Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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looking from the captain to the bodies, then back to the captain, Lucien pondered his next course of action.  They were far to heavy to simply lift and drag off the ship, especially without a suit.  Who knew how hard it'd be to get their blood stains out, anyways.  That wasn't going to work.  Then, hearing the captain's next order, the wolf knew what to do.  Climbing towards the control cabin of the grounded forklift, Lucien set his PDA on the upper console, then said, "Johhny, you want to help me fire this thing up?"

the next order of business would be finding a suitable airlock to hold the dead gorrilla like aliens.  After that, simply transport object A to point B.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

llearch n'n'daCorna

"Aye, Sir." Johnny swiftly but carefully made sure the safety was on the hfty sidearm the Captain had leant him, then attached it to his suit for the moment; he could return it later, after he'd reloaded his own weapons. After that, he headed over to the forklift to see if he could get the airlock door off it, or it to start up and hence be able to remove the door. Either way, they didn't really have a usable airlock until that got repaired.

"I reckon you should use that to get the door back somewhere near where it needs to be, and possibly put the junk behind it. If there's another airlock around here, we could use that, but in the short term stacking them over there can't hurt." He waved an arm at the broken airlock behind them. "We might want to wait until the rest of the crew goes past, though. Nova, is there a better place to stack the dead? And or something we can use to move this door out of the way?"

He made a small effort to shift the door, without really expecting it to have much effect, given the size of the thing.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Kevin called out, "um, hello?  I'm still stuck. Don't leave me here behind the forklift!  In spite of appearances I don't like it!"
The All Purpose Fox


The Station

Jinx's feline ears twitched under his helmet as he peered into the boarding torpedo. The sounds of fighting had died off, and he could just make out that captain issuing orders to haul out. He turned back to the others and motioned them towards the torpedo.

"I think it's safe to cross over now." A stray round whistled by his head. He quickly ducked for cover behind the torpedo door. "Safer than out here, at any rate."
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Peering over the front end of the forklift to see the pinned vulpine, Lucien replied to Kevin, " We'll have you out shortly... just need to finish powering this baby up... then we can move the bodies out of the way as well.  Hopefully nothing feels broken... otherwise this could hurt just a bit."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine had to agree with the newcomer's assessment of their location. She hoped his name, Jinx, wasn't a bad omen. "I think you're right. Time to join up with the ship." These aliens had better hope they hadn't messed up Celine's organization of the cargo holds or else the grenade in her hand would have to be put to uses it was not intended."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

Just as Johnny asked Nova for assistance with the door a load lifting crane that was only for use in situations where the ship was in a gravity well, or using it's own grav systems, lowered to be just in his reach. "Certainly Johnny, sadly the only hygienic place to store them is the ships freezer, which is one level up...I would recommend continuing with your plan." Nova said over Johnny and Lucien's commlinks.

Once the door was Removed Lucien powered up the forklift and moved it away from the wall, freeing Kevin. After scavenging the Kalmethi of any useful gear the three of them stacked the bodies on an empty cargo pallet they had placed on the forklift, where Lucien then drove over to the airlock to ease the unloading once the rest of the crew was aboard.

Rekk meanwhile tossed a casual salute at Will before taking a hit from his air tank and headed back down the boarding torpedo....

The Station

Once at the other end Rekk announced the way to the ship was clear but made a point of asking Tax to go first to see to Ephrael, who was wounded. Gathering up the still flaked out Theo, and assisting Elf to her feet lead the way to the ship.

Jinx quickly scurried into the torp after the big Walker, while Pandora fired off a few bursts with her treasured rifle to discourage pursuit.

The Thrill's Cargo Bay

Once the group had made it inside, Lucien, Kevin and Will dumped the corpses out the lock, and closed the outer door.

The Bridge

Johnny had passed Tax working on Ephrael, still where she had fallen just outside the lift. Captain Conner had ordered him up here to move the ship away on a outward vector, despite his reservations the Captain had assured him Nova would assist.


After backing the machine up and loading the bodies onto the lifter, Lucien continued working the controls of the machine, gently guiding it out of the cargo hold, and out to the airlock.  Door sealed, and everything else taken care of, Lucien waited for Nova to cycle the lock before taking the cart back down to the cargo-hold.

