Deification (IC)(Mature)

Started by Chairtastic, February 17, 2011, 10:58:10 PM

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Diety Plane

  Az Zaltan had most of his attention focused on his followers, he was suddenly jerked back to the realm of his kin.
  So it seemed, the Sun was dead, and could not be re-formed right away. In the meantime, Tezkatl had created many celestial eggs that would be nurtured and used to combine into a new Sun, and began giving them out to each of the gods.
  Zaltan accepted his hesitantly. Being the most inexperienced of the gods, he wasn't quite sure what to do with it yet. For the moment, he folded it away into himself, and tried to do what was said; just putting a little of his energy into it.
  He checked on his followers once more. They seemed to be starting to get on their feet...but their stored food wouldn't last, and they couldn't cut down too many of the fruit and nut bearing trees for when they come in season again. Something needed to be done about that.
  Zaltan whispered to Gys directly. "I require some small assistance, Breath of Life." Zaltan said. "The only plants which bear edibles on the island of my people are trees, which they must cut down for construction materials. I know that seeds of plans can sometimes be spread by animals, and so I will make sure several such seeds are picked up by a flock of birds that will fly over my island, where the seeds will fall off. The only help I need from you is to ensure that the seeds take root properly, so that they can be discovered and harvested by my people. Can you do this small thing for me?"

Argondan, Mortal Plane

  With a functional version of paper created, the few dedicated recorders of the tribe began to transcribe information from the stone tablets to the parchment, freeing up space in the Library-Temple (and making it so people don't have to lug around the heavy tablets anymore.)


the realm of gods.

"My request Horiv to put it simply is I want you to bring some of the lava flowing beneath my island volcano closer to the surface to warm the land of my island. A few hundred feet should be close enough to warm my people and keep the vegetation alive. If you like I can help guide the lava especially near a few underground water reservoirs to turn them into how spring."  "I will return the favor at request"  Volare smiled thinking about how he would tell his people of the earth deities help. It would reinforces the concept of being kind and helping those in needed even though in this case they would be the ones in need being helped.

Isle of kindness.

Volare was glad to see that he cold weather travel wear have taken root with his peoples villages. Even so he wanted to do more. He looked towards the sky. The comet that he'd summoned shore be getting close by now. For a time it would give his people light to see by. He just hoped it got here before the festival celebrating the island people discovering there faith started.  He looked down beyond the ground and the soil and rocks until he saw the lava flowing under his island and then there  cradles snuggles was his sun egg. How he missed holding it but the god of fire was right then needs hew and power as much as they need love and guidance. He would watch over his egg as if it were one of his children. Even more so since this was a child that couldn't call for help
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Island of Luck
   The mortals are cowed by your display and wordsmithing.  They give their worship to you, and you feel it  soothe the ache your earlier use of power expended.  A paltry balm, but it is a start.  Once you have completed with them, they return to the colony will all speed.  However, while they have been gone many things are happening there.  A charismatic new voice speaks to them, telling them they were wrong to turn from their One God, and to now look how low their distrust has laid them.
Isle of Fire/Sanctuary
   Your mountain is tired.  So many uncontrolled eruptions have caused a noticeable drop in the magma flow.  However, the Anchor keeps your island safely on top of the hot spot, and thus active.  The egg begins to leech energy off of the fire within.  Already, this proximity has caused it to develop the precursor of intelligence-you can feel fiery passion emanate from it.

   Your megalith is complete, and the people rejoice in seeing their work finished.   A burst of faith gives you a moment of stable power, but you will need to raise more such edifices to gain a consistent source of these bursts.

Isle of Victory
   Your people set to work immediately but many do not quite what you mean 'victory that is not success'.  These people are quite less intelligent and wise than what you've previously had to deal with, so you may want to rephrase the edict. But they do map the surrounding terrain in short order, and many marriages are arranged to strengthen the  breeding population.

Isle of Time
   Clocks and calenders take time to make, but the mortals learn swiftly.  They are distracted by the arrival of a group of strangers.  Those claiming to serve the Moon.  Relations are tense between them, as many of your youths are distrusting.  Food and water are given begrudgingly.

   Your words are being headed, if reluctantly.  Feel free to continue your story.

Isle of Cats
   Ivan hides beneath the tree for a bit, but soon after goes to the village to ask what is happened.  Nobody knows anything, and they gather at the base of your statue, pleading for help and guidance.  They are very deeply afraid.
   The raw power the egg absorbs from the shifting of the Earth's crust gives it might.  You feel the power of an emotion emanate from it.  The patient, uncaring, grind of willpower.

   Boats are being constructed, crude canoes of great size.  But they will be done in a few weeks.  The priests work on memorizing the map you have left behind, lacking the knowledge of how to carry the guide with  them elsewhere.

Isle of Kindness
   The people are rewarded for their joint faith in kindness and in the Earth.  They have found onyx!  A stone they thought lost forever more.  Great slabs of onyx have been found in the old caves, revealed after the last of the tremors broke down a wall.  What specimens they can carry are brought to the alters, to be offered to Kindness and the Earth for their blessing.  The comet is just skirting the atmosphere, producing light, but bringing it any further will require the consent of Tezkatl.

   The transcribing goes well.  With practice, they are creating new, better methods for producing the paper.  Shalt has also given them a task, finding that a particular type of rock to be both pleasing to the eye, and durable-he has put the task of carving a representation of you from this rock he has named Granite, after the last prophet of your cult in their oral history.

Isle of the Sun
   The egg is worshiped already.  The people once again feel the shining brightness that defined their culture before.  An expedition is planned, to take the egg up to the old Sun's shrine, where the high priest will tell it of the epics and greatness of both parents, while the faith from those below feeds it.  Even from afar, Tezkatl, you feel the echo of your consort's mind developing around the egg, presently radiating pride.

The Mainland
   Jerrel's journey has brought him to War's battlefield.  Here, the two armies clash in a series of skirmishes, neither having the numbers to mount an outright assault.  But for their gods, it is a different story.  Titanic figures stamp across the landscape, the four armed, green skinned Sister War, fighting valiantly against the even more massive Bronze King.  War is faster than He, but He is stronger than She.  The noncombatants aiding War's warriors are survivors of Aellor's wanderers, and some of Hope's folk.  As you watch, War suddenly gains the upper hand for a moment, as four radiant orbs piece the King through his chest, and distract him.  But all five are cast aside with a wave of raw power.

Divine Meeting Area
   The eggs continue to develop.  Aellor's feeds on some energy, as does Zaltan's.  But presently they have not grown as much as the other three.  In time, however, that will change

The Beacon
   Oshye joins the conversation, just as the Four Seasons leave Hope's side.  From her torch, she takes a ribbon of flame, then traps it in a crystal lantern.  "Take this beacon to the lighthouse on my island, and it will give Hope to those who need it."  The flaming crystal floats to you, and she turns to smile brightly at Oshye.  "To what does this lowly confederacy owe this visit, My Lord?"

The Warrior
   Sister War considers you from beneath her helmet.  She solidly grips the dagger impaling her hand, tears it out, and roughly tosses it at you.  "There.  A token to aide you in this..."  She pauses as the Four Seasons manifest alongside her, and Oshye joins the conversation.  "Victory, I had thought you lost."

The Sea
        Outside the chain of islands, a creature stirred at the ocean depths.  The rumblings had awoken it, and it found that it was now hungry.  It did not take long to reach the surface, it was simply that large.  The great sail along its back pierced the water, and parted the clouds above.  It passed many shells of islands on its way...ah, there.  Festival's folk were always filling.
Woe be unto the people of this island, for the Leviathan had come to feed.


A sun. A kingly gift.

Victory thought, and thought, and thought some more - his people were an unsophisticated people, and he expected it would take them many years to worry out his scriptures. He did not expect them to understand, not yet.

What do do with this sun?

He sent a whisper to his  Chosen, calling in her ear. "I send to your people a gift - the light restored, ye people who Walked Before the Sun - now walk beneath it, and be warmed."

And he placed it in the sky above them, and gave unto it half his power.

And to his people, to aid them, he went, and walked amongst them unseen, granting them victory through his presence, and to them he bent the other half of his power, aiding them however he might, that they might prosper and grow.


Victory knees to Hope, and gingerly takes the crystal lantern from her. "A gift greater than the sons of the Moon, my lady. I will bear it safely to its destination, and hope shall kindle in every heart. "

He paused, looking up at her. "Will you not reconsider, and join us in the sea? Thou art hope - and you are needed where you are, but yea, our cause is meager, our chances slim, and our need for you also great."


Oshye grins, gesturing at himself with both arms out. "Beaten, yes, but never defeated, my lady. And I see you have been hard at work." he sidled closer, smiling. "That sheen of sweet, the smell of blood and battle - my lady has been busy, in her dance of death, it seems. I have never seen you so lovely as now. But you are wounded." he took her hand, the one that had been maimed, and kissed it. He had no power to heal it, only comforts, but he did so all the same. "And you wound me by staying in the mainland. Lost Causes are my job, remember?"

He gestured with his head behind him. "Join us, in the great sea. I can tell you, Victory does not lie in fighting him now, at the apex of his strength and our weakness, but by rebuilding from the ashes, together, all against the Mad Bronze Tyrant. This fighting, it is a battle that cannot be won - and will lose you the war. Join us."

* * *

Oshye carried the lantern to Hope's Isle, and placed it in the great lighthouse there - the Light of Hope, to all who need it.


Borvania (Cursed Isle of Blessings)

Masota parceled out her energy into multiple avatars, and sent them about their duties waiting to act until the final command was issued. Each sent to track down some essence of the energies she needed. Life, Fire, Air, and Death. They were to be watched for the time being, but with preparations to take them should they not be given freely. The developing matter in the camp would be dealt with, soon.

Time to see what the rest of this bunch was doing.

Divine Room of Thumbtwiddling

The form of Masota formed back onto her branch. Gone now was the look of mild amusement but replaced with the steely countenance that of a hawk surveying the field before her, as if searching for prey to swoop down upon. She saw the eggs on the nest; a weak and fractured plan, but not without its uses. She made note of the eggs from where she lay, the general size, shape, and observable weight of them. She was certain that she could glamor something in the place of one. If anything it could serve as a suitable contribution of life. But still, she needed to send out feelers, to probe the rest to see who would cooperate, and what she would need to appropriate.

Twas always the problem when you had to cross into other people's domains.

Masota disappeared from her perch, and reappeared walking towards the nest, "So," she plucked on of the eggs up and turned it over in her hands, "this is our grand scheme to reignite the sun, our ONLY scheme?" she let the emphasis on the word "only" linger.


The speaker in the meeting area had just finished another tirade against the new god, when all sound seemed to be muted, as if heard through thick cotton pillows.

"Look to your god." her voice broke through the muffled silence as Masota seemed to step out of nowhere, "Now, back to me. Now back to your god. Now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. He wouldn't have saved these people from those wrecks. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're alive and on my island. What's in my hand?" she held up her hand cupped with glittering dust, "Its your lives, and I'm offering them to you, Now look again." she clenched her fist causing the dust to explode in a small cloud of sparks and motes of light, "This is what I offer to those who dare impugn upon my hospitality. Watch what you preach mortal, for I am always listening." Masota then faded away as she let sound revert to normal, lingering to hear what the dissident said.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Physical Plane:

Hour after hour passed. Days, even. A week or three. Maybe some months. Hard to be sure.

Tharsus did not notice the passing of time, lost as he was in a sort of reverie as he brought the Anchor and volcano back towards full capacity.

The only thing that caught his attention was the completion of the monolith. The impossibly smooth black monument stood in the center of the small village, radiating warmth and a faint orange light, but absorbing almost all other light that touched it's surface. It's presence empowered the Lieutenant (and Arch-Lieutenant), and in turn aided the villagers in their survival. With luck, the warmth would calm them, and help them overcome their fear of wandering the grounds around the village, though the Arch-Lieutenant had raised a crude series of basalt-and-obsidian marker stones that defined the approach to the volcano-mountain, to ensure they did not accidentally return to the Anchor's aura.

