Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Darkshine just stood, a little shocked at yet another ernest response from this total stranger.  He waited a few seconds to collect his thoughts, then he gave a crooked smile and said "i know if our situation was reversed, i'd be taking some far more serious precautions, but maybe thats just because i know what i can do.  Look, when insperation hit's me , i just kinda roll with it, good or bad, again, it's what i do... i kinda hope your leader is listening over your comm link, because i'm pretty sure he'd agree that, although risky, get the right people involved, it can be pull it off..."  he paused, relaxed, and leaned against the door frame...His grin returned, and he kept on talking though his plan
"well, i wouldn't bother with some of the zealot's uniforms, low level troops like them tend to be stationary, but officers, from experience with the brotherhood" nodding towards the corpse of his target "they tend to shift from place to place, and an officer like him, he's got clearance to do on sight, and completely random inspections.  So, here's how i see another mission going, if we can get someone who fits into that uniform, and looks like at least a little like him, and espeically, we need the man to pull off the arrogant 'i hear there's been problems with discipline around here' attitude.  We have them let us in... all  we need to do is get that brotherhood truck... we pack it with a strike team, follow it with additional troops in whatever we want... Once our man is approved at the main gate, take out those guards quietly, and i mean dead silent, knives, and silent firearms quiet... The brotherhood guys, they set up for inspection while the rebel trucks roll in... once we've got control of the main gate that shouldn't be a problem... though i've got a few questions about equipment available... any chance you guys got some crew served stuff that you have in hiding, ya know, light auto-cannons, heavy automatics, grenade launchers, perhaps some tripod mounted laser or plasma weapons?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Dorcan listened to the proposal politely, but shook his head.  "I don't have authority for that kind of thing.  You'd have to take your suggestion up with Exo or Morgan, if you can persuade them to listen."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine replied calm and level "i understand what your saying, i'm more bouncing the idea off you, seeing what you think, it's the best thing for me to do right now when i've got the insperation to do something, and really no other way to act on it...  Well, no matter how you do it, i guess we might as well get back to the task at hand"  and with that, he stepped delicatly around the pools of blood, and made sure to be well clear of the bodyguards... He took the vial, scraped along the edge of the hole in his tagets head, collect loose bits in the tube...  With his grim mission complete, he hopped over the bodies and blood with a single leap, stopping well short of the congregation, holding the vial up said with a bit of a grin "well, i'm done with my part" 

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"I don't really know enough about the Brothers to say whether that would work," Dorcan said.  "But anyway, let's go.  Now, Izzie... how are you doing up there?  Do you need a hand lifting or anything?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine started to head out the door, lost his balance and fell to one knee as another wave of dizziness hit him.  He felt nauseous, and a splitting headache slammed him as well.  He knew he had a concussion, and would need to be treated for it... Fighting every urge to just lay down and sleep, he grabbed the door frame, and pulled himself back to his feet, he said in a slightly low voice "sorry about that, still a little light headed i guess, i should be ok now"  he rubbed the back of his head and neck, trying his best to be nonchalant about the whole incident.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Are you sure you're alright?" Dorcan asked, his voice tinged with concern.  "Do you need a medic?  Can you make it back downstairs?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


still feeling a tinge of pain Darkshine replied "probably wouldn't hurt to see a medic... at the very least i could get something for this damn headache that keeps coming back"  he rubbed his forehead and eyes with a hand, trying to get the spots out of his vision. He collected himself mentally and said in a slightly shaky voice "it's probably a mild concussion, so if nothing else, make sure i don't try and fall asleep"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Our... uh... prisoner, seems to need a medic," Dorcan said over the comms.  "Who's nearest?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine placed the vial in one of his pant's pockets, then looked at his 'escort' and said "well, whenever your good to go, either lead the way or give me some directions" he held out his hand with a slight bow as if holding the door open for a lady... he had his crooked smile back, and trying his best to hide his growing concern... he thought privately to himself well, i'm stuck with them for the foreseeable future, might as well make the best of it... Hopefully this is the unit Wolf is in, at least i know i can trust her... though this Dorcan guy has been a pretty upstanding fellow so far... now if only i could can a handle on the rest of this team...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Let's go then," the Doberman said and led the way.  Darkshine was covered by the two troopers Morgan had sent, with Dorcan in front, glancing back occasionally to make sure the leopard wasn't about to collapse or something.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine followed without incident, too preoccupied with keeping his balance and fighting the headache to try and keep up a conversation of any kind

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Done with the generator, I managed to pull off a few pieces that look like they go back together, but I really can't say what they do. I'm on my way to you now." Izzie said into the comm. "Well Exo, you wanna carry half, some of this is pretty heavy." Izzie gestured to the neatly ordered pile of components arranged on the ground."


   Jexx meandered out of the office room, vaguely noticing Dorcan and several other men. He started following them, his expression very distant, almost as if his wasn't seeing anything at all.


Morgan finished placing the last charge, half turning to Murphy with a small, half-grin he joked, "ready to blow this joint mate?"

"Ready?  I was born ready to make things go boom.  Let's blow shit up!"  Murphy sounded extremely eager, he made an announcement over the comm, let's make it rain, ya'll got a phat grip of stacks waiting at the crib, yo.

Morgan sweatdropped, Uh, I think Murph is ready to go with the charges, I suggest we exit.  We will wait for the all clear from Exo.   

Morgan, Murphy and Mac exited the tower carefully and set up a temporary guard position as they waited for everyone else to exit.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hearing the call to evacuate, Dorcan abruptly turned around and led the others out of the nearest exit.
"How far back do we need to be?" he asked.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine, still a little fuzzy, and not sure if the question was meant for him or not, slowed down his pace and considered the question... he looked over at the doberman and thought back to the question, he said in as level of a voice he could manage "I'd try and be about distance and a half from the tallest point... even if you go for a total implosion, if something either goes wrong, or a charge fires early, it'll probably fall to one side, rather than in on itself... soo yea, i'd play it safe, and get a good ways back..."  then thinking about the tower falling added quickly "better make it twice the height"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Got it, run. FAST." Izzie picked up the tools he had used, and a good portion of the components on the floor. "Isn't this about the time someone should say a lame catch-phrase like, lets blow this joint, or they'll have to glue you back together, in hell?" Izzie added with a chuckle.


Murphy shook his head at Izzie's comment, yo dawg, I don't roll like that.  We jus' blow this shiz, roll back to HQ, and I get my 40s on. 

Murphy checked the indicators for all the assembled charges, when they all flashed green he smiled sharply, "yea, that's what I'm talkin 'bout."

Morgan nodded, not entirely sure what Murphy was talking about and added his own comment to the chat on the comm, I suggest everyone fall back to the van camp, that is more than sufficient distance.  Minimum should be twice the height in case of any complications.  The tower should fall in on itself, as Murphy, Mack and I are all master demolitions experts, but the nature is controlled chaos... quite a difficult set of opposites to balance.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   As Dorcan, Darkshine, and the soldiers started to rush ahead, Jexx seemed to snap out of his funk, and began rushing after them. He wasn't quite sure what they were running from, but for once, he thought that it probably wasn't something he could fry with his handcannons.


Exo is the last out, carrying some larger pieces of equipment from the generator disassembly over it's shoulders with ease. "Looks like we're all clear. Any last words, gentlemen?"

Mack shoots Murphy a glare and mutters, being the slightly saner of the two. "With any luck this'll go better th'n last time where somebody--" he eyes Murphy again "--miswired 'alf the bloody charges."

"Well if you two are quite done bickering, would you do the honours, Morgan?" Exo shifts slightly, carefully putting down the bits of generator before watching to turn the impending fireworks.


"I just hope there's no-one else stuck in there," Dorcan said, glancing at Darkshine.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine held up his hands defensively and said "don't look at me, i was in there for a quick solo job... I was planning on assembling a new team next week... but we can all see how far that actually got"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

"Boys Boys,  Chatting away on top a power keg... , when the Brotherhood could come along any day now... Bust up your little party before the fireworks."  Said Doc Sally over the comlink."Please Have the new boy report to me for a medical exam once you get to camp, we are starting your pack-out and clean-up.."



Mack raises an eyebrow. "You sure you don't need glasses, Doc? We're standin' right here y'know."


Murphy leans a bit back, tilting his head and throwing his hands up in front of him, "shut yo wack azz up Mack, you be trippin.  You da one that brought schematics written in Lantenese.  How is someone 'suppose to use dat if they don't read that gay azz language?"

"Well, I for one, do read that language and a few others.  Let us just hope that none of that has happened here, we can not have mistakes here."  Morgan stated as he ran one final check before lighting the charges off.  The programmed, staggered detonations began their sequence.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Mack snerks loudly. "They were perfectly understandable if you actually bothered to flip 'em over and read the other side, you idiot! I don't read Lantenese either, how do you think I made my set of explosives? Not by random guessin' that's for certain."

Exo glances at Murphy, then at Mack. "Are you two quite done bickering over explosive schematics? Record has it you're both experts after all." It turns to watch the collapsing tower. "Now that's a sight... the Brotherhood definitely won't be pleased, though. We'd best pack up and get back to HQ ASAP."


"I wish we could have buried them," Dorcan murmured vacantly.  "Darkshine's victims, my victim... even a cremation would have been a more decent send-off than mangling them up in a demolition."

Exo's comment snapped him back to reality.

"The Brotherhood can go bend," he said.  Then a thought hit him.
"Actually, this is probably the hardest we've ever hit them, isn't it?  What happens if they make a concerted effort to exterminate us because we've just upgraded ourselves from 'nuisance' to 'threat'?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


darkshine considered the question, but quickly forgot his reply as the headache again surged... he looked around the small gathering for someone who looked like they had some kind of medical equipment, even some type of painkiller would help... though if it was a concussion, he'd have to avoid sleep for a bit.  Darkshine looked around and, without any luck of spotting the obvious he asked "so, anyone here a medic?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Think of it as a funeral pyre, if that helps make it any better. At least they're free from whatever crap they were being fed and brainwashed with before. As for medics, ask Doc there. Can't promise you'll get what you want, but you'll get what you need in the long run." Mack offers.

Exo nods as it watches the tower collapse, recording the event to internal storage. "Then we probably have an assault on the compound to look forward to, assuming they can find it, and they will eventually. Fortunately we should have the home ground advantage. Someone should radio ahead and let Jackson know the job is done and that defenses should be stepped up. Once we hit the main roads we should split up and make our own roads back to HQ -- a convoy of unmarked vans is going to be more than a little suspicious. Even if the Brotherhood have no ID on the vans, it's bound to attract attention."


Darkshine looked over at the man that Mack had called doc, raised a hand and shouted "yo doc, any chance you've got some painkillers, just something that'll help this headache i've got until we get to where ever you guys plan on taking me?"  Then turned to Exo and said "so... if we're going to be splitting up into several smaller groups, which van you want me in?   and uh, who's going to be playing babysitter until you get me checked out?"  he had his crooked smile while asking the last question... having a pretty good guess as to who he'd be riding with...

([OOC]fixed the small errors that i didn't pick up on when i first posted)

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->