[Writing/Setting Spitballing] SquirrelWizard's Wreck of a Setting.

Started by SquirrelWizard, November 03, 2010, 12:26:55 AM

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I'm currently working on a setting for a possible webcomic. As of right now, my artistic ability isn't up to par, so while I work on that I figured I'd might as well get the setting solidified. I might also do a little writing piece to introduce some characters and settings that might later be seen in the comic.

Now... as to why I'm posting it here. I only have one particular view at the setting, and it is probably very likely that I could overlook some stuff in regards to it. Getting other people's take on the setting would be an excellent way for me to flesh it out.

Since this is a setting for a potential work of fiction, I may not put everything down that is going into the setting. As some of the information would be spoilers. Massive massive spoilers, with a capital S. If you raise a question and I respond in a noncommittal manner it isn't because I hate your guts, but you would be probing into a delicate area that I do not want to reveal too much information about.

There are some out there whom I have let some spoiler information drop, likely in a chat discussion. I would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from mentioning the info in this thread, or in private to another person. This is less of a concern about privacy of information, and more about not having the entire story told before I get a chance to tell it.

Okay... with that ugly as sin intro out of the way I'll try to address some obvious concerns.

1) Wait? Is this a knock off of DMFA?
SW) No, though several of the denizens share similar race names between this setting and DMFA, The creatures in this setting are different, and what holds true with DMFA typically will not hold true with this setting.

2) Where are the characters?
SW) While I am working on some character bios on the side, I don't want to release any yet. As they are subject to change, I don't want to get anybody too attached to a particular character or concept only to have the character dropped or changed.

3) Why is X named after Y from another source?
SW) To be honest, when it comes to names I tend put them through a rigorous checklist before I can even begin to consider myself happy with them. There may have been a chance that I heard the name prior and it got stuck in some dark recess of my mind until I went name hunting. So, the similarities are purely coincidental.

4) Can my character appear in the story/comic?
SW) At this point, I want to actually get this setting hashed out and the comic rolling (in the future). After I get setup, then maybe.

5) Cake or Pie?
SW) Cookies.

Actual Setting will start in the next post. (reserving this post for any updates/major Q/A)

Warning, what follows can be somewhat tedious to work through, my organization skills are to blame.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...



Lysian is an Earthlike planet that has two major landmasses (that are known) Isiath to the East, and Laren to the west. It has two moons (yet to be named).


Dragons and Drakes

Dragons and their ilk are a natural race of Lysian. Dragons are giant godlike beings who head their brood, and are responsible for protecting their territory. They are tied to their land, and their condition will be reflected in their territory. Dragons typically reside in their territories as mountain ranges, or other large landmasses. They use their considerable magic ability to act through the drakes of their brood. Only physically becoming involved when absolutely required. Dragons are still mortal, in the sense that they can be killed. While the head of the brood, Dragons cannot actually procreate (due to size limitations). Proliferation of the brood relies upon the drakes themselves.

Drakes are the servants of Dragons. While a dragon is considered the head/protector of the brood, the drakes serve as its agents. Drakes are the range in size, but even the smallest towers over the other native races of Lysian. They have considerable physical and magical strength. They can switch between their draconic form, and that of a smaller when they want to interact with other creatures without scaring them witless.

Esros (Winged Ones)

Esros, or Winged Ones in common speech, are natural inhabitants of Lysian. They are mammalian or avian in nature, they are bipedal and have feathered wings. Esros are very magic attuned, and can manipulate magic without the dangers of sorcery. The main city of the Esros is up in the Cadrian Mountain range in central Isaith. The city is also the holding area for the Esros's fabled Essence Weapons.


Slari are a natural race of Lysian, they are typically found in swamp or desert regions. They are bipedal lizards, typically limited to swampy regions. They are "reptilian", females are typically more slender than their male counterparts. Slari are subject to the temperature of their surroundings, so they are less frequently seen in colder environments. Slari are amphibious and but most of their settlements are on land.

