Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Aisha deCabre

Aisha chose to ignore the demon's muttered comment in her other tongue--slightly incorrect grammar-wise though it was--for the moment as the incubus listened and the others seemed to calm down a little bit around her.  Though the tension was still very thick, and one didn't have to know how to read emotions to sense it.

Kassin spoke up, and Aisha took a quick glance at him and his mannerisms.  Her expression lightened some in concern, watching him try to explain to the somewhat protective reptilian about his empathy.  He seems far too gentle in countenance to be such a horrid criminal as I'd read either this is all a too-much-convoluted trick for suspicious wanderers, or it really WAS a false bounty.  Well, at least I'm better received.  I should be able to hopefully get confirmation on the matter later.

For now, her attention turned to the canine as he gave the demon to another jaguar standing by, and proceeded to introduce himself.  She couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at his rather elaborately polite mannerisms, and his hidden compliment.  But at least he was amicable.

"Ahnasazi, huh?  Nice to meet you.  I can't help but wonder if you know anyone of Mraisae, like my friend Cheyenne."  She bowed back.  "As for me though, I have a few different callings...outside of this place, I am known as The Risen.  The demons of a certain clan call me the Black Scourge...or Madam, if they know what's good for them."  She smirked, placing her hand casually on the hip where her sword, the Dragonblade, was kept.  "But friends and fellow travelers may simply call me Aisha.  And I hope I get to learn the rest of your names soon."

She nodded at his invitation and took a none-too-cautious step forward, though the step sent a little tingle through her back to remind her that she wasn't fully fixed up yet.  "And...yeah, a little rest would be good, thanks," she said with a hiss through clenched teeth.  "Don't know where anyone could get food though.  I don't mind waiting, I know I walked in on something," she said with a glance toward where the demon and other feline were conversing.

"So," she continued, "Investigating the disturbance?  I'm glad at least to see people who are doing something about it.  What little I've seen, it's a little crazy around here."  As she said that, she continued to observe the others around her and their reactions, including the little meerkat that seemed to be so bent on digging.  "What's all the trouble about, anyway?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Toalacuzlotlixao gave Kassin a puzzled look for a long moment.

"The world is not perfect; is not righteous.  But that will come someday, if the Gods are willing.  The good see the wrongness and try to right it.  They may have to fight.  But you feel it directly..."  He sounded awed.

As if suddenly remembering, which was quite possible, Toalacuzlotlixao looked back to where he was aiming his bow before firing.  The arrow zipping into a nearby snowbank and kicking up a large cloud of sparkling white snow.  He shouldered his bow before walking to where his quiver was lying, which brought him nearer to the new pantheress.

Picking up the quiver to inspect it for damage he said:  "I'm Toalacuzlotlixao.  If it helps then you may call me 'Zot.'"

He found the quiver in good shape, and then walked back over toward Kassin, hiding a little wobble along the way, before offering the winged tiger a hand up.

"What can I do?"
            <-- #1 that is!


Garis chuckled in response to the hunteress' apprehension and questions.  He replied, "The clan i've heard of... though not your friend.  Then again, we're not all that rare... find the right areas and you'll catch fairly large congregations... But, that's getting off your questions.  Food."

He paused and fished around his own gear, looking for something to nibble on.  He fished a few strips of dried meat from his bag, lightly salted and seasoned.  Offering one to the huntress.  "Well, food is a bit scarce... but, then again, it depends on what you need to survive.  I mean... by all accounts, i've gone 3 straight months on nothing but ale and happy thoughts.  As for the trouble, it seems this demon here may have affiliations with The Claws... and we were attempting to ascertain just what he knows, when you showed up..."

He chortled at the comment, "So, Aisha, where abouts are you from?  You've got quite the exotic accent.  Still can't place it just yet."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Kassin looked up towards Zot, he didn't take the hand. He seemed to prefer sitting down at this point. "At this point? I'm not terribly sure...". He stopped, then looked at Kedered, a horrified look ensued. He paused for some time. He let out a deep sigh, then shook his head. I had hoped that... I have so much to ask right now... "Though we should move out soon... I'd rather not remain here."

"For now, I suppose we'll have to wait until they're done over there..." He looked over at Bart with a visible frown. I should brace myself for what they'll likely do...

He remained sitting down, a rather glum look on his face. And after what I felt at the orphanage... I'm going to have to ask them what happened there later, but soon.


Bart brushed the snow from his shoulders with a quick leer towards Garis. Between him and Kedered, his options weren't looking so good, and they were looking even less favorable as the feline described the joys and tastes of soul-eating. 'Cubi were such fuckin' weirdos. Gorging on immortal spirits must make them screwy.

"I think some shit's universal, like not killing kids or whatever. But I didn't walk all this way to get jumped and discuss morals with people." As Kedered circled, Bart returned the favor, facing the incubus at all times. "All I had to do was find my cousin and head back home. Whatever you want, I probably couldn't give it to you." Unless Ked had something really bitchin' to offer, this bargaining wouldn't go anywhere. And really, what did Bart even have that they wanted? Some lunch money?
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Aisha deCabre

"Good to meet you then, Zot," the panthress bowed her head back in reply at the reptile that had leveled an arrow at her earlier, before he turned back to the angel Kassin.

As the conversations continued, Aisha had decided to find a place to sit down for the time being.  A rock was a good choice, after brushing the snow off.  With an annoyed grunt, more at the cold moisture than at anyone or anything in particular, the black jaguaress pulled her cloak around herself and accepted Garis' offer of the meat.  She sniffed at it out of habit before breaking off a piece in her gleaming fangs, somewhat ravenous.

"This will do for the time being, thanks," she nodded back to the incubus, chuckling inwardly at his comments.  'Cubi were still quite proud of their abilities over Beings, to be certain.  But she tended to take such shows in good humor or neutrality; the former more if she wanted to make a better impression.  She smirked back at his compliment.  "As for my accent, I learned two languages being raised by my parents."  Her crimson eyes took on a distant look.  "They or their ancestors came from a more tropical area in the far southeast, where they speak this language.  As for myself, I hail from a valley called the Shadowed Depths.  There's a monastery there, where they train the best healers...and warriors...that one could imagine.  The headmistress is a great swords-woman and my godmother, in fact.  And I came here as adventurers do, looking for trouble to fix."  She shrugged.  "I guess it found me."

Her eyebrow quirked curiously at the mention of the group that their demon supposedly had something to do with.  "The Claws, huh?  Well, if that doesn't sound like a name to run away from..." she commented with a shake of her head, having finished her piece of jerky and taken out her gleaming silver bladed boomerang to idly check its sharpness via running it over her claw.  The relic had a noticeable aura of light magic around it.  "What are their crimes, then?"  She inquired with a glance toward the others.  The other jaguar was certainly trying to be intimidating towards their captured friend, and Kassin still looked too troubled to pay attention to much else.  Among false bounties, I suppose, she thought.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



Kassin stood up, stretched his wings a bit, mindful not to push them in anyone's face by accident. He brushed some snow off of his clothing. He raised his head up to the air, looking towards the sky. A sharp exhale, then he lowered his head. He flexed his hands, then paced over to the group centered around Bart, though keeping a short distance away.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the conversation, but I don't think we should linger here. This area is not safe to be in." He paused, glancing about again. "We should depart, and soon."

He focused on Aisha momentarily, he closed his eyes as a gust of snowy wind bashed against his face. "If you wish to come with us, you certainly may. However, I will not force that upon you." His head raised, he didn't seem like he was just addressing her, but others as well.

He lowered his head, took a glance at Garis, Bart, and Kedered. He seemed to address the two cubi. "Could you put him down..." he made a side glance over to the unconscious Eilan. "and pick Eilan up? I think we've lingered here for longer than is safe."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered continued circling, tamping down the urge to smirk that the demon was doing the same. "Well, you heard our friend. Your cousin is fallen, and is not the most prestigious name to utter in our company. Which leaves, primarily, the issue of security. In our brief time together, we have not exactly seen eye to eye. The second you leave our grasp, you become a security risk. I am sure you can put out a vituperative exclamation of how you would not sell people out, that it is cowardly and dishonorable, but I see no security, outside of the personality of a man I met today. Give me a reason why we should be safe with your departure, and I would be happy to grant my benediction, and point the way to your kinsman's falling ground."

Somewhat chancy, invoking the name of a recently dead relative, one that you've all but admitted to killing. Keep the blade at spring-readiness, and set it to acid. If nothing else, I'm sure I can hold him off long enough for the others to dogpile him.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Toalacuzlotlixao looked over to where the jaguar and the tall reptile were circling eachother pointlessly.  He tried to strike an authoritative pose, though the effect was lessened by his short height.

"Kassin is wise.  This place has many bodies for looting and it is possible a lot of valuable goods.  It will not take more bounty hunters long to arrive and start fighting over the spoils.  We should not be here when they arrive."

"You are also creating many more tracks that will allow the other bounty hunters to know who you are and where you go."  he said as he briefly glanced to the snow on the ground.

He didn't take his eyes off the two that were circling, but he lowered his voice so only those right next to Kassin should be able to hear.  "I can shoot them both if you want.  They will fall asleep and we can leave the reptile long behind."  Toalacuzlotlixao raised his voice again after and immediately asked, "So where are we going?"
            <-- #1 that is!


Replying to the female first, Garis proffered a hand, "it seems we'll need to move, if you're inclined to travel with us, I'm more than willing to off whatever assistance you might need until you're back to normal.  I know all too well how near-death can leave you oh so drained."

Turning to Ked and the new demon, the incubus debated the merits of pulling them apart... he tried a different approach first, "We need to move, you 2.  If we're going to have a pissing contest, lets do it somewhere that isn't littered with bodies, and covered with blood.  A place where we can actually bash eachother's skulls in, in peace.  Like good, civilized creatures."

He turned back to Aish and smirked, "As entertaining as things are seeming to get, we would be best to get moving, Kassin is right, it's not safe here at all.  There will be more adventurers, or worse... movement is our best option."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Aisha deCabre

Noticing that her question had gone unanswered, Aisha shrugged to herself as she watched the others gather themselves up.  It is hard to blame them, anyway.  This place makes me antsy, too.  All in due time.

Nonetheless, she did get some confirmation on what the group was there for, when she overheard Zot's concern about bounty hunters coming to find them.  Aha.

"Agreed about moving...if I have to keep smelling blood, I think I'll retch.  It's no place for introductions."  Smirking at Garis' comment to the group, and smiling with a nod to Kassin as he briefly addressed her, Aisha politely declined the incubus's hand in favor of getting up herself and replaced her weapon.  "Do not worry, amigo, I'll be fine in due time.  I may be a Being, but I have quite a bit of enchantment backing me up."

She briefly rolled her right sleeve up to the wrist to show the bracer she was wearing, a silver and gold-adorned thing, also humming with light energy.  "This can dispel curses, and also if left to linger, heal wounds quicker.  I'll be back to fighting condition soon enough I think.  But it certainly doesn't quell an empty stomach; thanks for the meat."

The panthress turned again to Kassin.  "And I will accompany you all, if you all will have me.  All things considered, it's wise to have extra eyes and ears.  And to be of help is the least I can do.  I've remembered that I have you to thank for being alive," Aisha bowed her head in acknowledgment.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The feral little meerkat simply remained standing next to Kassin on his little patch of cleared earth.  They could talk as much as they wished.  He had nothing to say, not right now.  Now was the time for duty, for standing guard and getting ready for the invariable catastrophe.  It was of course coming.  They had waited too long.  Far too long, the wind had changed several times by his count.  Anyone who lived anywhere near here had surely smelled the blood.  They would come to investigate, and more people would be killed.

Oh well, short of demanding action from his superiors, there was nothing that could be done, just stand, and wait.  Patiently.


"You're the race that mindfucks people." Bart was getting tired of this circling crap, but he had to keep facing the incubus at all times. "Tell me, do I feel like the kind of person who wants to get more involved with you guys?" Any incubus or empath could feel his sincerity. All he wanted to do was find his mask, hatchet, and make tracks.

"Besides, I'm not good with the whole adventuring thing." He gave a slight nod in Aisha's direction. "Too many goody-goodies and rules to keep track of. Feel free to go hog-wild slaying goons n' shit without me, though."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Toalacuzlotlixao blinked in confusion at the demon reptile's response.  Following the demon's glance, he looked up at Aisha and asked, "You are 'goody goodies?'  What is that?  It sounds like 'good,' but his tone," he motioned back toward the demon, "is like the opposite."

Toalacuzlotlixao, for anyone capable of reading minds, is entirely serious.
            <-- #1 that is!

Aisha deCabre

Aisha paused in her ministrations for the moment, stealing a scowl towards the demonic reptile being interrogated by the other jaguar.  Sensitive of hearing, it wasn't like she didn't know an insult when she heard it; still, it never failed to strike a nerve when a demon said anything around her that reminded the panthress of their nature.

Then, she turned back to Zot and lightly tilted her head to the side at his question before responding.  "Ah...he's using a tone called 'sarcasm'...or perhaps being snide, it is easy to get the two confused.  As it is easy to see, he hates adventurers, so he calls us 'good', but doesn't mean it.  He is, basically, mocking me and my profession."

She glanced once more to said Creature with a grimace before shrugging her shoulders and straightening herself up.  "It isn't like a demon would know what it is to be 'good', from what I've experienced of them," she muttered quietly, her voice taking on a slightly intense growl to it nevertheless.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Kassin looked towards Zot momentarily, then shook his head 'no'. "More violence won't help matters..." A gust of wind blew by his face, he closed his eyes in response. He let out a deep breath. Still no closer to getting anywhere... we need to move and soon... I still need to ask about what happened at the orphanage.... He flexed his hands. Kassin seemed visibly worried. He glanced towards Orenio momentarily, but said nothing. He then glanced towards Aisha, he gave a small affirmatory nod.

Another gust of wind hit Kassin's face. He closed his eyes, focused on Kedered, Garis, and Bart. Wasting time... and I don't think we have much to spare. He opened his eyes, stepped forward, he seemed to mostly be addressing Kedered. "I think we should just let him go. Continued interaction would avail nothing beneficial to either of us, and the quicker we are out of here, the better we all are." He cast a glance towards Eilan, letting out a soft sigh. He was visibly bothered, uneasy. Despite being uninjured and non-fatigued, he still looked weary.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I wonder at the possibility of landing some sort of tracer on him. Well, he has spotted us, and has no real reason to remain in our company.

Nodding in the direction of Edaric, he turned back to the demon. "Well, if you truly must know, some distance behind us" he made a sweeping gesture back in the way they came. "There is the burned out shell of an orphanage. About a mile off, in a small wooded glade, you'll find him." Well, the corpse. Here's hoping your search turns up that elusive relative and that can pry open Kassin's mouth.

Ignoring the demon, he turned to Eilan, who seemed to have the rest of things, if not in hand, at least away from exploding. Furthermore, he still wanted to keep an eye on the adventurer, at least until he calmed down about Chance. "Kassin is right, we need to be moving, or what other leads we have will slip away as well."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


They speak of moving, but will they?  Will they finally stop squabbling and do something?  He was probably thinking that far too loudly than he ought.  But paranoia was setting in, never a good sign for a meerkat.  However since everyone seemed to be in agreement, he was going to capitalize on it.

A blur of motion, and Orenio stood as a furre once again, bowing hastily to the new female.  "Madame."  And then to Kassin.  "My lord, if we are to leave as quick as we can, if it is not too bold, I suggest you commission one of your lieutenants to carry you until you are less weary.  If it comes to such, I am both strong and fast, more than able to lift you and run."  However, if this did not spur the tiger into pushing more for relocation, Orenio would be compelled to resume his primal form, and wait for instructions.  He had pushed his luck enough with speaking without orders.


Kassin nodded when he saw Kedered pick up Eilan. With a simple motion, he called for the others to head away from the area with him. The cold beat against his face, he seemed weary. The sun was just coming up though. It was still early in the day.

Travel happened quickly, though it felt otherwise. It occurred through snowy plains. The winds were fast, the weather was miserable, it was still snowing, and still cold. The whole trip was oppressive, at least it was over in an hour.

At the end of it all, there was sparse foresting, leafless trees about. Less dense than the place they were before. As harsh and cold as it was, there was a tense, yet tranquil feeling, also one strangely empty. No animals around, no people either. The place seemed like a void. The trees all looked lifeless with no leaves, and whatever foliage there was was buried under thick snow.

Kassin looked about, fortunately this time there didn't appear to be any ambushes or bloodthirsty adventurers or demons around. He didn't relax however, he looked bothered and weary. He took a few steps, then leaned against a tree, trying to get as comfortable as the circumstances would allow. He took a few deep breaths, then looked over those with him, Kedered, Garis, and Chance with more scrutiny than the others. His hands were trembling a little, though from what discomfort exactly was unclear. A few moments of respite later, he looked over.

"What happened at the orphanage?" He asked.


After Kassin leaves, the place still seems quiet. Corpses are still strewn about, the smell of dried blood under snow is about. It's eerily quiet, though evidence of the carnage still remains.

It seems like you're alone, at least for the moment. Alone out in the middle of nowhere.


There wasn't much to do other than follow once Kassin had set out.  Still, Toalacuzlotlixao couldn't help but be cautious now that he had become an accomplice by association with Kassin.  Before he left the clearing he snapped off some pine branches that still had plenty of needles on them.  These he used to help himself try to cover the tracks of the party as it left the clearing, throwing in a touch of magic to help fill in the marks from the branches themselves.

The trek was slow going, and Zot fell behind the party due to his efforts.  His own skill at tracking was more than enough to allow him to keep on the trail though.  Very quickly he found himself bored despite the efforts he had to put into covering the trail of so many through the snow.  This gave him quite a bit of time to think about what he was going to do tomorrow once his oath was no longer binding.  What would he do if Kassin was being truthful, as it seemed to be?  What if he was as vicious as the wanted posters made it seem?

By the time he caught up with Kassin and the rest he had decided very little.  "Wait and see" was the only definite thing he could do.  Though some of his other thoughts on possible outcomes left him alternately disturbed and highly amused.  Imagining himself as the heroic savior of the group from an entire army of Claws had him chuckling softly as he rejoined the group.  He desperately tried to banish an image of the group, the females being scantilly clad of course, fawning over him in his heroic pose atop a pile of treasure.

"Are we to camp here then?"  (He didn't arrive in time to hear Kassin's question)
            <-- #1 that is!


His body was on autopilot for most of the trip.  Absorbing the emotions of the others as he simply put 1 foot in front of the other.  He followed along, perking his ear from one side to the other from time to time, or sniffing for someone's scent on the wind.  The cold didn't really bother him at this point

Garis could only give a pained a look as Kassin laid out his question "I'm not really sure what happened.  You passed out, i carried you to safety... that much i know.  There was a fire, lots of anger... things got out of hand... Zanfib and i had an exchange of blows... that... well... no being could have endured.  That, however was after the orphanage had burned beyond the point of saving anyone else.

We left rather quickly after that... but... it was ugly... and whatever happened... well... it wasn't of my doing that the fire started in the first place, but i couldn't save the boy either."

He gave a sigh... there was still a tinge of anger... he knew he was going to be blamed for the incident, despite his innocence in that particular crime.  True enough, he had killed the caretaker, but that was quick and painless compared to the fire... and really, no one would know what happened... to many burn marks.   So... he stood there, by Kassin, and attempted to comfort the angel boy.  His voice turned far sweeter as he added, "I did save you, and i will continue to keep you as safe as i can... i made you a promise, and i will make sure you are safe until we clear your name... then we'll all be safe."

He gave the angel-boy a squeeze on the shoulder.  "Are you cold?  should i make you a fire?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

When Kassin had stopped, Kedered laid the supine figure of Eilan on the tree next to the boy. Damn, that adventurer needed to lose a few pounds, and his shoulder was a little numb from holding the being aloft there.

Without any particular prompting, Kedered made a short circuit around the glade, and shot a short burst of thought to Garis.

Are we to camp here? I have little doubt that by sometime tonight, Kassin's mystery relative will be returning our wayward Demon to us We should prepare, I would like to catch this bloodkin, if I can, and perhaps it would be wise to remove the Thom'sen as well.  can set a few simple wards, if that would be helpful. And how is the boy?

Still, not waiting for a response, Kedered started to put a few simple magical alarms around in a loose circle. They weren't perfect, not by far, and they could be fooled with theurgy, or simply shattered, but most of their enemies displayed so far had neither care nor sophistication, preferring brute force.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"Erm...excuse me, Sir-Kedered, sorry.  Kedered!"  The little meerkat was running up behind the leopard, not really a good idea, trying to look meek and small and please for the love of whatever gods you worship, please don't kill me.

"Are we to be setting up camp here?  The young lord seems exhausted, and if we are, I could set up a few basic wards against trespassers in the area, and create a barrier once a campsite is designated."


Kassin looked to Garis. He didn't seem rather happy with his response, all he did was make a deep exhale. Frowning deeply, he looked towards the ground. His hands twitched a bit in the cold. He seemed rather broken at this point, fatigue wearing on him. He didn't say anything, he shield away from Garis as well. He didn't appear to acknowledge anyone at this point. However, it did seem plenty clear that they would be making camp at this spot. He went over to make himself comfortable by a tree.

"Excuse me... I have a lot to think about. You should probably plan where we should head next...". He said that flatly, not seeming to address anyone in particular.

With that, he sat by a tree, seeming to be in a half-trance. His thoughts, to those that could tell, kept cycling back and forth through the events around the orphanage, the horrors he endured through his empathic chaining. He wondered if he and his companions should simply hide somewhere, so that incidents like this would not occur, but such thoughts ended quickly. Caught in a vortex of despair and disbelief, he continued to doze off unless interrupted... time went by...

Aisha deCabre

Aisha followed the group with little else to say to them; but that was fine, for she was eagerly just as resigned to listen to them as much as she was to speak.  At least now she could relax among them, secure in the knowledge that she wasn't going to be killed or attacked on suspicion.  Kassin wasn't paying her very much due, as he seemed to have too much on his own mind to deal with, but at least nobody disbelieved her that her life had been saved by the angel; as was a similar thing with the others.

How would they react if they knew I was also a bounty hunter?  She pondered.  But, she felt it best to leave that particular detail out until she'd been with them long enough to forge some small measure of trust.  Many of them already caught her interests in a few ways.  The meerkat is a doesn't see those very often.  And just HOW many 'Cubi do we have anyway?

As well, thanks to her healing bracer and the minimal food in her stomach, she had recovered well from her near-death fatigue and could keep up with the others well on her light feet.  Not to say she wasn't relieved when they'd finally made a stop in a clearing.  Far too quiet a place in an empty, sparse forest for her liking, but she trusted herself to be alert well enough to danger.  Her caution shone especially when they decided to leave the demon behind.  But, as he'd only threatened with harsh words and not retaliation towards herself or the group, she was personally reserved to letting him live.

So, while Kassin left the group to plan, she sat herself awkwardly at the root of another tree nearby, wondering if she should contribute anything to any semblance of conversation.

"...So what's all the grumbling I keep hearing about an orphanage, then?" she finally managed to quip.  Hey, a feline would be curious.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Upon hearing Orenio's voice pipe up behind him, Kedered allowed himself a small smile, before quashing the outbreak of emotion and leaving his features still. He didn't turn around before responding, eyes hunting for Garis.

"Yes, I do think we'll be stopping here, at least long enough for Kassin to rest. Some wards would definitely be helpful. Can you set them up so that they'll let that disagreeable reptilian Demon, Bart, through? I do believe he will be returning to us shortly, and possibly in a less than serviceable condition.

It is good that he is deferential, although I must wonder after Father's example, how much of that is poise. Even we can be fooled. Only bloodkin and clan-kind can truly be trusted.

Garis still hadn't responded, and Eilan was unconscious, but Kedered's ears had pricked up at the panthress's query, and he sidled over to where she was. Nodding conspiratorially at her, and forcing his features still as his probe encountered the unyielding tension of a mind shield, he spoke softly, so as not to disturb the others.

"I was not present when the fire started, but we needed to speak to a boy sheltered in the orphanage. Your accent marks you as a foreigner, so I should note that Ithralian orphanages are barely more than shacks with fatherless children dumped on the floor. This one was not in the best repair, and there was an amount of dry timber. From what I could gather, somehow a stray fire spell was cast by one of our party, and the whole building went up." He shrugged. "Eilan blames Chance, over there, and I know Garis had an.... altercation with a former member of our company, one Zanfib, over the matter. As I said, I was not there myself, so I cannot give a more detailed account."

She bears watching. Like or not, we've mostly factionalized by race, and there's a good chance she'll stick with the other being. Magic, on a lot of her gear as well. Still, one can hope that she's still a bit too uncertain to harden her loyalties irreparably.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Garis was careful to watch Kassin go.  His mind drifted and he sighed heavily. His thoughts kept drifting to the horrors of the orphanage... there wasn't anything he could have done, but still... He listed to the conversations around him, replying to Ked first via their thought-sensing abilities.  Trust isn't an issue with clansmen, and those of shared blood.  We can trust Kassin to be weak and frail, as he's always been, and we can trust Eilan to be headstrong.  We can trust the demon to be arrogant and foolish, and we can trust the others to be untrustworthy until we can further evaluate them.

He gave a visible shrug, replying to the black feline, "I was under guise of a woman with her husband, looking to adopt a child.  The act was my choice, the now deceased adventurer Zanfib suggested a more brutal and heavy handed approach... kill everyone and take what we needed.  Well, the act worked for the most part, and we managed to slip inside while looking for a certain child.  A Mr. Darnis, a winged child.  While searching for him, an unforeseen fire-spell caught, and started a panic.  The caster was incapable of being patient enough to wait for the 10 minutes it would have taken to retrieve the boy and take him out of that hell hole.  Instead, thanks to the dust and rags the place called accommodations, the entire orphanage burned to the ground around me.  I barely escaped alive.  After the fact, Zanfib and I had an exchange of blows.  He was weakened by the flame... and, well... bladed tentacles across the shins, belly, ribs, neck and face aren't liable to leave much in the way of survivability.  So, now me and my fellow travelers are getting blamed for the cavalier attitude towards death a now deceased member of the party held."

Turning his attention back to Ked, Garis continued Just let me know where you need me when night falls.  There's enough emotional fare to keep me going... i don't know about your own condition, but i feel up for a little stake out... and i  would like some questions answered as well.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Ah, no, er-Kedered, I cannot arrange my wards to allow what they are warded against in certain cases, but if you wish, I could leave gaps in the wardings?  Perhaps so the demon could pass through?"  Oh, that would be such a bad, badbadbad idea.  But, it seemed sir Kedered was more interested in the female blackcat.  So!  To work!  For the next while, Orenio would be occupied by drawing circles of magic on trees and the ground between them, filling them with the rune to prevent physical contact, then testing them.

Hopefully, he'd have enough time to create a broken-line circle around the camp area, as this was the most effective means he could think of to also allow the demon too pass through.  Workworkworkworkwork.


Toalacuzlotlixao paid cursory attention to the rest of the group once it became aparent that this was to be their campsite.  He found a spot, cleared out all of the snow, and then arranged the heat-enchanted rocks around it to prepare a place to sit that wouldn't freeze him through.  He had heard the conversations going on around him, but his mind was full of thoughts on how to solidify Kassin's innocence or guilt within Toalacuzlotlixao's sensibilities.  Sure the tiger seemed incapable of being a monster, but that was hardly proof.

He suddenly realized the weight of Kedered's response to Orenio.  "You think that the demon can find us?  I hid our trail.  We should keep great watch on the area if you think that.  If he can find us, then others can follow him!"

Without even waiting for a response Toalacuzlotlixao grabbed up his rocks and started examining the few trees nearby, analyzing them to see how high he thought he could climb, be supported, and have a good perch in which to stay the night.  Also, he was looking for any that provided enough cover to disperse the smoke from any fire the group might make.

"I am a light sleeper, but I cannot be awake all the time."  he said to no one in particular; expecting those who needed to know to catch it.

He glanced over at the snoozing winged tiger and wondered whether it would be worth it engage him in conversation now.  Maybe he should renew his vow of peace.
            <-- #1 that is!

Aisha deCabre

Aisha listened with a comfortable attentiveness toward first the other jaguar, and then Garis, as they gave their accounts on the burning orphanage amidst answering the others about sleeping arrangements, plans, and ward-placing.

Whether the two Incubi would have had a measure of suspicion towards her mind-shield, they could at least feel that her emotions toward the story were quite real.  The flavors involved were shock, disgust, tragedy, and curiosity; for the situation, the destitute state of the orphanage in question, the thought of the fire, and the minor events surrounding it (like what had happened to the children that they couldn't save) respectively placed with each emotion.  Garis could probably also sense incredulity from her at the bluntness of his descriptive account with his bladed tentacles.  Incredulity, but not surprise.

At such a point, she didn't know whether to take the whole thing for truth; but it was as good an explanation as any, and she owed it to the first individuals she met that hadn't tried to kill her to at least listen.

"...By Gods," she muttered once they finished, placing a hand to her forehead.  Just what kind of ruler does this filth-ridden, overrun-with-monsters land HAVE to allow such things?  "I wish I'd have appeared sooner, I would have probably done something to help.  I'd have probably ushered as many children as I could out of the hellhole, if what you say is true.  It makes me sick just thinking of it.  But, moreover, that's unfortunate that it had to come to violence in the end."

With a hum, her gaze followed Kedered's gesture towards where this Chance was supposed to have been.  They had a child or two with them saved already, proving that they did at least try.

"So then, this winged boy, Darnis," she hummed as her crimson eyes darted back to between the 'Cubi in question, continuing on with her curiosity on the situation, "I take it from the mood here that he...well, that you didn't find him.  Of what importance was he?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.