The Milk and Cookies Incident (IC, open)

Started by Lady Buggery, October 17, 2008, 12:49:27 PM

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Lady Buggery

The Milk and Cookies Incident -- Rated PG13

All those who find themselves at the Milk and Cookies cafe, are not there by chance , they say. They first have an interest, close at heart, but if they don't let others know, it tears them apart. There is a tome, or thread if you will, where one can share their interest still. Sign your name to to thread called "OOC" or far from this cafe you should flee... -- Milk and Cookies Cafe Menu


Roya found herself in a world she only heard about from travelers. She spent her days in her sheltered flock, deep within the forests of the secretive Were- creatures. But as a rite of passage, she was forced out into the world until she could learn the grand art of elemental magic as well as get over her fear of strangers. The Redwing called Roya shivered as she passed strangers with strange gazes, all aimed in her direction. Despite her shy stance, her body seemed to be on fire. Her bright red plumage only made her stand out of the crowed, which is something she simply didn't want. She quickly ducked into the first dark corner she could find: an alley leading to a small, out of the way nook. She shuffled over to the small Cafe and smiled at the sign.

"The Milk and Cookies Cafe, how cute." She smiled and opened the front door with a little ring. The inside was nearly empty, save for a cafe attendant and waiter. The attendant smiled and looked around for the waiter a moment before noticing that he was already on his way to the door.

"Welcome to our Cafe, just one?" He asked. Roya silently nodded as he showed her to her seat. She noticed there were few private tables in the cafe, most were large rows of booths where people were somewhat forced to sit beside one another, with little privacy. Roya was happy to see she was the only one there and hoped that it would remain that way while she planned her next move...


Kassin shook his head, his vision was blurry, he felt tired, disoriented, dizzy,... cold. It took him a few minutes to regain his composure. He rubbed his nose with his left hand.
::Still feels tender, I've managed to clean the blood off and patch any of my injuries, but I still feel like collapsing.:: His thoughts trailed off as he recalled a vicious fight he had with his brother Yavvir earlier that day. The details came to him. He remembered himself walking home late that night, and all of a sudden, he felt a strong punch to his nose. After regaining his composure, he braced himself and fought Yavvir on an empty street. It was all for naught though, Yavvir gained the upper hand. Kassin tried to keep the details of the fight out of his head, they were largely unpleasant, getting his face slammed into the floor, and he detested the thought of firing light-rays at his brother.
::He must have knocked me unconscious and teleported me here, it's not night time.::
He walked along, he had no idea where he was. He spent some time traveling unfamiliar streets, his head still dizzy and his mind weary. After some aimless wandering, and some failed attempts at trying to focus his thoughts, he came upon a place "The Milk and Cookies Cafe."
He looked the place up and down.  :: I could probably use some milk and cookies, it might be just what I need to get my thoughts in order, and to then figure out how to go back home. I may end up staying at a friend's house for a bit, I don't think Crystal or Yavvir want to see me for a while.:: He opened the door and came inside, recounting the names of some of his friends, and on the side, trying to figure out how he got here.

Lady Buggery

Roya felt the tiny bits of red plumage on the back of Roya's neck stand on end as the bloodied tiger-angel walked into the cafe. She did her best not to shriek as she felt herself begin to tremble in his presence. Roya, had a deadly fear of predatory furs, and it didn't help matters any that he was covered in dried blood and bruises. She noticed his wings and immediately formed a false set with her hair, adding another set on top of her head for good measure. Hopefully appearing like a succubus would scare the newcomer off, or at least make him sit as far away from her as possible, she thought. She buried her beak deeper into the menu as both the waiter and the cafe attendant rushed to his side, checking to see if he was indeed, alright.


His trail of thoughts broke as soon as the waiter and attendant came for him.
"I'm alright." He said, and then panted for air. "I'm just..." He took a cursory glance around, trying to get a firm grip on his weary mind. He shook his head and faced the waiter. "I just need to sit down and...".
He took some deep breaths, and tried to muster his composure. He then put his left hand in his pants-pockets, to make sure he still had his wallet with him. He did have it with him, the first bit of good news he had since he had awoken in this strange town. He then waited to be seated.
:: I probably don't have a lot, so I should spend wisely. Hopefully, I should have enough to get something here, and then find my way home. :: His thoughts trailed off into an incomprehensible chaos, still trying to gauge the absurdity of his situation.

Lady Buggery

"Don't worry sir, lets just get you seated. I have a first aid kit in back and Fawna behind the bar, she'll give you some herbal tea free of charge." The waiter soothed as he led Kassin towards where Roya sat. Since he was the only one waiting tables that day, he wanted to make sure all his customers were in the same area, to better serve their needs. Roya's shivering became nearly uncontrollable as Kassin sat in two seats away from her. The waiter asked her if she was ready to order, but she hissed that she needed more time. With a nod, The waiter left to fetch Kassin's healing herb tea.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Ordlen whistled as he meandered his way to the cafe. All the bills were paid, and his account was secure, at least for the moment. He couldn't retire on what he had, but he had enough stored that a few months of sabbatical were earned.

Which meant he could concentrate on art, not business. Stealing money was all well and good, but it was........ ubiquitous. True larceny was over a trophy, something that you could hang over your fireplace and tell lies to your grandchildren about how you got it. Which was why he was headed to the cafe, with cards and knife in their respective hidey holes. there was always a bunch of strange ones in the place, and Creatures tended to come there.

As he neared the entrance, the pleasant smell of baking dough entered his sensitive nose, as his bare feet melded into the cobbles. Ordlen had almost forgotten the aroma, and was once again pleasantly reminded why he chose this place today. The bell above the door jingled when he opened it, and Ordlen quickstepped two paces inside under the minor noise. He gave a wink to Fawna behind the bar, and immediately noticed two creatures sitting together. One was obviously an angel, and a battered one at that. Speculation immediately took hold of Ordlen's mind, and he wondered if the boy, for he had a youth to his eyes that implied a young age, whether he ran into a demon or something.

The other one was harder to place. Avian, red, a second set of wings on top of her head. I had seen another doublewing at a distance once, but I didn't know what that was. Probably some sort of exotic Mythos then. Doesn't matter. Creatures always only pay but half a mind to us Beings, and that makes them easy targets......

Adopting a jaunty, rolling stride, Ordlen made his way to the table where the other two sat. Opening his mouth, he strove to keep the mockery out of his voice. "Hail and well met, oh beneficent creatures. Might this poor entertainer interest you in a game of skill and wits?" Ordlen withdrew his deck, and dealt three cards at random, flipping over one which happened to be the nine of clubs. "It's a simple, old, fun game. We make our wager, and then I shuffle the cards, and you try to figure out which one is still the one I revealed. Which is quicker, your eyes or my hand? Any wager at all is accepted. Are either of you fine Creatures game?" Ordlen started rotating the cards around, at a far slower pace than what he could really manage.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Kassin smiled and nodded as he was offered some herbal tea. He took his seat, and finally started to relax a bit, though the thoughts that trailed from his mind made him quite uncomfortable. Where am I, and how can I get home? What is going on at home now that I'm not there to stop Crystal's and Yavvir's antics? His thoughts trailed off, the kindness which he was shown soothed him but only a little, he still had reality to deal with. He tried to suppress his thoughts until after he could get his herbal tea, but only proceeded to examine his surroundings more carefully.
After a cursory gaze,  he noticed Roya's reaction to him sitting close to her.

"Is something wrong?" Kassin asked, almost as an afterthought, he looked down to examine his shirt, which had some of his own dried blood caked onto it. He recalled a part of his fight where he had his face slammed against a concrete wall. He quickly snapped back into reality as he recalled where he was. "My apologies... but I don't have another shirt." He frowned and slumped against the table, putting his hands on his shirt in such a way to try and hide the bloody stains.

He stood up and turned to face Ordlen after he heard his voice. He sat upright, still keeping his hands on his shirt to try and conceal his stains. :: I would rather not freak him out too ::.

After hearing the offer, he fingered his wallet nervously. :: I don't have a lot with me, possibly not even enough to get me home, and I don't even know where I am, the trip may be expensive, I can't take chances. :: His thoughts trailed off as he faced Ordlen, trying to come up with a polite way to decline.
"No thanks, but..." Kassin's eyes sunk their sight to the floor, trying to keep his thoughts orderly. He then shook his head and returned eye-contact with Ordlen. "I can't afford to gamble at the moment." He turned back to the table, and stared ahead.


The bell hanging over the entrance jingled as the door swung open, admitting a new customer into the establishment. This time, it was an ostensibly ordinary lemur, unusual only due to his outrageous color scheme. He was recognizable as a ring-tailed lemur, but he was bereft of any distinguishing markings that were immediately reminiscent of his species. From head to toe he was bright red, disrupted only by the dark purples and blues and reds of his attire and the golden glow of his eyes. The lemur brushed some of his long hair behind one of his unusually tapered ears and approached a table, fidgeting compulsively with an unseen object hanging from a decorative string of rosary beads around his neck.

There were a few other patrons occupying the cafe, but Jamen hoped that one of the staff members would have the time to take his order. For the moment, he busied himself with examining the contents of the menu, leaning back languidly in his chair.

Corgatha Taldorthar

One door closes, and another opens. The battered angel declined to play me, probably good for him, and Ordlen wasn't too worried. He was here this day for aesthetic stealing, not to pay the bills. No, an alert, altogether target was what was needed. He turned around to regard the newcomer.........

And promptly wished he had sat at a different table. He couldn't recognize the exact species, but sitting at a table with an injured Angel when a demon walks into a building isn't always the safest course of action. Ordlen quickly smiled and turned his attention to the red feathered female with the second set of wings.  "And what of you lovely madam? Care to enliven your morning with a display of skill and mental acuity? I know many, many games, and I'm a great asset for those of us who constantly seek to battle the enn-" He paused his speech, as he turned to hail a waitress on her way to the table of the newcomer.

His left hand tugge on the apron of her uniform, as his right sidled around towards her pocket.Angle's bad, forget it. Yes, would you be so kind as to get me a large of chocolate milk, and a dozen of those little corn cakes you have? Addressing his fellow table-mates, he cleared his throat and almost sang, " and what do you fine fellows wish to get?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Lady Buggery

Before Roya could utter a response, the angel's attention wat turned to one of the many newcomers. Roya watched as fur after fur marched in and she wondered if the gods had sent her to this seemingly peaceful place to test her. She closed her eyes and uttered a small prayer as as the others went about their business. Eventually she opened her eyes again to find the single waiter tending to the patrons. When it was her turn for attention she quickly placed her order for some hummos and pitas with Turkish Tea.

She watched with growing curiosity to the game peddler and realized that her small gems may not work as payment for her food. She pulled out her purse and tried to get the waiter's attention once more, but he had already gone. She gathered her courage to tap a lemur on the shoulder and asked if the tiny precious gems she carried could be a form of currency in this new and strange land.


A lone fox wandered, constrained within a conglomeration of metal and machinery, but still as free as any bird on the wing.  The smooth gray sedan glided over the streets of the metropolitan area with ease as the sun shone off the silvered grill.  Wide and arranged as it was with the triangular headlamps, from the front the vehicle had almost a face, mechanical and abstracted, but the design could seen.

Absentmindedly he toggled the switch for the radio as he halfheartedly searched for some place to have a spot of tea.

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

"The Milk and Cookies Cafe" the sign said as he pulled up to the intersection stoplight.  A wry smile crept to his muzzle as the coincidence of song and location seemed to fall perfectly into place, ominous as it could be, it still should be checked out.  Switching off the radio, he pulled his gray sedan into a parking lot across from the little place.

The vulpine slid out of his leather seat and closed the door.  As he pressed the lock button on his remote, he also tapped a small red gem on a bracer he wore on his left arm.  He gave a mighty stretch as black and gray feathered wings erupted from his back, his shirt and jacket easily accommodated this sudden change.

His wingspan was impressive for a young angel and he was careful to avoid the passersby on the street, having to dip one wing into a nearby alleyway.  A sudden yelp and cringe of pain ended his otherwise graceful wing display.  Tenderly, almost fearfully he drew his wing back in only to find a pygmy shrew attached to the leading edge, trying to gnaw through it.

Bry spun around and with the momentum, threw his wing outward (as if he was breaking a tight dive).  The little shrew was catapulted into the air and sailed across the city and into the river.