Satisfied that this task was completed, he returned to his throneroom to relax. Soon, he would re-open the "foundry" room and prepare a little more for what was to come. But that would require more energy from the Anchor, energy that could not be spared from the fragment's growth cycle.

All in due time, however...

Astral Plane:

As befitting his intense concentration in the physical realm, Tharsus' astral incarnation has been oddly quiet, afflicted by a sort of thousand-yard-stare at times, when he's not busy browsing that bloody great book of his - and sometimes when he is. Anyone peeking over his shoulder would see some very interesting and largely incomprehensible arcane diagrams, and the entire thing is written in a slightly obscure runic script. It seems to be as much devoted to historical anecdotes and explanations of how the arcane arts apply to the "spell" in question as it is to the actual incantations and whathaveyou themselves.

One suspects that there is a concise index, glossary, appendix and possibly a cheatsheet or two. Maybe three. Even if there is/are not, the book is liberally... well, bookmarked, for easier reading.

Appearance-wise, he's almost spick and span again, though seeming to lack a certain... oomph and presence that he had before everything went pearshaped.


All's Fair in Hope and War?

In two separate locations Aellor bowed to the goddesses who had granted their favor. Inside his mind, on a plane of imagination accessible only to him and those he allowed, he glared at the god of victory. This was HIS plan! HIS idea to seek out Hope and War and win their favor to bring back to the archipelagos. What did this upstart think he would do by tagging along?! NOBODY stole the weather god's thunder, NO ONE! He fumed a while in that timeless place while he figured how to manage the development. Oshye had dropped right in and carried off Hope's lantern as if it had been his idea in the first place! As if HE had been the one to ask. Yes, it was supposed to be a gift for them all, but it was supposed to be HIM that got it for them. Still, this was not the first time plans had gone awry and he had to change his course to compensate. He was the god of chaos, and through it change, after all. Anyway, the lantern was on its way but he still had the dagger and could yet continue. However all he did in the presence of the others was accept the dagger and say, "I will take my leave then. Fare well for now and may your goals be met."

It's the hip place where ALL the cool gods hang out!

Back in the meeting place, a fracture in space developed and became Aellor. It's uncertain when that happened, but it was clear Aellor was back. "I have ventured to the mainland where I sought out the goddesses of Hope and War. They have agreed to lend us their aid in the form of two tokens. This dagger here which I intend to cast as a constellation in the sky, beware those who seek to travel under it that have incurred War's wrath. And also a lantern to be carried to Hope's island where it will shine as a beacon to inspire our people. Oshye, the god of fallen victory has graciously agreed to go there and install it in its place." A short bit later somewhere off at Hope's island, the light from Hope's lantern reached those at the meeting room. Oshye had gotten the lantern, but Aellor had put credit where it was due.

After this announcement he turned to Masota and gave reply, "You may be goddess of schemes, but you are not the only one who plans. This is the current plan, and I do not see it failing, but that does not make it the ONLY plan. I imagine that at the very least you must have at least two other plans yourself if this one fails or even despite it succeeding. And there are other gods with other plans. Just remember that plans can and do change, just like everything else. I should know that more than anyone after all."

Star light, star not so bright just yet...

Far above the islands in the realm of sky, Aellor held the dagger bequeathed to him by War. There were many things he could do with it, but the best one was this. He held it above him and the dagger shimmered for a moment before seeming to dissolve. However where the dagger was before, there was now seven points of light, stars the formed a constellation for all to see. It lay in the sky between the Archipelagos and the Mainland, with the blade aimed towards the Betrayer's throne. Beware any who sail beneath it who had incurred the wrath of War.

However the constellation was new as of it and would take time to brighten. He had already informed the other god of sky of his doings and if Tezkatl so wished he would bestow his favor upon it causing it to reach its destination more quickly. In the meantime Aellor wanted the constellation in the sky much too soon to wait for it to mature even with Tezkatl's blessing so he would have to improvise. The image of a constellation would have to do until the actual constellation reached its peak and mortals could see it on their own. And though it was weak yet, it still served as a channel to War and his markers would show people where to look. Now just to set them in place at the right time...

A bit later than once upon a time...

"... and in his greed the god who was king betrayed his people and shattered the sun beginning the war of the gods. It is mostly over now and only a few struggle on, but the Betrayer has not won yet. He is a powerful god, but also a cruel one. He neglects his people and leaves them to starve in the cold as darkness envelopes the land. Rather than fight him in revenge I have come here to protect my people while the world tries to break apart. And though you may be scared, do not fear for I shall not let you down. I brought this island food, and shelter, and now I bring you Hope."

The snow leopard paused a moment while elsewhere Oshye placed the lantern in Hope's lighthouse and the beacon leapt forth along the horizon, appearing to be a strange sort of star. "So long as this light shines, know that Hope still lives on and the future is not lost. I am not a god of war or protection and the Betrayer rages on, still seeking to destroy what remains of the world, but again I tell you, do not fear for there is one who protects us. I have cast her sign in the sky above and so long as that constellation remains, War fights on and the Betrayer has not won."

The snow leopard gazed at the sky a moment and those listening to his story (or by now it was really a speech) suddenly noticed a new constellation. Seven stars lined in the shape of a cross, but as they looked they could clearly tell it was a dagger, four stars in the hilt and three in the blade, straight as an arrow and pointing off into the distance.

"Furthermore," continued Aellor, calling their attention back to himself, "I endeavor as we speak to restore the sun to the sky. This egg..." he pulled forth a copy of the egg. It wasn't the real thing, but was something tangible these people could hold on to and see. "This is the egg from which a new sun will hatch. On a plateau atop the mountain the true form of this egg will sit as I pour into it energy to fill the sky with light once more. If any should seek me, that plateau is where I will be found. This egg I leave with you is not the true form, but it is linked, and if you care for this egg, it will be as if you care for the true egg and it will hatch all the faster. I leave it with you now while I go to care for the true egg for it will be as a child to me."

