How will be the wi-fi CV mode?

Started by olroxshade, August 04, 2006, 06:22:41 PM

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Remember PoR will have a cooperative mode,how will be,here's my idea:
The coopeative mode only can be with 4 palyers,two jonatahans and 2 Charlottes,using the ds micro for discuss strategies and other things.......

Of course,I'm not talking seriously XD
How will be CV in wi-fi? we don't know........

Nimrods Son

the wi-fi co-op mode will include 4 jonathans, and no charlotte, 'cause IGa will remove her from the timeline day one after the game's release. You'll use the touchscreen to let jonathan enjoy himself, for that reason. And the micwill be used in order to rap the unholy crap to death. no whipping in co-op mode, because they over at Cv team never have done a co-op mode before and therefore are not sure if they will be able to do a fookin co-op thing that has been 2d standard since, at least, Snake Rattle 'n Roll in 1989.


I'm personally salivating over the idea of Castlevania with internet play, if done correctly.  Correctly how?  Well, take a look at Gibbage (whilst trying to ignore Dan's attempt to insert the words 'buy' and 'Gibbage' into every damned pore, crevice and unlikely crevasse of his site) and envision that done with Castlevania stylings.

I suppose it'd be Super Smash Bros in true 2D with Alucard and company.

Perhaps I'm weird but this idea strikes me as fun.  I'm betting that it'll be co-op only though and that would be fun too, just not as fun.

Nimrods Son

yeah, that'd be great. It's a dream we all share, I'm shure, and that we won't stop to believe in. Perhabs, some day...

Castle Pokemetroid

I would like a CV in WiFi. That would be freaking cool!


WE don't know,maybe Angatyr is rigth XD