The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Phalanx launch bay-repair section

   Nazareth was slightly surprised at the petty officer's report, but didn't let it show. "Thank you for the notice, son. I shall attend to this immediately. Carry on." Nazareth said, giving a salute. The petty officer did the same and scurried off.
   Nazareth turned, altering his course through the corridors for Major Hunt's office. Nazareth didn't show any apprehension to the officer, and continued to not do so, but inside he was suddenly very worried. Blast, I must be in serious space-dust now. Was my flying really that blasted bad? I'm going to be demoted for sure... my whole squad's going to be on drain duty. Oh, I've failed again, haven't I, sensai? Failed, failed, failed... Nazareth's thoughts drifted back to when he was first introduced to the military life at a young age. Then, more particularly, to later, when he was accepted as a member of the original Zeta-Group, then even later, when he was being trained personally by the previous Zeta-Group squad leader, in preparation to take over himself. He had every trick that the original leader knew pounded into his scaly skull so he could uphold the legend of the Crusading Scales. Even though the man was a very good teacher, every time Nazareth made a mistake, the man he came to think of as his sensai was always on him, How in the great galaxy do you think you can take over for me if you can't get this right? You've failed, Nazareth! Failed, failed, failed...
   Nazareth suddenly found himself at the door to the office of Charles Hunt. There's a military saying that goes, "hope for the best, prepare for the worst". Nazareth only bothered to prepare for the worst. He took a breath, composed himself, knocked, then stepped inside. "Zeta-One, Chief Warrant Officer Duke reporting as requested, Sir." Nazareth said, snapping a salute.


Think of the children.....Yep they'll get shot too
Romulus moved back behind the wall when Nitro took the shot at the kid. "Damn kid you really want to get shot don't you?" Romulus goes back to his post as the kid comes by and is secured by Wall. "Hrmm it seems he wants to run but can't....... Interesting" Romulus though to himself. Romulus reached into his pack and pulls out a flashbang grenade and then smiles at Nitro. Then says aloud "Thanks for the concusion grenade Nitro this should work just fine" Romulus primed the grenade and threw the flashbang into the hallway right near where the soldier was, then ducked back behind the wall as Nitro did the same.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh God and Goddess, If he is torturing Ix, he can be brought up on charges.  Yet I am sure that this Yuki fellow is staying within the guide book's detention limits, but it is enough to torture a telepath.  *sigh* " Says Nova.

"I'm glad you trust me Loki with your friend, but can we trust Major Brown?  Somehow, he comes across as an opportunist for himself and himself only." asks Nova as watches the dream sun set behind the sand dunes.

"The night is almost done,  my sleep cycle nears its end.  Are you ready to wake up, Loki? "



*ka-click* I warned you man!  Now I'm wiggen out!

"See, the situation wasn't that complicated.  Still, I highly recommend barking out orders anyways.  It might just work."

Aaron was pretty sure he was an expert in that field at this point.
The All Purpose Fox

Paladin Sheppard

Dropship Landing Zone

Kal looked at his chrono. "Hey Ren time to swap over I've marked my patrol route for you." The wolf transmitted to his wingman.

"Copy that. Pretty quiet up here too." Came the reply.

Walking the LAM over to an rocky outcropping, Kal jumped, hitting the thrusters and changing into the Raptor's flight mode.

Reaching a hight of a kilometer Kal began flying in a figure eight over the drop point. 


Phalanx: Alpha Wing Flight Leader's office

"Zeta-One, Chief Warrant Officer Duke reporting as requested, Sir." Nazareth said, snapping a salute.

From behind his desk, Major Hunt looked up at Nazareth.  This golden eagle was a few years younger then Nazareth, and he acted it at times, but today he was very serious.

"Please have a seat Duke."  He waited for Nazareth to have a seat before continuing, "two of your fighters were damaged by enemy fire on you recent run."

A statement of fact.  Charles stood and regarded his board on the wall, it listed the postings of all the units under his command.

He turned to face Nazareth, "for this I am sorry.  Our command staff choose to trust our new allies' intelligence on this matter.  Had it been my choice, I would have sent in our own reconnaissance.  Their reports were a far bit off the mark on the readiness factor and your flight flew into the gun sights of a fully armed anti-fighter corvette.  It also appears that they have been active in the black market weapons trade and wished to conceal this fact from us.  I suppose they hoped that the hostiles were not armed with more modern weapons, but that would appear to be an erroneous assumption on their part."

He sat down again and brushed away the tuft of feathers that dangled down in front of his eyes, "in the game of politics, we have been requested to look past this and accept the apologies of the colonist's militia, but I wished to apologize personally for this.  There was little I could have done, but it is a bad leader that does not acknowledge his mistakes, even if they are made for him by his superiors."

Children are the most important things

The flash grenade goes off and illuminates the entire area in a blinding light and loud bang.  The soldier across the way is still in position, odd, but an audible curse is heard from Romulus's right in the hallway itself.

Check please...

Loki watched the sun in Nova's dream and sighed, "I suppose I must be even if I do not want to... this... pain... thing is unpleasant.  It makes my stomach feel odd, and I was so looking forward to eating all your people's food... now I have to wait."

He stood up and pantomimed a happy goodbye and took hold of the handle of a door with no wall.  He opened it and a bright white light flooded in, bringing Nova to a wakeful state.

Awww... no candy.

"Barking orders won't do any good I'm afraid.  I would think the barking should be best left up to the professionals like yourself..."  Mudd said as he gestured to Aaron.

"I'm afraid he's a fox sir,"  Benawi said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Mudd shot the other a quick annoyed glance, "I know that already."  He turned his attention back to Amanda, "please feel free to put that large cannon down, it must be getting heavy..."

"nope, I could fire this all day."  Amanda replied bluntly as she gestured menacingly with it.

Dropship Landing Zone

The dropship pilot's voice came in over the comm, "the defenses of the base have been neutralized and the Zetas are heading home, please adjust your patrol accordingly.  We may be relocating to the base if we are called in for all clear."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


You should have baught the cookies
Romulus gestured to Nitro and teh others as soon as the flashbang went off. "Move in now" Romulus entered the hallway low and fast, he fired several rounds down at where the soldier was standing. He seemed a bit put off by the swearing but quickly composed himself. He went to find the cause of the swear as he gestured towards where the soldier. He then spoke over his calm. "Keep him pinned down, I think there is someone else down here" Romulus searched for the cause of the noise with his rifle aimed but still staying low.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well, If you were a little more attach to your body, you would be hurting more, but you would learn t be more cautious.... Goddess, I know I am going to regret this, but you could stay here for a little while.. I need to speak to the Capt and see if I or we can get Yuki somehow.   

Eeee The light the light Have the Heavens open for me? because I know I have to finish something here in this universe."  screams Nova as she jumps up in her bed.  She find that she is staring into the light of a pen light scanner.  The doctor takes the light away from her eyes, and say "Are you okay, M'am?  No, the angels have not come for you yet."



Phalanx: Alpha Wing Flight Leader's office

   When Major Hunt said his statement of fact, Nazareth only blinked, nonplussed. He knew better than to interrupt a superior officer unless there was a damn good reason to do so.
   When Major Hunt started apologizing and explaining that their intelligence was incorrect, Nazareth was more than a little surprised. He was expecting to be the one giving explanations, not the Major, even though Nazareth (mostly) wasn't the one in error. He suddenly realized that he had lapsed into his old mentality, the one he had when he was still learning from the original Zeta-Group leader. During that time, he was always having to come up with explanations whenever something went wrong, even if it wasn't his fault. When Hunt said that it is a bad leader who does not admit mistakes, even if circumstances are out of his control, Nazareth only then realized that was one of the lessons he was supposed to be taught in preparation for his leadership. Too bad he was killed before he could finish instructing me... there are still many things I have yet to learn.
   Nazareth responded to Major Hunt, his deep, booming voice unintentionally filling up the whole room. Hunt should be used to this, though. "I see where the higher-ups have politics in their best interest, in the particular situation that the fleet has been in ever since we arrived in this system. I'll go with them and accept the militia's, and your, apologies as well. I wonder if I could have done something more, but what's happened has happened. We completed both our primary and secondary objectives. There were no fatalities, or even injuries for that matter, for the Zetas. And while they are the only ones I am actually responsible for, I do also hope the Ground Team is getting along as well."


