08/23/09 [DMFA #1035] - WHAT!

Started by JackTheCubiWolf, August 23, 2009, 12:22:58 AM

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In my opinion, I would have to say that the most likely ones to die are going to be Jyrras; The last few comics, Amber has pretty much implied that he is going to die eventually, all the Fae stuff Mab and Albanion have been doing have been working to postpone that fact until he can finish whatever it is he is working on. He's also likely the last one with the 'boon' in form of DB. The other possibility is Alexsi, since one, she's at the forefront of the Dragon/Cubi issue, and is aware of it and therefore in a situation that might cause her to be either a sacrifice to save Dan at one point, or a sacrifice to force Dan into action via angry vengeance stuffs. Also, like someone mentioned earlier, the owner of Alexsi did in fact pass away, and Amber may not have the inspiration to write for the character anymore.

Edit: The other possibility is that the boon belongs to Alexsi in form of her Magic Interdimensional Mallet. She doesn't strike me as an adventurer, nor someone who would know alot about magic, so it seems the magic mallet summoning would be something that would be a boon from someone.


Eh, I have a lot of trust in Amber's writing ability. This is not the first time a small thing has caused a lot of readers to express misgivings about where the comic is going, the potential Zig Zag cameo had several people practically complaining about Amber not respecting the strips rating, to the point of irritating Amber herself, whereas Amber has more then enough skill to put in a cameo that suits the tone of the strip. Same thing with this.
DMFA has the odd tone shift at times, it makes things more interesting, shakes things up a bit, but things continue on in their DMFA fashion. It's usually easier to take these things in when you're reading through the archives. When you read the comic as it updates, there's a lot more time to think so it's easier to interpret a minor short term change as an entire change of direction


It was stated what a boon was in an earlier comic -- they get to ask for the world, or something of equivalent value. Jyrass *just* used his up to get rid of the bangles (wasted, basically). The others probably also used theirs up for silly things without even knowing it.

As  far as whos' going to die, well, Dan *has* to be one of them. A black shadow-creature gnawing on your head is a very bad omen! :mowdizzy

And yeah, the comic's probably going to end once all this is resolved, 'cause Amber wants to move on to doing that other comic about the world Jyrass etc. were briefly teleported into. Or something like that.


oh... wow... there is so much discussion on this already (thats right, three pages, uh huh) But anyway, someone pointed out somewhere halfway through page two that the two people who are going to die might be people we don't know. Usually I would point out that that is unlikely because there would be no character for the fans to get emotional with, but as I type this I realize.... It's DMFA, a lot of stuff happens like that and everyone walks it off. (With that being said, if it is some random person we don't know about dying, I could see friends/family coming in to attack them all) ....... in which case if the two were dragons, that would explain why Destina wants to destroy them to protect her family.... oh wow the possibilities. Really think about it, if the two friends of hers were dragons, their family/friends would think she would have been able to protect them and attack because she didn't. However that's doubtful, if they were her friends, Mab would have been spending more time with them in the comic so I digress.
I'm not going to offer my speculations on who Mab's five friends are, I just Hope Abel and Jyrras don't die X3 Alexi probably will die unfortunately (that girl has been getting less and less screen time) and I think Fa'Lina would seem like one of the people who would die, probably to protect the others. I'm not sure why I think Fa'lina, probably a hunch.


Wow, stuff's going to go down, whether we like it or not! (I like it :U)

Jyrras, to me, seems to be a likely candidate for the one to have the potential to destroy. All of the five friends have the ability to change it, but one can not only change, but devastate as well. Given the focus on him being "the one" in turning the world on it's head and his abilities with weaponry, he might just blow up Furrae (possibly more?). This also could make him one of the friends that dies, but I'm not so sure, what with the Fae's focus on protecting him.

It also seems pretty likely Jyrras just used up his boon on the bangles (whoops!). I'm not positive who the other friends are, but likely candidates are Dan, Alexsi, Merlitz, and Wildy. I do like the idea of Fa'Lina of being one, and that opens up the possibility of other much older characters to be the friends. I also don't think that her comment "when I arrived here" limits Mab to just one time period.

Man, this is all just so exciting! I can't wait to see what happens.


What if there's some sort of misinterpretation! What if we look at this all from a fashion point of view. They become trendsetters and some of them DYE!


And to cover it before someone else mentions it.. the power to destroy the world? Have you SEEN polyester leisure suits? D:


Quote from: Tikki on August 23, 2009, 03:21:12 PM
And to cover it before someone else mentions it.. the power to destroy the world? Have you SEEN polyester leisure suits? D:

Zoot suits are far worse than leisure suits. UGH.  :[


Well, that was wholly unexpected.

If anyone needs me, I'll be over here rethinking my entire approach to the comic.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: Teroniss on August 23, 2009, 12:38:04 PM
Edit: The other possibility is that the boon belongs to Alexsi in form of her Magic Interdimensional Mallet. She doesn't strike me as an adventurer, nor someone who would know alot about magic, so it seems the magic mallet summoning would be something that would be a boon from someone.

