Star Wreck'd RP: Interest Call

Started by Drayco84, August 07, 2010, 02:11:25 PM

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Earth is still there... It's still run by humans... (Terribly polluted, though.) And yeah, space travel has been well-established.


Mind if my Bio involves earth-places?
Abel needs a hug...



Y'know, do you want us to post up our characters here so you can link 'em up?


Okay, went through this more carefully this time and I think I didn't mess up again. PM'd it so I hope this works.

(Wow, way to ruin a first impression ^.^;)


Nah, not ruined.

Now, if you came in here, cussing, with bad grammar, no punctuation, and thinking you're gonna run the joint, then yeah, that'd be bad.  :P
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


The pm system's buggering out, whenever I try to type down on the personality section, it scrolls up. Mind If I two piece the bio?
Abel needs a hug...



Well, essentially the first day of posting the RP and already I have not one, but TWO position conflicts...

So, I have a couple choices... Pick one or the other via careful comparison and logical choice. (AKA A coin flip.) Or, I could also make the characters battle to the death in an arena for my sick, twisted amusement.

Thankfully for everyone involved, I got advice from other people who have GMed and the solution is this... CAPITALISM! Or rather, the competition part of capitalism. So, without further ado...

Congrats Meany! You may pick your char's weapon from here.
Congrats AmberCross928! Just make sure none of your devices divide by zero!
Congrats That_Wolf! Try to avoid getting a face-full of alien wing-wong!
Congrats SquirrelWizard! I'm gonna go GLaDOS on your ass!


Abel needs a hug...


If we have all positions filled, are we good to go?

Also, not sure if the go ahead was for Wolf or me. Do you want us to post up our characters here so you can link 'em for future readers/other players' understanding? Or would you rather keep it silent and watch hilarity ensue?


...You're joking, with the nerf link? Right... Right!?
Abel needs a hug...


Awwwww, man!  Nerf!  That's just fricken funny!

"Hey, there's another one of them blood thirsty aliens that ate Bob!  Quick, dart'em to death!"
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Well not entirely sure what you did... but I think I got what I wanted so I'm not going to try too hard to figure it out. But seriously... call me Amber, Cross, or AmberCross. Those numbers mean something to me, but not to anyone else and they're just awkward to type ;>.>


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 08, 2010, 12:19:30 AM
Well not entirely sure what you did... but I think I got what I wanted so I'm not going to try too hard to figure it out. But seriously... call me Amber, Cross, or AmberCross. Those numbers mean something to me, but not to anyone else and they're just awkward to type ;>.>

We're probably gonna go with Cross/AmberCross, since Amber is the DMFA artist.

EDIT: Wait a second... We don't have a captain or first officer. Ohs noes!

EDIT (Again): So, how do you want us to work out the MO and SO conflict?

<--Willing to make a different character if necessary, though likes the idea of a vampiric, barely-competent MO.


Right... did not think of that. Yet another sign that I wasn't really paying too much attention when registering ^.^;


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 08, 2010, 12:27:56 AM
Right... did not think of that. Yet another sign that I wasn't really paying too much attention when registering ^.^;

No worries. You did say that you made the account just for the purpose of the game; I don't blame you for not knowing the forum users.


No, cause that's the thing, I avidly follow DMFA. I've actually read through it several times. I just never joined the forum before cause I have a thing against joining forums of popular webcomics. It makes me feel kinda of like a poser or those people who are freakishly pro everything about the comic or other similarly undesirable type folks.

Please note this has no real bearing on reality and people who actually join these forums, this is just how I would feel if I were to join one for no real reason. It just feels... contrived. Trying to meet famous people just leads to the whole creeper thing. If I must meet famous people, I'd rather it be a coincidence. Make sense or am I just rambling?


Yeesh, try to keep up in the only RP I'm playing and this takes off again...

