Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {03}

Started by Lisky, February 21, 2009, 05:33:51 PM

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Corgatha Taldorthar

Still hunkered in his little burrow, Fetrethar listened in on the communicator. Making sure his own encryption was working, he sent back.

"We need to get some way to force them to attack us. If they just camp out by our exit route and wait for more guys, we're dead. However, with them in the vehicles, and us in our field fortifications, they have all the initiative. No recommendations at this time."

There were no enemies in visible range, so Fetrethar checked his gear once more, making sure his stinger was in place, his gloves were powered up. His belt was working about as well as usual, meaning poorly, and he thought the rifle he was issued was in working order, but wasn't familiar enough with the weapon to know for certain.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Chance scoffed lightly and muttered with a growl. "Why the hell don't they just come and get what's coming to them?" She stayed low with her trusty rifle by her side and her eyes pointed between the turrets of the machine gun. The smoke was slowly clearing after the vehicles stopped and she was getting antsy. She had no opinion as to what to do in a situation like this so she'd just wait.


Morgan was reviewing the force composition and running his own estimates.  He spoke over the comms, roger, estimation seems accurate.  Dark, hold fire until convoy reaches this point, well within our coverage areas and well before the dig site.  I want you to take out lead scout and then the left three grunts.  I'll concentrate on the right three grunts and then concentrate fire on the armored vehicle.  All parties are transmitting encrypted communications using a Brotherhood cipher.  Dig site defenders are to engage as targets present themselves.

While he waited, Morgan dedicated a portion of his processor resources to trying to crack the Brotherhood cipher and snoop their communications.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Next to the machine gun (and next to Chance), Jexx was getting impatient. It wasn't possible for him to close the distance between himself and the Brotherhood without any cover, and that got him worked up. He was swaying back and forth, and began muttering things to himself, like "Come on...wanna getcha...come here...gonna getcha...c'mon..." Of course, his muttering was picked up by his microcomm.
   As he swayed next to Chance--wait a sec, those red markings on him, were they...glowing?


"Jexx, stop chanting," Dorcan growled.  "We need to keep the line clear for more important things.  Like how long until I have to start evacuating these guys."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chance had to bite her tongue pretty hard to keep from either giggling or cursing. She was feeling just as impatient and the display of his own impatience was making her more jittery. Her hand went to the back of her head and jostled her hair a few times to calm herself, but when she looked back at Jexx she noticed his glowing red markings...

"What the..." She began.. but remembered the comms.. so with a big frown covering her face she grabbed her rifle and poked him with it, motioning towards his eerie markings. Guessing it was in response to his getting worked up she mouthed the words 'Calm the F....' shook her head and tried again. 'Calm... Down..'


"What's that?" Dorcan asked tensely.  He'd distinctly heard an exclamation over the comms.  "Chance?  Have you spotted something?  What's happening?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   When Dorcan's command to "stop chanting" came over Jexx's microcomm, he glumly (and sliently) complied, but continued swaying and stepping. Shortly after, Chance tapped him, apparently to get him to stop doing even that. Jexx's head whipped around, but amazingly (or what would have been amazingly to anyone who knew him) he did not raise his handcannons towards her. "What? Leave me alone, I'm just ready for them...ready to fry me some Brotherhood...can't get 'em yet, they aren't close enough..." Jexx hissed to her, before turning back to watch the Brotherhood vehicles. However, there was yet another strange thing; Not only were his red-pupiled irisless eyes glowing in the same way as his markings, but for the Superbunny t-shirt that was being used as a bandanna over his forhead...the superbunny logo had somehow been overlaid with a glowing, solid red X.

Ryudo Lee

Eventually, Morgan was finally able to crack the cipher, and his radio came to life with Brotherhood chatter.
"......that experiment with them."
"Doesn't matter, standing orders are to shoot 'im down and bring 'im back.  The Priests want him back at Central.  In one piece."
"I don't know if he fits the descriptor of 'alive' anymore.  Just make sure he's not blown to itty bitty pieces."
A moment of silence...
"Anyone see that bot they have yet?"
"I still wanna get 'em for stealing it."
"How come we didn't bring one of ours?"
"Orders.  Central's got our heavier resources tied up elsewhere.  We'll have to deal with it."
"I'm not tangling with that thing.  Let the big guy take care of it."
Another moment of silence...
"Looks like they're waiting for us to make the first move."
A deeper, but emotionless voice came over the comm.  "Then we won't disappoint them.  Full surge forward, kill anything that moves.  Mother demands the crystal, and the experiment."