Garda are mammalian in nature, the dominant race of Lysian and have developed multiple diverse cultures. Most of their past is shrouded in mystery. What little relics they have of the old times has led some to believe that the Garda had a Golden Age long ago, and have since declined to their current state. Even though most of their "Golden Age" knowledge was lost, they managed to hold onto a few scraps, such as a few words of Power; symbols that invoke the very essence of reality when scribed. Even though the words are powerful tools, their use is limited therefore only a few Garda know how to utilize them.

Beasten - Beasten are a grab bag of multiple races native to Lysian, with form and features varying between place to place.

Fae are extraplanars that sometimes visit lysian. Unlike their demonic or angelic brethren, they are not tied to any particular energy. They can manifest themselves on the mortal realm at whim, and don't seem to need a summoner or any form of magic to sustain themselves. It is hypothesised that they are, in fact, beings of pure magic, since certain spell effects effect them differently than normal. Fae run the gamut of personalities and views. They typically are carefree and playful, and are drawn to places of beauty, or to works of high craftsmanship or emotion. Due to their odd way of viewing the world, and the fact that most Fae tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves, the natives of Lysian tend to view them with a mixture of awe and mistrust.


Demons and Angels are extraplanar creatures, that are directly opposed to each other. To manifest in the mortal realm it requires a considerable amount of magic energy, typically involving the souls of mortals. Due to these requirements these extraplanar creatures tend to work through contracts, lesser agents like Succubi and Exemplars, or through mortal progeny. Succubi and Exemplars are unique among their race in that they can manifest themselves on the mortal realm easier than their brethren, and can sustain themselves more readily. As extraplanar creatures, they are resistant to damage, and typically dissipate rather than die. On their own realms they are still quite powerful, but they are more susceptible to damage. There is an ongoing war between Demons and Angels and both sides seek to subvert the mortal realm to their side. Due to the casualties sustained during these conflicts, mortals tend to look poorly upon them.

Half Demon/Angel

Half Demons/Angels are the answer to the problem of the enormous energy cost to sustain a demon on the mortal realm. AS a union between a mortal and extraplanar, Half breeds don't need any magical energy to remain on the plane, and are much stronger than their normal brethren, though not as strong as a full blooded demon. Half breeds can be bigger than a normal creature of its race, but not always, sport batlike wings (feathered wings if half angel), and eyes burning with helfire (radiance). Halfbreeds can be made one of two ways. Either by being born as one, or by having an extraplanar infuse you with enough energy to convert you into one.

Tainted Ones

Tainted ones are the resulting children from unions between normal creatures and halfbreeds. Tainted ones are not as monstrous as their halfbreed counterparts, they usually look normal except for maybe a hint of radiance or helfire in their eyes. With strong emotions they can exhibit strange qualities in relation to their heritage.

Hallowed/Unholy land in relation to extraplanars.

Infused land bolsters and causes harm to extraplanars. Full blood Demons cannot manifest on hallowed land and the land causes damage to them that results in the rapid deterioration of their manifestation. Half Demons do not take damage, but instead suffer from severe pain. Tainted ones feel extremely uncomfortable on infused ground. Tainted ones tend to not be very religious due to this.

Infused Water:
Infused water is much more concentrated. It can disperse a demon's manifestation, causes severe burns to half demons and slight superficial burns to tainted ones. Tainted ones and half demons will quickly recover from the burns, but while they're splashed with water they speak in demonic.


Humans mysteriously appeared on Lysian several hundred years ago. They constructed three settlements, and kept a standoffish stance with the rest of Lysian.  With the onset of the cataclysm, all of the human settlements were deserted, but locked down.


