The San-Diego Comic Convention

Started by Netami, July 19, 2006, 03:15:25 AM

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Hey Netami, I am going. Thanks for bringing this up!

I know 4-5 of you are going but you're too shy to admit it. That's okay, it's cool. I'll find you anyways. Awwwwkward.


Xze might =3

She's going to teh Gaia booth :3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


There's a Gaia Online booth?   :O


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


That's pretty cool.

I am going to see the usual Penny Arcaders, and shake my fist at Scott Kurtz. Plus Kristopher Straub and Nathan Piekos will be there... I may actually have a working camera this year! Last year I got to the con and my batteries died  D:


I feel it may be too late for me to go.  Why must I procrastinate.  Probably full up by now the convention is such a big one.


Yeah, I missed the pre-registration date too. Though, in the past when we've gone up to get our passes, the lines have always been dead on the last day. We figure we'll just drive down and grab one-day passes and hang out for a few hours.


The preview night was pretty packed so much so that they ran out of comic con bags before 6PM, I dread to see it on Saturday.

Being the consumate geek, I managed to locate a cut cable for the Alienware guys... got their last station online.  I still prefer Widow, but the rigs that Alienware brought aren't too bad.

Hey Xze, PM me if you do go... I'd like t run into some forumites.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well, I should probably jst plan for next year.  It's a three hour drive, and with gas prices that's quite a bit just to stay one day.  I hear I have cousins up there that I might be able to stay with, but once again I should wait till next summer to say I'm coming over, and bring some of my friends as well.  It would just be a waste to try for the last day now.


Yeah I'd rather attempt next year, too. Maybe then I'll have preregistered and found a good hotel that's nearby. I don't really have any spending money either, what with looking for a place to live. You think gas prices are bad in CA, try real estate!  :U