Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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lucas marcone

Josh sat up and took out his transmitter. "I'll be needing a new comm" he said. "So, we're nearing endgame for this outting huh? I expected a little bit more of a fight from the imfamous brotherhood. Maybe it is possible to loosen their strangle hold on society."


Walking with purpose, Morgan crossed the street and reached the alley without any significant notice surprisingly.  The alleyway was a nice straight shot and with careful speed the small group reached the forest edge.  The soldiers moved quietly and with appropriate caution, they were adept at being unobtrusive, a handy trait at the moment.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan surveyed the forest as the others arrived.  If there were Brotherhood patrols in the woods they were screwed whatever happened,  so stealth didn't really seem so great a priority to him anymore, especially if they were going to be reassigned to another location.

"Dorcan to base camp," he said over the comms, "Break out the marshmallows.  We're coming home."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

A voice crackled back over Dorcan's comm.
"We read you Dorcan, the area looks clear, so you shouldn't have any resistance." A voice of one of the rebellion soldiers said over the comm.
After a few moments, with the comm still on...
"Hey sarge?  What's a marshmallow?" The same soldier asked.
Realizing the comm was still on, he quickly turned it off.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Reaching the forest safely meant clear sailing from this point on.  Still remaining professional, Morgan and the soldiers showed a noticeable relaxation in their movements. 

After a brief stroll in the woods, the party reached the camp area.

"Excellent job lads, let us stand down and pack up the camp.  It will be nice to get back to the city."  He smiled briefly as he found EXO and the rebel sergeant, "despite conflicts of personality, I hope our actions have shed some light on our capabilities and usefulness.  I suppose that will need to wait until we see Jackson again."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

The next few hours were a blur of activity.  Those that were wounded were being tended to.  The lab was being packed up.  All the equipment was being loaded back into the vans.  The sergeant approached EXO, Morgan, and Dorcan.
"Our orders are to stay here and secure this area.  We'll be moving what we brought here to a new location on the other side of town.  You guys need to take the whitecoats and their equipment, along with what you brought along, back to base." He says.
He snapped a quick salute.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan blinked.  He wasn't used to being saluted at.

"I guess we'll have to divide into our original parties again," he said, "unless we're taking back anyone else who can drive and knows the route."  Where he came from, most people used public transport, walked or used magic.  Driving was comparatively rare, especially among Creatures.

"Exo, you set up the camp in the first place, and in any case you're in charge.  How should we approach this?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan returned the salute due to his slipping into old habits.

"I'd like to add good luck to you sergeant, keep the Brotherhood busy."

Morgan nodded to Dorcan, he agreed that Exo's judgment should be observed, "It is worth considering, that even if the area is secure, we should not travel too heavily in a caravan formation."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

Josh  just kinda hung back and staied out of the way. He wasn't feeling the best.


The 'bot placed one hand on it's chin, obviously deep in thought.

"Morgan is correct. With the Brotherhood on alert now, they may send aerial patrols... whilst this is statistically unlikely, it is still a possibility. Our best approach is to split up. Come."

It gestured for the others to follow as it moved over towards a map of the area, displayed inside the comms van.

"There aren't many routes back towards HQ, but there are enough for two or three smaller groups. I suggest those of you with the capability download the map. Don't attempt to track your locations by GPS or the Brotherhood will almost certainly send scouts after you as they're wired into practically every GPS and Sat-Nav on or orbiting the planet, legally or otherwise. Getting lost shouldn't be an issue, though."

It pauses, making sure everyone is around. "I will take the comms van here, the rest of you take the other van and the lab vans back. Anyone who wishes to travel with me may do so, but I cannot ensure a pleasant ride."

It paused again, thinking. "If anyone has any better ideas, speak up now."


"That seems sensible," Dorcan agreed.  "I don't mind having an uncomfortable ride, so I may as well travel with you if that is not a problem.
"Now, one thing that disturbs me is that that Gerald guy doesn't seem to be with us anymore.  Given how he tried to use our comms infrastructure to contact the Brotherhood, I have to wonder whether he was a spy.  If he was indeed in their pay, he has probably returned to them, so we should get out of here as soon as is practical."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"I'll drive another van..." Josh said. "Is there any device I can use to download the map? I'll not want to get lost. On another note, what of Babs? She knows enough to be a problem and we could use the help."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Josh, We have more than a problem with just Bab.. There is Bill the security guard, who is a bigger danger to us than Bab, he wants to go home.  And my old classmate from Medical school, Dr Chad Westling, he wants to return to his practice and position at the hospital.  As for Bab, you will have to work things out with her, yourself.  She is still out from healing you, and I can't tell what is wrong with her, if anything beyond overtaxing her abilities.  But Her return to the city will put her life in danger.  " says Dr Sally as she passes a plate of energy- bars and water bottles for everyone.  They are her own recripe and taste twice as good as any candy bar, but are just a little heavy in the stomach after you eat them.   

"And the Brotherhood will question, scan, and likely 'erase' anyone who returns back to the city for this camp." says Dr Chad as he comes from one of the lab vans....



Dorcan politely refused the doctor's offerings.  "Are you sure you can drive those?"  He asked Josh.  "I thought you came from a non-technical enclave."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"We did develop some tech before the brotherhood made tech into 'the Devil's toy'." Josh said in a matter of fact way to Dorcan. "I'll go see about Babs." Josh said as he walked in her general direction.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Com'on Dorcan, they are a whole meal in a bar cover in chocolate, mmm."   teases Dr Sally, but then she looks worried at Chad.  As he looks toward the city.   

Josh finds Bab laying on the patient cradle in the medical van that Dr Sally was driving.  Her heart and vital signs are all good, but brain activity seem to be very low.



