YES! Fanart got through!

Started by Raiettei, June 30, 2008, 03:26:59 PM

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*Dancing like a monkey*

I've been submitting things for the last six months, and it finally got through!!!

*Dancing like a penguin*

Free publicity for me!!!

*Dancing like a  :ipod*

I'm just happy. I have a big ole' feeling like this topic will be moved or locked.


Ah, well.

--Joshua Littlewhiteman

Stig Hemmer

Stig Hemmer, at your disservice.


"Helen Gamma Narbon! You get back through that dimensional gate this instant!"

"But he's furry and got a really neat tail!"

"*sigh* OK, sweetheart, I'll ask your Mother to make you a new pet gerbil for your birthday. Just don't go knocking over buildings with him like the last one!"


"Dan, you can come out from under the table now."

"But... but... it was awful! Like a little human version of Wildy!"

"There, there... I'll have the rats get your bed ready for you and get you a nice ale toddy for you like mother used to make."

"Your the best sister an incubus could have, Lexi."

"Don't ever say that again or I'll have to hammer you."