The egg lifted up and drifted over to the island's elder who reached out with both hands and caught it with a cradle. He understood that his home was to be the location of the egg, but he would not be the carer. That job instead would go to those (if any) who felt the calling in their hearts to undertake such a task. Attention turned to the god one more time as he finished his speech. "Finally, I wish you to remember that ever if the Light of Hope goes out and the Dagger of War fades from the sky, I say one more time... do not fear for I will not abandon you. I may not be the god of protection or guardianship, but you are my people and I will protect you nonetheless."

With those final words he vanished into a swirl of snow which blew up to the mountain's peak. A moment later a rumble of thunder was heard and a searing light filled the sky as bolt of lightning after bolt of lightning began to strike the peak where the egg now lay. As time passed and eventually the sky grew weary of channeling its storm into the unhatched sun, the stars took up the task as concentrated starlight funneled itself into the egg until the sky was ready to pour forth its storm once more and the cycle repeated.


The mortal realm : island of kindness.

Volare looked up in the sky at the coment he had summoned and smiled. While it was no sun it had given his people something of a guiding light. They had onyx now thanks to horv and he planed to make sure his people understood that. Returning to the temple that they had built to honor him he studied the walls. Several of his more significant interventions for his people.  Going to a blank section of the wall he starts to engrave a simplified version of his agreement with horv. it starts with the island and an image of him(faceless as normal) alone with the accepted image of Horv  standing extraordinarily large over a shrunken version of the island facing each other. This is followed by a an image of the two shaking hands a custom from his home universe. This is followed by horv touching the ground and the onyx being found.

"Who are you and what are you doing here" came a voice from the doorway "the words aside the tone was wary not scared or unkind just cautious , as if the speaker was not certain what situation they found themselves in. Volare smiled his back still to the speaker. "Just recording a little story on the walls here. Do be sure to share it with others. The truth is something all are entitled to know and should shared."  Volare stops and smiles. "I'll be back later. I still need to work out what to say about the growing baby suns"  with that volare was simply gone form the perceptions of his follower as effect as if he had walked through the wall though they could feel his presences near by. One of them goes to the newly etched story to see what was written there.  

The Realm of the gods.

Volare looked around the room. New faces had arrived and other ones had departed. He was unimpressed by the goddess of lucks emphases on the word only. He knew that others gods specially the god of fire had worked on others plans. He himself had had some thoughts had he not been so preoccupied with the lives of his people he might had tired to guide a newly born dwarf sun to these world. In this experience there are always celestial bodies searching for thee place in the heavens the only question would be if there would be any survivors for however long it took to find and guide such a sun to this world.

the mortal realm :Island of kindness sun egg.

"my my little one you seem to be doing alright.  i wish i could guide you better but until you are alert enough to make choices on you own i can really do is try to provide what you need to become a strong healthy sun to light the way for the people of this world. my people are counting on you and praying for your speedy return to this world so lets try our best not to disappointment them okay?" volare  caress his egg one more time passing on power from his worshipers  feeling it leave him and pulse into the egg. he hoped this was the right way to care for it but he would know fore sure when it grew up and hatched.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The Astral realm... yeah, I've got nothing.

Masota feigned indignation, "Scheme! Me? Well, I dare say I have given this some though, but I wouldn't go so far to call it a scheme.... I have my own plans yes and I have been very hard at work with them, but" she pouted, "There are several... materials... that have been hard to procure, at least in the appropriate quantities. You see, just a little bit of life, some death, some fire, possibly some other things, and I can set things into motion."
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


With Gys not responding, I checked the progress of my children's training before changing my hue to something slightly more red and sending a portion to the divine meeting room. To the room, I asked, "I'm afraid that, in all this planning of mine, I've missed any discussion that's occurred. Would someone be so kind as to inform me of what's been decided upon as a plan of response towards the despicable God King?"


Astral War Room
Tharsus glances up for a moment, shaking free of his daze.

"For now, we rebuild the sun. As for the King... we will need to strike hard, fast, and decisively. It would be more beneficial to tear down the structure that supports him than confront him head on, at least for now. Once on the mainland, I believe I can restore my abandoned Anchors to working order, and from there use them as bases for further operations. Transportation that can reach the mainland may be a challenge though. If we choose to send ships, it would probably be best to dispatch them all at once as a fleet, and then split up again closer to the mainland."

"I also have my own plans for transportation as my island is lacking in woodland and thus trees for shipbuilding, but nothing I am confident in just yet. I shall need more time to conduct research and follow up some leads."

Tharsus pauses, perhaps a little nervously.

"Anchoring the other volcanos in the island chain would be beneficial to my research and preparations, also bringing the stabilizing properties of the Anchors to the volcanos... but I am sure you are all aware of the inherent risks from the corruptive area of influence. I have not the strength to contest the matter nor the desire to start an argument, so consider it an offer of sorts. I realize it may not be the most attractive one there is."


The Realm of the gods: meeting room

"i can help Guide the ships to the main land  so that they avoid many of the treacherous waters between the islands and the main land  but this relies heavily on the consent of the god of the oceans,  and on the approval of those who are sending there people on this dangerous trek.  Volare pauses for a moment as he checks his acquired knowledge of this world... to see if they people once had metal ships "so the people of the islands don't have the means to make metal boats do they? "
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Divine Meeting Room

Kumbhla stopped, the Sea God sensing something. The Leviathan had reared it's ugly head once again. And without it's master to control it, it would wreck havoc on his worshippers.

"I must leave..." TheSea Deity grumbled."It seems I need to clean up some else's mess yet again." He made his way towards the exit, opening the massive doors as he left.

Island of the Sea

Kumbha's avatar gazed at the statue. Before he could begin the order of the "Renovation" of the Temple, her sense the leviathan. Turning to the Elder, he motioned for them to head to high ground as avoid the water as much as humanly possible.

Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Village by the Cove, Kairos (Isle of Time), Mortal Realm

The arrival of a group of warriors claiming to serve the Moon and calling themselves the Children of the Night was an atypical event for the village populace. Several generations of constancy afforded by routine and isolation left them caught unawares by such a change. Coupled with the recent divine upheaval that caused the marked environmental changes such as the disappearance of the Sun and changes in the Sea, the village elder understood why the villagers might be suspicious of these new faces.

They had come with offers of assistance and some supplies. They were clearly not refugees as far as the elder could tell. It was also unlikely that they intended to harm or steal from the community. Firstly, the village possessed nothing worth stealing and secondly they did not have the numbers to assault whole village at once. If they had planned to use stealth, it was unlikely that they would have approached the villagers in the first place. These were not his only reassurances however; the Temple's Keeper who had recently joined them in the village told him of their impending arrival. The message from Ainos apparently had also stated that they and their help should be welcomed.

He had not seen many strange things in his lifetime, but after the occurrences of the past weeks, their arrival was the least strange of the changes. The strangest would have to have been the change in the cycle of appointing the next Keeper of the Temple. The Keeper was supposed to have descended from the temple in the centre of the island some years later and bring a successor back with him to carry on his secrets. Instead, he was here in the village, years earlier than expected and imparting his knowledge to the whole village as per Ainos' instruction. If Ainos was communicating again, the times were surely changing.

The explosion of light in the sky that accompanied the recent formation of the nebula which marked the spot where the dead Sun once lay occurred while most of the village was sleeping. The nebula itself and its significant position however were soon noticed by most of the village by virtue of the light it gave. Not to mention the fact that the Moon seemed to pass by that particular nebula every day. The ring of light that was deflected off the nebula forming a rotating image of Ainos' holy symbol was not as easily noticed. The Keeper of the Temple saw to that deficiency and made sure this subtlety was noted, along with its function as a timekeeping method. It was taken as a sign that Ainos was still watching over them and a new Sun was in the works.

The elder's first priority at the moment was to soothe the people's apprehension regarding the newly arrived warriors. They were neither fully trusted nor made to feel welcome by the villagers at the moment. This was especially true with regards to the youth of the village. The village could use whatever additional hands that were offered and any new knowledge or news that they could provide.


"... and that is why my children, we should trust these warriors sent by the Lord of the Night and welcome their aid. It is the will of Ainos himself and we must remain faithful while he works to rebuild our Sun," concluded the elder to the gathered village.

Turning to address the warriors, "And now I formally welcome you to our village and island and ask you forgive our initial reluctance in receiving you. If you would, please introduce yourselves..."

"A moment." The saffron robed Temple Keeper rose and interrupted the elder. "Look at the village sundial."

As those who had not already noticed turned their attention over to the sundial, a globe of light that looked exactly like a miniature Moon began to form and orbit the monolith. Both the monolith and the representation of the Moon began to glow simultaneously as an image of the Sun rose out of and hovered over the monolith. A clear sign as any that the Lord of Night and his followers were allies.

Quietly, the Keeper of the Temple also noted the beacon from Hope's Island shining again and what seemed to be a new constellation shaped like a dagger pointing towards the mainland.

In the Weave and Threads of Time Itself

A singularity, an infinity, space, nothingness, perpetuity, an instant, everything, nothing. All these could describe this place, if one could even consider it a place. It is Time, it affects everything, it is within everything, it surrounds everything. It is the past, present and future. If there is one thing it is not however, that thing would be chaos. Time was ordered, by the will of Ainos.

It is this place that Tezkatl's cosmic egg vanished to when Ainos obtained one. It is in this place that Ainos infuses a portion of that which used to be his mother with the essence of Time. The unwavering regularity, the cyclical nature, the constant march, the constant presence. The past – memories of the old Sun, the present – the importance and purpose of its birth, and the future – hopes for what it will become and represent. All these aspects of time, woven gently into the egg with just a hint of love and affection.

Divine Realm

Ainos' presence centres on Masota for a moment. "If you have a plan you wish to make known, by all means. The items which you seek may or may not be within our power to provide. Without more knowledge of your plan, there is little we can contribute. Unless of course that is not your intention, and you merely seek to arouse curiosity. In that case, I apologise. My curiosity is not aroused."

To Tharsus', Ainos replies, "Your offer is appreciated. It is however unnecessary for my island at this time. Any seismic activity it may have possessed is long dead and seems unlikely to reawaken. I am curious however as to what your library may have to offer. If you would indulge my curiosity?"


Isle of Fire
A development.  The Anchor cries out to you, its god, as if in physical pain.  The Volcano rages, slipping from your control steadily.  The hard rock of the structure cracking, as a localized tremor quakes into being.  The Passion you sense from the's growing...  The quakes and raging stops.  Whatever pressure was building has been released.  But in place of the simple passion from the egg, you now sense something...very similar to your own mind coming from where you placed the egg in the Anchor.

Isle of Cats
Beware, the rock shifts.  From where you planted the egg, ye God of the Earth, a mountain grows.  Pure lodestone, it is though many years from being fully developed.  Your humans are heartened by the  omen, seemingly a blessing from you.  A personality presses at you.  As strong willed as the Earth, and constantly shifting to better accommodate it's ever growing mass and awareness. 

Isle of Borvania
The dissident speaks no longer.  Having an 'unfortunate accident' shortly after your appearance.  The people do well.  However, the waters around your tropical island play hose to swarms of insects which feed off of your humans, and slowly grow.  The egg you hold latches onto you, and begins to draw from your power reserves.  A blank slate, but it grows.

Isle of Mish'na
Your people learn quickly.  But it has been but a week.  The recent changes in the divine order have thrown their daily lives into near chaos.  Near, because their faith to you has not waned an iota.  Already, your zealots are approaching a respectable level of skill.  Perhaps even, a level where they could be tested.

Realm of the Moon's Sight
As your eye rises to survey the world, great god of the Sky, you gain a glimpse of War's fight with the King.  The Four Seasons are laid low with four harsh cuts.  You can hear the screams of the lesser deities as Death comes to them, and their souls made ready for collection...but suddenly, those souls are gone.  Instead, you see that the King's blade shines similarly to a soul needing to be collected-shortly before he stabs it into the ground, and forces the untamed energy of the Seasons into his domain.  So that is how he maintains order...such as it is.  War rages at this loss, and charges him when she believes the King distracted, only to impale herself on his sword.
Your missionary spreads word in the cracks of mainland society.  Expanding where the oppression of the King's followers hold no sway, and expanding these areas ever so slightly over time.

