love and computers have one thing in common

Started by Kitsune Ascendant, August 14, 2006, 12:28:33 AM

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Kitsune Ascendant

when things fall apart, it can get a little depressing.

okay, a lot depressing, in my case. you may remember a few weeks ago when I had started hurting again from thoughs of my first and (to date) only girlfriend, and our breakup. well, the pain is still here, but it was managable. until today, when something else went completly wrong. my computer got so fucking jacked up that there was nothing I could do but try the recovery cds. and at the moment, those don't even seem to be working. and it's just beginning to sink in. I had so many memories, in those little word documents, and the gamesaves. it actually kinda suprises me how attached I am to it. but between the whole girlfriend thing and this, well. and the worst part of it is I had just got the comptuter working again, and everything was going to be fine. I don't even know what went wrong, since my dad was the last one to use it before it went kaput. and he's good at getting computers to work...

I need people to talk to. and cheering up. and if anyone happens to know the address of any gods of fate, I'd like that so I can go kick them in the balls for doing this to me. because it just sucks wondering what part of my little world is going to cave in next.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


I haven't had a boyfriend before, so I don't know the pain of a break up like that... but I guess I can understand the love for your computer. I'm so attached to mine as well. It's a documentation of my whole life in a way. I get really sad when I have to go through and delete stuff of the hard drive. I know it's just clutter, but there's so much on there with good memories on it, like old photos (no matter how bad the quality), my first pieces of art and writing... it's a huge scrapbook.

So yeah... It's hard to get over emotional scars. But sometimes it's those things that will make you a better person, though it may not seem like it at the time. *hugs* I hope things will go in your favour soon though. And if I find an address to one of those guys, I'll send a basket of my muffins to them myself  >:3

Kitsune Ascendant

I'd rather hand-deliver them. along with aformentioned swift kick to the nads. I'd like to see the look on their faces
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Better make sure you get out of there before they get blasted up to high heaven though...


Yeah I can relate. As nerdy as it sounds.

When you spend as much time on the computer as people like us tend to do, you're devoting an awful lot of energy into it. I'd hate to lose some of my older files, even if they're just stupid little things like what I wrote in Freshman year.


I had that happen to me a long time ago, once.

I can relate because I remember how painful it was.  The first action I took after that horrid event was to install a CD burner, later I got a DVD burner.  I tend to make backups to DVD at least twice weekly.  I grab my important files, my texts, my saves ... I even have Slogger log everywhere I go on the 'net and those get burned in permanence too.

The thing is, as others have said here, when one spends that much time on the computer, one builds something here, they're memories and perfectly valid as such and for one such as myself, where my memory is completely unreliable and broken, sometimes it's the only way I can remember stuff.  I value it greatly.

If there's a couple of things I can suggest once you have your computer sorted, it's that you get yourself a good backup system, a reall good burner or somesuch.  I'd also suggest staying away from any software that might even be remotely untrustworthy.

Anyway ...

I'm always available on Gtalk (using my Gmail addy) if you need to talk Kits, if there's anything I can help you with, I'll try to do so.

As for romance though ... I've no damned clue, there couldn't be a topic I'm more clueless on.


Something of 1-2 yrs ago I finally decided to almost never use Internet Explorer again, at least not on my computer. I didn't notice it was slowly attracting more and more viruses until one that made my homepage permanently be some sick/twisted search engine. Then I saw the rest of the problems. Joy of joys, complete hard drive reformat. I was able to save all music on my computer by transferring it to a brothers, but that was about it. A few reformats later, since it liked to stop indefinitely at one point, and I had a computer again. Another day or two of downloading codecs and stuff, and putting programs back on, and I was able to begin anew. Now I use firefox and don't remember what was lost anymore.

To make sure the above never needs to happen again, I invested in an external harddrive as a backup that I transfer stuff to every month or few. They can be found surprisingly cheap with a few minutes of looking.

