Bloody Teeth, Bloody Root Canals

Started by Teroniss, August 18, 2006, 07:37:10 PM

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Yea, wednesday I found out that despite brushing my teeth all the time, barely drinking soda or eating, etc; I had two near absessed teeth and 14 other cavities. WTF? So today I had to go to the dentist and get a root canal done on the two main cavities and i have to go back in January to get fillings for the other 14. My mouth feels like it just got hit by Mike Tyson. Thank the various world religions for Hydracodone.


Mike tyson wouldn't have hit you, he'd bite your ear off. And what about novacaine? Anyway, hope you feel better!


I guess the teeth Gods are biased.  I brush my teeth, but eat/drink quite a bit of sugary things, and my teeth aren't great, but neither are they bad.


Hint: If the Novicain happens to affect some skin around your mouth, don't have fun by jabbing that skin with various objects. I speak from expierence.


They used Novacaine, 10 or 11 times. My body processes it too quickly that its virtually pointless to use.


Quote from: BillBuckner on August 18, 2006, 07:41:29 PM
Hint: If the Novicain happens to affect some skin around your mouth, don't have fun by jabbing that skin with various objects. I speak from expierence.
:O  And don't eat while your face is still numb, it's too easy to bite a chunk off the inside of your mouth and not realise it.


Food tastes like crap when your mouth is numb, anyway.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Having wisdom teeth out is fun, though.

Those anaesthesiologists get some -fun- drugs. I don't remember the next 48 hours, despite taking I think 4 sets of pills during them, and the next two weeks are very hazy... :-)+)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Someone I play Halo with got a root canal today as well. :O

King Of Hearts

Maybe you lack Calcium.

My teeth while not perfect scare my dentist, she just wont perform a root canal on me  [I wanted a tooth removed because it was bugging me] because my teeth was too toughly connected to my gums. She just put in some Silver fillings to fix it. With the abuse I put my teeth trough I always thought at least one would have fallen out by now. Hard Candy, Cow bones, you name it I munch on it.


Jawbreakers?  They break your jaw AND are pure sugar! D:  But they're oh so good!


Teeth I don't even use at the front of my mouth have the crappy stuff on them around the sides and base, the white hard stuff that builds over the teeth it that I forget the name of... Even though I brush those just as much as any other tooth. The only teeth I could possibly see going bad on me would be the ones in the very back, since my brush can't reach them


Ooo, plaque.
Well I don't think it would matter what kind of calcium deficiency you have, 14 cavities with regular teeth brushing is not right.
A year or 2 ago I started rinsing my mouth out with just regular water after most meals. Ever since, even with my highly irregular brushing, my cavity level went from the usual 3-4 to 0-1. This is while drinking at least a can of soda per day. Also something prooven to help is, if your concerned about too much sugar, eat a piece of cheese to make the pH in your mouth go back to normal. :januscat


thats exactly what i was told while wearing braces, either that or a good glass of milk


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on August 19, 2006, 12:15:44 AM
Jawbreakers?  They break your jaw AND are pure sugar! D:  But they're oh so good!
You know, with a name like "Jawbreaker", one might surmise that you're not supposed to BITE the damn things.  :P


You'll have to tell my brother that.  He ate a jawbreaker about 3 inches in diameter in a few minutes by biting it to death. D:  As for me, I just lick it until it's small enough to fit in my mouth, then I chew on it. :lol


Truth be told, i really dont know what caused it. I dont eat alot of sugar.(Ill have some candy once in like a 2 week period) I dont drink alot of soda(3 or 4 cans in a week.) i drink alot of milk, eat lots of cheese, brush religiously. So i dunno.


*has never been to the dentist but has all her teeth intact and minimal cavities even though she is addicted to suger* :3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I once had a year with no brushing and i had no cavities or anything else major... I wish I knew what I did to do that.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 19, 2006, 11:36:12 PM
I once had a year with no brushing and i had no cavities or anything else major... I wish I knew what I did to do that.
Sounds like something boring. :P
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llearch n'n'daCorna

No, that's what happens when you have cavities, Itos, not when you have none...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 20, 2006, 05:10:34 PM
No, that's what happens when you have cavities, Itos, not when you have none...
I meant:
It sounds like he didn't do the fun stuff that ruins your teeth. D: Like eating candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. :P
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Or eating candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. :lol

topher chee


Yikes, I feel for you having tooth problems and all, I know how nasty that is.  How teeth respond to abuse seems to be as much genetic as it is treatment, much like the body itself.  Some people can eat lots of bad stuff, never suffer a cavity or get fat.  Lucky barstewards.

Anyway, as for novocain, that can be fun stuff.  At least, it was once for me.  A friend and I went in for simultaneous toothwork once.  Afterwards?  Spitting contest.  I blame Guybrush Threepwood and perhaps the dentist for giving us too much of the drug.


Well, its all good now, the 2 major cavities have been root canaled and are feeling better. Now if i can just get the damned temporary crowns to stay in til Friday(theyve already fallen out once). As for the 14 other minors, those will be taken care of come january when the insurance resets. Until then, ill just have to kick my dental care up a knotch or two.(And no, the Emeril reference was not intended)