Started by topher chee, August 01, 2006, 01:07:01 AM

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topher chee

Today was pretty sweet, I saw Tim Duncan, that dude is one big dude.  Anyways, the one day i dont carry around a camera, right?  Anyways, hes a cool guy.  I saw him at GameStop buying an XBox 360 for his van.  He said he was about to go on vacation with his family or something.   
On other news, my contacts are killing  me.  Red gushy stuff cam out of the corner of my eye, Im gonna have to throw them away, they are really old disposables.  It wusnt  gushing or anything, just a little bit. 
Oh and i also found out the tips of my eyelashes are blonde....why? You tell me, My original hair color is dark brown, i dont bleach anything so i have no idea whats going on with me.

Roureem Egas

The bit where red stuff came out of your eyes? Too much freaking information. Now there's even more reason for me not to where contacts. :<

llearch n'n'daCorna

blonde tips to your eyelashes is generally caused by being out in the sun. In much the same way that the sun bleaches your hair into blonder colours than it grows - I'd say "than natural", but the entire process means that -both- colours are natural, so :-)

The eye gushing thing - I'd take that to mean I need to see an optometrist fairly rapidly. Chances are you may have caught some sort of infection, and an early diagnosis can be critical in clearing these things up. He or she will likely prescribe whatever is required to clear the problem up permanently. I'm not joking about going and seeing one, since if you don't, there is a reasonable chance that you'll lose some of your sight.

I speak as one who wears contacts himself, here. Don't mess about with your sight, once it's gone, you're in deep trouble.
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topher chee

well its all good, theres no problems, everything was checked out, it was just some kind of odd reaction