Scrags only appeared after the last cataclysm. They are tall bipedal creatures with elongated arms, thick legs, and hunched figures. They are mammalian, but do not have a tail, or a coat of fur except for hair on their head or chest. Most of the time they are heavily clad in pelts and strange clothing. They are slightly magic attuned and as such can cause simple spell effects, but show no real strength in the field of magic. They are highly capable of learning, but they tend to be more instinctual than logical. Scrag sitings are usually very limited, with maybe the occasional raid on southern settlements for anything they can haul off.


Magic is basically a form of radiation (best real world example) that the magic capable inhabitants of Lysian can manipulate. Magic is typically channeled through a "caster" and takes on the form they desire. The strength and complexity of the magic a caster can perform is dependant on how magically gifted they are and training in the field they're using. There are four classifications that are possible. Magic use can be strengthened through pacts with extraplanars, or just simple study or continued use.

A) Magic Adept - Magic Adept beings are typically very gifted in channeling magic, and find it easier to advance in strength. Almost all casters are Magic Adepts.
B) Magic Attuned - Magic Attuned beings have a very small potential for magic, and find it harder to advance in strength. Typically magic attuned beings will limit themselves to simple spells, usually utilitarian in nature.
C) Null Magic - An extremely rare breed. Null Magic beings are both blessed and cursed. Magic does not effect them, and they are completely incapable of casting magic. The curse lies in the fact that while they are immune to the negative effects of hostile magic, they cannot receive the beneficial effects of Helpful magic. Due to this, Null Magic beings tend to have their lives shortened, either through conflict or mishap.
D) Non Magical - Non Magical beings are still affected by magic, but they cannot use it. In the presence of high magic fields, or contact with crystallized magic, it can cause a form of sickness to them eventually leading to death. Humans are are the only example of this type.

Sorcery vs Magic.

Any creature that can use magic starts off with sorcery. Sorcery is a crude form of magic uses that manipulates raw magic to achieve a desired effect. Sorcery is somewhat innefficent and even after the spell has been cast, there is a risidual magical cling to the caster. As the residue builds up, the magic begins to affect spells cast nearby. This usually results in spells getting out of hand, having stronger effects, longer durations, and affecting wider areas. At first glance these effects may seem benign, or benifitial even, but the true danger lies with how this residue affects other people. A sorcerer nearby can cause havoc without even intending to do so. With time a special discipline was created in which magic was manipulated through mental designs and diagrams which allowed spells to be cast without the residue buildup, allowing for a more efficent and spellcasting process. With the addition of this method Sorcery became outlawed (except for the Esros). Each culture handled sorcery differently, some led to outright purges, while others handled it with mandatory training.

Better Living with Magic. (Healing)
Injuries and diseases can be treated with magic. Unlike other realms, where magic can wipe away wounds and disease with the wave of a hand. Magic on Lysian actually accelerates, and enhances, the healing process. The amount of magic used is directly proportional to the reduction in time required to heal. Wounds healed with magic are less likely to scar; though depending on the severity of the wound it is still possible to have lingering effects.

Natural diseases and poisons cannot be wiped away via magic, but instead bolster's the immune system and helps combat some of the negative effects of the disease as it runs its course. This means that Lysians still fall ill, and that sickness does slow people down. In terms of mortality rates, very few diseases are dangerous to a healthy individual recieving magical and medical treament. Most deaths due to disease stem from people with weakened immune systems, either due to age or shock, or who cannot recieve proper magical/medical treament.

Magical diseases on the other hand can be easily remedied with a spell, and only pose a threat when they cannot be treated soon enough or the area lacks proper healing facilities.

Necromancy, the forbidden and forgotten arts. (undeath vs animation)
Necromancy is considered taboo in most magical circles, and to some its often seen as a sign of an inferior mage. Necromancy deals with plagues, entropy and the creation of undeath. Thanks to the prevalance of healing magic, crafted plagues have little lasting impact. Undead creation works by binding a soul to a corpse, but it does not grant any control over the undead. This, coupled with the fact that animated objects are controlable and more resiliant than undead, makes instances of undead creation few and far between.

