The Castle (IC) [M] {04}

Started by Prof B Hunnydew, August 05, 2007, 11:00:41 PM

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 At Mel's comment, Cog made a tired nod, and stood up again to approach the healer. "We seem to do this a lot." he said, coming to a slow stop in front of the dragon. "The last time it was just my back."

He paused, and waited for the dragon to tell him what to do. She was the healer, after all.


As much as he appreciated their support, Stygian could not but worry about the decision to go with him. He knew what waited, and he knew what sort of thoughts must be going through most of their heads. Ian's and Jeremiah's comments had just made his face sour. Typical of adventurers and the sort.
   'More of those things,' Stygian said to the frog, turning. 'And the things that treat them as pawns.' Slowly he began pacing back across the floor toward the altar. 'Make sure you are whole and fit to go,' was all he said, before he pushed the heavy stone aside a bit and then stood, looking down into the smoldering darkness waiting down the stairway. He took an agonizing first step, then another, and descended again down into the catacombs under the castle.


"Oh. Well then," Jeremiah replied weakly. No, he hadn't actually thought he was in the clear horrible-hell-thing-wise. His life just didn't work that way, he wasn't that lucky. Still, it had been nice to pretend. "We'll just not let them follow you, shall we?"

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura stood as before in the great hall of the chapel--or what was left of it--a figure of white drenched slightly in blood, an Angel with hidden wings who was more than ready to descend into the world below.  She listened as, one by one, the others put in their word to either stay in relative safety or to face the dangers with Stygian.

Cogidubnus would come, after he would gather a quick healing from the dragon.  Ian was coming, although in her mind the tiger believed that the young rat might find out if he'd be in over his head a little too late.  Ketefe and Keaton seemed undecided, but she wondered if the injured jackal was probably more likely to remain.  Among those who were staying, she wished Mel and Jeremiah luck, in the hope that guarding the entrance wouldn't prove too difficult.  And finally, Gareeku, though he was healthy enough to fight, had declined doing so to protect Aisha...which made her glance over in their direction for a moment.

The panthress was once again asleep, unable to have heard the exchanges between the others.  Though she stirred slightly when her mentor's voice was heard, and could feel her left wrist being lifted...there was a quiet snap as something locked around it.  Rynkura had walked over and placed the bracer in Aisha's care, and as the one most in need of it.  The tigress then stood, a brief smile on her face as she observed her student and the warrior who held her.  "I admire your dedication towards Aisha, sir Manoko, and thank you for it," she relayed with sincerity.  Certainly if the panthress trusted him, then her mentor could.  "Please, take care of her."

Nothing more was said.  She turned and started to approach the altar as it was moved, revealing a path down into the abyss below the castle.  Looking toward the seemingly unending darkness, Rynkura couldn't help but suppress a low growl in her throat.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel smiled a bit. "Just stand still while I take care of that chest injury." Very delicately, minding the sensitivity of burned skin, she placed just the fingertips of her right hand over the epicenter of the burn and began the restoration of skin, muscle and nerve. "Is there anything else that needs healing? No sense of starting out at a deficit."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The atmosphere down the passage was thickening, a fumy, dry breath brushing against the bat's skin as he moved downward. To his eyes there was no such thing as darkness. Mainly because he had no sight to speak of. But he knew anyway that a deep red light was starting to seep in from the depth of the dark stairwell, as it was about to open up into the entryway into the terror. He could both see and feel the slightly uneven placement of the stones in the wall, could smell and touch the fumes that leaked through cracks in the floor up ahead. And with every passing moment he felt his own strength growing as he inched closer to the dark that he fed upon.
   None of the others had entered the passageway yet. He knew that. But he did not blame them. Better then that he clear the entryway. Probably the ones who had chosen to stay behind would have to fend against attacks they too, but they were not facing anything alike what they might go up against down there.

lucas marcone

Ian stepped down into the stairway. It may have just been him but the stairs felt warm giveing him a false sense of slight comfort before the nightmares he would have to endure. "Styg," Ian tapped him on the shoulder lightly. "It seems you'd be the best equipped to fight your, um, rival. I was thinking, if you stay behind us as we punch a hole through what ever resistance there is you'll be fresh for the fight."