If I see anything resembling a god of fate on the street in my car, I'll run over it for ya. Then back over it for me. Repeat a few times for everyone else here. Then get out of my car, and that's when the real fun starts... :januscat


I remember an external hard drive with a one touch backup sort of thing... just press and go. Never did get one to see how it worked, but something like that would be nice for everyone to have... just for those rainy days..


Quote from: Lysander on August 14, 2006, 11:07:47 AM
To make sure the above never needs to happen again, I invested in an external harddrive as a backup that I transfer stuff to every month or few. They can be found surprisingly cheap with a few minutes of looking.

I bought two.  Then I dropped the one containing the backup while copying it onto the blank one.  And then there were none.  I've just had a DVD+RW disk go bad too - maybe I should go back to DVD-RAM or something.  And copy the digitally mastered versions of my albums back onto tape just in case ;)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Kitsune Ascendant

hey everone. it's a new day, and for the moment I've calmed down. I still hate my computer for quiting on me just when I had it running normally, and I still want to kick the gods of fate in the nads, but I'm back to myself. that's kinda the pattern of this type of thing: I only really start sinking at night when I don't have anything to do. right now my mind is distracted by trance music and a naruto "fanfiction" I've been running in my head.

at least I'm not wanting to make comments that would seem emo or goth. now it's philosophy with a bit of humor

QuoteI had reached nerdvana. then everything came crashing down. my files had gone to the great server in the sky. now all I can do is put the circle of life in the cd drive and hit enter...

I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Quote from: RJ on August 14, 2006, 12:47:21 AM
I haven't had a boyfriend before

that's hard to believe...
anyway, man i only have one thing to say to you...i am 24 old i had at least 20 girlfriends (i stopped the counting) and its pretty f***ing hard at the beggining...i said she was your first right?well when i lost my first was way harder than you (she died in a car crash) i had a long recovering time to suffer...and with time you get used! :o really!
there is nothing like time, time erases it all...''oh but i love her''...bullshit just wait till you see a blondie from australian waving for you...ahem...i mean, soon you will find another one to old are you anyway?you will have thousands of break ups, don't will even become fun with time...and btw dont forget, time....give time a lil will fall in love again...and maybe never remember her again...
and about the computer relation, i can understand that you relate these because the pc is another ''thing'' you also have a great cherish...i have seen even people saying they love their dog more than the boy/girl for ''something'' somehow makes us dizzy, to lose our capacity to think clearly...that's proved even by science...and also there are scientists that say that love is a disease...cause of the syntoms...
well i stop here since my poor english seens to be drocaly funny today!
fear my lazy to look at my powerfull dictyonary!!!! >:3


Would you feel better if I let you insult me alot? D: Or would you feel better if I tried to comfort you?

I can deal with being insulted and stuff. I'm not depressed (that much) right now. D: I made ramen noodles and I didn't burn anything. ANYTHING....And they taste good. D: *GASP*


Quote from: Leafar on August 14, 2006, 11:31:20 AMyou will have thousands of break ups, don't will even become fun with time

Er...what the fuck? How can breaking up be 'fun'? Breaking up is never fun. Its a difficult time, realising that a person you have been with, cared for, is no longer there as someone to love. Get a grip, man.

Listen Kitsune, I know how you feel. Unfortunately, breaking up is always hard, but you'll be ok.


well...i am a take it easy guy that's all...thinking ''oh my god How can breaking up be 'fun'? Breaking up is never fun. Its a difficult time, realising that a person you have been with, cared for, is no longer there as someone to love.''oh my god...i will never find someone again...gosh, take it easy the sea is filled with fishes dude!think wont have to stand her watching those drama movies annoying with meg ryan or for the good sides and let the bad go!
and garreku (whatever that means) dont tell me to get a grip...
if you don't agree with me, I don't care nor a little!but respect me as i respect you...other points of view can be valid the god of truth! ;)


Quote from: Gareeku on August 14, 2006, 11:57:58 AM
Quote from: Leafar on August 14, 2006, 11:31:20 AMyou will have thousands of break ups, don't will even become fun with time

Er...what the fuck? How can breaking up be 'fun'? Breaking up is never fun. Its a difficult time, realising that a person you have been with, cared for, is no longer there as someone to love. Get a grip, man.