Demonology and Summoning
The conflict between Demons and Angels rages on; these conflicts have spilled over into the mortal realm, often with horrendous casualties. Due to the dangers regarding these extraplanars, the summoning of them is frowned upon in the best of times, and often considered an act of treason at worst. This varies from institution to institution, but each tends to have a small subset of their populace dedicated to studying them. Of all the professions in magic, that of the Demonologist is the most dangerous. Very few survive to old age, as most either die in their studies or are are corrupted, at which they are often hunted down by their former collegues.

Summoning is not entirely bound to Demonology. Via summoning materials and people can be moved about at the cost of considerable magic. Summoning is not without it's dangers. There are many stories detailing mistakes during the summoning process, ranging from "leaving parts behind" to "summoning the wrong thing." Due to the extensive magic cost, the potential for disaster, and the personal requirement for each summoner summoning is often only used for emergencies. As such, most mages use mundane methods of traveling.

Nations of Lysian

Kingdoms of Laren
The continent of Laren is divided into five regions by its mountain ranges and climates.

The northland is a cold to temperate climate with mildly warm summers and rather cold winters. It's southern, western, and eastern border is completely blocked off by mountains save for a few passes, and several harbors on both the western and eastern coast. Meanwhile its northern border ends in a frigid tundra which is home to many glaciers. The northland is the region that host both eastern and western harbors, though it does not deal as much trade due to the constant tensions between the kingdoms, and the rather trecherous waters surrounding the harbors.

The Northland is composed of three primary kingdoms, and several minor kingdoms that are often little more than city states. Due to the limited farmable terrain, there are often tangible tensions between the kingdoms in regards to food and secure trade routes. Of the three habited regions, the Northland has seen the most conflict.


The midland region ranges from temperate to warm. It has a mountainous nothern border, and its southern border consist of sprawlign rain forest, swamps, rivers, and finally small mountain peaks.

The midland is separated into 8 kingdoms. Each kingdom has its own form of government which handles local laws, but standards and internal and external policy is determined by consortium including members of each kingdom.

Due to the varied geography of the area, and the long growing season. The midland region tends to focus on trade and the arts, which has allowed them to bring together some impressive economic strength. Though it varies from kingdom to kingdom, there is typically very little in the way of a standing army, but instead the Midland relies upon the services of the Adventurer's Guild, Mages Guild, and local law enforcement to serve as first responders.

Apart from the various trade guilds, there are two other major guild organizations. The Adventurer's Guild, and the Mage's Guild.

Both guilds operate throughout the entire Midland region. The Adventurer's Guild acts as a first responders to any military threat, and each local branch is available to settle any local disputes. Magic users who do not wish to pursue theoretical studies often will enroll as part of the Adventurer's guild.

The Mage's guild both monitors, regulates, and provides facilities for the advancement of magic. Whereas the Adventurer's guild handles much of the practical usage of magic, the mage's guild focuses on expanding the borders of known magic.


The Southland has two major climate regions, the first being the northwestern jungles and marshland which fade into the southwestern plains. Of the three regions, the southland is the least developed, only having a few actual cities, and those are fairly small. Majority of the population resides in smaller villages.

A regional council sets the laws for the region and addresses issues as they arise. while their laws are carried out through local town councils, and the Rangers.

The rangers are a group of elite warriors who serve as law enforcers for their territories. Rangers are unique in that while they are to bring in criminals to stand trial, they are empowered with the option to serve mete out justice on the spot should the feel that it would be too dangerous to transport the criminal or there is an issue of time involved.

Barren Reach

The Barren Reach is the southern border of the Southland that extends all the way to the southern end of the continent. The Reach includes plains and tundra land. Given the relatively small growing window, and the constant threat from the Scrags, there is no permenant residents in the area.