Nope, read up on her cast page.


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 23, 2009, 08:30:54 AM

If they're smart, they'll pick a date in 2012, since that seems to be the most popular apocalypse year since 2000.  Why is it always the Chinese Year of the Dragon that's getting the bad rap?!

I was born in the year of the Dragon...    :mwaha

If having Future All-Powerful Evil Emperor Charles born is not enough to give that year of the cycle a badrap for eternity, I don't know what is!   
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


John Roh

*blink* main characters dying eh? thats not important not when theres a TYPO in the first panel "thing are coming" shouldnt that be "things are coming"

I feel cruel and petty now for pointing it out T_T


:blinks: Well, that came out of left field. I, for one, am just going along for the ride on this one. On the other hand, I guess now we have a new option for Pip's statement that Dan would end up hating Mab at the end of it all - if I had someone who claimed to be my friend who knew that two of my other friends were very likely to die and had incredible amounts of power, so could do something about it, and yet did nothing to save them, I don't know that I'd ever forgive them for that. Even if it was a futile effort, and nothing could be changed, knowing they just let it happen wouldn't endear them to me.
Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth.


Quote from: Marmy on August 23, 2009, 03:35:47 PM
Quote from: Tikki on August 23, 2009, 03:21:12 PM
And to cover it before someone else mentions it.. the power to destroy the world? Have you SEEN polyester leisure suits? D:

Zoot suits are far worse than leisure suits. UGH.  :[

Aha, but you see what I'm saying!


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 23, 2009, 02:53:38 AM
All I can say is...It's about bloody time, Amber.  Soon we will finally be able to check this one off the list.  And by list, I mean the list of things that make a comic great from that earlier non-canon arc.

Here are the parts of the list that have been fulfilled so far since the list's introduction:
( 1 ) Fanservice (the Wallpaper Wars)
( 4 ) Drive-by Baby (Rose)
( 6 ) Homosexual Character "Coming Out of the Closet" (Jyrrus)
( 8 ) Introduction of New Characters (Abel, Fa'lina, Fi, etc)
( 9 ) Overly Cute Mascot Character (Fi)
(10) Shonen Ai (Jyrrus + Janus)

Here are the parts of the list that haven't been fulfilled yet:
( 2 ) Crude Generalization of an Often Misunderstood Group of People to Incite Fan Rage (may have been done with vampires, but I'm not sure)
( 3 ) Killing Off a Character
( 5 ) Sprite Comic
( 7 ) Gaming Comic

And soon Amber plans to check off #3 to further boost her comic's popularity, or maybe not.  I'm thinking that the three that will survive will be Dan, Wildy, and Jyrrus, but I'm probably extremely wrong. :<

Sprite comic has been done http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_180.php

and Amber had done a whole story line on comic tropes http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Arch_010.php
Yes I know I'm a horrid speller queen of typos but dang it, I'm trying to get better
MY warp aci crappy photoshop I wish I had my tablet working
My Yappty thanks Silver :)
(hmm my sig needs updating. eeeeeh I'll do it later 07/29/06)


Just because she said "will die", doesn't mean "immediately".  It just means "before me".  
Many of her friends are races with a lifespan definitively shorter than a fae's...but some are not.  (for instance, Dan and Abel are Cubi, Lorenda is half Demon, and Pyroduck is a Dragon-if everybody lived out their natural lifespans, they might outlive Mab.  
Jyrras, however, will probably not unless he invents mind transferrence before then.  Rose said it herself, Jyrras can expect to die of old age after a mere century or so.  He's one.  Wildy is another, and so is Alexi.

Barring some great catastrophe, therefore, Mab can be assured that at least two of her friends will die before she does.  
A catastrophe, however, could kill them all, regardless of their natural lifespans.
This would be tragic.

/answering the question "Am I going to die?"  with "Eventually" is a favorite, if underappreciated, jest in my business


Everyone knows that Mab dies and goes to her very own chibi-heaven surrounded by lots of friends and everlasting fun adventures!!!



I don't know how that's possible if her very soul is immediately recycled... how can we be sure that wasn't the soul of a random mow or all the mows?
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I say Dan can't die in this comic. First rule of Making Comics: TITLE CHARACTERS DO NOT DIE! AND THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS TO BRING THEM BACK IF THEY DO! Enough said.
97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY (I am not smart enough to use polite words)!" then copy and paste.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on August 23, 2009, 11:16:01 PM
I don't know how that's possible if her very soul is immediately recycled... how can we be sure that wasn't the soul of a random mow or all the mows?

Dead Sue Deer and Fnar say it's Mab, so that's good enough for me.

Oh, uh, I forgot - I'm dead too.


As to Dan needing to consume souls, the Cubi lifespan without any extending technoques is three thousand years.   It'll be a long time before that becomes an issue with either Dan or Abel.  Realizing that he might very well outlive all of his Being friends and relatives was one of the things that disturbed Dan about becoming an Incubus.

