So, I guess this is me...

Started by TheJimTimMan, June 21, 2009, 05:31:29 PM

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Finally scavenged the courage to sign up, I guess I'm here at last. Not sure for how long but with luck it'll be long enough to give me fond memories one way or the other.
Er, introduction, right then: Hello. In case you hadn't already guessed I am TheJimTimMan, and before you ask no I have no idea what, exactly, a JimTim might be. I suppose I joined for several reasons, foremost among them roleplaying (something I have always been interested in but have never actually managed to do), discussion of video games and webcomics and maybe some others that escape my attention for now. However it turns out, here's to the duration.


Welcome aboard.  If you haven't already done so, remember to read the rules.  Aside from that, be good, have fun, don't annoy the moderators and enjoy your stay.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Cheers, Tape. As far not annoying the mods goes the one I need to be the most careful about is the one known as... the box, correct?


Oooh, this one's been doing his research. >:3


Watch out for the box's big black boots as well :U
"My existence is comprised of somebody else's delusions. It's the exact opposite of the past. How completely ironic."


"Humans that tried to trespass on God's domain, and a god that simply appeared in the realm of humans. Which of these is more sinful?"



or welcome


or not

did you bring us anything?
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


*creeps along silently through the various posts and spots the elusive JimTim... she crouches and suddenly POUNCE* 

:tighthug  Welcome!!! ^_^


Fresh victims for my experiments.

I MEAN welcome! Enjoy your stay, everyone's already said what I normally would so I guess just this:
Beware the Box
And AlexWars1.

The box because it's apparently evil...or...what's inside it anyway.
Me beacause I'm a sorcerer. And a Jerk. Not usually a good combo.
And AW1 because He threatens to steal your blood in your sleep. Do'nt worry. He's really just funny...Sort of...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: TheJimTimMan on June 21, 2009, 07:00:19 PM
Cheers, Tape. As far not annoying the mods goes the one I need to be the most careful about is the one known as... the box, correct?

Nope. The one you have to be most careful about is Darkmoon. He's got a shorter fuse than I have. I'm just more visible...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hello, The. This one welcomes thee to this interesting place.   :januscat


Yes, new people!

This is great, just the ingredient I needed.

I mean, Hi! Welcome to this safe place of safeness!


Many thanks to all you good peoples, I have taken into account all of your advice and activated emergency failsafes. Good times shall likely follow, and then there shall be cake.


No there won't.
The cake is a lie.
But the Cube is forever.