Listen Kitsune, I know how you feel. Unfortunately, breaking up is always hard, but you'll be ok.
*Agrees with Gar, reads Leafar's post and hits Leafar with a sticky stick* D: Jeebus, Leafar. You make me think you're a friggin' womanizer or somethin'. 20 Girlfriends?! That's too friggin' many girlfriends, man! D:

Just be glad your girlfriend wasn't an ass, Kit. D: My BF was a perverted ass....and he's -still- a perverted ass. >> *Mumbles and eats ramen noodlez*

Edit: Forgive me if I sound bitchy, Leafar (Or anyone else). I had to argue with a butthole on GaiaOnline, yell at my ex because he's stealing an old doodle of mine, and my butt hurts. And I'm sleepy/cranky.


Wow, I've never had a DVD go bad, I'm thinking now that I should invest in a secondary backup system just in case, considering all the threats out there, what would be the best option?  I've always worried about external drives because with those, they can be messed by malware, can't they?  The thing is, I have two drives, I have a reader and a writer.  I make backups in the writer then to ensure the disc stays clean, I toss it in the reader to get stuff off it.

Anyway, I hope you're feeling better KA and the offer's still open, if there's any way I can help you, with software selection, just someone to talk to, whatever ...  You've been lots of fun around the forums, I'd hate to see you down for long.

llearch n'n'daCorna

That's a DVD-RW, there, Rowne. Re-writable. So he's been writing and writing on it. The problem with those is, the number of writes is limited. It's a lot, but it's still limited.

technically, I suppose, the number of writes on your average hdd is also limited, but it's a lot less so than DVD-RW. Or even DVD+RW, which is a slightly different format...

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 14, 2006, 12:32:47 PM
That's a DVD-RW, there, Rowne. Re-writable. So he's been writing and writing on it. The problem with those is, the number of writes is limited. It's a lot, but it's still limited.
technically, I suppose, the number of writes on your average hdd is also limited, but it's a lot less so than DVD-RW. Or even DVD+RW, which is a slightly different format...

No - assuming you're referring to my post, it was a +RW disk, and I haven't been continuously rewriting it, because I haven't found a way to do that in Linux.
I'll admit it's been reused a couple of times, maybe four, but the last action on that disk was to write an entire session at once that I was hoping to leave untouched.

It was actually the disk containing the explosion picture in the 'DMFA computer game' thread.  I managed to get that off it, but I can see I'll have to cut another copy of it to replace the duff one.

(If Leafar has got a spare girlfriend, I could do with one..)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Noted. +RW and -RW are both more susceptible to incidental damage, last I looked into it. Admittedly that was some year or two ago now, but still...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 14, 2006, 12:36:58 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 14, 2006, 12:32:47 PM

(If Leafar has got a spare girlfriend, I could do with one..)

come to brazil!!!!!! :3 lol

edit: dakata i am misunderstood me...remember i am 24...20 gf's...2 for year....started with 15...that's not much...or maybe i am just a Casanova!!!!! :rj...nah i'm not.. :B

edit2: i just realized dakata is a girl!!!!!!!!!! D:
hey there good-looking!  >:3


Quote from: Leafar on August 14, 2006, 12:55:00 PMedit: dakata i am misunderstood me...remember i am 24...20 gf's...2 for year....started with 15...that's not much...or maybe i am just a Casanova!!!!! :rj...nah i'm not.. :B

edit2: i just realized dakata is a girl!!!!!!!!!! D:
hey there good-looking!  >:3
It's still too many girlfriends. (IMO)

And PROVE I'm female. :P I wanna see proof.

Edit: Darn it, Gareeku! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...I'm gonna make you cry! D: *Throws a squeaky toy at Gar's head*


Do bear in mind that she is also 14.

