thats so gay

Started by thegayhare, February 17, 2009, 06:26:54 PM

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Okay I've never realy had any problem being gay... It's never bothered me that I don't seem to fit any gay stereo types...

But every once in a while I'll catch my self doing something that's just so gay. It's nothing I try to supress but I wonder if it's a subconscious thing, like I some how thik thats how gay guys act so every once in a while when I'm not thinking about it a little swishy ness slips out.

Well this isn't like that at all this is a hand on the hips or limp wrist sorta thing... yesterday we were in walmart, me and my sister, just dubbing around I was liiking for a flash drive and cybernetic eyes as well as 8 pounds of ground turkey, and she needed yarn, fabric markers and Yohoo. When she spotted a hat she liked, it was a short brimmed baseball cap with a soft brim, and she was leaning towards the is white in black one with a tarten pattern. She tried it on and I just frowned... I couldn't keep quiet

"No no no sis thats all wrong for you that color just won't do it simply doesn't match your style. It's mostly white with a little black. You trend towards darker colors in your clothing so the white hat would contrast to much with any outfit you wear. Go with the solid black it's a much better fit for your personal style." At this piont I groand realising what I sounded like. "Dear god I realy am Gay"


Oh well sis agreed with me and said she doesn't mind at all since normaly she has zero fashion sense


sorry just felt I had to share


Heh, I think that a man answering a fashion question or stating something about fashion is concidered somewhat gayish, except when one talks in that total gangstah cooly dooly fashion. "That outfit looks cool." but really.

I myself am hardly ever tempted to comment on anyone's clothes, I mostly wear black so I guess I never developed this thing called 'fashion, not that I am a typical male, not at all, I'm a total outcast <.< But I hardly say something about anyones clothing unless asked, and even then wouldn't state that it was straight out bad without, I guess I am always concerned with...

derailed my thought process, sorry. Anyway, I think it's a good property to comment on someone elses style / lack there of.  :3


i wouldn't worry about it too much, my friend Jilani (who's also gay) just has fun with it... in fact, if you've got straight guy friends, you can start making things up, and if you pull it off with a straight face, you can get them to dress absolutely ridiculous... albeit temporarily

but yea, i find myself to be that guy who's friend's with everyone... probably way too easy going, borderline surfer/skater look... i wear what i find comfortable, and don't pay attention to style too much... but yea... i've fallen victim to Jilani's hyjinx a few times...

actually, funny story, my dog takes my revenge out on him... whenever Jilani is over, duke will growl at him, then come to me, look at me, waggy tail and all... and i swear the noise he makes is something between a moo and a snicker...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


So you did something that most people would call "typical gay"- I don't think you should worry about it. You sound like that isn't a trend with you so don't think too much of it, actually that sort of thing happens to straight guys as well and for them it is embarrassing even if only for a few laughs on their account. with you it should be expected and you shouldn't bother feeling in anyway awkward for it. There was this time once me and Beever were listening in on my brother's Skype conversation with a girlfriend of his, we started to chuckle behind him and the girl heard us and asked my brother who was there with him. He answered:"Oh, just my brother and his boyfriend!". It took him and us a couple of seconds to realize what he had said and how the girl reacted to it! Next moment me and Beever are gasping for air out of laughter and my brother is rapidly trying to explain to the girl we are not gay. We still joke about it.  :)


i have a sudden urge to sin the 'if you were gay' song, even though i know you've heard it before

i just feel like breaking into song, i have great feelings of fondness and kinship towards you, and let us rejoice in our pride as apron wearing men
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.