Spine of Laren

The spine of Laren is a mostly mountainous region that has little in the way of farmable soil. It stretches along the western edge of the continent and branches off into the various borders of the regions. There are two different clans of drakes that make their residence in the Spine, and it is also home of the three human cities that have been sealed. There are not many inhabitants in the region, most of which are scholars from the Mage Guild trying to learn what they can from the Human structures.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Huh... I'm of two minds here.  :B

On the one hand, it's a lot of information. The more details a reader has to keep track of, the sooner they get lost. More often than not, more than 3 or 4 races can become hard to keep track of. Adding detailed history and geography makes things ten fold harder to follow, especially if the story hinges on it.

On the other hand, most of the races are very distinct. Readers will recognize a demon, dragon, or what-have-you, on sight. They only need to hear the setting specific details (eg. dragons are intelligent, not bestial), most of which can be inferred quickly (a dragon having a civilized conversation is obviously intelligent).

Cultural elements would be worth considering. Clothing style, how they talk, architecture, etc, goes a long way towards making a society identifiable. Exposition happens once: things like distinct speech patterns or unique clothing styles come up regularly, and reinforce the readers impressions without taking up too much time or space. It also adds a lot of flavour to the work.

Hope I haven't rambled on too much... looking forward to the comic.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: WhiteFox on November 03, 2010, 03:56:51 AM
On the one hand, it's a lot of information. The more details a reader has to keep track of, the sooner they get lost. More often than not, more than 3 or 4 races can become hard to keep track of. Adding detailed history and geography makes things ten fold harder to follow, especially if the story hinges on it.

If Squirrel is anything like me, then he's simply developing the setting as he goes along, but he's doing it very thoroughly.  He'll think of something he wants to include and then he'll think through the why's and how's of it as well.  This creates a lot of information, not all of which will be readily aparent to the reader but will be necessary for him to have as the writer.  If true then there will be a lot more information here to guide the intro for his comic than will actually be IN the intro.

If not true, then yes, I think this will be too much information up front and readers will get overwhelmed.

Also, Squirrel, since there are effects that banish extraplanar creatures is there anything that banishes Fae?
            <-- #1 that is!


WhiteFox, obviously readers shouldn't need to read a book to understand a comic. Instead, this is just me gathering up a framework of the setting together. As the comic goes along, I plan to touch on important points as they arise.

Quote from: Shachza on November 03, 2010, 06:15:38 AM
Also, Squirrel, since there are effects that banish extraplanar creatures is there anything that banishes Fae?

How banishment is handled, is that the caster attempts to leak the magical energies maintaining the extraplanar's manifestation. Fae are creatures of magic. Since they do not have any spells holding them to the mortal, there is no energy to leak. Instead they are affected by any spell that would cause disturbances in the magic in the area, this can cause pain, euphoria, confusion and many other effects. It varies from Fae to Fae, and should they become too distracted they loose their connection to the mortal plane and slip back to their home realm.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


So a Null Magic person hugging a Fae would result in a massive explosion.  Got it!
            <-- #1 that is!


no, null magic means that magic doesn't affect them, period. Even though the Fae consist of magic, just touching them doesn't yield any magic effects unless they will it. So null magic people can be glomped by fae.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Quote from: SquirrelWizard on November 03, 2010, 05:01:25 PM
WhiteFox, obviously readers shouldn't need to read a book to understand a comic.
Erm... bluh. Yeah. I was actually trying to say something along exactly those lines. The first two pargraphs were just supposed to set up my observations, and the second was meant to be a counterpoint to the first.

If I hadn't been a blithering moron, and posting at 4AM, I was trying to suggest things that would add material to the setting without making the readers have to read a book. Since you mentioned this was your first comic, I thought it'd be useful to point out ways to take advantage of the dialog and visuals. I should have been a little more coherent about it, though... sorry.