First things first!
Quote from: That_wolf on August 08, 2010, 12:17:22 AM
...You're joking, with the nerf link? Right... Right!?
Eheheheheheheheh... Nope. I've always wanted to see a spoof where, "due to budget cuts", they hand the actors Nerf guns and tell them to run with it. But don't worry, at least the ship has real weaponry! (At least you're hoping, aren't ya?) Regardless, you might want to review the selection and pick a personal weapon. (The security officer has already chosen a Raider CS-35, btw.)

Quote from: Inumo on August 08, 2010, 12:21:59 AM
EDIT (Again): So, how do you want us to work out the MO and SO conflict?
The plan is to keep both "extra" chars and use them in the RP. Just in case somebody needs to drop out or disappears, we'll be instantly covered. Plus, if something terrible happens to ONE doctor or scientist, the other will bail them out despite their rivalry, right?

Char sheets will be posted in OOC thread when it's made. I kinda forgot about that at first and would like to have all of them together in one place/post to make it easier for everyone to look up character info.

We're still missing a Captain, First Officer, and Engineer. I could also allow for more players if anyone can come up with an interesting position, or some Brass would have a REAL good reason to send them off in a deathtrap. Heck, if somebody wants to play a Lauchpad McQuack navigator/pilot, that's be great too.

But regardless, still need Captain, First Officer, and Engineer, MINIMUM.

And Cross, we can also just call you AC, right?

EDIT: Aw, crap! I forgot! What name does everyone want for the deathtra-I mean, ship?

A: FISD (Found In Space, Derelict)
B: Pinto
C: Sonuvabitch
D: NADT (Not A Death Trap)
E: (Write something else in HERE.)


I pick E: The S.S. TOS (That One Ship)


TSOT? (That Ship Over There) I don't really know. If I had to give a serious vote, I'd suggest a Titanic joke. Maybe Gigantic? Enourmous? One of those names that means really big and suggests a horrible death for everyone on board.

In regards to there being two Science Officers... my guy has enough background with computers/devices/machinery crap that he can serve as the engineer even though he's really more of a science guy. Just... watch out he doesn't pull out things he doesn't think the engine needs for personal projects ^.^;


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 08, 2010, 01:48:58 AM
In regards to there being two Science Officers... my guy has enough background with computers/devices/machinery crap that he can serve as the engineer even though he's really more of a science guy. Just... watch out he doesn't pull out things he doesn't think the engine needs for personal projects ^.^;

That sounds like way more fun of an engineer than a science guy. :P

Anyways, if it's needed, I can always make a different guy for Cap'n or Firsty. Just let me know.


I've thought about it, and that's really gonna conflict with the ship AI's desire to remain intact...

And darting him with tranquilzers or tazering him can only be done so often... If push comes to shove, I'll probably take that route, though.

Awwww... But I kinda like the idea of a vampire bat being a med officer, Inumo...


Quote from: Inumo on August 08, 2010, 01:53:18 AM
That sounds like way more fun of an engineer than a science guy. :P
Well I guess it's settled then. Chris is now the engineer who has a passion for science stuff. Expect wacky highjinks like him giving random mods to whatever devices he gets his hands on and seriously screwing over whoever is really counting on their taser to work properly.


How about the Super High Intelligence Project, aka SHIP(!)?
Abel needs a hug...



Quote from: Drayco84 on August 08, 2010, 01:55:08 AM
Awwww... But I kinda like the idea of a vampire bat being a med officer, Inumo...

I can always make a second char and play him too. :P I'm pretty sure I can avoid meta-gaming...

Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 08, 2010, 02:01:41 AM
Chris is now the engineer who has a passion for science stuff. Expect wacky highjinks like him giving random mods to whatever devices he gets his hands on and seriously screwing over whoever is really counting on their taser to work properly.

Apparently the AI's over-ruling the idea. I think you're gonna have to stay out of the tech regions.


So what, I'm still scientist? I suppose either way works for me.


This reminds me of Wild Frontier.

Perhaps I might join this, a non-serious RP would be refreshing.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Okay, roster has been altered. As much as the AI is displeased, AC is playing the engineer.

Inumo, if you want to change your char, you're welcome to do so. I recommend scapegoat-I mean, Captain. (Or First Scapegoat-I mean, Officer.