All the vehicles revved up, the grunts brandished their weapons, and all the vehicles moved forward, getting into range.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"What's going on with you??" Chance hissed back to Jexx as he turned away. "What are those markings?" She had to keep her eyes from being distracted by his handcannons.. so very curious.. now is not the time. Another distraction came, though, in the form of revving engines as the Brotherhood began to move forward. A grumble came from her throat as she adjusted herself once more, ready to spring up and put her guns into action.


Morgan smiled briefly as he broke the cipher, but that quickly evaporated as he realized what was being said.  He stepped up his own encryption as he swore on the comms, bloody fucking hell, somehow they already have intel on us at this site.  They have made Exo and someone else, did not quite understand that bit.  They are after the crystal, hurry the doctor and his team in there Dorcan.  Dark, sights on target and you are clear to engage.  Everyone else, engage as targets range.  Whoever is on the machinegun, be careful, as it tends to be a high priority target for infantry.  Try and coordinate fire to the best effect.

Morgan quickly laid out his ammo on the heavy rag next to his gun.  Taking aim on the driver of the vehicle he was hitting first, he squeezed off the shot, aiming for the head.  Without so much as a confirmation of a hit and before the dull metallic spent case had struck the rock, the scope moved the the second man. Another shot was let loose and again the red-head moved the scope to the third, letting fly with the final 15.2mm round.

Three aerodynamic, fin-stabilized KEP rounds shed their sabots and rocketed through the air like crossbow quarrels hyped on speed.  The CTC flashed warnings at Morgan that he was exceeding the tolerance levels of the weapon, as the heat of action had caused his accelerated reaction systems to go into full gear.

Slowing down a bit, Morgan had ejected the spent clip and inserted one of only two API clips he carried.  The 'Fox' took aim on the theoretical location of the driver of the armored vehicle.  
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx was really starting to get annoyed now. The Brotherhood force had begun to move forward and shots were already being exchanged, but they were still just too far away for Jexx, he could shoot and hit them, but his plasma shots would burn out enough that they wouldn't do much by the time they hit. There wasn't enough cover for Jexx to try and advance to get closer, it was just the hill he and Chance were on with a few trees. Jexx was mostly deprived of all his usual advantages.
   So, he crouched down even lower, ignoring Chance's questions, and waited for the convoy to get closer as he settled for the next best thing; when they were close enough, he planned to start running sideways, and strafe them with his red plasma...


"They are coming," Dorcan said out loud.  "They want the crystal.  There is no time for any gentle excavation now.  "

Over the comms he replied: "Copy, Morgan.  Do we know their policy?  Are they targetting individuals or everyone?"

The Doberman moved further back so that he could see both the dig team and the corridor and his eyes switched to night vision.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


In-between acts of destruction Morgan found small amounts of time to answer Dorcan's inquiry, they are singling one out to be captured, do not know who... they leaving Exo to whomever their 'big guy' is, and everything else that moves is to be killed.  Their objective is to take the crystal and capture the person they want.  Capturing one of our team is unimportant, not even worth worrying about right now, just take them down.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Oh perfect." Chance didn't realise that tidbit of knowledge Morgan had provided, then again she didn't exactly join up to hide. Protectively, she moved her plasma rifle further down the hill where she lay. It was now more by her feet so if she were to push herself into a crouch it would be right there. Plus if they started to take shots at the 'disguised' machine gun at least her rifle would be safe.

She grumbled at Jexx's apparent ignoring of her questions and then his crouch. What is he going to do? Get himself killed?? Another thought occured to her and she shook her head.. She moved her eyes to peer over the crest of the hill at the on-coming jerks, through the turrets of the gun, as she heard the first shots ring out.

Almost.. there..

Corgatha Taldorthar

Off in the distance, Fetrethar could see flashes of light that indicated energy weapons being fired, but it was still much too far away for him to join into the fray. Briefly, he considered breaking cover to enter, but decided that he would be too exposed. Best to stay here, to hold a line of retreat. Sooner or later their forward scouts would have to be pushed back.

As he waited in his camoflauge, plasma rifle held ready, he sent over the comm to Dorcan.

"Can you rush those people out? I find it highly disturbing that the Brotherhood seems to know not only that these scientists have been reinforced, but that they know that we have a bot with us. It smells of a trap. In fact, are we sure that these scientists are not part of some bait to lure us here?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"Noted," Dorcan said over the comms, and feeling a little trapped himself.  "But letting the Brothers have the crystal may be a disaster.  I'm staying put a bit longer, but I'll trust you guys to tell me when we need to get out."

So saying, he crouched on the ground, laser rifle at the ready.  If it came to that it would probably be too late anyway, but better than being entirely unprepared.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


As the vehicles came to life and surged forward, Darkshine got his extra mags out of the rifle bag and positioned them for easy access, at 10 rounds apiece, he hoped he didn't have to start reloading the mags, given that he'd only been issued 3.  Comm data came in from Morgan, and upon receiving the order to fire, the feline replied with a cold and calm, "affirmative"

The leopard lined his sights up on the scout car and slowed his breathing as he brought the rifle's sights in line with his target.  He adjusted for the distance the scout would travel for the bullet's flight time and held steady.  Holding his breath for a moment, he began exhaling slowly while depressing the trigger.

The weapon roared as the heavy slug flew forth,  It recoiled heavily against Darkshine's shoulder, despite the oil-spring recoil reduction built into the weapon.  He fired 2 more rounds as an insurance policy to make sure the first scout was down.

His sights slew over to a second scout car,  and, aiming carefully, he fired a single shot in much the same fashion as with the first car.  However, instead of lining up a precision shot again, the feline began a fire for effect as he fired the remaining 6 slugs at the scout with the goal of hitting the car, and not something smaller than that.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Morgan switched to a point-to-point transmission to Dorcan only.  The channel indicated its secure state in his ear, Dorcan, be aware that the dig team might have a Brotherhood spy, a sleeper agent, or something much more sinister and you are right in the middle of them.  Keep an eye out for unusual activity and keep one of those ears open for anything unusual, even if it is one of the dig team complaining that 'so-and-so is acting different today for some reason'.  If you find someone, isolate and capture if you can.  Be careful.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Noted," Dorcan said.  "Let me know if you detect any spurious transmissions from this area.".

Shouldering his rifle, Dorcan took out the stunner.  He turned his attention back to the dig site, trusting the others to keep an eye on the entrance for him.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Morgan's system would pick up a second signal, coming from the rocks above the ruins.  It was broadcasting, using the same Brotherhood cipher that Morgan just broke, so it would be a simple feat to find out what it's transmitting.  Morgan would quickly learn that it's a camouflaged listening device that could be deployed remotely via a remote drone, or a catapult of some kind, possibly installed by that scout that had come earlier.  It was transmitting visual and audio data to the Brotherhood forces heading right at them.

As soon as the Brotherhood vehicles came into range, they all opened fire.  The scout cars that Darkshine fired at swerved as they took fire, and then the first slowed to a stop as the driver expired from gunshot wounds.  The vehicle that Morgan fired on swerved and skidded sideways to a halt as the driver slumped.  The other soldiers in those cars came out and took cover behind the vehicles and returned fire.

From within the ruins, Dorcan would hear an older man shouting.
"Here!  It is here!  Quickly, give me that drill!" The man shouted.
The people in the ruins started shuffling around quickly.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"I think we've hit paydirt," Dorcan announced over the comms.  So long as he stayed in contact it didn't really matter what else he did - if more than one or two Brotherhood soldiers got into the ruin itself they were likely dead anyway.  Mentally he tried to weigh up the advantages of doing nothing and defending the entrance (which the others were already watching) against helping to speed up the process of the dig.

"You need any help there?" he called out.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   As the Brotherhood force moved up towards the hills that Jexx and the others were on, they got close enough fire upon several positions. Jexx ducked a little further in the bushes as the ground ten feet in front of him kicked up dirt as it was peppered with plasma and slug fire. He waited a few more moments for the Brotherhood to close some more distance, then decided it was time.
   Getting to his feet while keeping low to the ground, Jexx started running straight to the left of the machine gun, along the top of the ridge. With a whooping cry, Jexx started raining down his own red plasma. Between the higher ground up on the ridge, small profile from keeping low to the ground, fast movement, and occasional bush, tree, and rock, Jexx managed to keep any random, unconcentrated return fire from hitting him.


A flare of worry sprang up inside Chance as Jexx took off running and whooping, but she quickly grumbled it down as she squeezed the triggers on the machine gun and fired upon the Brotherhood vehicles. Not here to worry about every damn person.. She made a sweeping motion to cover the front range of the vehicles, but careful not to let the spray get near Jexx (even with his higher ground, she didn't trust this machine).


Darkshine watched as rounds were unleashed from the vehicles, he very calmly and slowly reached down and ejected the magazine.  He set it inside the rifle bag, and retrieved a fresh load.  Sliding it into place, where he heard the faint *click* of the locking mechanism.

Gently sliding the bolt back, he was greeted with another satisfying click as he chambered a fresh round.  The spotted feline adjusted his pose slightly as he looked down the scope, tracking the vehicles again from the safety of his sniper-nest.

He whispered into his comms, "Dorcan, Darkshine here, the brotherhood are advancing fast on your position.  We should be able to handle them for now, but keep us informed, Darkshine out."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Morgan traced the lines of an unusual transmission and immediately noticed a point of origin.  He identified what appeared to be a remote drone on the rocks above the site, base, this is Fox... there is a listening device above the ruins.  Someone get up there and take care of it.  Fox out.

Morgan hoped using the comms would minimize the possibility of it being overheard by the device, but he was not certain of it.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Fetrethar winced at the crackle/whine of the comm buzzing to life right beside his left ear.  Still, the fox's comments were concise, and to the point, and the mountain man admired the brevity. Too many nattered on in battle as if fighting for home and own were a matter of light repast. "I'll handle it" he breathed into the mouthpiece of his own communicator, wondering if the others also faced the same discomfort.

He eased himself out of his camouflaged enclosure with perhaps excessive care. Still, he wanted to be able to return to his post after he wrecked the transmitter, and that meant not disturbing the netting to the point where it stood out against the craggy flank of the mountain. When it was finished, he started to dash up the slope, shuddering at the prospect of the enemy's men lining up cross-hairs to his back.  He thumbed on his belt to activate its shielding, and cursed when the thing refused to emit it's characteristic hum.

If shielding doesn't worked, then speed was his only real defense, and he ascended to the marching song of obscenities. His litany started with the failure of his shield belt to work, and progressed to technology in general, and ended up with this plant and how the Brotherhood inserted something this deep in the perimeter.

He still couldn't shake the conviction that this whole trip was a suicide run. Too many oddities. How these labmen managed to get out here in the first place, how much the enemy knew. Standing still when the enemy had more firepower than you did was a fool's strategy..... And there was still no clear plan on how they were going to get out through resistance.

Fetrethar had reached the general area "above the ruins", and spat onto the ground in disgust at his defeatist thinking. He tried again to get his shielding belt to work and then scanned the ground beneath him for something out of place, and hoped that none of the hostiles broke through while he was this exposed.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Ryudo Lee

Morgan would notice that it didn't seem that the device was transmitting the group's comm information, but rather it was picking up audio signals through the vibrations in the rock face into the ruins, and visual data from the surrounding area.

Fet would quickly notice the listening device.  It was small, metal, black in color, and had an antenna on the top of it.

"Just hold them off for a few minutes!  We'll have the crystal soon!" Ms. Clay's voice responded to Dorcan.

The vehicle that Jexx started firing at swerved to avoid the projectiles, but ended up sideswiping another and then spinning out, while the other got overbalanced and went into a roll, tossing all but the driver out of the vehicle.  One of them sprang up and took refuge behind the overturned vehicle and helped the driver get out.  The other two were slow to get up, and were sitting ducks.  The rest of the vehicles continued forward, still firing.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Okay," Dorcan said.  "Send someone to me when you're done.  I'll be at the entrance."
So saying, he made his way there.  Crouching at the edge of the cave mouth with the rifle poking out, he scanned for targets.  Just behind him was a small pile of fragmentation grenades.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

Fetrethar's hackles rose further at seeing the transmitter. It was out in the open, metallic, obviously unhidden. Why hadn't it been located earlier? Even a cursory observation would have revealed it, and while these diggers certainly seemed blind, surely they at least looked over this mountain they were excavating.

He pressed his ring and middle fingers into the heels of his palms, and heated up his gloves, and reached out to pick up the device, melt it in his grasp. He paused as he stooped down. If there was some booby trap on the thing, he didn't want to be within arms reach of it when it went off. Waving his wrists deactivated the gloves again, and then backed up, and unslung his plasma rifle from across his shoulder, fired perhaps a dozen times at the little rod.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.