 Cog nodded to the dragon, shaking his head. "No. I'm alright. Thank you." he said, experimentally bringing his arms back and then forward, testing out his newly-healed body. No immediate pains sprang up.

Cog made a bow to the dragon, making sure to keep his sword out of the way and behind him, and straightened back up slowly.
"Good luck. We'll return as fast as we can." he said, tapping and increasing the magical sight on his glasses once before turning and walking towards the entrance to hell. The wolf took a deep breath, his last breath of relatively fresh air, before taking the first step and descending.

Through the smog and smoke that was the new atmosphere, the wolf descended the stone steps quickly. The dry, ashen atmosphere was almost discomforting, as was the lurid red glow that suffused the stairway, glowing a eerie blue out of his glasses. Cog came to a slow stop behind behind the Ian and Sebastian, the wolf idly cracking his neck once more as they paused.

He kept silent, instead concentrating on keeping his eyes and ears open. His grip on his sword tightened, and his yellow eyes seemed to glow as they reflected back the red-and-blue light of hell.

* * *

The masked feline stood very quietly through the ordeal, her eyes flickering to and fro. She gave the gun back to Ian, giving the wererat a strange look at his comment, and simply shrugged. Her tail flicked back and forth, a show of typical feline agitation.

As Ian and the other wolf made thier way down the stairs, Ketefe also headed for the stairs, the feline strangely quiet as she headed into hell.


For a few, brooding minutes, a countenance of sullen sorrow hanging palpably about her blanket-bundled frame, Keaton remained where she was, pondering her options. Hands of mismatched hue wrung at the folds of the makeshift blanket that Stygian had provided, pulling it fully around her form so she was safely protected from the biting cold and remnants of fluttering dust hovering in the heady air, as well as her exposed chest. Steadily, as her strength returned to her, Keaton attempted to conjure up a shapeshifted outfit to replace her torn and bedraggled top, considering the effort to be a barometer for how successfully her abilities had crept back into her exhausted body. Still deliberately making an effort to avoid the gazes of those in the room, Keaton let her eyes sink to the cracked and groove-riddled floor, unconsciously tracing the numerous divots running like spider-webbed splatters.

Among those who had chosen to follow Stygian were Cogidubnus, Ketefe, Rynkura, and the wererat... Ian. The one who still seemed to be holding some apprehension towards her transgressions, as was evidenced from how he simply wasn't looking at her. Keaton wasn't stupid. She knew when someone was angry at her, and for some reason, as injured as her pride was and how infuriated she was at herself, she found his ostracizing more enraging than upsetting. Either way, it still was damaging to her self-esteem, and she didn't even bother glaring at him in return. Pathetic. Underneath the blanket, Keaton finally managed to weave a temporary top out of darkness, tightly hugging her chest. It was a replica of her previous one, slightly threadbare due to the lackluster amount of concentration, but it would still suffice.

In the midst of her pondering Keaton realized that Rynkura had healed her. Rynkura, the one who had possibly been the most hurt--besides Gareeku--by Aisha losing her arm, which she still felt partially responsible for. Did the tigress not harbor any animosity for what she believed to be her fault? Either way, the wizened healer had restored her from the brink of death, and that was deserving of some sort of appreciation... some form of thanks. As vicious as she was, Keaton didn't forget when she owed someone something, and knew better than to neglect this. Especially when she was supposed to be taking as many opportunities as she could to redeem herself.

Quietly, Keaton unfurled the blanket from her body and stood up, sniffling. With an air of silent resolution about her she trudged away, bending down briefly to scoop up Catastrophe and inspect it for any damage, then she continued her pursuit, walking behind the group during their trek into the abyss.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura stood at the entrance that lay beneath the altar, staring down into the darkness after Stygian had stepped into it and was engulfed by the shadows.  She was regarding it with admitted caution, while she awaited those who were coming along.  Ian of course rushed into it, and Cogidubnus followed after...with Ketefe.  It was a small army, but hopefully, it would be enough.  Though even the tigress had her doubts.

She cast one last look around the room, again wishing her luck to all who caught her gaze.  And then, with a clack of her staff on the floor just to kill the ominous silence and bring her courage to bear, she took the first step onto the stairway right behind the others...each step bringing her out of the chapel's sight.  The entrance, a square of light, was slowly left behind.