Also... A lot of writers post reams of intricate setting information, and never really get started on the actual project. I'm not familiar with your work, and I jumped to conclusions. Again, my apologies.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


no worries.

small update. I added a point regarding the difference between Sorcery and Magic.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Better Living with Magic. (Healing)
Injuries and diseases can be treated with magic. Unlike other realms, where magic can wipe away wounds and disease with the wave of a hand. Magic on Lysian actually accelerates, and enhances, the healing process. The amount of magic used is directly proportional to the reduction in time required to heal. Wounds healed with magic are less likely to scar; though depending on the severity of the wound it is still possible to have lingering effects.

Natural diseases and poisons cannot be wiped away via magic, but instead bolster's the immune system and helps combat some of the negative effects of the disease as it runs its course. This means that Lysians still fall ill, and that sickness does slow people down. In terms of mortality rates, very few diseases are dangerous to a healthy individual recieving magical and medical treament. Most deaths due to disease stem from people with weakened immune systems, either due to age or shock, or who cannot recieve proper magical/medical treament.

Magical diseases on the other hand can be easily remedied with a spell, and only pose a threat when they cannot be treated soon enough or the area lacks proper healing facilities.

Necromancy, the forbidden and forgotten arts. (undeath vs animation)
Necromancy is considered taboo in most magical circles, and to some its often seen as a sign of an inferior mage. Necromancy deals with plagues, entropy and the creation of undeath. Thanks to the prevalance of healing magic, crafted plagues have little lasting impact. Undead creation works by binding a soul to a corpse, but it does not grant any control over the undead. This, coupled with the fact that animated objects are controlable and more resiliant than undead, makes instances of undead creation few and far between.

Demonology and Summoning
The conflict between Demons and Angels rages on; these conflicts have spilled over into the mortal realm, often with horrendous casualties. Due to the dangers regarding these extraplanars, the summoning of them is frowned upon in the best of times, and often considered an act of treason at worst. This varies from institution to institution, but each tends to have a small subset of their populace dedicated to studying them. Of all the professions in magic, that of the Demonologist is the most dangerous. Very few survive to old age, as most either die in their studies or are are corrupted, at which they are often hunted down by their former collegues.

Summoning is not entirely bound to Demonology. Via summoning materials and people can be moved about at the cost of considerable magic. Summoning is not without it's dangers. There are many stories detailing mistakes during the summoning process, ranging from "leaving parts behind" to "summoning the wrong thing." Due to the extensive magic cost, the potential for disaster, and the personal requirement for each summoner summoning is often only used for emergencies. As such, most mages use mundane methods of traveling.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Nations of Lysian

Kingdoms of Laren
The continent of Laren is divided into five regions by its mountain ranges and climates.

The northland is a cold to temperate climate with mildly warm summers and rather cold winters. It's southern, western, and eastern border is completely blocked off by mountains save for a few passes, and several harbors on both the western and eastern coast. Meanwhile its northern border ends in a frigid tundra which is home to many glaciers. The northland is the region that host both eastern and western harbors, though it does not deal as much trade due to the constant tensions between the kingdoms, and the rather trecherous waters surrounding the harbors.

The Northland is composed of three primary kingdoms, and several minor kingdoms that are often little more than city states. Due to the limited farmable terrain, there are often tangible tensions between the kingdoms in regards to food and secure trade routes. Of the three habited regions, the Northland has seen the most conflict.


The midland region ranges from temperate to warm. It has a mountainous nothern border, and its southern border consist of sprawlign rain forest, swamps, rivers, and finally small mountain peaks.

The midland is separated into 8 kingdoms. Each kingdom has its own form of government which handles local laws, but standards and internal and external policy is determined by consortium including members of each kingdom.

Due to the varied geography of the area, and the long growing season. The midland region tends to focus on trade and the arts, which has allowed them to bring together some impressive economic strength. Though it varies from kingdom to kingdom, there is typically very little in the way of a standing army, but instead the Midland relies upon the services of the Adventurer's Guild, Mages Guild, and local law enforcement to serve as first responders.

Apart from the various trade guilds, there are two other major guild organizations. The Adventurer's Guild, and the Mage's Guild.