We know that Fae are nonlinear in space, we've seen Rose be in three places simultaneously without even breaking a sweat, it's entirely possible that they are also nonlinear in time as well.   Which make "When I first arrived here...I made five friends" hard to make inferences from.  From Mabs perspective, does that period span week, years, or decades?  Or even centuries?


Quote from: inuhanyo on August 23, 2009, 11:50:23 PM
As to Dan needing to consume souls, the Cubi lifespan without any extending technoques is three thousand years.   It'll be a long time before that becomes an issue with either Dan or Abel.  Realizing that he might very well outlive all of his Being friends and relatives was one of the things that disturbed Dan about becoming an Incubus.
Well, we don't know for an absolute fact that 3000 years is what you get without souls, it might just be the average lifespan.  If someone like Dee gets careless and gets stomped, you're going to get some rather funny numbers.

Having said that said, I'd like to think it was their unaided lifespan, and unless Mab was taking soul-stealing into account, she seemed to think Dan could live roughly that long (308).

QuoteWhich make "When I first arrived here...I made five friends" hard to make inferences from.  From Mabs perspective, does that period span week, years, or decades?  Or even centuries?
I think it spans millennia.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Titanium Dragon

It seems very unlikely to me that her friends are anyone random; they're most likely main characters. Killing off someone no one cares about simply isn't as interesting. Though if anyone suddenly comes back, that's a sure sign they'll die - nothing says "I'm going to die" than suddenly rising to prominence from former obscurity, or a character who has been offscreen for a long time returning, right after such a pronouncement has been made.

So, basically, if Merlitz comes back from his adventure, its practically a death sentence. :P

Dan, Jyrras, Wildy, Alexsi, and Merlitz seem like they'd be the likeliest five to be the friends to whom she is referring. If Merlitz dies, I'd guess that the other would be Alexsi or Wildy, for the reasons others have speculated.

But really, this is all pretty shaky speculation (other than the Merlitz thing ;) TVTropes doesn't lie!).

And really, I'm not sure why people think it will suddenly become super dark anyway. And in any event, Amber does a great job with the comic, so really, who doesn't trust her to do a good job?


Quote from: Titanium Dragon on August 24, 2009, 04:33:57 AM
And really, I'm not sure why people think it will suddenly become super dark anyway. And in any event, Amber does a great job with the comic, so really, who doesn't trust her to do a good job?

This is true.  It is always possible that the deaths will be spun in a positive light, e.g. death as the start of a great adventure.  This would be a problem for Mab as she wouldn't be able to go with them.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It feels a little morbid discussing which character is most likely to die. Almost like talking about a friend with cancer or something. I guess Amber's doing a good job of storytelling if I feel like a bastard for thinking about it.

I also feel that over thinking this now will somehow put a damper on the comic itself until the dreaded events unfold sometime down the line. It's like, I'd rather be shocked and dismayed when it happens, instead of counting down the days.
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]


Scarydragon is correct, it does feel like we're talking as if one or more of characters have malignant cancer.

So let's switch the topic to happier things, such as Abel's 400th birthday, which is when both Aniz (possibly Edward Ti'Fiona if that one theory is correct) and Hizell are likely to enter the comic.

Also, I'm curious to know which other of the characters in the comic weren't created by Amber, as those would be likely candidates to die.

Wait, wouldn't killing off someone else's character while they're still alive to read the comic be sort of insulting to them?

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 24, 2009, 09:11:43 AM
Wait, wouldn't killing off someone else's character while they're still alive to read the comic be sort of insulting to them?

Amber killed the cameos in Abel's Story.  She agreed with them about it beforehand, and if she did the same here there's no reason why not...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 24, 2009, 09:11:43 AM
So let's switch the topic to happier things, such as Abel's 400th birthday, which is when both Aniz (possibly Edward Ti'Fiona if that one theory is correct) and Hizell are likely to enter the comic.

Here's a thought. How would Aniz fare against Dan? Give Dan maybe 15 years to get up to speed on his Cubi heritage and all...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 24, 2009, 09:32:24 AM
Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 24, 2009, 09:11:43 AM
So let's switch the topic to happier things, such as Abel's 400th birthday, which is when both Aniz (possibly Edward Ti'Fiona if that one theory is correct) and Hizell are likely to enter the comic.

Here's a thought. How would Aniz fare against Dan? Give Dan maybe 15 years to get up to speed on his Cubi heritage and all...

I don't think Dan has that kind of time.  Aniz was banned from SAIA until Abel's 400th birthday.  It would make quite the interesting story line for his return to occur during that month out of the year Dan is obligated to attend SAIA, don't you think?

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 24, 2009, 09:16:31 AM
Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 24, 2009, 09:11:43 AM
Wait, wouldn't killing off someone else's character while they're still alive to read the comic be sort of insulting to them?

Amber killed the cameos in Abel's Story.  She agreed with them about it beforehand, and if she did the same here there's no reason why not...

Heenya was a cameo?

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 24, 2009, 09:53:47 AM
Heenya was a cameo?

These two:
Dorian is the llama and belongs to Zina.  Kammi is the hammer-girl and she's a cameo from another comic entirely, though I forget the name of it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E