The fumes of the underground also encompassed Rynkura as she followed in silence.  The Healer felt like she was going to be sick, a sort of anxious feeling suppressed.  Perhaps it was the fact that anything born to have wings had a natural dislike of underground places...or perhaps it was the hellish atmosphere pervading the senses.  The glow ahead of them was getting closer, an accursed shade of red welcoming the group into unfathomable danger.

I hope we know what we're doing, she thought, gripping her staff tightly.  She was shaken out of more dire thoughts, however, when footsteps were heard coming closely behind.  Surprisingly, it was Keaton, the succubus bearing a look of unbreakable determination on her face.  The tigress smiled briefly, grateful that one more had come to help their cause, but concerned.  "I hope you're certain that you are strong enough to come."

*     *     *

A sleeping Aisha, the bracer of light softly glowing around her wrist, found that warmth and comfort were quite easy to fall she rested against Gareeku and lightly sensed his heartbeat.  Whatever scattered dreams came to her mind, they were visions of better times, breaching the feeling of the chapel, the voices of reality nearly lost to her hearing.  The adrenaline was gone, her pulse beating at a constant pace, and her face holding a look of serenity...perhaps hard to envision on the adventurer's battle-worn state.

At intervals, a soft and low rumble could be heard from within the panther's throat.  At first it could have been mistaken for a growl...but she didn't look to be having a nightmare, nor did a growl ever make an entire body gently vibrate.  Aisha was purring.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

With the warriors on their way to the source of the hell plague Mel began to work on healing her own arm. She pulled her left hand out of her pocket. Rynkura had cured the major burns but the nerves would take more work. Her hand was pulled into a stiff claw by the damage. As she began restoring feeling and movement to her limb she walked over to where Gareeku held Aisha. "How is she doing?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Jeremiah's occasional "Good luck!" "Keep yourselves safe!" Or the slightly quieter, "Don't die, you guys," followed those moving on ahead. So, who remained...?
Mel, a decidedly out of commission Aisha, and an equally out of commission Gareeku looking after her. Mel was probably a force to be reckoned with in her own right; he hadn't been fully conscious when she'd reverted to her true size and shape earlier, but he remembered the roar.
More demons, and the things that use them as pawns.
Yes Cab, I heard him. Now please, please, please shut up.
Jeremiah went and picked up the axe Bal had been wielding earlier and hoped he could use it as well as the maniacal personae could.
Oh, you can't. You don't have the guts, the skill... you're a bleeding heart. This entire time here, you haven't been willing to do anything that might dirty those hands of yours. That lovely degree of seperation that what little magic you know gives you... Except, of course, when you've let yourself go. Bal snickered, glad to be the one doing the tormenting again, Or when SOMEONE lets you go, anyway.
The Lunacy's constant buzz was starting to take on the qualities of laughter. What really worried the frog was that the laughter was in his voice.
"I'll just keep an eye on the door than, shall I?" The frog offered nervously, slinging the axe over one shoulder and waiting at a position close enough to the door to watch it and far enough from that door to have the chance to run away from whatever came through it.


Watching Rynkura put the light bracer on Aisha's wrist, Gareeku listened to what the tigress said, nodding his head in response.
"Good luck." was all the wolf could say as he watched them descend into the catacombs below. Looking around, Gareeku checked to see who altogether was there apart from Aisha and himself; namely, Jeremiah and Mel.

Turning to look at Aisha again, Gareeku watched her sleep as he felt her vibrate softly; she was purring. She looked so peaceful at that moment, it brought a soft smile to the wolf's face to see her like that...

It was then, however, that he heard Mel ask how she was doing, causing Gareeku to snap back to attention, so to speak.
"She's sleeping now..." the wolf said as he looked at Mel, before looking back at Aisha again. Jeremiah's voice was the next to be heard. Looking over, Gareeku saw that the frog seemed nervous. A completely understandable feeling considering the situation that they were in. Nevertheless, the wolf could not help but be a bit concerned.


