Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {03}

Started by Lisky, February 21, 2009, 05:33:51 PM

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Slightly off-cue, Exo pokes it's head out the back of one of the vans, optics scanning over the group before focusing on the new arrival and relaxing again, it's systems surprisingly quiet. It's voice, on the other hand, is deep and metallic, but smooth rather than gratingly synthesized or assembled from prerecorded samples.

"Ah, another recruit? The more the merrier, I suppose... though at this rate we're going to need a transport aircraft."

It pauses as if confused for a moment, then continues;

"Unfortunately acquisition thereof may be troublesome. In any case, I must return to preparing this vehicle."

The bot's head disappears again, almost as quietly as it had appeared.


Upon hearing a voice Chance looked around until she saw a bot. She blinked a few times and quirked her brow from being somewhat confused by.. it. She shook her head and tried to keep her jaw from dropping in a stupid, dazed expression.

"So do I just pick a vehicle to jump into when we go?" She looked to Dorcan.

Ryudo Lee

After a short time, the quartermaster's door opened and the quartermaster and his lackeys filed out, the lackeys all carrying the equipment that the group had ordered.  The quartermaster approached Dorcan, since he was the nearest.
"Well, it's all here, except for what isn't here.  What's not here is that special gun that Morgan wanted.  And I found some suitable body armor for the little lady there." He says, motioning to Chance.  "Now, you got your stuff.  Ain't you got missions to go on?"

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Just checking, you do have body armour that will fit me?" Dorcan queried, just to make sure they hadn't forgotten about his wings.

"If so, then yes... I guess it's time to get moving."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

Fetrethar nodded back to the woman, and Dorcan, and then darted forward to the proffered pack that the quartermaster and his lackeys brought. He glanced over at a suit of body armor, which seemed to fit him all right. Reverently taking the equipment, he sidled over to Darkshine's vehicle. As far as he knew, his gloves were still in there, and he'd want them on the mission.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


She turned when she heard the Quartermaster. "Little... lady??" Her indignant look was back but she closed her eyes and clenched her fists for a moment, trying hard to remember what she just went through a few minutes ago. Getting too fired up too quickly was not good. She grumbled a little before she thanked the Quartermaster and gathered her armor and kit.

She looked back to the vehicles and caught sight of Fetrethar entering one. She figured that one was as good as any so she walked over to it.


While the others were busy congregating at the far end of the motor-pool, Darkshine spotted the quartermaster's lackey headed his way with a rather large and imposing weapons case, along with what looked to be a box of ammunition.  

The man carrying the weapon looked decently fit, and had a slightly agitated look on his face as he approached the spotted feline, he said, "you the one they call darkshine?"

The leopard replied, "yes"
"here" the man said while shoving the rifle and ammo cases into Darkshine's arms.  He left grumbling about something like he had to walk clear across the base... and after that it became inaudible, but the feline was more than willing to bet he could fill in the missing pieces.

With new toy in hand he knew it was about time to leave.  He set the rifle case on the cot and the ammo case on the shelves a few feet back, reached behind himself in a cross-armed stance and pulled the locking pins holding his armor together.  With the pins removed, he opened the locker with his civilian garb while shedding the plates and mesh.

The armor is form fitting to the point that Darkshine is far more comfortable wearing nothing under it.  Normally it is quite the advantage as it prevents binding, and leaves him with the absolute maximum mobility.  At this moment however, it left him completely exposed when the savage and new girl approached the open hatch.  He heard the approaching footsteps, turned to see who or what it was, and froze in place.  While not normally one to be shy about nakedness, these were total strangers, and he had just given them an impromptu striptease.

After the sudden realization passed, he quickly donned a pair of pants, and a black t-shirt.  He added the underarm holster as well, then gently placed his armor in it's larger, and specially built locker that also contained a charging port.  With everything set up, he sat on the cot and silently opened up the case to observe his new weapon, deciding he'd keep quiet, rather than even try to dignify the results of their sudden intrusion.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Morgan sat comfortably, resting his throbbing side as he munched on a healthy amount of green grapes.  He did so love grapes, for some reason, possibly a fox thing. 

Pages and pages of code scrolled across the overlay of his visual interface.  He debugged his code with lightning speed thanks to the assistance of the Encephalon brain implant and CTC's processing power.  Unlike these carefree warriors, Morgan had a day job to maintain, as a viable cover and for health insurance.  His doctor was really going to wonder about the scar that he would inevitably end up with after being shot.

He did not notice the approach of a newcomer, missing most of it and discounting the rest because he assumed it was just another assigned Rebellion trooper.

The red haired lad did take notice of when the QM and staff approached with their gear.  With half his attention still focused on coding, he exited his van,  retrieving the ammo boxes and a pack. 

With a brief nod to everyone he returned to his vehicle and recompiled his program for another round of testing.  The program, finally, executed without issues and Morgan packaged it up, applied the required encryption algorithm, and emailed it to his boss at Zenithsoft.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

The quartermaster motions to a body armor set off on the side.
"Yeah, it's there.  We had to modify a standard one to fit you.  I don't know how effective it will be.  Try not to get shot in the back, okay?" He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Chance was given quite the welcome when she looked into the hatch of the vehicle. She froze as he did and her eyes went wide with her cheeks flashing a brilliant shade of red. After he started moving again, apparantly uneffected, she came back to her senses and looked away clearly abashed. She cursed a few times under her breath before climbing in.

She looked around and found a good corner to occupy, taking her rifle off of her back first before sitting down so she could rest her back on a wall. Chance kept her things on her lap, with the rifle on top so that she could fiddle with it - trying to regain her composure from the incident.


"I'll be careful," Dorcan nodded and gathered his allocated equipment.  In a nod to his parent race his wings were toughened with kevlar, but there were limits.  It wasn't something he was planning to test.

I think I'll travel with Darkshine this time, he thought and headed to the Banshee.  He hadn't really had the chance before and he was curious.
He almost ran into Chance who had stopped in the doorway.  Looking beyond her he saw the reason and grinned.

"Someone forgot to lock the door first, didn't they?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

Fetrethar entered the open hatch of the vehicle, and quickly made his way to the locker that he deposited his belt and gloves in. He retrieved and donned his equipment, noting in passing that the girl and Dorcan entered into the vehicle as well. The other animal-man was stripping down to don his armor, and Fetrethar examined his own, still tucked under his left arm. His own suit did not seem to be so form fitting. Perhaps it was harder to account for fur and a different body build.

The cat-man was, if his face could be read in any way similar to a human's, in embarrassment. Fetrethar fought to keep his own surprise off of his face. They were of the same clan, the same hold even. Why would a little nakedness embarrass the man? The fur covered almost everything anyway.

Still, Fetrethar reminded himself, these were not mountain men, they had their own customs, own senses of propriety. Fetrethar dropped into a crouch, sitting over his heels, gazing into the mercenary's face.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Darkshine found himself in an even more awkward situation when he heard Dorcan's voice as well... He felt slightly undignified at having been caught so off guard, but instead of getting angry, he played it off with a little snark of his own, replying, "oh?  i'll take it you all enjoyed the show then?  Though Dorcan, i didn't take you for the type..."  A slightly wicked grin grew across his face as he tracked the girl with his peripheral vision, trying to hide in an unobtrusive corner.

He wasn't self-conscious about his body, as the feline knew, for human standards, he was in excellent shape, though he was slightly worried what the newcomers would think finding him in such a position... Then he opened the weapons case and all other thoughts were pushed out of his head as he stared in awe at the weapon he'd been loaned.  The large bore weapon looked more like a telescope mounted on a lightweight cannon than some type of infantry portable sniper rifle, at least, for an average sized man.  Compared to Darkshine, the weapon seemed just about proportionate.

He slid the weapon from the case, worked the action a few times, then set it in the same locker as the carbine.  He took out the spare mags as well, set them with the weapon and locked everything up for the time being.  He then sat back on the bunk and waited to see what the plan was.  Given that everyone seemed to be coming into his vehicle, it seemed he'd probably transport personnel, and the other vans would carry supplies and equipment, or so the feline assumed.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Jexx noticed that people finally seemed to be packing up. He trotted off and got into the van Exo had entered.


"I've spent 250 years in a university halls of residence," Dorcan said.  "I've seen practically everything and tried more than I care to tell you.  Actually I came to ask if you had room in this vehicle, but if it's a bad time I can wait until you're presentable."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


With clothing on and weapon put away, Darkshine looked slightly worried that he might have offended his new friend.  He paused for a moment then said, "No, i'm sorry i snapped back a little.  I'm not used to being caught so off guard, and in such an exposed position at that.  As to answer you question, plenty of room, i've got no idea which of the rebellion troops are riding with me, and who's in the vans, but i've got room for 7 quite comfortably, we've currently got..."

The large, spotted cat paused to look around and see who was there, "...4, and if we need to, we can get more.  just not nearly as safe or with as much room."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Intently trying to keep her attention on her rifle she couldn't help but sneak a glance to Darkshine when she heard the case open. Her eyes went wide when she saw his rifle. The look on her face went from complete amazement to utter pining for the weapon. She couldn't help but pout internally when he put it away and locked it up. Then she realized she was likely staring at him.. again.. so she looked back down in her lap.