"vicious little buggers... as beings develop and develop, they are encroaching on their lands, forcing more and more into the cities to scrounge around for what they need."  Bry knew all too well, for years he had been studying the ecology of the pygmy shrew, but his mind drifted off the subject as he again locked eyes with the cafe.  If there was such a thing as a tea addiction, then Bryden most definitely was a junkie in need of a serious fix.

Heading towards the crossing area, he nearly tripped and fell flat on his face.  The fox angel bent down to see what manner of object saw fit to disrupt his walk.  He was surprised to find an ornate golden staff on the walkway.  He picked up the strange object and shrugged as he crossed the street to the cafe.

Just outside the cafe, an odd cyan vixen ran straight up to him and grabbed the staff from his hand, "Give me that!  My staff!  You're back."   

Bryden shrugged, "okay, just try not to leave these things in the walkways... I almost broke my neck tripping over that."

Leaving the strange girl to run off to whatever possessed her, Bry entered the cafe.

One of the two attendants at the front bowed to him as he entered, she smiled and spoke in a far too cheerful of a voice, "greetings and welcome to The Milk and Cookies Cafe.  Just one for today?"

Bryden nodded.

"Okay, follow me."  She lead him to an area near a cluster of sentients, for some reason they gathered all the people in one area.

"Interesting," the fox remarked, "all we need is a strange wizard to show up and present us with a mysterious quest.  That might actually be fun..."

The attendant did not seem to pay much attention to the angel's mumblings, she instead handed him a menu, "your server will be with you shortly."

As Bry nodded in acknowledgement, she turned and headed back to the front.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Lady Buggery

Roya sighed as her quiet questions went unheard. Just then a chilly breeze flew in form the open door as patron after patron found their way into the cafe. But something strange lingered on the oddly icy wind. Just as the last patron, a handsome angel, entered the cafe everything went black. All conversation stopped as the lights began to flicker wildly. No light came in, even in the open windows, where day once made its presence known.

When the lights came back on a figure sat in the center, one that wasn't there before the lights went off. Each of the patrons saw it differently, based on their own personal tastes and comfort levels. In Roya's eyes, the figure appeared as an old folk hero, Colbolt the Ice Thrower. Colbolt was Roya's idol, her object of childhood worship. She gasped loudly at the sight, as she thought the legends of Colbolt were just stories.

The regal looking blue bird-angel looked to her and to everyone else in the room before addressing the lot.

"I see most of you made it on time. Due to some unforeseen events, others are late. But worry not they'll join you when the timing is right." She paused as some of the patrons vocalized their confusion but held a hand up to motion for their silence.

"I know you are a bit disoriented but I had to make sure no unnecessary eyes were watching us. I have brought you all here for an express purpose. I'm afraid it may seem trivial to you all but even we wizards have need for grand adventurers or at least, grand adventurers to be." She paused as some snorted, others shook their heads, and still others resisted saying snide comments.

"Know this, you have all been selected for a reason. Either you're looking for something or something is looking for you. Either way you are the only ones who can complete this task, and it is...a mother of a task if I do say so myself." Colbolt was about to continue when a little red bird in the corner interrupted.

"B-But Colbolt, why would you need us, you're the ice thrower, you killed the hordes of death cats and the hawk queen. Why do you need our help." Roya hushed as she felt several pairs of eyes, many of which cat eyes, focusing in on her. Before anyone could utter their confusion over the matter, Colbolt spoke once more.

"I'm not your folk hero, Roya. I'm only appearing that way to you to put you at ease. In fact, everyone here sees me differently. Its a rather simple spell once you get the hang of it. But I digress. There are seven artifacts that were stolen from my home that are quite important to me. Together they make my graduation staff, the first real staff I've ever owned. So you will not be tempted to steal what has been stolen, I assure you its worth nothing on any market other than the one of my sentiment. And the price for such an object on my personal market is vast." The wizard posing as Colbolt took several satchels of gold and jewels from her pocket. She tossed them on a nearby cafe table, one for each of the patrons. It was then that Roya, in particular, noticed that both the waiter and the cafe worker were frozen in time.

"Those are for all of you. Think of it as a down payment.  But know that if you decide to "take the money and run" the satchels and their contents will disappear. So long as you work for me, you may spend these as you like. And don't try any funny business of spending it all then leaving, I have that covered too." Colbolt gave the group an icy look that made Roya's heart skip a beat.

"If you have any questions, you may air them now."


Kassin's dreary state prevented him from noticing the chilly breeze. :: It's just my imagination ::, he thought, :: and I need to get some rest before I... ::. His train of thoughts came to a halt as soon as the lights started flickering. He didn't stand up, but the event caused him to snap out of his dreary state. He was battered and fatigued, but alert. He took some cursory glances around, to see what was going on.

As the lights went out, Kassin tried to focus his magic into some illumination. A small, blue-white sphere of light invoked around his left hand, but he couldn't focus it into an illumination that could break the darkness. He stopped trying after a moment, he wasn't in any condition to start performing miracles, and wanted to conserve his magical energy in case someone was harmed. He turned himself around, facing away from the table, directed towards the entrance. He couldn't see, and his other senses were dulled by his exhaustion, but tried to keep alert.

When the lights came on, Kassin was immediately shocked. He stared intently at the odd figure in fear. Even though his appearance was charming enough to his eyes, Kassin still viewed him with suspicion. He inched back towards the cafe table, as if inching away from the figure would somehow protect him from an apocalypse.

Kassin stared intently towards him, blinking only a few times while the figure spoke. He listened carefully, as if every word were a gun pointed at his throat.
As he heard the mysterious man's second paragraph, Kassin was immediately tranquilized with his thoughts. :: Brought you all here, did he teleport me away from home after Yavvir knocked me unconscious? If so... :: His thought was cut abrupt with some contempt, he didn't like his current predicament, and disliked being manipulated even more. His siblings had done it too many times to unsuspecting people for their own amusement or gain, and wouldn't like any part of it. :: But maybe I'm being too harsh, and I dare not say anything to his face, I have the feeling he is quite powerful and I'm in no condition to defend myself. ::

Kassin's thoughts continued down a steady stream. :: He wants adventurers? Why does he want me, unless he is excluding me, I have some proficiency with light based magic, but I'm not a fighter, or even worse... :: His thoughts trailed off. He knew some adventurers, some that tried to kill him, others that he tended to, but he couldn't stand violence. His thoughts reeled as he remembered a camping trip with some of his friends. He recalled seeing a pair of adventurers out in some wood. They both wanted to kill him, presumably for the crimes of another. He backed away, tried to reason to them, they wouldn't listen, but that was far from the worst part. It came when two of his friends came to his rescue. They fought, while Kassin stared mutely, too shocked to do anything, but one of his friends stabbed one in the gut with a knife. It made Kassin's head scream with agony. Kassin had an aptitude for healing magic, and an empathy towards his patients. He could feel distress, pain, discomfort, and such things assaulted his mind with ease, which made tending to others easier, he could feel something wrong, and cure it, doing so gave himself piece of mind, and some satisfaction.

But his hypersensitivity also came with a downside, with enough concentrated agony, it would assault his mind and give him a lot of pain. He remembered once walking down a slum, a very destitute area. He could feel people starving from outside their homes, people ill with disease, stress, and worry. The experience was excruciating for him, and he couldn't stand to feel such things, he had no way to shut it out. But that brought him back to his memory with the adventurers, he could feel the pain from the knife stab, even though it wasn't his wound. He was helpless to shut the feeling out, and almost reflexively, he remembered running for the wounded adventurer, and immediately proceeded to heal the stab. He tried to save his life, but then the adventurer he just tried to heal pulled out a knife and lunged at him. Kassin then shut himself out of the memory, back to the matter at hand.

:: I just can't! :: He thought out loud, :: I'm not one to cause pain, to harm others, I'm a healer not a fighter, not an adventurer, I can't imagine doing things like that, why would he want me to... ::. His thoughts trailed off, barely noticing he didn't even hear what the mysterious man was saying while his thoughts took place.

Kassin re-focused his attention on the mysterious man's words. :: Seven artifacts stolen ::, was the next thing he heard. He waited for him to stop speaking before trailing off on his thoughts again. When he was tossed a satchel, he stood up and darted away, as if he threw him a live piranha that wanted to taste him. Kassin took some steps back, trying to get his thoughts together. His mind was disoriented with weariness. :: But why can't he just do it himself if he is so powerful? But most importantly, can I trust him? How do I know he won't simply betray me, or is trying to lead me to demise? :: His thoughts trailed off.

He couldn't hide the fear in his eyes, he started glancing around, trying to see if there were other changes in the cafe.
Kassin just stared at the mysterious man, and didn't say anything. He shivered slightly, even though he wasn't cold.


Eric opened in eyes staring up into the branches of a tree. he groaned and tried not to move. that5 last then he wanted to do was fall out of a tree again. another unplanned and unwanted dimensional jump had taken place while he slept. this was just great. for a moment he wonders if he was still in the sol system then he knew. he groaned and sat up carefully less he fall out of the tree he might had landed in. it seen he was luck and was laying not on a branch but a rooftop. he was over looking a street with a bus just pulling off but these people on the street, they were not his kind. worriedly  looking in the air he saw no capes and the place was too small to be that city again. not to mention that he didn't see any kiwis. he breath a sight of relief.  but the sort was short lived. he still didn't know if his kind of people existed in this place so he need to disguise himself before he went among them wrapping himself in a  borrowed blanket he then makes alterations to make it appear more cloak like as well as pulling out some gloves from his bag. he then began to apply makeup and cosmetics to his face. they would do for now . until he found out what kind of people he was sealing with. then he'd make a better change. One that would fool both noses and eyes

3 hours later a wrapped glove wearing being walked into Roya's bar. they sit at an table off to one side of the door and simply waited looking into the bar with their back to the wall.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Walter was, once again, on the run.  He had a tendency to be doing that, running.  In this case, on the run did not actually imply running.  In fact, the arctic wolf with a pitch black lab coat was doing quite the opposite of running.  He was standing quite still.  He had wondered into "The Milk and Cookies Cafe" intending nothing more then a quick bite to eat.  Being on the run usually afforded little more then that. 

In the middle of this cafe was an old friend of his, one of the few people he regretted leaving behind he he took up a life of adventuring.  He first instinct was to turn and run.  If he was here, the would only make things worse.  But something compelled him to say.  Especially when he started talking and it quickly became apparent that the  wizard was most certainly not his friend.  This would normally make him MORE inclined to run, knowing that some magic thrower was impersonating his friend.  Still, something compelled him to say.  Maybe it was the rewards, maybe it was the chance of a new adventure, he did not know.

An attendant came up to him and asked about a table.  Walter replied that the tables did, indeed, look lovely and it would be his pleasure to sit at one.  The confused attendant sat him at a table and he just listened to the wizard, perhaps hoping that someone else would ask the questions he wondered about.
The All Purpose Fox


No sooner had Bryden quipped about the lack of wizards promising adventure did the lights begin to flicker and cease their illumination efforts.  

The coincedence and timing of this event brought tremendous dread to the young angel.  Instinctively he laid his ears back and his tail dipped between his legs, "wait, wait... I didn't mean it... I..."

It was however, too late for that, as the lights returned and a mysterious figure had appeared where there was none a few moments before.  

Bryden blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what he saw.  The figure addressed all those assembled and talked of her need of everyone to undertake a quest.  A red avian blurted out something about an icethrower, but Bry did not hear it.  Instead, the fox's eyes widened as recognition crept into his mind, "gr... grand m...mother?  B... but your are dead!"  The fox was on the verge of tears as his grandma straightened up.

She first spoke to the red bird then to him, "as I have said to Roya, I am not who you think I am Bryden.  It is a fascade brought real by illusionary magicks."

"I see... perhaps you could teach me this magick?"  Bry asked skeptically.  The disguised wizard shook his head, "perhaps some day, but now is not the time or the place."

Bryden eyed the bags of material wealth tossed on the table, Bryden had no need of such things, but a little adventure maight not be as bad as he had first feared.

"so, um... who has these things of yours and will it be dangerous?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Kitsune Ascendant

Saya was thoroughly lost. She always was, after a dimensional jaunt, never knowing where or when she'd end up, but always hopeful that each jump would leave her one step closer to the home she had been dragged away from so many years ago. Her fur, normally snow-white, was a dirty grey and matted, and her silver eyes conveyed a severe weariness. Though many questions were moving through her mind, she kept coming back to the one relating to her current condition:
"Why the hell can't I ever land near a city. It always has to be deep in some forgotten forest."

She reached up, and picked a twig out of her fur next to her ear, tossing it aside, when she felt a warmth and tingling across her chest. She carefully pulled the necklace out of her fur, and touched the center jewel, uttering a celestial phrase that translated roughly to 'Heart's compass', and a small ball of light burst forth from it. The ball waited a few seconds, then took off through the forest. Saya chased it, eventually ending up in the strange town. The light faded, and saya began wandering again. She eventually happened on the cafe. She stopped across the street from it, considering if she had time to stop for a bite. After all, when the heart's compass called to her, it usually meant something important was near by. She considered for a moment, and decided whatever it was could find her. As soon as she was seated, she ordered a coffee, and listened to the mage's story.

"Hmm...How much do you know about dimensional magic?"

I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Corgatha Taldorthar

There was a chill in the room, and the lights flickered on and off as Ordlen was still addressing the waittress. Her attention distracted, he took advantage of the opporunity to add a few coins to his own stock, before thrusting his hands back casually to their original positions shuffling the cards. There was a thing that entered. It didn't really have a body, just an amorphous pattern of light swirling and shifting. It spoke, of gathering people here, of searching, of need. Ordlen only half listened, and what he did pay attention to rose some gorge in his throat. He didn't like being mainipulated, even if it seemed to have its rewards.

Idly, he opened up the cask that appeared before him. An impressive array of rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and even a rare, heavy diamond glittered in his eyes. Using a mental trick he had developed over the years, he replayed the words over in his mind, focusing on what was said this time around. Yes, there was some aesthetic opportunity here........

Addressing the shadow, he talked, a wry grin creeping over his narrow face "I'll take your job, but leave your treasure." Wizards gifts have a way of being tracking devices. "All I need to know is who took your items and what, if any information you have as to their whereabouts. I don't know about these others, but" Ordlen stood up and turned to face the thing "I'd be honored to provide assistance to such a worthy one" A short bow followed, with Ordlens tail making a slow figure eight behind him, finally looping around the back of the cahir he just exited."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Lady Buggery

The mage smiled at the questions, happily reprized by her assistants. None of them seemed to object to the task, and those who might have kept their opinions to themselves.

"The artifacts have been flung all over the world I'm afraid. The one who broke my staff and displaced it has a seething hatred for me. His name is Polo. As petty as it all sounds, we both went to the same wizarding school, but said person never graduated, and couldn't stand the fact that I did. And so he took the symbol of my accomplishment and hid it from me, where not even I could find it. One of the few things he DID learn in school was banishing cloaks. This is why I need help finding these pieces. I'm afraid I can't be much help to you in locating them but know this...if you're getting close Polo will send agents to stop you. Also, if there are any local legends from your home land about mysterious artifacts, look into them as he may have hidden them in time as well. I think you all for you time. You all are my only hope."

With that the light from the windows returned, and the staff became animated again. The wizard disappeared, leaving everyone alone to plan, to brood, and to set off on a grand adventure. 

Kitsune Ascendant

As the mage left, saya shook her head
"Haven't even been on-world an hour and I've already been given a fetch-quest. Well, at least it's not zombie hordes again"

Saya looked at the gold, then at the menu, and ordered one of everything. As she waited for the food to start arriving, she started to think about what she would need for the quest.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Eric sighed this again? this what like that kid with the scar fighting the person that killed his parents or something. "well at least thing time i know how i got into this." he said moving forwarded he picked up a satchel.  " the only question now is how will i get out?" happy alive, sad alive or not at all.  he looked around to see who else had would take the challenge. he was not worried about being tracked. he would only be on this world for a limited time ( a limited time offer) it was funny that he would think of that least now he knew he could use magic as a disguise. he would work on that later.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Kitsune Ascendant

Saya sighed and picked up one of the gold coins, flipping it half-heartedly while glancing around the room. Her eyes fell on the a figure who seemed to have hastily hidden their features. She wondered what their reason was. She considered going over to talk to this person, but the food she had ordered started arriving. She looked at the first plate, a large rare steak, then glanced back at the figure.
"Hope he sticks around" she said, before picking up the steak and tearing in.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Kassin shook his head after the mysterious man departed. He shook his head, almost absent mindedly trying to figure out if the entire thing was a delusion or not. But the satchel remained on the table where he sat. He slowly walked back to where he was sitting before and took his seat. He glanced around, noticing that his tea still hadn't come.
He shook his head and started to contemplate his situation, silently upset with himself that he didn't ask whoever that was if he was the one who brought him here. It wasn't inconceivable in his eyes, if whoever that was wanted to pull him around like a puppet on a string, this was certainly a fine setup to do so, and as far as he knew, his siblings didn't know of any teleportation magic. Kassin didn't like the idea of being manipulated like that, he had seen enough from his brother and sister, yet, the thought that he was being unfair to whomever that was crossed his mind as well, maybe he genuinely did need help, and besides, Kassin would possibly need help getting home, he had no idea where he was, and for all he knew he could be hundreds of miles away.

Kassin quietly thought to himself, gauging what his next options should be. ::Regardless of what I do, I have some things to take care of. I'm still in no condition to be moving around until I get some rest. Next, I don't know how well the people around here like angels, but I really ought to clean my shirt:: He took another look at it, gazing intently at the spots where his own blood had caked and dried upon it. ::I can't just get a new one, my wings don't allow me to fit into most shirts, and I had this personally tailored, and I don't know a place where I can get this washed.::

Regardless, whatever Kassin's next destination, he figured it had to do with whoever that mysterious person was. He had no idea whether he had answers, salvation, or doom, but he couldn't spend the rest of his existence here.

Kassin felt his nose gently, it was still sore, and he still ached. He glanced around, watching other customers get their meals while he still waited for his tea. He took a glance at the satchel that was thrown to him, but he dared not touch.


sitting at his table again Eric request a glass of water. he examined the satchel in his hands. it was magic no doubt about that but what kind? and was it dangerous? as he thought on it he  and realized that some fruit would be good. especially pomegranates.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Bryden nodded to the wizard's reply and explanation.  After the wizard had disappeared and things had become normal again, he turned to the rest of those assembled and spoke, "so, I guess we've been asked to do this task.  Shall we form up for adventure?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Kitsune Ascendant

Saya took a moment to finish chewing and take a drink before speaking
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to need a good meal and a bath before I consider any adventuring. "
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Eric chuckles at that a short baking laugh. yes a meal, chance to refresh/clean ones self and a night's rest would be good. it would also give him a chance to perfect his disguise and make it more permanent. " yes that does sound reasonable. i'm with the young lady about prepping before going on a potentially dangerous mission."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


    Kipiru drove his motorcycle down the quaint streets of the town. It was a day like any other and the town was one like many he had seen in his travels, but here he had a task.
     A few nights ago a figure came to him. It was no doubt a wizard, though it chose to take the form of his best friend. Kipiru kept it to himself that such lesser magic did not work on his demon self. In fact he constantly kept that side of him hidden, he kept the appearance of a normal being with just a bit more strength. No wings shown and no additional horns protruding his flesh. The wizard spoke to him of a quest to find seven relics of sentimental value and offered quite the reward. Kipiru didn't need the money but he did need the purpose. The wizard answered no questions of his, saying only that he will answer them when Kipiru got to some cafe in a remote town, "The milk and cookies" or something like it.
   So here he was, the town was right, but there was no such cafe in sight. He always did have trouble navigating. Just as he was starting to get aggravated, he pulled the brakes in front of what seemed to be the place he was looking for. He climbed of the motorcycle and entered with a wide stroll.
    Inside was the oddest gathering of creatures he had seen in a while, and they all seamed up in thought. It dawn on him:
- I'm late, right! The guy with quest was already here wasn't he! -he addressed everyone with a loud voice- Dang, I wanted to ask him a few things! So, are you also going on this thing?
     Kipiru shoved the waitres gently aside and made his way to the table where everyone was seated.

Kitsune Ascendant

Saya glanced at the newcomer before laying down her fork beside the latest of her 'one of everything' meal.

"I believe we're discussing that right now. So far everyone seems to be in, but me and Mr. Wraps over there *Glances towards Eric* have voted for a meal, some rest, and maybe a little sword-shopping tomorrow so we're at least somewhat prepared"
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


    - Fine by me- shrugged Kipiru and drew himself a chair. - Hey, who do I have to slap to get some service here?
  He took the menu handed to him by the waitress and threw it aside.
    - Bring me a serving of fries and a cheese burger!
  He looked shamelessly at the others around him.
    - Anyone have a problem with me?