It's your own fault!  The candy was yours until you started to sing.

"I do believe that she would fire it, all day long.  Just to add some excitement to the day."

Aaron walks behind Amanda to the other side of her, just to make sure that everyone got a good view of Amanda and her gun. 

"Now, what I am hearing is a whole lot of what you think you can't do.  Very well then, if you are convinced that there is not much you can do in the way of issuing orders, tell me why I should not make this day... exciting."
The All Purpose Fox


No Cookies, eat the girl scouts

The soldier does not react or is unable to react as the shots bounce of his cover.  One shot manages to hit the soldier in the arm, which causes no change in the soldier's position.  No reply fire is given from his position.

The origin of the noise is a rather dazed ferret, being used as a meat shield by a meaner looking weasel with a long rifle.  Both are obviously effected by the flash blast.

Stairway to Heaven...

The nurse smiled and put away her pen light, "you are looking much better ma'am, you will still need to rest though, wounds do not heal instantly."  Gently the nurse rolled up Nova's sleeve and carefully placed a hypogun against her arm.  It was cold, and unfortunately so was the stuff she injected.  "I'm sorry that was so cold, but the medicines need to be kept at a low temperature until they reach the body."

She then turned her attention to a careful examination of the site of injury.  After that was done she gave a longing look at Loki, "who would be so cruel as to hurt a child?  Poor thing."  She wrinkled her brow, "and a bad one too, you've opened up your wounds."

"Is that what that is..." Loki replies meekly.

Phalanx: Alpha Wing Flight Leader's office

"That is good to hear, there is no word from the ground team yet.  Since it is the same group that took out the pirate leader in our fleet action when we arrived, I would not be too worried about them.  Do you have anything your team needs?"  The Major was a bit happier having said his piece earlier.

I singz goodz

"Well, because there are treaties and conventions against such things... don't you people have a prime directive or something?"  Mudd hurriedly inquired.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


You sing like a cat with a cheese burger

"Prime directive.  Isn't that the thing from Star Trek, where people aren't supposed to interfere with developing cultures?  Dun see any developing cultures around here do you?  Unless you are hiding something from me?"
The All Purpose Fox


Why does no one every want the cookies
Romulus motioned to have Nitro and Hacker to come down the hall after he found the ferret and weasel. "Wall, keep an eye out for movement down there" Romulus disarmed the weasel with his left foot while pointing his rifle at them. Once Nitro and RC got to him. "Keep an eye on these two, let them know they can either be prisoneers or cadavors. I'm gonna go down the hall and see how our friend is at the end of the hallway" Romulus aimed his rifle to where the soldier is takeing cover and slowly moves in that direction.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Alpha Wing Flight Leader's office

   "Well, Ensign Kalmunt and his repair crews are working on our two damaged Sabers, and the other Zetas should be back sometime soon. Once they're back, we will probably all need a quick break in the mess hall, then we need to go through some training simulation on manual computer overrides. Zeta-Group should be back at combat ready status after that. I estimate twelve- to twenty-four hours, thirty-six tops accounting for unforseen delays. But I doubt that." Nazareth reported.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nurse Joy Oh boy

"Nevermind that, go back to sleep..Loki.  How are we doing?  Is Loki on the mend.?  I seem to be feeling better, but I'm still a little weak." says Nova.  "Any news from the Captain or from the fleet?  Is the alien ship Okay?"
the girl cat started hyperventilates trying to get all her question out at once, leaving her breathless.

*pant* PANT* "Okay Okay I will slow down... But I am already having cabin fever.  Do you have a good physics manual or recent "Galatic Science" magazine?" pleads Nova.



You smell of elderberries

"No no, nothing like that my good man.  How about we just surrender and leave it at that.  Bullets for that gun must be rather expensive, no need to spend unnecessarily."  Mudd replies, a tad bit nervous.

Benawi just sighed.

No one wants cookies because RJ made them

Nitro and Hacker secure the area, the ferret and the weasel.  The ferret was visibly relieved, he had been badly beat up and was barely able to stand.  He adjusted his glasses and gave the two soldiers a smile before collapsing in exhaustion.

Romulus approached the position of the other soldier, he did not seem to notice the approach.  When Romulus swung around to take the fellow by surprise, it was Romulus who was surprised.

The soldier was dressed in slightly ill-fitting body armor.  Two large hooks were drilled into a heavy pole of wood to the left of the person with one hook pushed through the soldier's side all the way through and locked into place and another through their shoulder and locked in a similar fashion. 

The legs were secured in a crouching position by triangles of wood with thick nails shoved through the back of the thigh and calf.  The nails were bent to the side to prevent them from being pulled out.  Both legs were secured in the is fashion. 

A pole of wood was placed parallel to his back, secured with barbed wire wrapped around the neck and abdomen.

The gun rests on a barrel, but its handle and front grip are nailed to the person's hands.

A closer inspection reveals that the gun is for show, a partially assembled rifle from spare parts.  It is not loaded.  this soldier appears to be female actually and is still alive.

Phalanx: Alpha Wing Flight Leader's office

"Understood, make it so.  If there is nothing else, dismissed."  He thought for a second and smiled, "despite the circumstances you and your team did well out there, precision shooting."

A klaxon sounded, the rest of the Zetas were arriving.

We love Nurse Joy

Loki looked up at Nova, in his eyes were the sparkle of youth like that of a little cub.  He nodded to Nova and snuggled back down to sleep again. 

The nurse redressed his wound and gave him a similar shot to the one she administered to Nova.  "The little one should heal, his body has not rejected to synthflesh bindings.  His blood work shows it to be much like our own, except for strange cellular bodies that seem to repair, rebuild and maintain his cells.  Almost like organic nanomachines."

She looked into Nova's eyes, "you lost a lot of blood, the wound was worse on the inside then anticipated and it damaged the main abdominal artery.  You will be here for a few days, no skipping out early.  As for reading material, there is a database on what we have in the computer... if you see something, you can request it.  We can provide a physical copy or you can download one to your unit here."

The nurse indicates the laptop unit next to her bed.

"I must be off, please be good and drink your breakfast."  The nurse puts out a glass of mixed fruit juices and supplements.  There is one for Loki too when he wakes.     
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus seemed allittle taken aback but what he see's. He quickly scans the area with his rifle to check for anyone else who would be attacking. "What the fick. Oh man I tell ya this day just keeps getting better and better" He leaned down to get a better look at the soldier."Damn now this is seriously screwed up" He then clicked on his com "RC get on the radio, let them know we need another bus down here. Make sure it's got a medical team standing by. This soldier is in bad shape. Also need some MPs to take those two and the boy back to the ship" Romulus then looked up."Please tell me that boy is still around, that someone has an eye on him" He then addressed Ben and the Major using his com "How are things going on your end? We've got some prisoners here and looks like one of them is in dier need of medical attention"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Hack the Planet! or the galaxy

*sign* " If I can't have a steak, Can I get a protein drink?" ask Nova to the nurse but she seems not hear her.... She finishes her "Fruity Plus" and logins to the computer terminal.  She checks the standard the network for the ship and then the fleet internet.   

mmmm let's see what version the operating server system is in place.?     oh that one

What about ani-virus and the security system version..?  damn they upgraded just yesterday.   maybe

"Starsong, this is a warning, another step, you will be alerting the security IT systems........Nobody" flashes a text message across on her screen for three seconds.  It disappears and then she couldn't get it back.   

Nova lays back and closes her eyes in thought, Nobody, so he is here too.  I have not run into him/her in months  He was good too good, I never met him in person, but there was another security breach some six months that cause a major system crash on the Mobo Sky Elevator, before I left, but the authority never caught who.  But Nobody, who was always just a shadow on the nets went further underground.  I had ran into him on the Net once a few months ago after the accident.  He didn't stay on-line with me long.  He said he was innocence of the accident.  He was cautious but not worried about me. he disappeared for good after that.  And I started to stay away from the really scary part of the nets.  I've only heard rumours of him after that but they were no more than myths or stories months old.

Nova goes to the web library of the ship and checks out the recent fusion power white papers.  She starts her catchup reading.



You are most certainly not French
Aaron's com came to life and he replied to its magic words.
"The Major here, we have breached the controll room and are having a lovely tea party with our new prisoners, that I only recently decided not to shoot.  It sounds like you have had a wild party your selves over there.  Any more guests that need to be cleared out or have you gotten them all?"
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Alpha Wing Flight Leader's office

   "Thank you, Sir." Nazareth said, standing up. When the signaling klaxon sounded, Nazareth asked before heading out the door, "Will a formal group debrief with you and all the Zetas be neccessary? Or should I just go talk to them and get on with our tasks?"


"Oh yeah we where having a blast" Romulus was staring at the female soldier trying to figure out how to help her out while talking on his com. "Well we have a few people that will be coming back with us. Some kid we found sweeping, a beat up ferret, a rather nasty weasel that will have a headache for a while and a female that is like strapped in to armor that don't fit right. Plus she isn't doing to hot. I've had RC radio for a bus with medical staff. We'll try and get her stabilized before they show up" Romulus look around a bit and said very loudly "If we find anyone else hiding in here I may just shoot them and be done with it" Romulus winked at Nitro as he said the last bit.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Wrap up cop out

The ship retrieval turned pirate firefight turned pirate base pacification mission would later in ISF military history be considered an oddity of the highest order.  The mission would be used in training simulations to illustrate the dynamic, changing battlefield and the flexibility of ISF personnel.

The major, Special forces and their prisoners were relieved by a marine platoon which cleaned up the remaining pirates and secured the base for militia forces to take possession of.

For unexplainable reasons, Harold Renton Mudd and the one he calls Benawi, disappeared.  The mission personnel assume they escaped, but the likelihood is very low of that, yet somehow it happened. 

The medevac of yet another person came as no surprise to the corpsman, this 'soldier' was a decoy, cruelly placed by the deadly weasel sniper, this female cheetah was no soldier per se, but an abused computer technician in service to the militia and pirates. 

The real surprise of the mission was in the death of Valynth Cernial, Romulus's second in command.  The final report of the situation left an odd feeling lingering with Romulus and the rest of the special forces team, as the deadly sniper responsible was incapacitated without a fight and the deadly closure needed in the great annals of conflict was cheated.  Worse was the fact that the weasel was defeated by a large blast of shiny.  Valynth was given a burial on planet. 

With one fatality and only two wounded, the mission was considered tactically to be a huge success.  Commendations were awarded to all who participated.  What is to be done with the prisoners, remains to be seen.

The Zetas receive a standard debriefing and are taken out of the patrol rotation temporarily due to the fighter repair work.  They receive a bit of rest and relaxation before the scheduled override system training.

As for Nova and Loki, well they are where they still are, in bed.

Mission Debriefing: Present - Romulus and his team, Ben and his team, Major Brown, Senior Chief Wilcox, Major Shannon and Colonel Nexx.

Colonel Nexx stood at the front of the debriefing room, he had reviewed the reports and focused his attention on Major Brown and Romulus, "could you gentlemen go over the reports for Major Shannon and myself?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well, first there were the dinosaurs...

"Well, the executive summary of the incident goes like this.  Lt. Nova, Loki, and I landed on the planet, looking for Loki's ship.  Then we were shot at.  Then we shot back.  Then a lot of men with big military hardware came in and shot at the priates for us.  Then we went to the pirate base and shot at them there."  There was a lot of shooting in that plan.  Things seem to go that way a lot these days.

"If you have any questions about a specific part of the incident I would be glad to answer them."
The All Purpose Fox


Oh boy briefings
"My team and I where on shipside dealing with some new recruits when we reseaved the order to head planetside to assist the the Major and the doctor. When we showed up the Doctor had just about gotten herself and Loki killed, doing what I don't know. We had a firefight with what pirates where there. We had supported by two LAMs. Once the fighting was done, I found out that the major had appearantly gotten himself a friend. Once we found out that there was a pirate base on the planet we decided to take a look and see what we could find" Romulus continues to explain what happened on the mission from his point of view. Once finished he asked "So what are the plans with the three my team picked up? I don't care to much about the sniper other than I would like to put a bullet in the back of his skull, but the other two have me interested. Both where being used so I hope nothing bad will happen to them. Also are we able to return that boy home or does he not have a home?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Briefing room

Colonel Nexx nodded sagely at Major Brown's explanation, "I see, you wouldn't happen to want to go into more detail would you?"

However, Major Shannon was taking special note of Romulus's explanations, "The ones you have brought back are being screened and processed just like Major Brown's new friend.  The same will be done for the injured female fox he had evacuated to medical.  The sniper is being held pending a determination of his status.  He will either be tried for murder or held as a POW.  The child..."

"Is a mystery at this time."  stated Colonel Nexx after having given up at looking cross at Major Brown, "the boy claims that Mudd picked him up on Rigel XII, but there are no known colonies in that distant system."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Inquasition here we go
Romulus remained silent while the Colonel and Major spoke. He nodded his head when he heard what will be done with the sniper. He raised an eyebrow when they mentioned the boy being a mystery. Romulus spoke up when the others where finished "So do they think he is an alien like Loki, sirs?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Inquisition, what a show!

Aaron was kind of glad to not have the attention briefly.  Details were very boring and often over looked when it came to matters of almost dieing in a fire fight.  He was also pretty sure that all the details was written down in the report, he was just hoping that he would not be asked to elaborate on parts.  Still, it was not in Aaron's nature for him to not get a word in, especially if the subject distracts from what he was saying.

"Or, it could be that the kid is lying?  Kids do that you know."
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Hallway Outside of the Briefing Room

"I mean, they didn't even tell us there was a ground engagement! We could have helped! I've been cooped up in this damned ship for way too long! I mean, my fur is starting to lose its color from freakin' lack of sun exposure!" A clearly annoyed, female voice echoed down the halls of the Phalanx as its source, a well-built, attractive Grey Wolf in a standard Mecha Jumpsuit, ranted about her most recent subject.

"It's in the past, there's no point in worrying about it any longer." Came the calm reply of the Cross Fox standing beside her. He also wore a Mecha Jumpsuit, although it was colored differently to show his officer status. On his other side was a male Siberian Husky, also wearing a jumpsuit, who grunted as the door to the briefing room slid open.

"Now, stop complaining." the Cross Fox whispered to his subordinate before the three snapped a salute at the CO. "Shadow-Squad reporting for briefing as ordered, Sir."


Phalanx: Briefing room

Nexx considered Romulus's remark, "it is unlikely that the badger child is an alien."  Nexx indicated Major Brown as he continued, "he is likely right though, the child could be lying. 

Shannon was about to comment, but Nexx waived it off, "this is not as important as our primary concern, the alien Loki, the ship called Mother and picking up control of Ixiah from Major Kanzoria and ISIS.  Securing Ixiah will be important for our operation here and shall need to be handled immediately.  All major repairs to the fleet are completed and we will need to move to the first Primary objective, examining a suspected alien outpost in the Linari Sector."

As the ISIS mecha pilots entered, Colonel Nexx was surprised, "lieutenant, this briefing is not for you, this is the one for the recent ground operation.

Phalanx: Hospital recovery

The nurse severely scolded Loki as he bounded about the physical therapy area.  Leaving Nova in her hoverchair for the moment to restrain the child before he hurt himself again, she narrowly managed to grab him.

After being confined to bed rest, a bit of an outing was welcome on the hoverchair.  Loki was over anxious to be moving on his own, and rarely kept to a chair.  Despite this he seemed to heal fast.

Trapped in the care of medical, Nova was likely desperate to get back to work.

Phalanx: Hanger Ops

The Phalanx's Airboss, Commander Zackary Rinade, was conferring with Major Charles Hunt.  Major hunt motioned  Nazareth over.

"Duke, I was just discussing your team's fighters with the airboss.  I would like you to head to the operational briefing room and report to Colonel Nexx.  I shall be placing your team at the disposal of the Colonel and Major Shannon for combat air support of special operations."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hanger Ops

   "Acknowledged." Nazareth said, giving a crisp salute. He immediately departed the Hangar Ops room and headed down the winding corridors of the ship.
   Soon he was at the doors of the room Major Hunt sent him to. Nazareth checked the comm-panel logs on the side of the door, and noticed that there was a debriefing in progress. The giant Komodo Dragon simply stood as still and patiently statue just outside the door.