Chance was brought out of her forced composure when she heard Dorcan. 250 years?? How old is he?! and once more when he mentioned how it was Darkshine's vehicle. Oh great, now I'll feel indebted to him besides for all the embarrassment.. Which brought her mind back again to what she saw. She cringed a little, noting the size, and wondering if the female kind of his race were as well equpied to... Chance shook her head and cursed to herself, wanting really hard to just attack something, or at least punch it. This was not a good start for the trip.


"I've taken the regular convoy vehicles so far," Dorcan said, making a gesture that they may as well forget the whole incident.  "This time I'd like to try yours if that's not a problem."

He glanced at Chance, sensing her distress.  "This isn't the only vehicle," he said.  "There's a couple of others in the convoy.  You don't have to go with Darkshine if you're not happy about it."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chance jerked her head up towards Dorcan and went very still. Freakin a.. I have to calm down.. She breathed out a sigh, tensing and untensing her hands. "No need, I'll get over it.. I'm not going to run away from a little male nudity." She actually giggled after her statement, right before clearing her throat and picking at her rifle again.

"Besides, with being new and all I'd rather get a feel for you guys first before we have to do any fighting."


As Dorcan waved the incident off, Darkshine gave off a friendly grin and replied, "no problem at all, in fact, if you'd like i can set you up to access Ranger in a moment. That will let you play around with various systems, access information on the drives, or even turn the autopilot on, and i can run a sim program in the main seat if you'd like to learn how to drive..."  he paused thinking he might be overdoing the hospitality...

"but, whatever you choose, you're more than welcome here."

The feline paused, and noted the wild man sitting on the floor.  He quirked an eyebrow and said, "you know, once you stow your gear, you can take a seat... wherever you please outside of the cockpit, really... just make yourself comfortable, it'll be a bit of a drive."

as for Chance, Darkshine Smirked at her reply to Dorcan then added, "Well, i'm glad i didn't scare you off... The lockers are bio-metric, run your finger over the dark green bar, throw your gear in, then close up.  When you need to get it out, same drill, just run your finger over the bar."

With things seemingly smoothing out, he leaned forward, opened the small cooler below the bunk and retrieved the pitcher of tea.  Pouring himself a cup, he held the pitcher up and asked, "anyone else want some iced tea?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Thanks," Dorcan said.  "If you can give me a basic rundown on how computers work in this world that would be handy."

He glanced around the vehicle, familiarising himself with.  "No thanks, I don't..." he said as tea was offered.

Then the leopard's remark to Chance caught his attention.  "Biometrics, eh?  If it's genetic or fingerprint-based, that might be a problem."  His ears pricked up a moment later.  "Do you know if they sell winegums at the canteen...?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine nodded."Yea, not a problem... once we get moving, i'll get you setup up front, depending on what you're trying to learn, most of the stuff is self explanatory."

Pausing, darkshine took a sip of tea, and enjoyed the cool, refreshing, and slightly caffeinated liquid.  When Dorcan said he'd have a problem with a biometric lock, the feline said, seemingly to no one in particular, "Ranger, over-ride the lock on locker 6, voice lock, for the winged canine if you'd be so kind... if you have a voice sample great... otherwise, take one when he uses the scanner."  
Looking back at Dorcan darkshine smiled and pointed to the appropriate locker, which was completely empty at the moment.  "there you go... all yours and set for voice lock..."

He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment.  Cocking his head at a slight angle he replied,  "i'm not really sure about your winegum though... not something i usually look for..."  finishing with a shrug.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Thanks," Dorcan said.  "If it'll take a voice-print, that will save me having to make a finger out of jellies."  This kind of trickery was usually easier than trying to shapeshift the patterns in someone's finger-pads.

"Is your vehicle sentient?" he added.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine stifled a snicker as Dorcan talked about crafting a finger from jellies.  Then replied to his question of Ranger's sentience.  He said, "Oh quite, Ranger happily lives throughout the drives of this vehicle, and as an entity capable of searching the vast networks.  It amazes me how fast he can infiltrate a facilities defenses, and how well he's capable of taking the various sensors of a building, along with the ones in my suit, and use them  to track and guide me on missions.  Above and beyond his abilities, Ranger has a little bit of an attitude... and seems rather sarcastic... though i have no idea where he could have possibly picked that up from..."

The feline tried his best to appear innocent, after a few seconds of failing he let out a chuckle.  Then added, "seems he's thinking about something... or perhaps busy with something... normally he's fairly talkative."

As if on cue, the monochromatic, slightly hollow voice came from a speaker built into the area, "Uh, Sir... do you have any idea how boring it is to be stuck in a garage that shields me for sending or receiving any signals except those through our current employer's current network?..."  "oh, and welcome aboard new people.  once the mission objective are uploaded, you probably won't hear too much from me while i'm compiling additional data for your own usage."

Darkshine looked towards the cockpit area with a bit of a quirked eyebrow, "wait... how did... never mind, i'm not going to ask..."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


While Darkshine and Dorcan talked, Chance stood and went to the lockers. She pressed her finger on the dark green bar and opened the door before throwing her armor in. With the rifle in her hands she hesistated a moment, sighed, and set it in the locker as well. She figured it was more safe to keep it in there anyways since she wasn't sure how bumpy the ride was going to be; she didn't want a bad mistake to happen.

She looked around when she heard the voice and found the speaker, then she looked to Darkshine with a bit of a smirk. "Heh, I think I like him."

Ryudo Lee

Once all the equipment was loaded into the vehicles, and everything was ready to go, the convoy set out for the excavation site.  The three day trip was rather uneventful, though they passed a handful of settlements and villages which had been overrun by the Brotherhood, and burnt to the ground, leaving no survivors, or any Brotherhood soldiers to fight with.  The burnt skeletal remains of the houses of these people were a grim reminder of the lengths that the Brotherhood is willing to go to in order to further their mission.

The convoy eventually approached mountain range where the entrance to the ruins was located.  Once they reached the entrance, they would find a couple of nervous looking young human men, one with a pair of binoculars and the other manning a poorly maintained machine gun on a turret.  The one with the binoculars flagged the convoy down.
"Thank god you're here!  We've been asking for help from the rebellion for ages!  We just scared off a Brotherhood scout, but he's sure to return with reinforcements!" He shouts frantically.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan started, thoughts of protocol and command structure evaporating as the conversation from the front vehicle came through on audio.  These people were in trouble and the idea that they may have been overrun by the Brotherhood had been his worst fear.  It might still happen unless they moved fast.

The Doberman opened a window and poked his head out.  "How long ago was this?" he called.  "And who's in charge here?  We'll need to organise some kind of evacuation."

Checking that the comms were open to Morgan and Exo, he made a suggestion.  "We need to get these guys into the vans as a priority.  Whatever happens, whatever we choose to do in terms of defending the site or abandoning it, they'll be safer in here."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chance cursed under her breath when she heard the news. She shot for her locker, opened it with her finger print and yanked out her things. Before she donned the armor she took off her shoulder strap full of ammo, then replaced it over the armor and hooked her rifle to it.

"Dammit.." She mutter again. Those damn Brotherhood jackhats.. always getting into everyone's business. She saw another window, just down the way from Dorcan's, so she rushed to it, opened 'er up, and poped her head out. "What direction did the scout go?" She added to Dorcan's questions. If it just happened then perhaps there was hope for catching up to him.

Corgatha Taldorthar

The trip was dull, boring. Little room to stretch legs, little course to speak to the others, even if he had the standing to address them. He still could not work out this clan hierarchy, least of all where he fit into it except as the runt. Although this Chance woman had to be as junior as he, if not more so, but she went about brazenly, talking to those who seemed honored veterans without averting her eyes, without even waiting to be spoken to.

When they arrived at the site, he already had his gear on, armored jacket worn, shield belt on, but not activated, the odd rifle they gave him held in power-gauntleted hands. His stinger was nestled firmly in his upper palate.

He was close enough to Dorcan to hear the conversation said to him, but he addressed his clan-mate, not an outsider. "How can you be certain they are people on our side. They claim to be trying to contact us for ages, but I doubt that they would be ignorant of such an activity for so long. If they have a bomb, or a tracer........."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Darkshine had grown used to the newcomers in his vehicle over the 3 day trip... he'd spent most of that familiarizing himself with his new weapon.  While the others had conversed, he'd kept himself open to question, but rarely conversed if not addressed first.  By the time they were within a half hour of the site, Darkshine had started loading his carbine, and left it by the front door.  Once they approached, and Dorcan started taking control, Darkshine had already removed the T-shirt, and was undoing the belt with total disregard for those around him.  He opened the locker with his armor and once the last of the civilian garb was removed, he donned the armor, locked is with the pins, then donned a mask, breathing unit, headset and unlocked the  heavy rifle.

Rifling through the various harnesses and combat webbing, he found a rifle bag with which to store the sniper, and it's spare ammunition, packed the weapon, then slung the bag.  He grabbed several spare mags for the carbine, tossed them in a side pocket on the bag, then slid 4 into his suit's thigh mounted cases.  He walked up front, grabbed the carbine, looping the sling around his neck.  With full combat gear donned, he opened the side hatch and stepped onto the armored skirt, which, while filled, doubled as a small infantry deck.  He watched the 2 soldiers with their crew served weapon rather impassively, then finally replied, "we'll need to get that ammo-burner of yours cleaned up before they come back... you guys got some maps of the area where we can work out a defensive plan?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->