Time's Domain
Your egg grows muted in colour, and soon a long reaching calm can be felt coming from within the egg.

The Warrior
Sister War's reaction is cut away, as the hand Oshye holds tightens into a vice grip when a broad bronze sword blooms from War's chest in a spray of blood.  The Seasons who stood with her are gone.  And now she is going too.

The Beacon
"...My Lord, I am here and everywhere.  I have a globe of people who need my Hope, and I cannot lock myself to one place, lest dear sister Nihilism here take over."  She pauses, as her beacon roars to greater light.  "..And now there is even more work to be done.  I will join you hence shortly.  But now the mortals whom War protected need Hope lest they be slaughtered like lesser animals."  And she is gone.

Astral Realm
Jerrel winks out of existence, and soon after you can feel his awareness explode, having met the same fate as the Seasons.

Mortal affairs
Two months of mortal time pass.

[[GMfailpost, ahoy!]]


Astral Realm

Tharsus departs abruptly! Or more accurately he ceases manifesting in the Astral Plane, but does not cease to exist. The god of fire ceasing to exist would be a truly terrible thing after all.

Mortal Realm, The Sanctuary

Tharsus throws open the doors to the Anchor chamber, and strides towards the thrumming structure. That keen, predatory intellect... he could feel it even from here. What to do with it, hmmmm?

"My my, aren't we an overzealous little one," he muses as he plunges one hand into the very fabric of the Anchor, retrieving the egg from it's hiding place. Instantly, he felt some of his power returning. "I think you have learnt everything you can learn from me... but I am no kind guardian, no loving parent. That, I shall leave for the others. I wonder what will become of thee..."

He steps back and holds the egg up in one hand, then returns to the Astral Realm, egg-shard in hand.

Astral Realm (Again)

Tharsus reappears in his throne, still holding the egg, and ready to answer Ainos' query...

"In truth, I cannot say what the library holds for sure. I have not taken stock of it's contents in a long time, and it is hard to say what exactly is within the tomes. I know of the old magics, and perhaps some books of alchemical techniques, but some of it may be of little use to our peoples as they are."

(In other words, it's up to Meany if there's anything that's immediately useful in there. It could be that the books require the peoples to be better equipped and more civilized before their contents are of any use. One cannot introduce a caveman to a car and expect him to build another one, even with the plans. Infrastructure and development are key.)

Mortal Realm... Again

Back to dual-manifesting, Tharsus threw open the foundry doors, marching into the vaulted hall. Empty vats lined the circular chamber, the center of which was dominated by a forge of sorts. It could be used for weapons, certainly... but the vats... those were so much more intriguing. With a simple hand-gesture, they slowly began to fill with a murky black ooze laced with firey-red strands of... something. It would take time for the vats to fill without stressing his limited resources, but he felt it best to start early.

In the meantime, he summoned his Overseer-Lieutenant, for an update on the status of his followers-of-sorts.

Plus, with Sister War out of the picture, someone would have to take over... and he had every intention of doing so, if that's what was required to bring down the King. No mercy for the traitor... no mercy at all.


It was time to test them. Lowering myself to my children, I gave a vision unto the leader of those trained. In it, I directed the subtle warrior to lead a cadre out through their fishing hole to the sea. From there, they were to swim to the nearest island that was not their own, and create terror. I was careful to ensure that they wouldn't kill people without cause, nor cause any irreparable damage. To finish the vision, I gave them my blessing, so that my power would be given to those on the other island. With that, I retreated from the leader's mind.


Volare's eyes when wide and he grasp his chest.  gone. more deities were gone and there followers suddenly befit of guidance. such a horrible thing to have happen. back  home gods would come and go every few eons but this was just wrong. he had to do something. he had to help there where he could.  he with drew from the realms of the gods to go to War's people and offer solace and guidance to help them through the shock of there recent loss.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Diety plane

   Strangely, Gys seemed to have gone dormant before he could respond to Zaltan. Slightly perturbed, Zaltan realized he was on his own. With that, he focused his attention on the mortal realm, searching nearby islands. He found a large flock of migratory birds on an island with some non-tree edible plants, and began attempting to apply his divine power. It was a simple matter to ensure what should happen naturally, and the birds inadvertently collected various seeds in their feathers. Then, it was simple to ensure that, as the flock of birds took off to continue their migration, they stopped by Argondan on their way. There, with the ruffling and preening of feathers, the seeds were dropped into the dirt on the ground.
   Now for the difficult part. Zaltan tried to ensure that as many of the seeds take root as possible, so the more that sprout when they are noticed by his people, the more food and seeds his people can harvest to begin creating real crops. After that, he turns his attention to his people themselves...


   With the paper crated and the transcribing in full progress, it became even more feasible to record information. Everyone on the island is encouraged to continue to observe the world around them and record their observations, and to think of ways they can use the information for benefit. The newly-christened prophet Shalt's directive is also heeded, and from the few towns on Argondan, people keep an eye out for veins of the potentially useful rock when they leave the villages on various duties.


Where Chaos Reigns
Aellor, your people feel the spark of Hope come to them again.  Perhaps that Beacon knows her stuff.  The elder cares for the egg as if it were a child.  And the true egg grows an emotional aura of glib amusement.  Those of your folk who feel the calling in their hearts to come, though they are few, begin to exhibit strange traits.  Unique bodily movements, or cravings for unusual for food.  Mutations are occurring.  Or at least starting.

Have Faith
The faith from your followers has restored you all to one third your original power levels.  Enjoy the boost.


