Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Boogey blinked, and the ball of light winked out of existance, wait, what just happened? He-? Then-? Ohhhhhh, crap.
"Seems like that makes quite a few of us," Boogey muttered mainly to himself, returning to his normal appearance, Even on the heels of all this crap I've dealt with today, I should have reacted better. Only brutes and fools let their tempers control them.


Karl: About time someone talked some sense into him...hopefully I won't have to do anything to make sure he doesn't cause more of a mess.

*Karl then slowly started to revert back to normal form*
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Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Aisha's paws had started to become numb in the cold landscape.  She had barely noticed Karl's sudden interruption through all the noise, though she was quite grateful that someone other than just the three of them was willing to try getting through to Stygian.  But she did feel like his transformation was a little uneccessary...

Everything was at this point, especially when the landscape transformed into a contradiction of two powerful elements, one of ice and the other fire...and Stygian, a monster trying to tower straight over Mel.  The panther smiled, admiring the dragon for standing up to such a threat in the name of a peaceful solution.  Aisha held back from her instinct to attack, as she observed the dragon's argument seemed to be working.

There was a sigh of relief when, finally, things started winding down.  She had kept near Gareeku, watching the skulls carefully before seeing them disappear and the surroundings settle in the mirrored fury of the ones who had caused it.  Her gaze switched between the others in the room, and gratefully towards Mel.  Hearing Stygian's question, she muttered beneath her breath, "No more than you were before..." and set the sword back into the sheath with a metallic sound.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel managed a little snort of a chuckle even as her fear-wobbly knees started to strengthen. "No one is getting any awards for brilliant behavior today. I barely believe the story of how we got here and I lived it. So I won't be holding your disbelief against you." She took a deep breath and dared to add, "Which doesn't explain you crashing our party."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The fiend-turned-bat turned his head against Aisha and looked at her with an almost sad expression, deep eyes locking with hers. His tail whipped once.
   "Thank you! That's very nice to hear," he said with stinging sarcasm. He began trodding against the door, his head leaned down and his expression dark, while he processed the new memories. "I'll tell you downstairs, once I've got it sorted."
   He didn't even cast the ugly apparition next to the door a look, just muttered.
   "You wouldn't know Hell from a footstool, twit..." Well out of the room, he then paced down the stairs, fingering a little pendant hanging from a thin chain on his belt. He flipped out his silver lighter, slipped a cigar in his lips and then arrived at the main lounge, already smoking of dark tobacco. He opened one of the large cabinets on the side of the room, and then proceeded dousing himself with alcohol, and slumping in the sofa, leaning over on the side with a dull expression on his face.


I don't know Hell from a footstool, eh? Try telling me that when I was there a few weeks ago on a mission...I can still remember the lake of fire and brimstone, Karl thought.

Karl then looked at Mel while still reverting, his eyes now going from yellow to hazel-blue.

"Are you okay,Mel?"

Karl then set foot on the floor and walked over to Gareeku and Aisha to help the wolf up...
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Skype Name: Karaius


Standing perfectly still, the wolf looked on as the other's argued with other, choosing not to speak. Gareeku knew of the ghastly skulls behind him, yet he still did not move. Had they tried anything, the wolf would be ready for it.

Closing his eyes, the wolf concentrated, trying to block out the stinging coldbiting at every muscle of his body. He did not have his cloak present, leaving him only wit his sleeveless top, pants, sandals and gloves. His body beginning to shake slightly as the cold continued to bite as his body, but still the wolf stood strong.

Opening his eyes, Gareeku noticed that the illusions which had been created, along with the displays of Stygian's abilities including the skulls behind him, were quickly receeding. With this in mind, Gareeku chose to resheathe the sword, sliding the blade back into its sheath at the wolf's waist. Watching Stygian walk past him, the wolf kept his eyes on him. However, there was also a look of respect that Gareeku showed as well as this.

After everything seemed to subside, Gareeku relaxed. With this, however, a wave of fatigue suddenly overcame the wolf. It seemed that fighting off the intense cold, even with his fur, had taken its toll. Collapsing to one knee, Gareeku breathed heavily as the cold his body had felt began to disappear, though he still shook slightly from its effects.

What Mel had thought of him today was true; prehaps he had been somewhat immature. However, considering the events he had experienced, who could blame him?

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel sighed and straighened herself up. "I'm fine Admiral. I suffered more at my own hands than his. I can't believe I threw a tantrum like a 2,000 year old." She walked up to Gareeku and put a hand on his arm, giving it a little squeeze. "Thanks for coming to the rescue, all of you. You're quite the bunch of white knights."

Mel blushed, a pinkness glowing on her scales, "You might want to leave off sniping at this Stygian for a little while, until the memory transfer wears off. I... um... might have given him a blinding headache, depending on how he processes memories." She stared off at nothing, the blush getting deeper, "Because I was throwing a tantrum like a bratty little hatchling I didn't fix the transfer to prevent overload." She sighed, "I can't believe I acted like that. Much of this fight could have been avoided if I had acted my age and not been throwing a childish fit when you arrived."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

At Stygian's biting reply, Aisha winced slightly, but he had walked out of the room before she could say anything back.  Her hand just covered her mouth.  He wasn't supposed to hear that...just keep forgetting that he's different.

It was then that she heard Gareeku slump to the floor.  She turned around quickly and knelt next to him, her face awash with concern, before realizing that same kind of fatigue as she did...even when dressed warmly, the cold was still enough to cause the stress from the fight to take a harder toll...especially as she wasn't even used to cold weather.  Taking a few deep breaths of her own, Aisha helped to steady the wolf, while taking the cape from around her own shoulders and placing it around his.

Hearing Mel's words, Aisha smiled up at the dragon.  "You're always welcome...but you did most of the rescuing yourself, amiga."  The pantheress turned her head, probably feeling the same amount of guilt as the others.  "We all were...probably a bit out of line."  She heaved a long sigh.  "I say we all just get back down there and make amends..." Aisha paused to look at Gareeku with a soft smile, holding his arm.  "Think you can walk?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


( i know how you feel Karl. every time i tried to post my net would blink our for a while and i would see three more post. anyway i think i've got enough stability to post again not if i can just catch up. maybe when they come back down for the attic.)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Opening his eyes, Gareeku saw Aisha's face and smiled softly.
"I'll be ok." he said warmly, getting back onto his feet, albeit a little bit wobbly. Once he had steadied himself, the wolf took Aisha's cape and put it back on the pantheress' shoulders, accompanied a smile of gratitude.
"Aisha's right, Mel." Gareeku said as he turned to his friend, the smile still on his face. "You were quite the heroine."

It was then, that a look of apology appeared on the wolf's face.
"And I am sorry, too. I have been immature." he said, guilt clearly evident in his words.


Stygian growled where he lay, and muttered something unhearable while he poured himself another drink in one of the exquisite redglass glasses that the formerly cylindrical containers had turned to. He downed that one just as fast as the previous, rubbing his temple and snarling a curse. It was bad enough that he wasn't used to this kind of magic at all, but the memories were also painfully detailed and not just made up of associations with some sensations thrown in between them. He had trouble sorting them too. And he actually found that he got pissed with himself sometimes, only to realize that it wasn't really him, nor that it was he who was pissed off. Not to mention how strange it felt processing the sensations that Mel had felt and from her point of view, unadapted. Soon, his head was practically throbbing. Luckily, he knew very well how to imagine and act as if he were others, and he was accustomed to pain, so the only real problem after a while was sorting the information.
   When he found that the drinks had fulfilled their task of numbing his skull well enough, he abruptly stopped drinking, and instead made off for the kitchen to make some tea. Walking back with a full tray, he set it down on the table and then snapped his fingers. Instantly, a fire sprang up in the large hearth in the lounge, and he pulled up an armchair and sat down in front of it, mildening the headache with the warm, lemon-flavoured Russian. He shot a glance at the large table to the side of the room and the many books that were strewn about it, and decided that he would see what was up with that, but not quite yet.

((OOC: 'Lake of fire and brimstone'? Why don't you do yourself a favour and read some Dante, and then at least try to use some imagination, Karl? The complaints aren't coming to you now, and I do not wonder why. So please tone it down. People don't seem to enjoy.))

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel smiled at Gareeku, "I shall repeat myself, no one is winning awards for brilliant behavior today." Suddenly she realized that the arm she was touching felt colder than a mammal should. She groaned, "My temper tantrum really took a toll, didn't it? We should go back downstairs by the fire." She demonstrated by heading down.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Tantrum? You?" Boogey chuckled, following the dragon, "If memory serves, you defused the whole thing. Insert 'cool head' joke here."

Mel Dragonkitty

"A full blown temper tantrum like a little 2,000 year old hatchling," countered Mel. "If I hadn't been screaming and throwing ice around when Gareeku arrived the whole affair might not have escalated. Stygian, or rather Mr. Don'Chel already had the memories in hand at that point."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha hesitantly took the cape back, knowing and feeling how cold Gareeku was...but she knew he could hold out well enough until they all would get back downstairs.  She smiled back at him, feeling the warmth of his body gathered in the fabric.  Her ears however were turned back at the thought of encountering Stygian downstairs again, knowing what his mood was like...but it was inevitable anyway.  There were things that needed to be solved, or at least a new (or old...?) friendship to be forged.  And the panther at least wanted to apologize for her own rude comment.

At Mel's suggestion, Aisha managed a chuckle with a slight shiver in her voice.  "We might as well...don't worry about what happened, I think your powers did just the thing."  She started walking alongside Gareeku and behind the dragon, watching the others starting to move downstairs with them if they hadn't already.  Aisha hid a light smirk in her features at her reply to Boogey's statement.  She is much too modest.

Of course, they had to traverse through quite a few dark corridors again, but the path to the main lounge was soon illuminated with the more soothing glow of the firelight, soothing in fact even after Hell had almost virtually surfaced.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Still say you were the least crazy, for the most part. I mean, at least you didn't start scorching the damn place," Boogey grinned appologetically, "Had this horrible recollection of the last time I was in a fight like that with a corporeal entity. Not fun, but still no excuse."


When they entered, Stygian only shot them a depressed glare from in his tall-backed armchair and sipped more tea. He sighed, almost inaudibly, and set the cup down on a small saucer on a little stand-table next to the red leather piece and peered into the flames that played their lights on his features. He had already hardened with anger up there. Now, the sadness added to that made him look about as soft as a rockface.
   "Had I known that you felt that way about me, I would not have so much as spoken to you." His face was still turned away, but somehow they got that it was Mel that he was talking to. "I've made quite the ass out of myself here."


Karl had gone a different direction than the rest of the group, due to the fact the over-exertion of dark energy had tired him out. He then headed to the master bedroom to find his wife, Lilith, sitting in bed reading a book...probably waiting for him.

Karl: Sorry I'm late. there was some commotion with a newcomer...

Lilith: Yes, I could hear it...maybe you should use the Intercomm we installed to tell everyone that it's lights out in 15 minutes.

Karl: Indeed.

Karl then pressed the "all floors" button on the Intercomm, and made his announcement.

Karl: Attention all guests, all areas except for quarters are to be cleared in 15 minutes...please head to guest rooms ASAP...and if you guys are hungry when you get there, there are Food replicators in your rooms...have a nice time.

Karl then got into bed, and both him and Lilith went to sleep.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel bowed formally to Stygian. "I have no opinions about you yet, Mr. Don'Chel. I only met you ten minutes ago." She paused then continued. "I apologize for letting opinions about a previous acquaintance color our first meeting. And I apologize a second time for giving you underprocessed information that probably gave you a headache. I have behaved with a lack of thought and maturity." She bowed again, "I apologize. Icewing apologizes."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Boogey scratched the back of his head and grinned sheepishly.
"What she said, but less formal and not representing anyone else. I shouldn't have reacted as I did, and a lack of self control is inexcusable in anyone. I appologize."

Aisha deCabre

Approaching where Stygian was sighted with everyone, Aisha listened as a few had already said their pieces.  She wasn't going to be as formal, but hopefully it would come across still as sincere as she meant it.  The first thing she did was bite her lip to keep from making any more comments after his being an ass...her dark humor wasn't going to be helpful, a little proud as she was to admit mistakes.

She bowed her head slightly to Stygian, chin touching the base of her neck in a gesture of light respect.  "I didn't mean what I said back there either.  My apologies."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"There is no need. I am the guest here, and I have..."
   Stygian turned his head at the sudden noise of a voice from a blaring intercom, and snarled, baring long fangs. He frowned hard, and then turned his gaze, which was now decidedly fiery to the wolf and the panthress.
   "If that is our host, then I am amazed that anyone of you have stayed this far." There was a grim smirk on his face. "And what of you two then? Especially you, wolf, as I understand it."

   Aisha's words he met with a nod, and a slight lightening of his face. But his eyes still held entire books of meaning when they looked at Gareeku.
   "You detest me, and there is nothing that I can do about that. But are you willing to at least leave me be if I promise not to violate your peace again?"

Mel Dragonkitty

As the others spoke to Don'Chel Mel frowned at the loudspeaker. She hrumped and said "I may live in a fortress, Admiral, but I'm not your soldier. Even Grandmother hasn't tried to control my bedtime since I hit 20,000."

She turned to Boogey, "Do your convincing abilities extend as far as Karl's machines? Can you tell it we are guests and not the Admiral's children to be ordered to bed? Nor his prisoners, I hope."

Under her breath she muttered, "Do officer's schools no longer teach etiquette?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Little did Mel know that she was near a comm system when she said her words. Micheal.exe, the House Networking Security Program at the time, then came online...

Micheal.exe: Sorry Mel...but it's usually because after the assigned time to get to rooms is when the Security system activates...Surely he didn't want anybody accidently triggering it by staying up...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


*OOC: Alright, can someone give me a summary of the current situation? I’m far behind and I do not wish to read two or three pages of 30 posts each to catch up.*


"As ye wish, Mel," Boogey chuckled, and quickly whistled an argument in binary.
People are not supposed to be up past this point. Ergo, people are not up past this point. Insofar as you are concerned, nobody is up.
"Machines are kinda gullible," the concept said as he finished, "All that taking orders and accepting any data that's put in."


E hear the announcement ant Jacks into one of the port in the house. he sends a general inquiry about the security status of the house as he considered his course of action. this has been and odd day for him and the paradox was not the least of it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

After listening to Stygian's reply, Aisha smiled slightly, though her tail was flickering back and forth out of irritation after hearing the loudspeaker.  She had laughed at his statement about staying around with someone like the admiral in charge.  "Us?  Well, adventurers are mostly the same I guess...come for the party and stay for the heroics," she joked while looking up at Gareeku.  "It was supposed to be a vacation.  I at least don't see a reason to leave so quickly."

Idly her eyes set upon E, wondering what he was doing to the house's security system, before discarding that curiosity with another long yawn.  "...Think that we should just do what he says...?" she asked almost tiredly.

((Just to let y'all know, I'm not going to be as active for a few days.  Our router died, and until a new one arrives, I have virtually no internet access on my own computer. x.x ))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


One of the tripwire programs in the ports sends a signal to Micheal...

Micheal.Exe: Mr. E, If you are wondering about the Security system of the house (in general)...It is a class 3 Security system, which means there are autoguns that are set for stun ( from light stun to heavy stun) and level 2 force fields... with level 1 Mana-drainage wards in case an intruder is a Magic user (level 1 drains 1.5 MP per second, which is pretty slow for someone who might have a lot of Mana...however if the person has a low Mana reserve, it would be enough to prevent the use of High-powered magics)...of course it'll only work when it's activated...which will be in 8 minutes.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius