Yay!!!! (The one thing missing from childhood.)

Started by Gamma, December 11, 2008, 08:23:33 PM

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Yeah, it was fun :D

My family and I woke up to the surprise this morning, keep in mind this is southern Louisiana. It began around 5:45 AM and actual snow kept falling till about 8:15, a sleet mix started after that. It sucked that I had to but I started on my way to work through a Winter Wonderland, before I found out 1/2 the way there that it was closed and no one bothered to tell anyone. The interstate was backed up across the capital and I sat for over an hour before being able to turn around and head back.

I know quite a few of you live where it snows at least once a year so you're not exactly thrilled with it, but damn I was!

On the way home I passed by homes and large open yards covered in white, wishing I had a camera with me. Seeing your whole world transformed so suddenly is just awesome. Though I could have done without the icy roads. Luckily when I got my latest set of tires I sprung for top-shelf rain tires. They work quite well dealing with the slush on the streets. I only had a problem driving once, a smaller branch fell into the road and I broke. My ABS system kicked in for the first time ever as I preferred not to try and roll over it, but did anyway. I've run over larger ones before, hardly any danger of damaging my car but it's best not to try.

When I got back I threw on a better jacket and some gloves. My Mom and I then pelted each other with snow balls for a little while. I wanted my big brother to join us but he preferred to sleep. My father grew up and lived is Wisconsin so he didn't care for the snow at all but still had fun watching us and taking pictures. He gave us pointers on building a snow man and for a first time, we think it turned out damn good.

(Click for large version)
If your as much of a geek as I am you can tell what I made his face from.
We have a few more pics of the snowed scenery, though it doesn't that look that impressive if you don't know what it's supposed to look like.
My brother never came out so it was a fairly short stay outside, the cold never got to me though.

Unfortunately never properly experiencing it you never think about it but snow debilitates quite easily. We knew our power lines were never the same after Gustav so the power was already out when I first got back home. It came back then went out again from ~11:00 AM till ~6:15 PM. There are still large outages across the lower state. New Orleans got some snow but not nearly as much as us and I don't think they have any outages to speak of.

So to sum it up that was fun, would like to do it again (not real soon), and I got a small taste of the frozen hell that Canada and the upper states must be.

Beautiful though isn't it?

Faerie Alex

I'm in lower New York. It's been close to 50* degrees (down to 38-ish now) and raining all day. I think our weather may have gotten switched. :U

But yeah, snow can be really fun sometimes. Glad you enjoyed it.

* 10 degrees and 3.3 degrees, for those of you using metric.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


southern CA, no snow, ever. consider yourself lucky. I've only seen snow a few times in my life and it was either really dry or really icy. Still fun though.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.


Central California for me. I only see snow when I go to my family's cabin in the mountains. And it's been so many years since then... I think the last time I saw snow was when I visited a little town called Truckee near Donner Pass.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Ryudo Lee

I didn't know you were from Louisiana too, Gamma.

It was a very nice surprise.  I got to work just as it started coming down, and later when I went to look out the window, everything was covered in white.  It was really nice, really put me a good mood yesterday.  A shame I had to work, otherwise I'd have been out running around in it.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on December 12, 2008, 09:12:28 AMA shame I had to work, otherwise I'd have been out running around in it.
I feel you there. My first thought was that we actually got snow this year!(In Texas, we can actually go years without any snow, much less a real amount). Then I remembered I had two finals. And of course, by the time I was done with them, the snow had melted.


Snow?  What means this "snow?"

Yes, I'm southern, why do you ask?
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


"My father grew up and lived is Wisconsin so he didn't care for the snow at all but still had fun watching us"

Yes, snow is fun untill you have to clean it up, or walk in it regularily. (My poor frost bitten fingers). T'is a fine snow man you made


Obligatory 'graaaaagh graaaaagh snow >:I' from your resident snow-bound Saskatchewanian.

Although I can hardly complain; it's been the most bizarre year. This is the first time in my memory that it's been warm enough to rain in December.
/kicks the internet over


Hehe, The snowman's still holding together for all his worth even though it got in the low 70's today.
Other than him you can't tell it snowed. Makes it even more special I guess.
C'est la vie.