Stygian stepped out into the nearly utter dark of the catacomb entry, not entirely the same as the one that the adventurers had first sought out. The layout of the room was largely the same, but there was another exit available now. And the walls retained the same misplaced, laden look as in the stairway. It seemed that things were changing even faster this close to the gateway, but that was not unexpected. Just inconvenient.
   Waiting in the others, Stygian walked slowly forth and stared hard at the archways leading down into the terror. A glowing, orange light streamed unevenly up from the one right in front of him, while the two others remained mostly dark and anonymous. All in all, it was not foreboding or especially enlightening at all. But then, the old bastard isn't in a hurry to have me come to him... he thought.
   'Let's not split up. At all,' the bat spoke over his shoulder to the others as they arrived, one by one. 'We don't know exactly what waits.' He arced his neck forward and walked forth, heading closer to the faint light and in under the archway, hearing the others at his back.


At first Keaton conjured up a determined effort to remain as distanced and silent from everyone else as possible unless explicitly necessary, purposefully remaining behind the group and keeping her attention on the shadows. Around her the darkness seemed to writhe, coalescing in thick, palpable waves off of the walls that they cloaked, though for the first time in hundreds of horrible years, Keaton did not find their ethereal presence a comfort. After all, in their depths they probably masked a threat even greater than the monster which had so easily incapacitated her, and those aforementioned threats could have the same immunity to her abilities that the last one did.

When Rynkura spoke Keaton froze, having genuinely not expected for someone to step forward and talk to her. Quite to her relief, it was the one she felt indebted to--meaning she could state her gratitude, if she weren't devoid of eloquence at the moment. "I--" Keaton attempted to muster up a complete sentence, failing miserably. "Yeah, I am, I just..."

Finally, she sighed and rubbed behind her head, gripping her mace with her opposite hand. "I am, but... that's thanks to you. Thanks for... well, for healing me." Keaton sheepishly nodded her head, then continued walking after the rest of the group, still acutely observing her surroundings in anticipation of some volatile, temperamental disturbance.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


 The wolf nodded silently at the bat, the ragged iaidouka quiet as he followed the bat into hell. The lurid, red glow of the entryway cast tattered shadows across the wolf's chest, the black rags of his shirt somewhat blocking the crimson glow, and the red light reflected dully from his eyes, the crimson colored hellish as it mixed with his own sulfurous hue. Steel, silvery blade glowing a flashing red, the wolf simply held his sword at his side, the tip not quite touching the ground, and his bare feet thumped softly on the stone floor.

His ears perked, Cog kept his eyes carefully roving throughout the room, listening for a telltale scuttle or a sudden flash of blue that would signal danger. The whole doorway in front of him glowed blue, the red lurid light colored an eldritch hue. It was the same blue that the runes and symbols that had run down the hallway had been, strangely bright but...different from purely arcane magics.

The wolf tightened his grip on his sword, glancing towards the rest of his party. Keats seemed to be doing better - she was coherent, and certainly didn't seem to be suffering from blood loss anymore. And the presence of Rynkura was certainly a boon. The healer would be very useful.

The masked feline behind them was quieter than even the wolf, not even nodding, but simply following the bat and the rest of the party with a silent intensity. Behind her mask, her eyes almost seemed...distant, as if she was was somewhere else.

Cog shrugged, and keeping his ears perked, he walked silently into hell.

lucas marcone

"Hm, Bloody Nail or Crimson Thumbtack or whhat ever that goth kid goes by, would be green with envy right now." Ian said flatly for once he wasn't jokeing at all. "Lead on Stygian." A raw determination shone through the terrified trembelings of his baritone voice.

Aisha deCabre

Oh how hard it was to concentrate on one point in the castle's underground, while the hellish air intensified with each moment.  But the group seemed in determined spirits, if silent.  Rynkura however spared a smile to Keaton as they walked.  "You are more than welcome," she nodded to the succubus.  "No one should be ignored in the presence of such trouble.  Allies, especially.  And for now we need all we can get.  Your help is appreciated, Keaton."

As they descended the stairs, Rynkura observed the intensifying light that lay before them, illuminating their field of vision.  That light seemed to be the only constant thing in their sight, the morbid surroundings seemingly changing in their vision.  There wasn't just one exit...there were a few, and the central door's light shone while the others remained dark and ominous.

"We shall try," the tigress responded to Stygian, and glanced back at the others before following the bat through the entryway.  As long as everyone had the wisdom to stay together...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel found herself pacing back and forth between the main doors and the altar as she simultaneously worked on getting all the feeling back in her arm and preparing spells. She laughed a bit at the nervous action. Previous opponents had shown no difficulty with coming through the walls and floor. She was glad Aisha was asleep, the panther didn't need the nerve-stretching stress of waiting to see when they would be attacked, or who would return from the catacombs.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Even as Rynkura responded to Keaton's gratitude, the jackal looked undeniably anxious, her ears laid flat and her vision shakily slipping to the side, purposefully redirecting itself away from the others. However, at hearing herself being referred to as an ally Keaton's ears flicked upright, lobes tilting themselves forward and eyebrow arching almost incredulously, reacting in a cynically instinctive manner despite her surprise. Upon realizing how sarcastic she may have looked Keaton's expression fell almost apologetically, then she blinked.

If that wasn't a confirmation on Rynkura not holding any animosity towards her, Keaton wasn't sure what was. Not only that, her help was actually appreciated. She wasn't viewed as a detriment by at least someone, so she wasn't... entirely useless, was she? At least there was that. She still felt the guilt sting at the back of her head, but she disregarded it for now. Something was going in her favor.

"...Thanks, Ryn," Keaton said gratefully, resting her mace against her shoulder. "I appreciate that."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Though it had to be imagination, the group venturing down almost felt the weight of tons upon tons of stone above them. The passage which Stygian had walked into led down a staircase into a tomb-like chamber, insets and bars surrounded by spikes in the slightly uneven walls. The skeletal remains of someone's upper body hung chained to one such, providing grotesque decoration. The only lighting was provided by braziers hung on the walls to the far end of the room, surrounding a circular opening covered by more metal bars. Stygian paced up to the latter and with a bit of work wrenched them up and aside, peering down a circular staircase that led down into utmost blackness. Again, he chose only to wait for the others to enter the room before he descended.
   The first step down the stairs brought a slight shudder and dust falling from the floor. And then that voice again, though darker this time. You're going deeper, boy. But for what? Do you think there is anything to find but your death here? it growled. I will not tell you to go away. But you fools following have no business with us. Leave, and you might still survive!
   The echo died out, while Stygian simply walked steadily on, vanishing into the dark.

lucas marcone

Ian mocked the omonious voice in a high pitched nagy voice with his arms in a t-rexy position flailing his hands about. "Leave now and you just might live..." he was pissed now and he just wanted to get back to studying "Horse shit." And he truged on. As he got inot the room Stygian was in he looked down at him. "So what's this all about? I mean what's his beef with you?"


Ian's voice seemed to fall on dead ears. Stygian's steps were inaudible, and with the bat nowhere in sight, darkness clouding their senses and confusing them, suddenly none could see the bat.


 Cog glanced at the rat beside him, giving him a strange look as he continued on. The wolf shook his head imperceptibly - he seemed like hardly more than some kid with a pair of guns. Not that he would say much: the kid was either far stupider than he seemed so far, to walk into hell, or he was much braver than Cog would have given a student credit for. Still, his commentary thus far was making Cog lean towards the former.

Sebastian continued forward, disappearing into the darkness. Cog's eyes widened - despite the enchantment on his glasses, he couldn't see the bat up ahead. He normally glowed an eldritch blue, but the darkness seemed to absorb even that.

What's more, the darkness seemed to do more than just impede sight. He couldn't smell the bat anymore either, and his ears seemed to be registering nothing, not even his footfalls. The wolf's eyes narrowed, his gut clenching. This was ringing alarm bells on all his deepest instincts.

Still - what else could he do? Cog continued on, walking in a straight line, and hoped that he would be able to see -something- soon...

lucas marcone

"Styg?" Ian looked around and waited on his fellow party members. "Man, crap like this always happens."

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura nodded in response to Keaton's gratitude, a smile her only reply as she turned her gaze forward again.  Step after step through the darkness of the castle's undercroft, the feeling of being weighed down came further upon them.  Above their heads lay the possibility that it they would be buried alive, fear and intimidation attempting to gnaw at each one of them.  But there was a reason these adventurers had followed; whether out of true courage or out of foolishness.

Then they had come upon a lair that screamed "dungeon" to the white tiger's mind...those existing in the days long past of merciless torture and agonizing airless insisted by the remains of a poor individual condemned to stocks.  And wherever the old grandfather bat was it seemed that this was quite the theme for him to use.

With reverent silence, Rynkura watched as Sebastian opened the way to another passage...and then the voice came again, as dark as ever and ever more menacing.  When the bat showed no answer but his own resolve, the Healer watched the passage that he opened.  More stairs down into encompassing darkness, where he was soon swallowed and could not be seen.  This was the point of no return.  The chance to go forward or back.  But really, the choice was easy once it was thought about enough.

"I guess we're condemned, then," she muttered, and followed along behind Cogidubnus...though concern also settled onto her.  Hopefully Sebastian hadn't really disappeared, and was just in front of them.  "Keep walking, Ian," she ordered, trying to focus.  "Just keep going forward; we mustn't lose each other.  And keep at least a little respect.  You never know what we will find between here and there," she warned, trying to keep her staff glowing and acting as a torch to see at least where their feet stepped.

*     *     *

What time is it?

Slowly and surely, the bracer of light was taking its effect to overshadow Aisha's exhaustion.  In much the same effect that the staff had, the power combined with the quiet, uninterrupted sleep was bringing her strength back.  Added to the little sleep that she had gotten ever since her injuries earlier in the night, sooner or later it would be a slight difficulty to keep her eyes closed.  The question on time was the first thing to come to her scattered thoughts.

The panthress's purring slowed, lingered, and halted after what seemed like a long few moments, and then her eyes started to open.  The view was blurry...and still dark, bar for the few bits of light that kept the dirty and nearly-destroyed chapel in sight, and the glow at her wrist.  Aisha blinked a few times, comfortably shifting herself in Gareeku's arms.

"Dios mio..." she groaned, still quite groggy as she looked up at him, and then turned her head around at the surroundings, wondering if anyone else was there besides them.  "It's not even morning yet, is it?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

lucas marcone

"To be honest I can't really see where he's gone off to. I don't want to fubar things so you'd better lead." Ian said stepping behind the next person.


When they reached the bottom of the stairs Stygian was nowhere in sight. What was though, was something more resembling a cavern than an actual catacomb, the misplaced stone tiles and walls giving way to sheer rock in places and branching out into the darkness and the floor inexplicably opening in places into dark, bottomless shafts. Deep, deep and murky red light flooded in from below to one of the sides, and judging from the open look to their left it seemed that they had no choice but to go down toward it, even deeper yet. A winding stairway cruelly decorated with the same heathen images that now adorned part of the walls - bestial faces, scenes of dark history and demon-worshiping - led down into the depths. No shadows moved around them, yet a few whispering sounds and the darkness that obscured vision to the point where only Rynkura could navigate the room safely made the place seem very close to alive.

- -

Upstairs, those who had chosen to stay behind had lost all signs of the ones who had went below, leaving them seemingly stranded in the trashed and darkened chapel. Few lights burned, granting them an incomplete and gloomy view of the surrounding destruction as they kept together, surrounded by the dark and the chapel's statues, which seemed more like the keepers of a prison than some guards against evil. But at least they had peace and quiet for the moment. Had it not been for the nervous whistling coming from Jeremiah's direction, things might even have been restful.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel returned to Aisha's side. "No, it is not yet morning. Dawn should be soon, although with the rain it may be hard to tell. We are waiting on the others return. How are you feeling?"  She expended a small amount of magic to check Aisha to make sure that no infections had set in, although her eyes looked bright and clear enough that she didn't really expect to find any. Her heart seemed stronger as well, so the lost blood had to be replenishing well.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


 The only light he could see by was the dull, red glow drifting up from the chasm-ridden floor. A path opened up to the right, also glowing luridly with red, hellish light. Despite the red glow, Cog could barely see - he couldn't see. The light seemed more like a paint than a luminescence, illuminating only that which it fell directly across. Not even the magic lenses on his glasses helped - there was simply nothing to perceive.

Cog touched the charm that hung around his neck. The piece of twisted silver flared, and then settled into a steady, white glow - the blade at Cog's side also flared white, the edge glittering despite the lack of light. It wasn't very strong at all, but enough to make sure he wasn't walking into a precipice. He walked carefully towards the stairway, the light from his charm and sword revealing hideous, sacreligious engravings down the winding staircase. Cog merely frowned, shaking his head, and continued down the stairs.