Both guilds operate throughout the entire Midland region. The Adventurer's Guild acts as a first responders to any military threat, and each local branch is available to settle any local disputes. Magic users who do not wish to pursue theoretical studies often will enroll as part of the Adventurer's guild.

The Mage's guild both monitors, regulates, and provides facilities for the advancement of magic. Whereas the Adventurer's guild handles much of the practical usage of magic, the mage's guild focuses on expanding the borders of known magic.


The Southland has two major climate regions, the first being the northwestern jungles and marshland which fade into the southwestern plains. Of the three regions, the southland is the least developed, only having a few actual cities, and those are fairly small. Majority of the population resides in smaller villages.

A regional council sets the laws for the region and addresses issues as they arise. while their laws are carried out through local town councils, and the Rangers.

The rangers are a group of elite warriors who serve as law enforcers for their territories. Rangers are unique in that while they are to bring in criminals to stand trial, they are empowered with the option to serve mete out justice on the spot should the feel that it would be too dangerous to transport the criminal or there is an issue of time involved.

Barren Reach

The Barren Reach is the southern border of the Southland that extends all the way to the southern end of the continent. The Reach includes plains and tundra land. Given the relatively small growing window, and the constant threat from the Scrags, there is no permenant residents in the area.

Spine of Laren

The spine of Laren is a mostly mountainous region that has little in the way of farmable soil. It stretches along the western edge of the continent and branches off into the various borders of the regions. There are two different clans of drakes that make their residence in the Spine, and it is also home of the three human cities that have been sealed. There are not many inhabitants in the region, most of which are scholars from the Mage Guild trying to learn what they can from the Human structures.

Alright, this is pretty much the end of my framework on the eastern continent. I might be cobbling together a story later on.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Castle Pokemetroid

In my book, if the information can fill two posts or more, it's too much crap for me to remember.

This is a personal thing. Not sure about other people.

Then again, I couldn't even remember the legal name printed on my birth certificate if it wasn't written somewhere.


Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on January 09, 2011, 11:12:54 PM
In my book, if the information can fill two posts or more, it's too much crap for me to remember.

This is a personal thing. Not sure about other people.
My philosophy is that if I have to write stuff down, I'm getting into more details than the reader should have to keep track of, will want to keep track of, or even be able to keep track of. It's probably not even interesting stuff anyway.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Castle Pokemetroid


Heh, I'm a bit different. I often find myself devouring information in the background of stuff with crazy amounts of interest. Half the fun of a story for me is discovering the intricacies of the world it takes place on. Related mythology, systems of magic, kingdom histories, etc. Stuff that has no bearing on anything whatsoever and I just collect it all like some weird sort of card collection. I love doing this sort of thing so much I often create whole worlds without bothering to ever make a story that takes place in it. It's a really bad habit of mine actually... I always run out of steam before I turn (or finish turning) it into a story or comic.

But back to relevance... awesome setup here. I'm curious though, what happens if you kill a dragon? Does another take its place? Does the land itself die? Something else?


Different strokes for different folks. I'm doing it this way so I can try and make a more vivid world. Its my own process.

As for the dragon thing.

A) Dragons do not suffer from diseases or old age, and are extremely resilient to damage. It will take quite a bit of power to kill one, and it is backed up by both its own flight of drakes, and it's own considerable power.
B) Dragons are tied to their territory. Anything that effects them typically passes on to the land. Trauma can cause all sorts of geological disasters with long term effects leading to strange magical phenomena. In death though, no further damage is caused but, at the same time, all of the previous destruction remains and will only begin to slowly heal once a new Dragon is formed.

After a dragon dies, one of his drakes will undergo a metamorphosis into a new dragon. During this time the drake will gain in bulk and power; and begins to make a connection with its territory. Also, during the process, if the Dragon isn't female, the Dragon becomes female even though its self image, name, and mannerisms remain male. The reason for this, is after the transformation is complete the dragon can birth its own flight if needed.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...