prevent me from locating you or coming to your aid in times of dire need, so I don't recommend prolonged use.  There are definite drawbacks."

"Agreed," Jakob said, "Though I'm curious now.  It might be interesting to experiment with, if it's not permanent, just to see if it works.  But you're right... I should just stick with-"

At that moment, the wall screen chimed.

"My Lord," Professor Falkirk began with a bow, "I apologise for disturbing you, but we have a bit of a problem."

* * *

"Excellent," Lady Finch said as they arrived in their Grunmore base.  "Richard, you will come with me.  We have most of your belongings from the school, at some point we need to go over them and see what's missing and what doesn't belong to you.  And we will also have to prepare your application to SAIA."

"Johan," she said, addressing a feline incubus nearby.  "This young man here... take him to the waiting room.  The Professor will send for him when he is ready."

Johan gulped but recovered swiftly and bound Sydney's wrists to prevent escape.  "Very well, my lady," he said.  Turning to Sydney, he added "Off to see The Professor, eh?  Well, kid, it's been nice knowing you."

"Who is The Professor...?" Sydney quavered.  "What does he teach?"

"Death," Johan said simply.  "He's a very good teacher."

* * *

Joshua sat on a bench in the outskirts of the shopping district of central Marlbury, not far from the police station where Sonia or one of her sisters had committed an appalling act of mass-murder.

Some had demanded the death penalty for the equine murderess whenever she was finally caught, and the local laws did allow for this in extreme circumstances.  This power was not often exercised, partly because the bar was set quite high, but also because - in the event of a miscarriage of justice - the judge, jury and prosecutor would very quickly find themselves in the guillotine for having deliberately conspired to kill an innocent man or woman.  As a result, few were willing to stake their lives in this manner.

Joshua shook his head as he thought about it - the massacre was unquestionably a gross enough crime to attract such a harsh sanction, but if Jakob and Daryil were correct, execution would pose no deterrent since the killer was a machine.

Josh was a machine himself of course, but there was a critical difference.  He was an android, and he had been alive in the past.  He was arguably alive now and any 'Cubi or similar Creature could testify that he was unquestionably sentient, with the soul of a Being.
Sonia, on the other hand, was nothing more than a complex computer program running inside a Von Neumann machine and as such there wasn't really anything to be executed other than the unending flow of instructions within her brain, so to speak.  She could only be destroyed, not punished, and since she was a proxy the chances of the authorities locating her controllers within their jurisdiction was practically nil.

The husky looked up again, chiding himself for daydreaming when he should be looking out for Haley.  According to his queries, she came through this part of the city centre twice every workday to catch a bus and return home afterwards.
It was almost time... he couldn't risk missing her because he was distracted by some internal debate.

He glanced around once again, and...

"Holy..." a voice cried out.  He stared back at her.  "Is it... Joshua...?"

"Haley?"  The word came out stupidly, he was still too struck with disbelief at the sight of the female malamute before him to think of something more sensible to say.

"Oh my gods, it is you... they told me you were dead!"

"You were definitely dead," he gurgled.  "I called the paramedics myself..."

"Oh, don't be like that, darling," she soothed as she led the shell-shocked husky away.  "Come with me, I'll tell you all about it..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E