Look! A failure! Oh... that's a mirror... crap.

Started by Forycles, June 11, 2009, 04:09:20 PM

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Um, hi. I've been a forum-goer for over a year now and I'm still apparently a newbie at it. Just as a warning to anyone who cares.
I'm a teenage male who gets grades that are above average but below uber-grade standards(ex. All A's... or even All A's and B's). I love video games, such as pokemon(until recently) Zelda, and Disgaea. I rarely let a book go(unfinished or otherwise), though I tend to stay in the fantasy area. I've been reading DMFA since... a month back? Five weeks? Anyway, I've got my siblings stuck on it. My sister will be leaving for college soon leaving me the oldest juvenile resident.

So if you don't hate me... oh, Mow Smilies!
It has a cookie!


Why would we hate you? I think you will find that the majority of the DMFA Forumites withhold judgmental preconceptions
and let your words (posts) decide your fate on the like/hate scale.

Welcome aboard, and I'm sure a few others have some words of forum wisdom for you...
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



... and before you can object.. :tighthug     mwuahahaha!!!

Welcome aboard!  :boogie  :giggle


Gah! I feel like I've been huggled by Foxyboxer!

I'm trying to figure out where would be the best place to start actually posting, seeing as I can't hang out at the Villa forever.
*Twitching in coma after looking at entire smilies sheet*


The arena is where I personally started.. lots of fun, mindless, time-consuming games =)


Welcome! And you sound like another me. Just don't get in trouble with the box like I did. The cold, terrible, evil box. Oh and read the rules.
I'm back, and tired.


Hmm... A newbie who seems to have a decent grasp on the english language? Also using proper manners and making their first post in the proper place?

This is too good to be true, you're clearly evil and shall receive nothing but scorn from me until proven otherwise. >:3
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Netrogo on June 11, 2009, 09:29:45 PM
you're clearly evil and shall receive nothing but scorn from me until proven otherwise. >:3
Good. Someone has to know the truth.  >:D


Welcome, welcome.
Please ignore those of us who are less-caring...Me...
Beware the mean and scary people...Me again...
And I see you have already been warned about the Box.



Hello, Forycles, yay for Disgaea. As for a place to start I agree with wuffnpuff about the arena. That's still where I go the most... Also you will only be a failure so long as you believe you are one. Tell yourself you are great every day regardless of what you think and what anyone else says and you will become great.  And so, this one welcomes thee to this interesting place.   :januscat


just ya in general works, kudos for self depreciating humor
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.