I'm sorry, but I stand by my disapproval of the use of the word 'fun' in breaking up. Personally, I don't see how that is possible, unless someone doesn't take relationships seriously (I'm not saying that you don't, by the way). Personally, I think that was poorly worded.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Leafar, I'm a heck of a lot older than you are, and *I* haven't had 20 gfs.

I'm pretty sure my father hasn't, either.

I think my brother might have, but he generally goes about it in a much lower level - not what one would call a girlfriend, more a .... buddy. So to speak.(0) And he usually goes about it in an agreed fashion - both parties agree that it's non-binding, short term agreement. As long as both parties are happy, who am I to criticise - however, this is a -very- different thing to the "love" that the scientists to whom you refer were looking at.

It's also a different entity to the sort of relationship that Kitsune was talking about. But don't worry - sooner or later you'll find out what's being discussed, in person, and it'll change your world.

Or, I hope so. :)

(0) Yes, there is a missing word. No, I'm not going to supply it.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


i see your point...yet i don't worry much enough to be sad when i break up...its so foolish to be sad because of a person...nobody can bring me down...well, 3 have done that but it wont happen again! >:3...i hope... :(


llearch/Tape: Thanks for the heads up, every now and then when I can't find a DVD+R pack (I don't rewrite, ever), I settle for a DVD+RW pack.  If they don't stand up as well to use as standard writables, I'll stay away from them and not consider them an option.

Leafar: You might want to be careful eventually though, the feelings of those you interact with are important and from experience I know that one can leave a person very broken and one can be broken by it.  And no, I don't at all mean in the emo/angsty way.

If you've always broken up on good terms though, I suppose that's not so bad.

Dakata: Well, that's still not quite as bad as my position.  Having one person mistake your gender for another online.

In fact, this was one of the reasons I started obfuscating my appearance a bit.

Whenever I'm not wearing my hat, I'm frequently called ma'am.  I've been considered a 'Miss' on the phone, many times.  In fact, I almost built up a complex about it because I'm just that bloody androgynous.

Having absolutely no facial hair at my age will do that ... and that's without shaving.

The unbroken voice doesn't help.


I'm going to stop thinking about this again now.

Gareeku: Your new avatar amuses me muchly.  If that fellow's stuck in a temporal loop, I really pity him.

Ha~hahahowait, didn't I just do this?  Woouf!  ...owdammit!


Oh, people never know what I am IRL (or on the internet), Rowne-y. :P Unless I tell them. AND THEN THEY FORGET. D: D: D:

...*Laughs* Llearch is old! :3

*Goes in the corner for being off-topic*

...*Destroys the corner and runs away*

Edit: *Looks down* Quiet, Leaf-man. D:



Quote from: Rowne on August 14, 2006, 04:25:50 PMGareeku: Your new avatar amuses me muchly.  If that fellow's stuck in a temporal loop, I really pity him.

Ha~hahahowait, didn't I just do this?  Woouf!  ...owdammit!

*Air guitars*

His name is Iori Yagami. Love him.

Dakata: You're a girl. Sorry to ruin the mystery.


Quote from: Gareeku on August 14, 2006, 07:19:38 PM
Quote from: Rowne on August 14, 2006, 04:25:50 PMGareeku: Your new avatar amuses me muchly.  If that fellow's stuck in a temporal loop, I really pity him.

Ha~hahahowait, didn't I just do this?  Woouf!  ...owdammit!

*Air guitars*

His name is Iori Yagami. Love him.

Dakata: You're a girl. Sorry to ruin the mystery.

i so like you now gareeku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i knew it!!!!!!!!!!! i know i knew it!!!!!!! >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Rowne on August 14, 2006, 04:25:50 PM
llearch/Tape: Thanks for the heads up, every now and then when I can't find a DVD+R pack (I don't rewrite, ever), I settle for a DVD+RW pack.  If they don't stand up as well to use as standard writables, I'll stay away from them and not consider them an option.

Ah, they don't stand up to reuse. Single write, many reads, I don't think there's a lot to choose from, really.

And don't take my word for it, either - I mentioned I was a touch out of date, and the quality of the cd's and dvd's you get vary depending on where you are....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears