Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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Gabi pondered Gareeku's words.

"The 'Devil's Path' is the only way to get to the temple?... It sounds rather ironic. How did that come to be so?... Could it be some kind of test? And is it really the only way?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Jay moaned as soon as he heard the name.  "Devil's Path?  Oh Gods.  I hope Arcalane is as good at stealth as he is with a gun, otherwise we'll just have to follow the trail of dead bandits." he shuddered, a sudden and horrible recollection of when he was younger and more like Arc himself.

Just then an even nastier thought occurred to him, but he didn't voice it out loud.  He would just have to try and ensure that Ephrael kept with the group at all times, in case Arc mistook the newcomer for a bandit too and rendered all Gabi's healing irrelevant.  Well, in the worst case... he thought and reached for one of the jewels he always kept around his neck.. only to find they were gone.  He'd left them in SAIA to repair the chain.

Aah! he thought, and leaving Gabi and Gareeku to discuss the origins of the trail, hastily scrabbled around for a suitable piece of flint, sharpened his claws and began carving it into something resembling the pendants he usually wore.

"How many of us are able to cast invisibility magic?" he asked, looking up briefly from his carving.  "I have usually found it better to avoid a conflict altogether than to try and win it."

As he tried to take stock of the spell-capable members of the party, he suddenly noticed something, almost dropping the piece of crystal.  "Where the hell is Xze?" he asked.  "Did she wander off in the night or something?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Anzimani's eyes widened as she jumped down from her tree branch. "If she got kidnapped like the others..." That would mean that someone not only knew where they were, but that they were skilled enough to kidnap a member of their party almost silently.
Her eyes still worried-looking, she answered Jay. "I can keep us invisible while we're stationary, but I'm afraid I'm useless on the road. I use energy to distort the air, but it needs to be anchored in at least five places. Unless we had objects programmed to follow beside us..." She paused a moment and thought. "If someone has the power to animate objects, I think my magic could be combined with theirs..." She pulled a small notebook out of her pack and scribbled a few notes before slipping it back in, recording her thoughts for later study.
"But I'm fairly sure it would be less complicated for someone else."


Blaze scratched the back of his head, having never really heard of the path before, but not quite liking the sounds of it either. He turned to Anzimani after she discussed her idea.

"Can't say I'm very good for illusion magic," he admitted with a shrug. "I could help support you with some pure magic for energy if you need it though."


"I've never tried an invisibility spell myself," Gabi admitted. "Not like this, I mean. I could try, but I'm not sure I'd achieve anything. Though I could float around a few light objects, if that helps."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Paladin Sheppard

Looking nervously around the group Eph spoke up, "umm why don't we just pay the toll?" 

Being a being with no magical ability Ephrael tended to think in a fairly strait forward and mundane way.


"That depends," said Jay, looking up.  "I haven't been here before, I've only heard a few rumours.  If the region is controlled by one single bandit group then yes, we might just be able to pay them off and be left alone.   If it's populated by several different groups all demanding money like trick-or-treaters, it could get very expensive, very quickly.  And don't forget, we'll most likely have to pay a tribute to the Oracles as well."

He had finished carving now, and had in his pocket three 'jewels' made from flint.  Polycrystalline rock wasn't the best material for what he jokingly referred to as 'last aid', but it would do at a pinch.  I just hope it isn't necessary, he thought.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Gabi thought for a moment.
"I don't think They'd call it Devil's Path because of toll collectors," she reckoned, at the same time as Jay spoke. "If it were just that, and the toll was not insanely high, we could just pay it, but odds are things will be a lot more complicated than that."

She then looked at Jay and tried to relpay his words in her mind.

"What he said," she concluded.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Hearing that no one knew illusion magic, Gareeku frowned slightly.
"Hmmmm, I hate to admit it, but we'll need Arc for this...I've got a feeling he'll be quite effective..." The wolf said, before rising to his feet, Li now perched on his shoulder. Damn...this could be difficult... Gareeku thought to himself.
"Gareeku...we'll be ok, won't we?" Li asked, her face displaying a mixture of concern and slight fear.
"We'll be fine, Li. Don't worry about it." Gareeku replied with a reassuring smile.


"'Quite effective?'" said Jay, alarmed.  "What do you have in mind?  If the soldiers of the realm are unable to flush the bandits from this place, there's no way that six travellers can take them on.  How many of us are even armed?  We'll have to use a stealth approach, surely!"

Jay looked away briefly, the prospect of yet more deaths to his already-tarnished name filling him with horror.  If only Paladin was here, he thought to himself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hearing Jay's comments, Gareeku sighed.
"Listen Jay, I know you're thinking about the group, but its starting to get old," Gareeku growled, his annoyance and short temper beginning to show through, "I do know what i'm doing. The soldiers of the realm couldn't give a crap about what goes on in the "Devil's Path". That's why they're "unable" to flush the bandits out."


Jay bit his lip, stifling his intended reply.  Careful.. don't blow your only chance to rescue Petter, he thought.

But Gareeku said that he's dying.  What if he weakens during a battle?  Heck, even the mere knowledge that he's dying will put him at a disadvantage. 

A dark corner in the back of his mind took pleasure at the notion of bringing a slain Gareeku's soul back home in his pocket, but he clamped down hard on it.  Listening to that voice had caused wars and brought terror to millions.

"What about Li, then?" he asked.  "Can't we just warp to the border with the temple?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

"Who's Li?" Ephrael said, rather confused about what this 'warp' thing was.

((OOC: Eph hasn't seen Li yet not a warp aci for that matter :3))


"Li would be his Warp-Aci," explained Blaze shortly, feeling her confusion. "To put it simply, Warp-Aci are creatures that allow instantaneous travel from one place to another without having to physically walk there."

The squirrel glanced down at her.

"Does that make sense?"


Gabi hadn't considered the possibility so far, because she had little to no experience with Warp Aci (she'd met Li before, but their interaction had been limited) and she'd assumed the Cubi knew better than she did about their powers and limitations. Now that Jay had brought it up, she was beginning to wonder whether it was possible or not.

"Is it possible?," she asked Gareeku. "Can Li take us all there from here or... is there a problem?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Turning to Jay and Gabi, Gareeku frowned.
"I wish it were that easy. Warp-aci can only to places if they know where the destination is. Li's never been near the devil's path before, so that creates a problem." the wolf explained.
Getting on his feet, Gareeku then looked at the group.
"If anyone doesn't want to come through the devil's path, then they stay here if they wish. The last thing I want is anybody to have regrets about this. Theo nly reason we're going through is to visit the temple. Once we've done that then we'll most likely return here, as this is the main path through this area." the wolf said, concern from the others evident on his face. Even though he had met many of them only a couple of days before, Gareeku had the habit of watching out for other people's well-being.

Paladin Sheppard

"I'll come.." Eph said in a half squeak, "I want to find Jade"


Jay remained silent for a few moments, his eyes closed as he desperately tried to think of a way out of fighting, but to no avail.  Taking a deep breath, he finally spoke.

"I don't like this, Gareeku.  I grew up to be a farmer, not a warrior, and I was taught from an early age that all life is precious.  So I hope you'll forgive me if I'm not exactly eager to fight my way through to a temple where that cat is most likely planning some kind of ambush.

But if it has to be done, it has to be done."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Blaze shrugged at him. "Count me in I guess. I haven't got much else to do, so might as well get to know some of my sister's friends a bit better."

He grinned suddenly.

"Plus, it's been a while since I've had an adventure."


Gabi smiled at 'Jay's comment, but quickly became serious again.

"All life is precious, I agree," she said. "And I can't say I like this either, but I don't see any better options. If you're all going, so am I."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Anzimani's answer to that question was easy-- there was no chance of her letting others face danger while she stayed behind.

"I'm going. The more people we have, the better. Plus, I'm interested to meet the other Phoenix and ask them some questions of my own, if I get the chance. They might be in contact with another of their temples that's near my home. It also might... encourage... them to speak more clearly if you have a Phoenix along."

Her eyes narrowed a little bit as she said this. She wasn't eager to take any of the oracle's mumbo-jumbo, but she wasn't looking to start a fight, either. She hoped they could persuade the oracle to tell them something that could be of use.

Anzimani reached around and tightened the straps on her backpack. She might have to fight with it on if they were ambushed, and she didn't want it swinging around and putting her off balance. Plus, that made it a little harder to steal.


Listening to the others' replied, Gareeku nodded his head in acknowledgment, in particular when Jay and Gabi gave their answers. He wouldn't fight unless it was necessary. He wasn't stupid. However, the wolf also knew that if the group was to encounter theives, then he doubted they would be in the mood for talking. The bandits that inhabited Devil's Path were apparently prone to acting first and asking questions later.

"Ok then, it's settled." Gareeku said in a calm voice. "Let's go."


As he followed Gareeku, Jay prepared himself both physically and mentally.  Demons and 'cubi have the ability to toughen their skin and while it wouldn't stop an armour-piercing round or a gunshot at point-blank range, it would certainly render him less vulnerable.

Perhaps it won't be so bad, he thought.  If they were really lucky, they might make it to the temple unmolested, although he didn't really believe that for a moment.
And if not, well, he knew a number of nonlethal attacks... the ability to enter someones' mind and shut it down, or at a pinch, the Stun spell.

"What were your plans for Arc, Gareeku?" he asked casually, trying unsuccessfully to forget his own violent past.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


As she advanced, Gabi did her best to stay close to the others while keeping her senses alert for any signs of danger. She held her fighting knife in her right hand, leaving her left hand free in case she had to use a stun spell.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Anzimani took a thick band of fabric from her pack and wrapped it around her arm, tying it just inside the elbow. Taking her dagger out of her belt, she slipped it beween the fabric and her skin; hidden, but easy to reach when it would be needed. She'd have to invest in an actual concealed sheath one of these days (being cheap doesn't make for very nice equipment).

She pulled out her sword, the smaller knife up her sleeve giving her the mental security the larger weapon could not. The only thing this pigsticker is good for is roasting dinner over a fire, she thought. In my hands, anyway. But it's better to not give the enemy what they're expecting.


About half an hour after they had set off, the group had arrived in Devil's Path. The path itself went through a deep valley, the hills on each side towering over the path almost like a series of fortresses. The air seemed still, and there was no noise, save for the odd sound of birdsong and the sound of flowing water from the small stream that ran alongside the path.

As they walked, Gareeku's eyes were continually looking around and his ears were constantly swivelling, never fixed on the same spot. his hand was also rested on the hilt of his katana as they made their way along the path.
"Stay close..." the wolf muttered softly to the others.

After another short while, strange noises could be heard from along the hillsides. Sounds that, if one were not paying attention, would appear to be the wind. However, if one were to listen closely, it would sound almost like whispers were travelling through the valley...

Suddenly, Gareeku stopped in his tracks and quickly unsheathed his katana. His eyes narrowing, he looked around as his ears swivelled, trying to find out where the people who were watching the group could be.

"Who is there?! Leave us be, and no harm will come!" The wolf called out in a commanding tone, his grip on his blade firm.

"Oh I don't think so, mate. Now, be a good bunch of travellers and hand us your valuables." a voice suddenly replied, belonging to a brown furred feline who had appearing in the path ahead of the group. As soon as he had finished speaking, others appeared, swords, bows, and other weapons, accompanied by magic, at the ready and pointed at the group menacingly

"Shit..." Gareeku muttered. The group was completely surrounded, outnumbered by at least 6 people, if not more.

"Now then...lets all play nice, and then you can be on your merry little way. If you don't then..." the feline said, a smirk on his face as he spoke, imitating the cutting of the throat motion with a thumb. However, little did he know that they in turn were also being watched...


"Can't we just give them some gold?" said Jay, in a cool, unconcerned voice as if he was talking about carol-singers or feeding ducks in the park.  "I can probably create more than they'll be able to carry away, or any other base element come to that."

"That way we'll all be able to walk out of this with our souls..." he added, his voice taking a slightly manical affectation.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Gabi's ears perked, and she turned to look at Jakob. "What are you planning?," she thought.

She took another look at the bandits. They looked like common thieves, but there was no way to know if they had any tricks up their sleeves. She'd have to expect anything.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Blaze's brows furrowed as he thought about the situation. It's really too close quarters for me to use any magic here. We're all so bunched up that there's a big chance I'd hurt someone if I tried. And that's the last thing I want...


As if to prove his point, Jay held out his hand and a few moments later, a lump of gold had appeared there accompanied by a faint smell of ozone.

Direct creation of matter from energy is not particularly efficient on account of e=mc2, and in any case Jakob wasn't an especially powerful spellcaster.  Transmuting nitrogen and carbon dioxide into gold was relatively easy however, so long as you remembered to direct the surplus neutrons away from yourself and took pains to ensure that the resulting isotope was atomically stable.

Jakob had no idea if the bandits were interested gold at all, but this was really more of a diversion than a solution to their problem.  As he performed the transmutation, he kept his eyes on the crowd of bandits, probing their minds in turn.
Two of them had little or nothing in the way of mind-shields and he was quickly able to gain a foothold.  His original plan had been to shut their minds down completely, but since they would have fallen unconscious that may well have provoked the bandits to attack.

So instead he put them into a daze, the pair of warriors standing vacantly among the throng, caught in a daydream of Jakob's own making.

That should help even things out a little, he thought.  Turning his attention back to the gold, it had reached what he considered to be a suitable size.

"Catch," he remarked, and rolled the nugget of gold across the grass in the direction of the head bandit, gently so as not to alarm him.  It came to rest before his feet.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E