Okay...fess up...

Started by Destina Faroda, August 02, 2006, 11:15:00 PM

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Destina Faroda

I noticed that my rank at TWC has gone up in the past couple of days.  While I know some of this can be attributed to the fact that the month has rolled over, given that the increase comes within a month of the forum merger, I am inclined to make a connection between the two.

So which one of you has been voting for the comic?
Sig coming...whenever...

lucas marcone

excuse me not to sound err..... new or ignorant but WCL? whats that?


Wasnt me, but slap some google ads on there and start making some money.

Amber Williams

I'm gonna assume its the Webcomic List  ( www.thewebcomiclist.com)  which is pretty much a site that makes a lil ping every 15 minutes to see if comics have updated and keeps a slight tally on them.  There is a small standing depending on how many people joining the list sign up to watch a comic and/or click from it to the site.  I really don't bother keeping track of the system...

Destina Faroda

I made a mistake in my initial post.  I meant TWC -- TopWebComics,  not WCL.  Also usually when I write WCL, I mean the defunct "Webcomics List" (no, the link won't work) that I used to be on....in the top 100 on occasion (I think I peaked at 35, once), because that list didn't have a lot of big comics.

TWCL, the one Mab mentioned, is okay, but it can be so hard to actually show up as updating that by the time I did show up as updating, I stopped actually updating.  When it works, though, it's awesome.

I will NEVER make money on a webcomic I make -- even if I miraculously started an original, hand-drawn piece that had amazing art.  Simply put, I like the Web to be free and to impose no cost on the user other than getting there.

But no one's fessing up?  Then it means no reason to update.  Let the ghosts play with the (un)dead comic.
Sig coming...whenever...


Bwhahaha, foolish sprite artist! Your thread has convinced me to look at your comic! It shall be doomed to an entire viewing and most likely a vote or two! Mwahahaha!!!!

Anyway, GBA Tactics Ogre background with SNES Ogre Battle characters? An odd mix, but it looks like it works.

[Edit]...Wow.... Did you put a caption on EVERY frame? :U Great stuff.[/Edit]
Yap by Silver.

Destina Faroda

There is a caption on every frame, and a few secrets you can find by clicking on a few panels here and there.  But it's dead, and it's going to stay that way....maybe...

...quit making me second-guess myself.
Sig coming...whenever...


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