Boardroom of the Gods

Masota merely grinned an shrugged, "My plan is," she paused as if she were searching for the right word, "delicate. Making it known would invite disaster and likely ruin it before it comes to fruition. But, in a rough sense, this minor token of power would be used in a wager gamble to resolve something that troubles our mortal followers. A gamble I intend to take, and stack in my favor." Behind her calm demeanor Masota was furiously working out the next several moves in her plan. If she could not convince them to part with the elements she came for, she would need to get ready to take them.


The fragment of Masota that watched over her island bestowed upon her priest a vision. In the vision she praised them on their work, but warned them to keep their eyes open to the world around them. She told them that the insects that settled in would need to be dealt with. That it was the first test of them and their faith, and that they should be resourceful in dealing with them. She also told them that the Varren (the squirrel like predators of the island) were available to be hunted, but neither to excess nor for self indugent endevors such as sport. The skull of each Varren slain must be burned and smashed to dust, which is then spread amongst the forest. Failure to do so, or to hunt the Varren againist Masota's wishes held an unknown consequence.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Boredroom of Herr Zod-- errr, Boardroom of the Gods

Tharsus looked unamused by Masota's explanation.

"We need to be on the same page here, not scrabbling behind each other's backs for scraps. If this matter is so important, then best we know of it proper. I will require more than just your word for such a matter, if it is to be an equal and worthwhile exchange."

With that aside done, his attention flickered for a moment as if he were distracted by something, before he turned back to Ainos, though he also addressed Zaltan and the others somewhat.

"My Overseer reports he has had some luck in cataloguing the Archive, as things seem quiet on my island for now. He has uncovered a number of designs believed to have been the work - directly or otherwise - of Zaltan, including architectural techniques, aqueducts for water transportation, pulley systems and locks. There are also some writings on defensive tactics and strategies - the use of embankments and pits, as well as some basic military formations. Unfortunately, much of this is of little use to our people for now."

"There are also assorted writings on alchemical techniques, and a primitive form of magic based around the ability of some exceptional mortals to channel the primal elements themselves. The former are also useless without tools and techniques. The latter I am unsure of. To make matters worse, the Overseer also notes that there are more losses than we had anticipated, if his Records of Formation are correct. A number of the smaller conceptual deities - cities, vengeance, vices and virtues, just to name a few - are gone. Permanently, if his suspicions are correct. These will not recover without intervention from ourselves, especially if the King represses worship of other deities on the mainland or does not try to reintroduce them himself."


Island of Fire
The people have overcome their fear of separation, it seems.  They have begun to spread out and explore the island.  However, it seems the energy the egg siphoned off has been noticed, for many complain of the unnatural cold in the air and dirt.  To counter this, one man has taken the initiative to create fires and torches for the use of his fellows.  Gathering the rare, and at times precariously placed wood from the island's jagged shoreline.
[[I cannot recall if you took an egg, so assuming you did...]]
The divine shell you obtained develops a curious aura, filled with swirling colours which never look the same  way twice.

Here's  something to record for the record books.  An abnormal amount of birds depositing strange seeds on the northwestern shore of the island.  However, before many observations could be made, the observers were under attack.  The monsters came from the sea, grabbing and throwing people roughly, sometimes over the craggy shore to their doom.  Your people flee back to their village, but all too late realize the monsters intended to follow them.

The people learn to dig channels from their water pools, to the small rivers, as the insects cannot tolerate moving water.  The first few hunts of the Varren end badly, with the hunters becoming the hunted.  But the sheer gall of being downed by squirrels eventually leads to a successful hunt.  The meat is good and lean, the skull burnt and crushed, and scattered as you command.

Tharsus' egg  begins to crack.  Fire streams out of the cracks in the shell, and a combative aura, but the ultimate form has is not visible at present, due to the burning plasma obscuring the bulk of what the shattering egg shell reveals.
Steady drumbeats fill the air around the egg shrine on the Isle of the Sun.  The people, having almost forgotten what the sound of music was.  Steady beats meld together to make a rhythm, and soon the people rejoice at the return of Song, almost missing the egg itself hatching.
The lodestone mountain suddenly vanishes when the egg hatches.  The creature from within possesses an intense pulling force, born from it's magnetism, and sizable mass.

[[Not sure if I'm allowed to do this, since I got an alert during the posting process. :x  Just trying to grease the wheels, for y'all.  Clarifications in the OOC for those who need them.]]


Diety Plane

  Zaltan stirred as his name was mentioned. Focusing on them was hard. He never interacted with them much before this.
  "So...scraps of my mortal knowledge have survived." he says, though to the other gods, he sounds quiet and the equivalent of being lethargic, or out of breath. "It is meaningless to us, only any worth to the mortals. Yet, it does them no good as they have forgotten what they learned and if we cannot return that knowledge to them--what I am trying to do. It is...difficult. Direct inspiration is...nearly out of the question. It took all the power...I didn't know I had to send my people...dreams of paper. What I can do is guide the right direction, so they might discover things...on their own, but this takes time... decades in mortal terms. More than likely, most of the old knowledge...of my libraries is obsolete, for the mortals will refill it with new, better knowledge. The basics will be relearned, but the specifics...will be new, dependant upon the circumstances that created them. For mortals, necesity is the mother of invention. The world provides the necesity, and I...provide the drive to invent. When I am not so weak, I can...try and help the peoples under the patronage of all of you to rediscover..." Zaltan trailed off, began rubbing his forehead, and faded away from the rest of the gods as he shifted his focus.
  Something was wrong.

