[character profile] Ryy Mac'Lazurus

Started by Ryy Lazurus, January 02, 2011, 07:55:20 PM

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Castle Pokemetroid

I've found that characters meant to have no personality have that as their personality. Like a machine or android. Their cold, emotionless ways can be consitered their personality, depending on how you view it. That's just the way they are, and such.

I think that the only way for a character to not have a personality is if it's a non living/non thinking object. Then again, they wouldn't be much of a character, or not a character at all.

Speaking of characters that are not like you, what about generic unimportant grunts or background characters? You never learn anything about them nor do they do anything but die or take up space, so could they be consitered as characters that are unlike the writer?


Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on January 23, 2011, 07:11:10 PM
I've found that characters meant to have no personality have that as their personality. Like a machine or android. Their cold, emotionless ways can be consitered their personality, depending on how you view it. That's just the way they are, and such.
That's kinda what I meant by "personality of cardboard." A non-personality as a personality. The Terminator. Spock. llearch. Christopher Walken.

Those are some of my favourite personalities, actually.

Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on January 23, 2011, 07:11:10 PM
I think that the only way for a character to not have a personality is if it's a non living/non thinking object. Then again, they wouldn't be much of a character, or not a character at all.
Purely stereotypical characters probably have the least personality of anything.

Heck, non living things can have plenty of character: the Enterprise, the Millennium Falcon, and Serenity (from Firefly) were all spaceships, but they have very distinct personalities. Durandal, Excalibur, Damoclse. MP5K, Mac 10, FN-P90. Ray-Bans, wraps, or teashades.

Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on January 23, 2011, 07:11:10 PM
Speaking of characters that are not like you, what about generic unimportant grunts or background characters?
Those guys might fall into the category of "no personality, period."

They still reflect on the author/artist, tho. I mean, the way I draw a fry cook or college student would probably be shaped by my experiences as one. Granted, a BG character doesn't say a whole lot about the author/artist, but they're still something being said by the artist.

Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on January 23, 2011, 07:11:10 PM
...could they be consitered as characters that are unlike the writer?

Any character could be considered unlike the writer somehow. Unlike me, Theonor is organized and thorough, Jade is a girl, Felix is very physically fit, et cetera. I have to draw on my imagination, or other people, for that.

Course... If I'm basing a character on another person, I'm still using my experiences of that person, and how I imagine that person would act. So, it's a matter of degrees, really.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...