Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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As Gareeku watche Aisha rummage through the pile of clothes, he could not help but laugh as she poked her head from underneath. Watching her head off to change, Gareeku smiled softly, before turning back to the clothes and beginning for an outfit for himself. His look of thoughtfulness suddenly lit up into a smile as he came across one costume in particular.
"Hehe, there's no way I'm turning this one down." He commented to himself with a grin, heading upstairs to change himself.

A short while later he returned, now dressed in his chosen outfit. On his head he wore a red metal band, with the words "Rock you" etched into it. At the back of his head was now a hair extension; a long ponytail that reached down to his hips. On his upper body he wore a stylised red and black sleeveless top, accompanied by a pair of red and black stylised gloves. On his lower body, the wolf wore a pair of white trousers (pants), accompanied by a red garment on his waist and a pair of red boots. At his side was an odd-looking sword. Though it was in fact a fake, it looked extremely realistic.

"Well, here's my costume!" He said with a somewhat satisfied smile.

((OOC: for those of you who don't know who Gareeku is dressed as, he's dressed as Sol Badguy from the Guilty Gear series. Click here for a piccy.))


E chuckles. Mel probably had a larger hoard then he did despite his total life force being older. the  two dragon beings Eliander and his older self had only spent a short portions of their dragon life spans. Eliander was warped then at the moment of his imminent death resume with a lost portion of his soul to be reborn after a mere 800 years. his older self spent ever other century in a trance sleep while astral projecting himself to explore. all and   then there was a mere 185 thousand to 200 thousand mortal yeas. Erebus was a different story. after every rebirth he would awaken and try to steer the current version of E into the path of chaos and dark godhood. he's succeed several times the wost was 15billion 630years ago when an entire universe was lost to the cosmic flux. but after that he mellowed down a bit

(* wow Mel i was not aware that you were sheltered. lucky thing too dragons are strong and hardy but not invincible ore immortal and while i was writing and spell checking this post at least 6 replies have been made)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stygian flinched for a moment, then sat up again and spoke.
   "Heeey! I can do that! Even better, it goes together since I'm blonde..." he said, and then his clothing seemed to crawl and whip all around him, while he himself changed a bit in shape and size. When he was done, he wore an all-white and blue uniform-like outfit, with details of gold and crosses, and a long blue sword by his side. He was slightly shorter and much slimmer now as well, and had blue eyes, but his blonde hair remained thesame.

He looked over himself and laughed.
   "Hehe. Though I much preferred Eddie..."


Watching Stygian change his clothes, Gareeku smiled and laughed warmly.
"Hehehe, now you look the part!" he commented. "Though who would have though it; Stygian in the Holy Order." he said teasingly, "But seriously, you look great!".


I, meanwhile, unbutton all the buttons on my lab coat save the top one. I then take my arms out of my sleeves. Now all that is left is the top button, the one on my neck, which I leave buttoned. My lab coat now looks more like a cape. “Watch out, crime! Here comes Super Joat!”

*OOC: Simple, yet effective; and highly creative. An A on effort for IC Joat, even if the costume itself stinks out loud in comparison.*

Aisha deCabre

Meanwhile, anyone listening would probably hear a bit of a scuffle that came from one of the dark corridors leading out of the lounge, like someone was trying to be sneaky whilst running.  Then it came from near the middle of the stairway banister and became silent again.  Suddenly a figure grabbed a hold of it with one hand and jumped over the other side to a simple three-foot drop.  "Hah, score one for overly-dramatic entrances," Aisha smirked as she brushed herself off.

She was wearing an outfit like studded leather armor over her chest and around her waist, leaving an otherwise bare midriff with similar boots and gauntlets over her hands to match lined in slightly-brown-green texture.  On her belt was an obviously-fake dagger sheath, and the dagger, which was in her right hand when she leaped out, had been placed back in.  Her appearance overall was dark and poised for adventure, much like she usually was.  Her hair was put back in a ponytail and headband extension on it to make the strands look white.  All in all she bore a remarkable resemblance to a dark elf.

She glanced over at the others who were also costumed with a laugh.  "Those are good looks for you all."

((Aisha is Vhaidra Uoswiir, the Drow monk from Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II of D&D Forgotten Realm games...This was the best pic I could find.   :rolleyes ))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Sylver chronoshifts out. A moment later, he chronoshifts back, his blue parts painted black. He is also wearing a spiked collar. “The miasma of my soul is raining heavily and will not let up and… and… I’m terrible at goth poetry, ain’t I?”

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel has no clue what anyone is going on about and hopes someone will just hand her something from the pile of costumes.

(OOC: e, that's part of how she got to be her age without ever getting in a fight. Her brother is twice her length, 3 times her weight, and doesn't like anyone messing with his little sister.  :))
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Sylver grins for a moment, then walks up to Mel and whispers in her ear.

*OOC: The contents of this whisper will be sent to OOC Mel in PM.*


Stygian just eyed Aisha conspicuously.
   "Okay. That, I have no idea how to..." he started saying, but then snapped his fingers and gave an evil smirk, as if a bright idea had just come to him. Then, he changed again. This time, he grew considerably with the transformation, silvery and golden armor spreading over his form and the sword in his hand growing to a huge, bladed crozius. He stomped his boot down before Aisha, and said in a dark and rumbling voice;
   "Kneel and accept your doom, spawn of evil!"


“Surrender or face the wrath of… Super Joat!” I say playfully to Aisha.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha just watched with interest as Stygian changed his costume from of Gareeku's variation to hers, smirking at his statement but flinching a little at the stomp.  Spawn of evil?  Who's he to talk?  She laughed inwardly and put up her fists; were the gauntlets real they would be enchanted with any various elemental power or energy she chose to enhance the monk's ability to fight unarmed.

Looking back from Joat to Stygian, she only stood with a dark, cocky grimace accentuated by her natural red eyes.

"And if I don't?" she joked, her eyes narrowing.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel takes the thought Joat gave her and materializes the illusion on herself. She finds herself dressed as an operatic version of a Valkyrie complete with golden breastplate, spear, long yellow braids, and a horned helmet.  "Okay, interesting choice." She reaches out and beeps Joat on the nose, creating the illusion of his imagined superhero suit on him as she does.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*OOC: It was Sylver, not Joat, who gave the suggestion.*

My costume is a dark blue cape and a dark blue suit of armor with silver edges. The breastplate of the armor bears the silver outline of a heart.


Stygian flinched, an incredulous look coming across his face. She was thinking he'd fight like this? He'd either impale her on his sword, or himself. Not to mention the floor was not... But he could take her by surprise instead.
   "Nah. I'd rather change. How about into something classical? Say, what's the thing 'funny' people always go to at costume parties?" he said, but didn't wait for an answer. He shuddered and changed again, a lot of white and hot pink suddenly coming into view around the tiniest black markings.
   When Stygian was finished, he looked like much like himself, being his own size and build but with fluffy pink and white fur, a much cuter face and big hanging, floppy ears. He had changed into a live, huge pink bunny.
   "Take this! Pounce!" he shouted, and jumped at Aisha with his large feet, glomping her and sending them both into the pile of costumes.


Meanwhile, May seems completely oblivious to all this. She has switched games and is now playing the latest version of Soul Calibur. She is doing quite well with Ivy.


e considers as he looks the the costumes his first thought is to go metal  be he decided against that instead he touches his belt and starts to glow as he returns to Eskaver father of erica and reaper of souls e looks himself what do you think? or should  change  to some thing less mores like this as he as he shimmer into a appearance replacing the first and now he is  dressed like a video game character. you know what i think i like this costume as i actually was the other person at one point in my life.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

As Aisha watched Stygian respond and change his costume, the look that came upon her face was one of utter surprise.  Her fists lowered slowly, and she tried to hold back laughter.  Of course, she had only time to utter "What the...?" when she was sent reeling back into the pile.

There was a quiet pause before the pile rustled and one could hear someone speaking in a progressively louder voice, muffled by the cloth until the last couple of words.  "Whrf-difr oo frat fr?  frpMrf-mrnr-frifffmn'-KILL YOU!" At that point, Aisha's head exploded from the pile, her hands pulling off a piece of garment from her head.  She glared at Stygian whence she found him.

But then the panther's face broke out into a grin and she laughed loudly, clutching her side while her fist pounded the floor.  "Okay, you're can someone help me up please?" she asked while wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Watching the banter and playfighting between Aisha and Stygian, Gareeku could not help but laugh, wiping a couple of tears from his eyes. Still giggling, the wolf then helped the panthress back onto her feet.
"Now kids, behave..." he said teasingly, trying to hold back the giggles.


“That’s the thing about this house. Because I’m mad, I fit right in,” I comment.


e hears this and rolls his eyes. "if you're made about being normal imagine being 14 four 600 years because your father the incarnation of death couldn't bear to see you grow up"   E blinks. " what the who said that? " oh good i finally reached you and you didn't put me to sleep this time" "Erica? " dad i need your help. come to mom's home yesterday. it's important understand?"  "but i hate time travel." "but we need you."  i'm sorry guys but i have to leave for a while" E seems the evaporate as he vanishes they can here him humming part of the tune form back to the future. "taken me away i don't mind just promise me i'll get back in time" this is not like his normal method of travel this time he is truly gone.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel discarded the cumbersome spear and quickly followed it with the helmet. Perching a horned hat between her horns just seemed... redundant. Then she noticed Sathariel just standing, looking rather lost. "Go pick out a costume. We're all being rather silly." The girl shook her head and didn't move. Mel looked and realized that Stygian was standing in the pile. "Aisha, if you can spare anything from your disguise as a pile of laundry can you toss over something female and about this big?" Mel held her hand over Sathariel's head to indicate who she was talking about.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


While still playing the game, May comments, “I wish I had a sword like Ivy’s; bunny-sized.”


Stygian's bunny ears flopped, and surprisingly he picked some things out of the pile and walked over to the girl.
   "Here," he said, proffering the clothes to Sathariel, whose eyes were big at him. "This should fit you nicely." She looked at them, and then, carefully as if not to spring some sort of trap, she took them. She started taking off her robe, but Stygian hrrmed in his throat, and nodded towards the exit to the corridor. She blushed, looked around, and then ran out.
   When she came back in, she was dressed in a pair of extremely short pants, lace-up boots, some sort of top that seemed perhaps a bit too small for her figure and a flowing, one-sided skirt with several white hems. In her hands were a pair of big, ornately artificed semi-automats, and from her neck she had her white hair in a long tied braid. She walked in shyly, her cheeks still red from the attention, and from the outfit too, it seemed.

   Stygian eyed her appreciatively, and nodded to himself as if confirming he'd made a good choice. Then he made a short laugh, and turned around to look at where E had stood, and then May.
   "Hm. Party poopers. Perhaps they were more comfortable when we were dancing?" he said, and then without waiting for an answer switched his form again, while walking over to the stereo. In a moment, he'd changed into a fox version of himself with a huge, fluffy tail that he wagged behind him. "Hehe. More woodland creatures." Then, a strangely familiar song started playing, and he began dancing.

   C'mon, let's twist again,
   like we did last summer.
   Let's twist again...

((OOC: For reference, look here:

            Don't worry. It's clean.))


May is too intent on defeating Cervantes to notice anything that is going on around her.

“You actually look pretty nice in that armor,” Sylver says to me, “Maybe you should make a suit of your own.”

“Nah. Most of my fighting strategy is agility, which armor can hinder,” I say.


*suddenly Lilith comes into the room*

Lilith: Can I have your attention please? All males that are taken must hide! My sister, Shivara, is coming in here and tends to flirt with any men she sees!

*Lilith looks at E*

Lilith:...even robot ones.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


“Hey, Joat, I have an idea!” Sylver says. He whispers in my ear.

My eyes go wide. “Ew! That’s just disgusting!”

It seems I have said the magic words, for May suddenly pauses the game and asks excitedly, “What? What’s disgusting?”

“He wants me to disguise myself a girl. Not that it would work against a mind-reader anyway,” I say.

“Oh, yeah. That’s right,” Sylver says.

Aisha deCabre

Once again leaping to her feet and brushing away whatever piece of cloth from the pile had come up with her, Aisha smirked at Gareeku's statement.  "Yes, Dad," she replied mockingly and lightly noogied the side of his head.  Turning back to Stygian as he shifted costumes again, she shook her head amusingly.  Obviously, he had felt better...the mood of the party had lifted.

As the panther went to retrieve and finish her glass of wine, she noticed Sathariel coming back down with a new costume.  Aisha gave smiled and gave her a nod.  "You look good in that one, chica."  For the time she stood beside Gareeku, watching the game that was playing as the others were from in the room.  Slowly the others were starting to get into the spirit of the costume party.

Her eyes rolled slightly when Lilith had made her announcement.  "Just wonderful," she muttered with a laugh as she glanced to the wolf.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel, having no tolerance for uncomfortable clothing, continued the destruction of her costume by getting rid of the confining metal breastplate and unfamiliar trailing braids. Realizing she had nothing left but a plain white dress she started over. Not knowing anything about costumes she grabbed onto one of her hunting persona. In the place of the white dragon stood a nondescript grey feline of no determinable lineage but noticeable because of the gaudiness of her gypsy outfit. Happier in her comfortable clothing she hummed her way back to the last two spoonfuls of her salad.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Grinning, Gareeku laughed softly as Aisha noogied the side of his head. Also noticing Sathariel, Gareeku smiled softly at her.
"You look great, Sath." He said, giving a reassuring thumbs-up as he spoke. Finishing the rest of his glass of wine, the wolf watched as the others interacted with each other, subconsciously gently putting an arm around the panther's waist. Hearing Karl's announcement and Aisha's comment, Gareeku laughed softly.
"Oh no! Whoever shall save me from the evil temptress?!" he cried out jokingly, holding onto Aisha and pretending to swoon.