The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Command Center

Ixiah shrugs, spreading his hands wide in front of him, "your guess is as good as mine, but we really have no way of understanding what the IoYu'IouOiyou'iuIy really do or think.  They are beyond this universe, so what the Acadian's have seen of them is just what we expect, not what they are and they are happy to play to our preconceptions.  They do not have a control of the universe as you have asked, nor do those of the void have such a grasp on the 'non-universe'.  They are just what they are and yet not at all what we think they are."

Mother regarded the station Nova asked about and nodded in acquiescence to her request, "yes child, it will serve as your interface as you desire."


Saioko gave Aaron a very frightened look, almost as if he had drawn a knife and plunged it into her own chest, "let Acadian's into my mind?  I... I... have so much secret ISF information and... like secret stuff... there is no way an alien, no matter how friendly, should be privy to the security of our military!"

A yellow vixen with speckles upon her muzzle sat down next to Aaron, seemingly out of no where, "aye, in some ways you are both right.  Our analysis of the the base's sensors... the one on the other side of the planet from the outpost... shows that its systems are only effective planet-wide at above 762 meters.  Their sensing capabilities for sea-level to 762 meters is blocked by certain geologic features, hence one of the functions of that outpost is to expand coverage.  That means fighter can be deployed as close air support from ground or below this ceiling as soon as the outpost is taken out."

Rebecka gave the other three an innocent expression, "Alexis and Mother are otherwise busy and Cynthia is a medical type, so they sent an engineer to convey the information."       

Slightly distressed by the sudden appearance of the golden vixen, Saioko wondered why she did not sense her presence, she stifled the quizzical look, but Rebecka had already caught it and smiled wickedly.

The lass cannot sense us if we travel by the grid.  Rebecka sent to Mother and the other Acadians, Aaron might also pick up on it.

Saioko nodded, slightly relieved at Knight's presence, "yes that would be good."  Turning to Aaron as she rose, she nodded pleasantly, "by your leave major."  She exited with Knight at her side.

When they were out of earshot, she spoke in a low voice, "The major wants me to open up to the Acadians, let my guard down and be more open.  I can't be sure I'd be able to maintain this facade under those circumstances."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Aaron looked a bit hurt.  He had no idea she would react so negatively.
"It was only a suggestion, I'm sorry if it caused you such distress."
He nods as Saioko says 'by your leave'.

At least there seems to be a fully worked plan now.  Drop off the special forces, land, launch fighters with a strict 762 meter ceiling after the communications bit is taken out to end the conflict quickly.

Aaron sent a message to Mother, I'm guessing you picked up on my exchange with Saioko.  What do you think?  Genius with pisonic talent?  I'm really having a hard time envisioning her as anything sinister.
The All Purpose Fox


Outside Galley

Knight smiled and did his best to try and calm Saioko down.  Wrapping an armor clad arm around her shoulder he said, "look, your in the R&D department, and you've got a right to maintain secrecy... furthermore, it would be an act of treason, unless official clearance is given from the highest levels of the chain of command... it's just an excuse, but it should buy you some time, and that's all you really need... chances are, once we meet up with the fleet, you'll be spirited away to some R&D lab, and i'll be assigned to another LAM squadron... for now though, just try and relax, and focus on other things..."

he brought his hand around and ruffled her hair affectionately "hopefully his focus shifts to the mission that's going to start shortly, and his attention stays there while we're on the ground... after that, who knows what the plan is from there..." 

he paused as a much more serious look crept into his face, "speaking of which, i want you to be extremely careful while i'm away, no unnecessary risks, stay near the security force... and just keep safe."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

The Command Center

Sitting down at her station, Nova pulls up the scans and charts all local traffic and orbits.  "Ixiah, Have alittle faith,  the IoYu'IouOiyou'iuIy have some feelings towards us lesser races.  We aren't just game pieces to them.  they just see a bigger picture than just our universe" says the cat girl.

"Captain Loki, Mother.... We are entering the inner system space and in planetary shadows and out of scanner range.  I'm monitoring ships movements and local coms.  Any farther order?" ask Nova.  The kitten Mara bats at the moving dots on the Nova's screen.




In his mind, Mother spoke to Aaron, yes young one, it is rather obvious that whatever she may be, it is not malicious or adversarial.  I can't help but think that she is not unlike myself in some fashion... perhaps a very advanced organic computer?

As an interesting distraction, a casually dressed vixen drifted in and took a seat next to Aaron, "good 'eve ta you, er day... mornin?  I canna keep track a' time in 'ere without the sun inna sky."  It was not frequently that Marissa left the room, but today seemed to be an exception, "workin in space all this time anna ya think I'd be 'sed to it?"


Saioko sighed and nodded, "you are right, but I'm not sure I want to go back... freedom is a strange thing once you get used to it.  I'm not sure I could take being plugged back into a ship or a research cluster."

Command Center

Ixiah shrugged, "they may care... but why do you care so much about them, you've never met them.  We have."

Mother smiled at Nova, "at ease little cat, we haven't gone anywhere yet.  We are just arriving at our first destination point... now."

The ship arrived at its destination point after a quick 25 minutes of travel covering 6,000,000,000 km.  A fast ship to say the least.  With little ceremony or discussion, Mother began closing the distance to the third planet.

Mother pointed to her daughter, the vixen Alexis, who nodded, "condition yellow, all personnel secure to general quarters.  Major to the bridge please."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Knight nodded in understanding, although hard to visualize, he imaged that her newfound freedom was something that Saioko valued greatly... He walked over and did his best to offer some support, placing a hand on her shoulder, he gave her a gentle smile, which turned into a bit of a smirk as an amusing thought crossed his mind. "Your newfound love of freedom wouldn't happen to be attached to a certain spotted feline you happen to share a room with now would it?"  His eyes sparkled, and he hoped she knew he was teasing. 

After a second, he continued, keeping his tone cheerful, but less playful, "I'm sure you'll have the ability to pull some strings to get what you want, someone with your value to ISIS isn't something that they'd play around with.  Especially if something they did would upset you.  Remember, they need you, not the other way around, and because of that, your in a position to make some requests."

The spotted feline was still thinking about how best to help Saioko when the announcement sounded that they we're approaching the planet.  Giving her a soft squeeze, he smiled, and said, "looks like I gotta run, if i don't get a chance to see you before i drop, i'll catch you at matron.  You be careful, i still see keeping you safe as a top priority."

With that taken care of, Knight bolted towards the drop pod area at what would be considered a very fast jog.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Aaron replied to mother, An organic computer?  From the ISF?  Interesting theory, we'll see how it works out.

Marissa drops in and talks with Aaron, "Ah, good to see you Marissa.  I usually just say 'good morning' all the time.  Much simpler then trying to keep track of the time.  Even on planets with a day ball.  And it looks like you have been talking with Rebecca too."

Aaron smile and sipped his tea before continuing, "Still, it is good to see you up and about.  Quite the recovery you made.  We should be at the planet soon..."

It was this point that Alexis's broadcast made itself known, "condition yellow, all personnel secure to general quarters.  Major to the bridge please."

"It seems as though I am summoned to the bridge.  If you feel well you may join me."

Aaron gets up and makes the brief walk to the bridge.  The bridge looked suspiciously similar to when he last left it, save for the extra Ixiah and Loki.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Command Center

Nova shakes her head, "Ixiah I am not sure why?  It is just my faith... a guess... Someone has to be look out for us, or the universe would have imploded long ago." says the catcat as she turns back to her console...

"Mother, The pirate fleet is gathering into a formation, but their heading out of system.  Liking a raiding squadron, they heading away from us.  That leaves fourth planet has with only two cruisers in space, a small station and the spaceport on planet on scanners." Nova reports as Aaron enters.



Drop pod area
Romulus looked up when the announcement was made. He looked over at Mother's mechical soldiers.
"Looks like the party is about to kick off"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Saioko blushed at Knight's tease, and shook her head in a slightly childish manner trying to hide her reaction, "nuh uh, you're a silly fuzz head."  She stuck her tongue out at him.  Of course, she was teasing as well.

She became serious as he spoke of her value, "if that were so, I'd have nothing to fear, but I am property... not viewed as a lifeform.  Only Dr. Washu... and you have ever treated me as something other than a computer after knowing what I was."

As Knight gave her his little good bye, Saioko briefly attempted to make it more then a brief squeeze, but the moment passed and she turned slightly away.  In an earnest and concerned voice she called after him as he dashed off, "be careful!"  and in a small voice she added, "please..."

Turning to face the other direction, Captain Natsume headed for the bridge.

Command Center

Marissa did indeed accompany Aaron to the bridge, despite being rather energetic, she still limped a bit and her left hand drifted subconsciously to the area of her injury and held it there.  Still she kept up without any complaints and only a minor amount of pain could be sensed from her, an annoying dull ache. 

"Are ya gonna need my expertise in yer investigation?"  She asked. 

Mother nods to Nova, "that is good.  Naz, could you please take us in and establish a geosynchronous orbit over Matron's crash site.  We can launch the team towards the pirate outpost from there and Matron's presence will make ours more difficult to detect when we drop the pods."

Drop Pod Area

All the teams assemble in their designated areas. 

The mechanical soldiers do not respond, except for the one he had spoken to before.  It merely nods.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Drop Pod Area
Romulus looked at the soldiers.
"Alright gents we're about to make land fall. Remember why we're here. Keep your heads about you and  your wits sharp. I want to see everyone back onboard after this misson"
Romulus looks over at the mechanical soldiers.
"That goes for you guys too. I don't need Alexis comeing after me cause none of her boys came back. That and I hate losing soldiers on missions"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Drop Pod Area
(OOC slight language warning)

After Rom went through his pep speech, knight used a console to bring up the ops-plan 1 last time.  He gave a breifing, pointed out obvious points, and then went and devided up the squad into alpha and delta teams.  Once the pre-mission organization work was finished, the feline felt he should give his own little speech.  It was short and to the point.  "We're only a few minutes away from drop, so i know most of you are feeling a little nervous.  Just remember your training, watch out for the men next to you and wee'll all make it home.  We're not the marines, we're not sailors, we are the ISF, tip of the fucking spear.
I'm not going to micro manage you, we're all professionals here and I expect you to know how to do your job.  We hit fast, hit hard, and leave policing the area up to mothers bots.  If there are no more questions, lets lock and load, then lets get this party started"

Knight waited for questions then retrieved a pulse laser rifle from a weapons locker and headed for his pod.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

Monitoring the Pirate Fleet movements, Nova asks " The out going pirate fleet will not detect Mother, but shouldn't we hold the fighters and the troop pod until they jump?  The pirates will be at their jump point in 10 minutes, but their commander is cursing a blue streak at two idiot captains for being slow and out of formation.  They may be another 20 minutes or 2 hours, before they can get it together and jump out."

"At the two hour mark, the geosynchronous orbit order over Matron will be behind the planet's shadow from the fourth planet's station and the jump point.  Or we could just enter the atmosphere and drop the pod.   At this range the fleet's scans will find it hard to detect anything in atmosphere over Matron."Says Nova  She looks to Mara the kitten, who had be watches the ship flight path. The kitten purrs and rubs the catgirl's paw as they get closer. Mara turns to look over everyone in the command center.  

Mara sends "Matron awaits.  mwaha" creepily to the room.... "Knock it off, Mara" whispers Nova.


Command Center

Aaron nods to Marissa, "That is my plan at least.  The current order of events is that we go to the planet, the step we are on now, then a listening outpost that has a very real chance of picking is up will be suppressed.  Then after that we head to Matron to investigate.  We're hoping to find two aliens, Xaos and Ghea.  I'm not quite sure what Romulus and Knight will do after they hit the outpost, I have to know how the outpost suppression goes.  That is the one part of the plan I'm not thrilled with.  I'm hoping to put you with Loki, Nova, and Saioko investigating the ship itself then Ixiah and I with Richard checking for the alphas.  Maybe then I'll get a few more answers about what I am."
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center.

   "Affirmative." Nazareth replied at Mother's request. Nazareth brought up the location the the crash site and homed in on it, bring the ship around until they were directly over the site.
   Nazareth opened up the inter-ship communication, speaking to his squad. "Zetas, prepare fighters for imminent combat run. Any of us may need you out there in a second's notice."


Drop Pod Area
While the others where loading into their drop pods Romulus leaned close to Knight.
"Umm that was a nice speech and all but Special Forces is more the knife in the back they didn't see coming than the tip of the spear. That's more Army Infantry and yes the Marines. We usually have to clean up their messes. Just remember though anyone can start a fight, we finish them"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Drop Pod Area

Knight nodded and smirked, "well, i can't help it that your analogy isn't nearly as romantic as my own... besides, we do this right, and it won't be a fight.  The word 'fight' generally implies both sides are aware of hostilities... by the time they realize something hostile is nearby, we'll be in amongst them and in control of communications... once we've got control of that building, we call in the fly boys, and anyone stupid enough not to surrender gets cooked."

The feline sat on a bench for a few minutes, getting himself into a zen-like state as he cleared his mind and willed the building stress away, allowing him to focus on making all the last minute preparations.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Orbit over Matron

The ship arrived in orbit after a few hours of careful travel, in that time all responsible parties secured their stations and stood at the ready.  The sensor coverages from scanning stations and the planet they were approaching were reasonably overlapped, but the sophistication of Mother prevented them from detecting her on approach.  They achieved orbit and moments later the geosynchronous position they needed.

"We are in position Major Brown and are beginning sequence to drop.  We will not be securing to battle stations at this time, unless you rather we do so?"

Alexis acknowledged some unseen signal and announced over the 1MC, "we are now in position, secure all pods and CUs prepare for atmospheric insertion.  Dropping in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... drop!"

Panels normally flush with the underside of the ship slide away to reveal channels for drop pods and the CUs.  In succession, each pod and a CU are fired from their ports to descend to the planet's surface at the selected LZ.

Ben's team hits the ground first.  Each pod making a clean landing and deploying his team effortlessly.  Well practiced by this point, the team deploys and secures the area as the first CUs hit the ground.  Each is in a configuration similar to the drop pods, but instead of deploying anything, they each transform into a combat robot.  these are not the bulking, hulking weapons platforms the ISF has been starting to field, but elegant and deceptively heavily armed robot canids.  Each looks to be highly agile and capable.

As these robots fan out, Romulus's team hits the LZ and deploys, followed by the second wave of CUs.

On the ground, the terrain is temperate and reasonably forested.  The LZ itself is a clearing amid the forest that leads out to the plains and the outpost itself.  Access to the hills that rim one end of the base is also from the forested area.  Those low hills, where the snipers will take up position, are also forested.

Having approached from an "L" pattern to avoid visual sighting of the dropping troops, they were reasonably sure that they still remained undetected.  The team still had 2 klicks to cover before they could be in position and due to planetary rotation, they had a mere 15 hours before Matron's position would face the fourth planet.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Planet side
Romulus moved to his sniper perch without saying anything.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Command Center

Aaron shrugged, "It seems reasonable to go to combat stations.  My main concern is making sure that we can extract our ground troops in case something goes wrong.  I must confess that this is not exactly my area of expertise."
The All Purpose Fox



Knight landed with the second team, and immediately got into his planned position.  He sent a quick message over the command net "minimum radio chatter, and rules of engagement are based on your own discretion... just remember the quieter we do this, the less chance we have of waking this base up before our air cover gets here."

The feline double-checked the safety on his rifle, and the same for his pistol.  He tested his reflexes on the planets surface, and found himself feeling slightly lighter than he had on mother... he wondered if it was mental, or just lower gravity.  As he toyed with the thoughts in his head, the young lieutenant realized his thoughts were drifting and gave himself a mental rebuke for the lapse.  He readied himself mentally, activated his camouflage, then disappeared into the woods, moving like a shadow, and making almost no sound.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Command Center

Aaron remembered that Naz was not present during the discussion with Rebecka.

"Naz, be advised that the analysis of the base sensors indicate that the sensors extend planet wide at a distance of 762 meters above sea level, hence one of the purposes of the outpost  is to cover this gap made by natural terrain features.   We should navigate to the surface so that, once the outpost is gone, fighters can be launched with a strict 762 meter ceiling."
The All Purpose Fox


On the ground

"Roger."  Came the single reply over the comm systems as Ben acknowledged Knight's directives.

Ben assembled his team near wordlessly.  Alex, the coyote sergeant and Ben's second, followed Romulus up the trail to the hill positions.  Harold, Jaice, Rino and Cyndi, along with Wall, Nitro, Hacker and RC make up all those assembled in the main LZ. 

Knight and the entire special forces group make it to their final assembly point.  From here they would penetrate the base.  It was late in the day, darkness was beginning to show signs of appearing.  Ten hours remained.

Ben moved up next to Knight, "it may be wise for us to wait till dark."

Command Center

Mother nodded and Alexis carried out the command, "battle stations, battle stations, this is not a drill.  All personnel secure to Red alert."

Marissa decided to tease Aaron, "oh sir, I do not have a station to secure to... "  She brushed him with her tail as she moved around behind him to come to attention at Aaron's right.

A small window appeared in front of the male fox's face and the image resolved to that of a purple vixen, "damn it Aaron, I'm a doctor not a soldier... just what am I supposed to do during an alert?"

To top off the entire situation, both teen foxes looked especially mischievous for some reason.  There was nothing obviously out of the ordinary, but they just had to be responsible for something.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Knight crouched down and nodded, "lets rest here for an hour, or until the sun has completely set, which ever happens first.  Once it's dark, we're hitting this base hard and fast.  We're only going to have 8 hours of air cover with that plan... but that shouldn't be a problem.  The real question, once this site is secured, who's staying here, and who's moving on to matron?"  The feline was looking intently at Ben, and was genuinely interested in his input.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

Command Center

"Mmmm Medical should preparing for the wounded, you silly vixen.  But, I, myself, have been at my battlestation ...this station for the last 2 hours.  I don't know what else I would be doing during a raid. " the catgirl pipe in.  "Engineer, please report status of shields, weapons systems and all other systems in the command center.   Fighter Pilots report when ready and standby"

Scanning the planetary system for any threats, and checking Comms. Nova reports, "All space communications are quiet, Captain... The ground base seem to be still unaware of our ground forces. All pirate traffic has clear the system, or on and around the fourth planet".

  Nova also checks to the local system computer network, and easily finds the pirate's internet.   Okay, a little Mara, lets see how far we can get into the security systems on the pirate base here.    Nova find a user name PirateKing okay and the password? wonders Nova as she puts her hacking skills to the test.  "Meow" says Mara.



Command Center

Aaron sighed, forehead in his hand.  Not only did Ixiah and Loki appear to stage this little show, but... well... never mind.  And Marissa was quite the tease.  It almost makes Aaron regret that he decided that he wasn't going to... impose on her like he apparently is allowed to. 

"Cynthia, you may do as you please.  I must also say that, while I normally appreciate little pranks like this, our friends are on the planet surface.  A bit more seriousness would be appreciated."

Aaron now sees that he may have to put some more effort into making sure that his friendship with the little Acadians does not interfere with duty.  Not an easy task on his part.
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

   Nazareth got Aaron's warning about the flight ceiling for the fighters. He replied with a usual curt "Acknowledged, sir." as he relayed the information to the Zetas.
   He then turned back to Aaron. "And what are my immediate orders during this operation? I was only part of the planning to get us here."


"We need to land Mother near Matron.  I believe that Mother has selected the best landing spot, you should have access to the precise location in the computer."
The All Purpose Fox


Near the Base

Ben scratched his chin, "my team and the bots can hold this area once we clear it.  You and Romulus should head to Matron.  Looks like its time."

Ben turned to Mother's robots, "lads, stay here.  Once we secure the area then you can move in and police the perimeter and structures.  Keep on our comm frequency and follow our orders, if we don't say lethal force, than stun and subdue."

The bot that appeared to be the leader nodded and the team converted to rest state.

With a signal, the team began to move forward.

The compound was fenced, a light wire mesh that did not register as electrified.  Each of the four corners of the entire perimeter there was a canopied tower which held searchlights and generally a pair of guards.  The fence line showed no spots of electromagnetic concentrations at or leading up to it.  This meant that there were no cameras or other observation devices.  Those stationed there seemed very lax on perimeter security as only a pair of soldiers walked the whole fence on the inside.  The base interior was poorly lit on the exterior, but those areas, especially the command center itself, that sat close to the landing field were bathed in light from it.

The primary entrance sat on the opposite end from where they were approaching and the airfield was to the right, counter-clockwise.  The landing field was not fenced, but it was heavily lit.  Something that looked like a light transport aircraft touched down and began taxing to the hanger areas.   

Sniper position

Both Romulus and Alex noticed a lone scout who had literally stumbled upon Knight and Ben's group by outrageous fortune (and remained unseen), trying to make his or her way around the perimeter and to the landing field.  It was a feline of some undetermined breed and by way of body movements, it was likely female.

Closer examination by scope shows she is unarmed, but is fumbling for her radio.  Why she did not think to use it until now is anyone's guess.   

Command Center

Ixiah's ears drooped off to the sides, "we didn't do anything!  Loki and I just had a peak at the crash site and found something very... fun.  If you think we would be so flippant with the lives of friends..."  The blue fox looked about to cry.

Loki sighed, "really now Aaron, you should not be so suspicious, Mother is here after all."

Mother did indeed have a landing spot in mind and brought it up on screen for all to see.  Cynthia merely nodded and the screen disappeared.

As for the pirate internet, the systems did have a rather well designed security schema in place and it is very difficult to get by.  To Nova's disappointment, there is no such username.  Everything is rather well organized and corporate.  Each user has a "first.last" format and it is difficult to discover who is who.  It is obvious who controls the network as they all have ".adm" after their username.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Sniper position
Romulus quietly spoke over his radio.
"A pirate scout has been spotted near the landing area. It appears to be a female feline, she is unarmed but trying to get her radio. She is west south west  in the woods. She clearly has been caught off guard. I'll try to take out her radio. When found take her hostage and try not to kill her"
Romulus aimed at the radio and waited till he could get a clean shoot at it and tried to take it out. (I've seen snipers shoot guns out of people's hands before so I'm aiming for a trick like that)
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.