Exo glances at Josh as he moves away. "This unit finds it unlikely that a previously tech-less village with little outside interaction could develop fully automotive vehicles within a short period, if what you claim is true in both respects. A few hundred years, perhaps, but anything less? Unlikely. I also find it unlikely that you are a fully qualified driver, and given the rough terrain, and thusly suggest someone with a little more experience to be given the task of driving one of the other vans."


"They may have had memories of them from before," Dorcan pointed out.  "Or they may have built them using magical propulsion.  But unless they had some form of commerce with the outside world and actually imported the vehicles in from outside, they are unlikely to use the same control system.  Heck, where I come from there are people still using gryphon-carts..."

"Either way," he continued, "the point of licensing is a good one, if your society does require a permit to operate them.  We do not want the brotherhood to find us over a traffic violation."

At Sally's insistence he took one of the bars and stuffed it into his pocket 'for later'.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan smiled kindly, but did not take an energy bar, "No thank you, looks a tad bit heavy to be sitting on my stomach.

He regarded the vans and shrugged, "I suppose I can have a go.  I drove one of the vans here and operated the escape vehicle on our hospital run."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"That settles it, I'm rideing with Morgan. No offence Exo, but your driveing sucks." As Josh got to babs he tried wakeing her up through conventional means. "Wakey wakey. Dude, c'mon wake up!"


"Jexx," said Dorcan suddenly, yet gently and somewhat hesitantly.  "Are you... in a position to tell us... about what happened back in the tunnel?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx had been hanging back in one of the vans when the reached camp, and after everyone else had gotten out, he did so as well, wandering aimlessly and only taking a small amount of obervation in what was going on, but he still knew what was going on. The Dorcan came up to him and asked him about about earlier.
   ", it's kind of a long story, and it seems," Jexx waved a handcannon around, gesturing to the activity, "The Brotherhood is after us, and we need to split as soon as possible. I can tell you in a van, though, I swear I'll tell you everything."

Prof B Hunnydew

After more than a minute of touch Bab's shoulder, Josh feels a strong wind blowing him toward her and his paw feels a burning touch.  With a scream, and clap, Josh find himself in a black room. or land.  The sun slowly raising over a garden, as Josh see Bab laying on the green grass down by a babbling brook.

With her eyes close, she sighs  "God what a nightmare..  The brotherhood lock me away and controlling my every mood.  but Josh, my darling Josh, woke me up.  I fought back against the Brotherhood from within my own mind.  Still they came to enslave me again. Josh fought to reach me, but they hurt and he needed healing from me.  I have to reach for him I healed his pain but his still not there " Bab remembers aloud

Josh Josh Where are you?   JOSH Came back!"  she cries out with eyes closed for tears, which seem adds to the stream's flow.  "Please Josh I am lost, I can't get back."  The water level rises, and the girl is endanger of being sweep down stream.



"Do we have any more takers for a ride with Exo?"  Dorcan asked.  Since they were travelling in separate vans to reduce the chances of the entire party being intercepted, it looked they just needed to fill out the places and that particular van would be ready.  In any case, he was impatient to get going.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

Dr Sally says that she will go with Exo...."He can't be that bad on normal roads."


"Jexx?"  Dorcan asked, gesturing to Exo's van.  "Are you coming?  If so, we need to get cracking..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Yes! I thought that that was obvious...didn't I say I was gonna get in a van with you?" Jexx said quickly, and headed for Exo's van.

(OOC: Jexx did not say this in a snappy or mean voice, just quickly)


"That was before you knew I'd be traveling with Exo," Dorcan pointed out.  "Given his disclaimer about the comfort of his journey, I wasn't sure if you'd want to come.  In any case, we're wasting time.  Exo, are we ready to take off? "

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

One of the soldiers approached the group with a portable television, which was currently tuned to the Northon local news channel.
"Hey guys, check this out." He says.

The television showed a reporter standing outside of the Brotherhood tower, and behind him, a mob that had formed around it.
"We are live in front of the Northon Brotherhood tower as a mob rule has broken out.  The intended target: The Brotherhood of the Machine.  A riot had broken out shortly after a message was broadcast by the Rebellion's leader, Jackson Phoenix.  The people here have taken his message to heart, and possibly... too far.  Now it's mob rule out here.  People are throwing things at the tower, firing weapons at it's upper floors, any Brotherhood zealots that come out of the tower have been rushed, beaten, and trampled." He says.  "Earlier today it was uncovered by the Rebellion that the Brotherhood had been using mind controlling chips, which had been covertly implanted into every citizen of Northon, for some as of yet unknown reason.  The chips were being fed information by a huge underground transmitter.  The existance of the chips have been confirmed by medical experts, and it seems that the transmitter has been destroyed.  The Rebellion has taken responsibility for the destruction of the transmitter.  Some of the rioters had this to say..." He said.
The scene switched to a group of angry people.
"How dare they control us like that!" One shouted.
"They think they can get away with anything!" Another shouted.
"Let's run 'em out of town!" A third cried out.
Shouts of agreement came from behind them.  The scene switched back to the reporter.
"A statement has not yet been released from the Brotherhood Central Tower, and as of right now, all communications to the Central Tower are being ignored.  We will keep you updated as the situation changes." He said.  "Reporting live from the Northon Brotherhood tower, for Northon Daily News, this is..."
The reporter was interrupted as the soldier turned the television off.
"Looks like we got through to them." The soldier said.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Well," said Dorcan, "Now I guess we'll see how the Brotherhood deals with a town who opposes them."  He didn't look particularly enthusiastic about the prospect.  If they had forced the Brotherhood into adopting a more belligerent approach, it would not go down well.

A thought occurred to him.  "What about our guests?  Are they still as eager to return to the town?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E