After returning the vehicle to it's appropriate spot, the wolf headed for the armory.  He went to go make sure his gear was all there, and perhaps do some modifications to his combat harness to accept the new cells for the pistol he still had.  It -might- fit the holster... but just in case, he decided he'd best be prepared to give his gear a proper fit with some minor alterations.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


The sound of the door closing was the sweetest thing that Pandora had heard in a week, if not her entire life. The moment she realized was safely inside the sanctuary of the Chase, she practically staggered over to a wall for support; what little composure she had went flying, leaving naked relief and horror. Pandora slapped her hand against the wall, trying to steady herself, and clutched her rifle once she was sure that balance had been restored like a teddy bear. In spite of her fortitude, she wasn't a fighter; her entire style was based on improvised weaponry and uncoordinated informality. She was shaken – not quite traumatized, but shaken. Keeping her thoughts relatively organized was impossible, and she let the deluge of incomprehensible, babbling nonsense flush through her brain, washed away by adrenaline and drowned out by her thundering heartbeat.

She went from being grateful to feeling like she wanted to grab the good captain by his neck and strangle him. What was this bullshit? When she signed up for this job, she had prepared herself for only the bare minimum of danger – getting her history as a notorious government dissident laid bare like a cheap hooker, handling unfamiliar technology, possibly getting harassed by some government goons on her way off the planet. Space pirates that came storming in, armed to the teeth, were not on her list of anticipated threats. Pandora managed to steer her hands properly so she could rest the rifle somewhere safe, where it wouldn't fire and leave a hole through some poor bugger's forehead, and peeled off her cap, revealing sweat-soaked and bedraggled bubblegum hair.

Her goggles were undamaged, same with her precious leather hat – her grandfather made that for her, said that none of the ignorant seamstresses could ever fathom crafting something so perfect. If it had gotten ripped in the clusterfuck of violence, she would have crammed her boot down Will's throat, but fortunately, it came through unscratched. However, Pandora noticed a splash of ichorous blood caking the right lense of her goggles and scowled.

Spitting out a thickly-accented curse, she thrust her cap and goggles into her pocket and whirled on Will, growling her first of possibly many demands. Her voice was tight, restrained. "So," she hissed, "Mind tellin' us wha' all that was all about? I know I ain't the only one who wants ta 'ear some answers."

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny ran up the staircase, two to three steps at a time, since Eph and the doc were planted securely in front of the lift, and sailed down the corridor and into the bridge, flipping the gun off his back and moving towards the pilot's chair at a fair clip.

"Nova, Captain wants us to move out. Warm up the engines and, uh, give me a hand with the controls; I've only heard about a rig like this..."

He checked the safety, then dropped the rifle into storage locker on the back wall and closed the door on it, and headed for the pilots chair. "Let's have a look at what's out there. Let me know if anyone is looking our way, and watch our backs for me, would yOWSER!" As he dropped into the chair, the holosphere activated, giving him a fully 360 degree view of the surrounding space, along with HUD tags and informational screens following the corners of his vision as his head turned around. "Wow. Uh. This is nice..."

He paused for a moment, lost in the view, until Nova cleared her throat. "Oh! Shit. Uh... Gimme a ship-wide broadcast, and plot us a path to get the heck out of here. Try and keep the station, or planets, between us and anyone who might come looking, that sort of thing." A set of icons flashed on the display as he reached for the controls, indicating that the maneuvering thrusters were coming online, the station/torpedo was still attached, the airlocks were all closed, and his shipwide broadcast was online.

"All crew, this is your pilot speaking. Currently we're about to take off, and we hope to reach cruising altitude within five to ten minutes. Weather is stormy, with clouds of Kelmethi and some missile showers; we'll do our best to avoid contact, but we may encounter some turbulence. Flight time to our destination is indeterminate, as soon as we know where the hell we're going, we'll update you. Welcome aboard, and let's make like a tree." As he spoke, his eyes scanned the holosphere, flashing tags identifying things to avoid and stationary objects in the local system, his fingers flicking various virtual buttons, setting the systems up for departure, and disconnecting the torp from the airlock. He closed the final switch, and gently brushed the thrusters, easing the Thrill away from their parking spot, and drifting gently clear of the station.

A faint green path lit up, leading in a gentle curve out from the station, then twisting hard and fast, once the minimum safe distance was reached. The Thrill followed the path like it was on rails, behaving as much like a floating derelict as possible until just before the twist. "Nova, let's get going." Johnny twisted the ship smoothly round the curve, and eased the main engines in, ramping quickly up to normal travelling thrust.

The ship shot out of there like it was greased.

Johnny opened the comms to Captain Conner. "Captain, we're headed out on 047.375 by 304.529, eighty percent normal max thrust. Eyes peeled for intercepts, but hoping to dodge. Weaver out." He cut the mic, leaving the channel open for a response from the boss, then said "Nova, let me know if I miss anything that might be dangerous. We're awfully isolated out here; let's make sure we stay that way." His eyes kept scanning the space around them, watching to see if anything moved, or if the ship's scanners picked up anything unexpected, either.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Like a robot, Tax saw the downed Tasmanian Devil and got to work. Her blood-spattered face donned a look that lacked emotion as her hands moved quickly. The order of procedure flowed through her naturally that the head nurses beat into her skull. Cut away nearby fabric, sanitize area, numb it, poke around, find bullet and pull it free, clean out wound, seal it up. Done. Nearly..

"She needs blood.. blood... where's the medbay?"

Paladin Sheppard

The Bridge

"Weaver, this is the Captain. That course takes us towards the jump gate, alter 50 left to 254. The Kalmethi raids usually have someone waiting to grab any ships fleeing through a gate, let me know when we are out of a gravity well we'll use our drive. Damn thing wasn't cheap but it gives us better options some times."

Cargo Bay

William had just finished giving  Johnny some fresh directions and was heading over to check on Ephrael, when Pandora announced her presence and her annoyance at the previous situation.

"Easy Ms Rosendahl!" Will said with a bit of command tone "as I said back on the station that was a Kalmethi slave smash and grab raid. Its a bit out of their normal area of operations and the fact they attacked a station instead of a ground side colony is odd too but not unheard of. For the moment I suggest you go clean up, de-stress and meet me in the drive room in 30 minutes, Nova and I will show you what you have to do when we jump. In the mean time i need to go see to my XO.

With that Will turned and headed off to where Tax was working on Ephrael, and as he approached she looked up at him and asked where the medbay was.

"Deck B Miss?" The Captain asked as he opened a container on the side of the lift well and pulled out a collapsible anti-grav gurney, set it up and assisted Tax in lifting the hybrid onto it.

Turning to Celine: "Ms Walker take charge down here." He said before pushing the gurney into the lift, with Tax keeping an eye on her new patient.


Lucien would find none of his belongings inside the armory... It was probably still in the cargo bay where it had been delivered.



With no sign of his gear, Lucien became concerned.  He'd paid for everything, it should have been delivered.  He grew more irritated than anything.  His eyes glancing over various lockers, when the faintest of sounds suddenly reminded him of something,  "Nova, do you have any log of a delivery occurring shortly before the attack?  If so, where would the equipment be?"

The realization that he could have just asked the AI for help would take a while to become second nature, but for now, he felt rather proud of himself of thinking so far ahead.  Still annoyed that he'd wasted the time getting to the armory, but proud that he'd thought of a simple solution to minimize future waste.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard


There was a very faint hum, and Nova's avatar appeared, flapping her sings as if to stay aloft. "I believe you equipment is still down in the cargo bay, I don't think Quatermaster Walker had the opportunity to deal with the latest batch of deliveries before the attack..." She finished with an impish smile before disappearing in a holographic cloud of smoke.


Checking his PDA for any messages, Lucien headed back from whence he came.  Back towards the cargo-bay.  He silently hopped that his gear was clearly marked.  He needed to get his suit on.  Then, he needed some questions answered.  The suit, however, came first.  If any of those things remained, but hidden from Nova's sensors, he'd need the suit's shields. 
Loosing a security officer, especially one who would be scouting ahead of an away team, would look very bad on both the captain's, and Lucien's resume.

He headed into the cargo bay, "hey, Nova, any chance you could be a bit more specific.  I'd like to catch up with the captain ASAP... just as soon as i've got my gear ready."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine was a mess, covered in nasty alien blood, missing one cheek of her trousers, and altogether disarranged. But she also knew that checking her cargo bay came first. Anything that had gotten loose could become a danger if things got ugly again. She noticed two things immediately, a puddle of blood and the last pallet of purchases. She looked around and saw Jinx. He wasn't a member of the crew so he didn't have an assigned job. "Jinx, grab the mop out of the cabinet over there and get this blood up before someone slips. Embarrassing as hell to survive the attack and break your neck in a puddle." Celine climbed up on the pallet to start sorting it.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

Due to an apparent lack of interest I'm going to close TotC down

Thank you all very much for playing, it has been a fantastic run for my first RP as a GM :3