Argondan, Mortal Plane
  The edge observers of the island came rushing back to their villages, with the most returning to the central one, with the First Library, the appliers of knowledge, and Shalt the prophet. In a near-panic, they told their stories of the strange water-creatures. Everyone turned to Shalt for guidance.
  Shalt thought long and hard about the problem.
  There is a danger. Review the problem. Consider all knowledge.
  He listend to the stories. They were strong in hand-to-hand, capable of throwing someone over a cliff or tearing them apart. If someone threw rocks at them, if there was nothign else in reach, they would pursue the rock-thrower. These things had thick capes, useless to attack from the back. But if stabbed from the front, they bled. While no one reported felling any, if it bleeds, it can be killed, if only you stab it deep enough. Shalt went to the library and began looking through scrolls.
  Use the resources you have.
  There it is. One of the developers had been experimenting with taut strings, and using them as a 'trigger' for other purposes. How to apply that here...
  Invent the solution.
  When moving through the island, sometimes treebranches have to be pushed out of the way, but they're springy, and will snap back. It always hurt if you were behind the first person.
  You know what to do.
  "I have found it!" Shalt cried. he rushed out of the Library, and found the other villager who had been working on the strings. Together, they began showing the other villagers the application of it, and quickly demonstrated a prototype. Find a springy treebranch, sharpen some stakes and tie them to the branch, then pull the branch back and keep it there with a string. If the string is tripped, it breaks, and releases the branch. Plans were quickly drawn up to go forward again and begin laying the paths with these 'traps', set at the height where it should harm the things the most. The entire village burst into activity, making the stakes and going forth to begin laying the traps, while others scouted forward again to be bait; once the traps were ready, the scouts would pelt the things with stones and lead them, hopefully, to their deaths. Everyone was given strict commands to avoid melee at all costs, if in an emergency, stick to stone-throwing and running, and above all, do -not- lead them back to the villages.


Under the Shadow of Storm Clouds

The thunder was rumbling again. It had been two months since their god had spoken to them in the town square. It had not been a very good speech... sort of rambly and didn't really make his point very well, but with a god such as theirs that was to be expected. The elder sighed as he sat by the window stroking his mustache. It was a lot stiffer these days and about a week ago he could have sworn he gave himself a splinter. All the people on the island were starting to notice such oddities, or the more attentive ones anyway. Most still thought they were the only ones, but he'd noticed the things some of them tried to hide; the heat thermals rising off a redhead girl, the fisherman's son whose eyes hadn't always been so blue, and of course his grandson who hadn't even noticed his own pointy ears yet. Whatever else might be said of their god, he certainly made things more interesting.

He was distracted by a knocking on the door. Or perhaps pounding would be a better word for it. Maira had never known her own strength and as of late she seemed bigger and stronger than she used to. The elder had asked her about it once and she had told him was going senile. She was here for the 'egg' of course. Maira was never far from some child or other and after Aellor's speech, she had grown fond of handling the egg quickly enough. Perhaps it was because she had never had any children of her own, but she had spent a lot more time at the elder's house since the egg had been set here.

Unsurprisingly when he opened the door, Maira brushed past him with only gruff greetings and made straight for the egg which she began to fuss over. She would be like a mother hen if she weren't so ferocious. The elder recalled one time when a little girl had wandered too far and been attacked by a wild boar. Maira arrived to find the girl fleeing in terror and immediately attacked the boar by herself. Help arrived soon enough to take out the boar but half the rescue party swore that Maira had been winning when they got there. As Maira pulled the egg out of the flame heated sand to hold it, the elder reflected that there was really no one better suited to look after it.

Upon the Mountain Top

As Aellor funneled the storm's fury into the shard of the sun he was responsible for, he could almost hear words upon the wind. But before he could make anything out, they were snatched away again. He paused a moment to contemplate. Could it have been prayer? But as he observed his people below they did not seem panicked or in need so he dismissed the issue as nothing more than perhaps a fragment of his personality that had broken off momentarily and spoken to him before rejoining him. It would not be the first time it had happened after all.

Across the Sea

The band of travellers rose with tears in their eyes. Though they prayed with more fervor than ever before, their god remained silent. They had been away from the city when it had burned, attacked by armies mightier than their defenses. The hadn't even put up much of a defense even, just simply crumbled before the might of the enemy preaching about the one god. Many citizens of the city had converted rather than be put to the sword while the marvels they had created burned in fire. Granted some had only pretended to convert while secretly holding to the old ways, but for every one who had held true ten had not and now those in the city lay in chains. Not real chains, but their every movement was hemmed in and they were prisoners none-the-less, unable to leave their cage. Only this band and perhaps one or two others that had been away from the city remained free and true to the old god, but it seemed their god had fallen with their city.

Rumor had it that a vision was seen in the sky of their god falling to another clad in bronze armor, cut through with a sword before exploding into wisps of smoke that dispersed into nothing. It was said the bronze clad stranger let out a cry which caused the buildings of the city itself to crumble which led the invading army to their rout. The more devout whispered that their god had escaped rather than been destroyed, but if so he must be too weak, too far, or too frightened to heed their prayers. They all knew that if they returned to the city they would be killed or imprisoned like the rest of their people and so they travelled pretending to be what they were not. Better to be anonymous traders from a far land than to be identified as survivors of a fallen god.

It was starting to become common opinion that their old god could no longer help them and that they needed a new god now. They were a people of change after all and it was time to adapt or perish. They no longer prayed to bright stars or heavy storms to revel and take joy in, but dark nights and heavy mists to hide them from the many who would wish them harm. And somewhere nearby, unseen by the travelers, wisps of smoke began to coalesce into a shadow, brought together by the need of the harried people. Its memory was dim and the shadow itself was weak, but it recalled a mighty foe which would destroy it if it was found. In a time past it had been stronger, someone else, but in this present it knew that it must hide. Its people still needed it, but they needed something new now, and change was in the air.


Isle of kindness

Volare stood in the main chamber of the temple dictated to him.  before him was a stand that was a cradle for the sun egg. This feat that he was undertaking would take some effort to work as it was unusual for him but he would make it work somehow. Concentrating hard he brought  to mind the image of the sun egg buried under this island. As he focus on it he polished and piece of Onyx that his people had retrieved form the earth gods gift.  Volare worked hard polishing and trying to shape the onyx into the image of the egg even as he linked it to it.  Kindness is a guiding and binding force in the world. often we all only survive with the kindness of others being our life line. his people had help countless others both in there tribe and others so  he would do his best to see that they would be rewarded. but first they would need to see that their sun was being reborn and for that he needed to show them a guiding beacon. He would show them that there sun could be reborn!

Realm of the gods

Volare sought out Tezkat the god of sky and moon deciding that he would need advice on raising this sun egg for his people.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey