The Castle (IC) [M] {04}

Started by Prof B Hunnydew, August 05, 2007, 11:00:41 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

It took a moment once Rynkura got her to her feet before Mel felt safe to move. Every muscle in her body still twitched and ached from the heavy electrical jolt she had received. Knowing that Cog had received similar treatment she made her way across the room. "How are you doing? Does your chest feel funny?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

Ian couldn't help but feel a wave of hatred when his gaze fell on Keaton. Judgeing from everyone's reaction to her current state she was helping them or they just didn't know. Ian figured that they had found out, how could they not? So that left her helping them. He bit his tongue because they needed the help, but God help the jackel when this mess is over. "Mel, you look like you survived a hardcore punk concert back home. You ok?" Ian was so happy she was ok he nearly forgot about the hellish scenery around him.


 Cog's breath came slowly, and he looked up at Mel suddenly, his eyes widened at the suddenly-moving dragon. Rynkura was good at what she did - Mel didn't look nearly as bad off as she had before.

At her question, however, the wolf shook his head. "No. Not like that." he said, moving gingerly and hissing through his teeth as he laughed lightly. "That's going to be a hell of a scab, though."
Where the lightning bolt had struck, Cog's chest seemed to be merely one large, furless patch of flesh, the skin burned away into the dermis like one large, bloody scrape, welling with blood. The patch had begun to heal, thanks to the attentions of the little cross in his hands, but even moving a little bit started the bleeding fresh.

"I could use new everything. Other than that, alright." he said, cracking his neck without the aid of hands. One of his eyes closed automatically as he tilted his head, and the wolf suddenly stopped, ear twitching. Looking somewhat confused, the wolf's stare went straight up, trying to find bangs that usually settled over his eye, that were no longer there. He stared up in disbelief, pausing for a moment, and then sighing resignedly.



Upon feeling her wrist unexpectedly, yet gently seized, every muscle in Keaton's body went taut all over again where they were once relaxed and ready for deathly slumber. The fur around her wrist was damp from the thick and inky trails of blood which had streamed from the now-healed divot of missing flesh in her shoulder, tarnishing the yellow and blending in the black on her mottled fur. Other splatters and splotches of blood peppered Keaton's form from her various injuries, viscous red rivulets trickling down her face and neck and saturating the fibers of her fur and the shredded fabric of her top. That, combined with the sunken nature of Keaton's wan features, made her look almost cadaverous; like a living corpse. Shakily, she stared up at the alabaster blur she assumed was Rynkura as the tigress approached her, gently beginning on sealing her injuries.

The white light worked its magic, although it had not the cooling and revitalizing abilities of Mel's last injection of strength. Steadily, each wound began to mend themselves, steadily ebbing away until they had shriveled out of sight and were memorized only through the rings of blood still congealed around their once-outlines. It was almost as though an enormous ladel of light had slipped underneath Keaton's sinking soul and scooped it out of the darkness, elevating it away from impending death and back to relative stability--although Keaton still felt significantly delirious, and her still-rampaging emotions didn't help. Ears laid flat as she heard the reverberating voice, a gravelly growl building up in the back of her throat at nothing in particular as her hand clasped over her ear.

"'M no... not little," she snarled, hating the condescending manner she had been addressed. "S-Shu... shut uuup..."

Then, she laughed again, driven by blood-loss lunacy; a choking sound as she spat out the blood which had culminated in her mouth into a messy heap on the floor. Fortunately, Rynkura's healing had recovered her internal injuries as well, so the blood was residual. All that remained at this point was her exhaustion and delirium. "Fuck..." she groaned, then slumped, resting her head against the stone floor again. She wanted to sleep, but as coherent thought returned she vaguely remembred all those times she had been injured in battle and was strictly told never to fall asleep, or there was a possibility she would never wake up.

Keaton didn't want that, but when she wasn't in her right mind she just desired rest. Then she noticed the way Ian was looking at her, and grit her bloodstained teeth together, feeling innate rage build. Incoherent or not, she could still vaguely detect emotions without the vestigial pain that saturated the room, and she didn't like what she felt. Resentment, perhaps? Disregarding this with another coughing laugh, Keaton nearly allowed her eyes to roll back in her head as her face fell slack, but her features quickly snapped back to normal as she snarled and forced herself out of near-unconsciousness. She wasn't the only one hurt. Nearby she could see Mel tending to an injured grey smear (Cog), while Gareeku (or a white blob which looked like Gareeku) steadied the black shape she identified as Aisha.

That made her feel all the worse. Again, Keaton draped her arm over her head and buried her face, making a sound which was similar to a whimper and a grunt.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura nodded softly in reply to Sebastian, as she knelt to begin her work on sealing the jackal's wounds.  The task took a bit more work than what it had with Mel, considering the succubus's dark-magic nature.  But still the tigress worked with her strength.  Her eyes could be seen glowing softly as once again she allowed her sight to extend to the healing of internal injuries.  At least she could speak while doing so.  She hummed thoughtfully at the bat's inquiry.  "Like I said, I have only one potion on my person...certainly this castle has a sort of small apothecary room or something...?"

At least the girl was indeed going to be alright, for her will and resolve was felt as she moved in reply to the sudden dark voice.  "Not so fast, child," the tigress calmly relayed, letting the light magic that washed over the jackal's body keep her somewhat still.  "It will be fine, just relax."  However, the echo of Asmodai's words through the chapel somewhat made Rynkura tense as well.  For all it was worth, she just wanted all of this to end.  Her ears pinned against her skull even at the brief cursing of Aisha's name.

The tiger glanced over to where the panthress was laying, gently cradled in Gareeku's arms.  Though she was on the brink of sleeping soundly, it could be seen that she sensed the chilling words.  She had shuddered briefly, before warmly nestling against his body with a soft hum.

There was a brief smile on Rynkura's face at the sight, before Keaton caught her attention again when she grunted, hiding her face in her hands.  "Just relax, try not to worry," the tiger said softly as she put the finishing touches on her healing...all that the jackal would need then was a bit of rest.  Then she glanced again to the progress that everyone else was taking...all of this injury after one beast...what a road they had ahead of them.

The tiger cast an incredulous look at Stygian.  "Your grandfather sounds charming," she said, ending her sarcasm with a snort.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

lucas marcone

"More charming than some people I've delt with." Ian laughed. "One time I was fighting a cromatic red dragon that just wouldn't stop oggleing the maiden he had taken, or flirting in his own obsene way for that matter. When I ran out of rockets for my bazooka he laughed at me and said I was shooting blanks, wich that maiden could tell you i sure as hell wasn't." Ian said that last part in a saucy jokeing manner as he elbow nudged Mel with his good arm.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel placed a hand on Cogidubnus's shoulder and gave him a rush of cool healing energy. Electrical burns could continue to develop for days and feeling okay now didn't mean much. She tried not to smile as he reacted to the fact that his hair was as patchy as his outfit. "I can't do much for the hair, not really a common dilemma where I'm from."

Then Ian poked her in her side while making some sort of disparaging remark about dragons. She gave a bit of a hiss, while she was working on her own healing it was far from complete and being jostled started the shocks running up and down it again. She made a soft comment for Cog's ear about understanding why the girl chose the dragon before turning and very firmly grasping Ian's torn arm. "Let me see to this injury." She flooded the arm with icy healing as she asked, "What happened to you?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

"Some weird dark puss monster grabbed on and wouldn't let go." Ian winced as she handled him roughly. "Hay, you know cromatic reds are more often than not evil. At least i ask questions before i splatter my bounties head all over the wall. Most adventures don't even give you guys that much credit." Ian decided to end his stumbeling apology before he offended her anymore. "Look I uh...I'msorryok? The guy was going to bed her and sacrifice her. He needed stopped." Ian realizing even his short simple apology was going to dig his hole deeper just shut up and hung his head.


Watching Keaton's struggle and state, and then arcing his back and hissing at the two newcomers and their insensitive bustling, Stygian decided to vent his anger in some more productive way. Scanning the room, he located a good piece of cloth in one of the draperies by the altar and paced off to fetch it. Carelessly ripping the heavy, velveteen fabric down, he returned and laid it over the jackal, covering her and then lifting her up like a bundle, walking off to lay her down on something not so hard and filthy as the stone floor.
   'How most fortunate that you found us anyway,' the bat growled back at them over his shoulder. 'Now unless you can do something useful I suggest you sit down and stay out of the way.' His intonation, especially on the last remark, made his opinion fairly clear.
   As if to answer the bat's words, another shudder shook the castle, followed by a heavy creak. A few stray rocks and dust particles pelted the newly arrived before, surprisingly silently, one of the columns separated from the balcony above keeled over and fell against them.


The heavy creak and groan, dust drifting down, the pillar falling almost lazily...
"Oh gods..." Jeremiah whispered, looking up at the tumbling wonder of architecture from his sprawled position against the ruined pews, "Oh gods..."
The frog immediately began trying to stand, fumbling at the ground beneath for some position whereby he could support himself- PAIN! His injuries! Possible cracked rib, definitely something bad to his leg. No time for one of the healers to help.
Looks like the blunt instrument's better qualified to drive than you are, you pathetic little twit. After all I did to keep our asses alive.
There was a hiss as Jeremiah sucked more air through his teeth, trying to glare at someone in his head. Rather hard to do, so he just glared in general. The artist pushed himself up, a bit more than half crawling as he scrambled away from the column.
"R... Ruh..." Stupid weakling, stop proving Bal right and take a breath. That pain in your side can wait, "RUN!"


 Even through Cog's fur Mel's hand was icy, and the wolf winced a bit at her cold touch. The cool, healing energies flowing through her, however, were just what the wolf needed. He sighed, feeling his wounds and his aches stitch themselves up, and the chronic anemia from which he'd been suffering begin to fade. Little bits of his fur even started growing back, the wound on his chest become a bit smaller as it healed.
At her comment about his hair, though, Cog merely smiled, and blew a ragged strand out of his left eye. "If nothing else, this clinches it. I'm killing this bastard." he said in mock anger.

Ketefe and Ian rejoined the group, and Cog nodded to himself. The group was finally coming together again. Good.
At Ian's sudden and rather inappropriate comment to Mel, however, Cog narrowed one eye, giving the rat a look. Now was -hardly- the time...

Mel leaned forward and whispered in his ear her opinion of the matter, and Cog couldn't hold back a snerk at the jab.  He shook his head, about to reply to the dragon's comment, when Jeremiah suddenly cried out.


Cog's head whipped around behind him, and the wolf suddenly found himself staring up at a rapidly falling column of stone. The wolf's eyes went wide as he watched the eerily slow descend of tons of stone.

He tensed, getting ready to dodge.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel harrumphed, "Yeah yeah. Next time ask the dragon what is going on instead of some tramp who probably just wanted dragon blood for a potion." Anything she might have added was lost to Jeremiah's shout. Feeling the dust raining down she looked up. Seeing the danger she jumped up and back, wings spreading to slow the jolt of descent.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

Ian tucked and rolled out of the way of the pillar. He hoped everyone but that traitor had gotten away. oh how he would have loved to see her crushed beneth a ton of stone, so much so a smile crept upon his face. It quickly vanished at the thought that some of his other friends might be caught in it as well.


White light flared in thousands of glowing molecules as they completed their healing magic on Keaton's bruised and battered body, perfectly repairing the ruptured muscle and tissue and the fractured bones, but doing nothing for the dried dollops of blood splattering her form. Steadily she was being elevated from her unhinged state, but for now Keaton found herself incapable of actively climbing to her feet. Still keeping her face hidden behind her ragged and now bloodstained locks of dirty blonde, she unconsciously reached up with a now-healed hand, having discarded Catastrophe beside her, and started rummaging around in her pocket. All throughout this she continued mumbling indecipherable and delirious half-sentences, occasionally uttering something about uselessness and detriments before she started wondering aloud "where the fuck her marble" was.

A flash of churning colors heralded the surface of the marble as it was gently cradled between Keaton's trembling hands, almost reverently. Keaton's vision had been restored almost completely now, the blurring gone, trickling away around the luminescent surface of the sphere in her hands, injecting her sight with vibrant and complete color. A dazed smile flicked over Keaton's muzzle as she felt a foreign sensation of comfort fill her. Meanwhile, Stygian noticed her bedraggled state and decided to scoop her up in the safety and comfort of a cocooning blanket, lifting her easily off of the ground and clutching her a bit closer. It was rather cold before, wasn't it? Unknown to Keaton, that was because her clothing had nearly been entirely shredded. Keaton still held the marble in her palms, being careful not to smear its flawless shell with residual blood, and rested her head against Stygian's chest--an unconscious maneuver, as all she was aware of was the fact that there was something larger and stronger holding her, with a perfectly comfortable surface for her to snuggle against.

The glow which had been replenished in her eye-stone started to flicker a bit as she steadily allowed her eyes to close, knowing that now the danger was over it was safe for her to rest.

Or so she thought, because the earsplitting rumble of fissuring stone quickly woke her up from her hazy peaceful state. Ears flickered upright and eyes widened as she gazed in horror at the plummeting pillar, just barely keeping herself from shouting in surprise like Jeremiah had done. The marble fumbled between her grip before she altogether squeezed it against her palms and shoved it into her pocket, pupil pinpricking.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


The smash shook the chapel floor, the already partially cracked column of stone dashing into pieces and sending dust throughout the room. Stygian turned his back to it, feeling only the sting of a few splinters before turning back. It seemed as if no one else had been caught under the thing, but one couldn't be so sure. They all seemed present though, and no voices were raised crying out in pain. Staring at the destruction for half a dozen seconds, Stygian then turned and settled down with Keaton on one of the intact wooden benches.
   When the bat sat down, he saw that Keaton had opened her eyes again. And to what a pleasant sight... he thought sarcastically. Was she saying she's lost her marbles? He looked down at her. We don't have the time...
   'Keaton?' Stygian spoke softly. 'How do you feel?' A stupid question to some, but he needed to know if she thought she was going to pass out on them again or not.

lucas marcone

"Head count?" Ian called out loud enough for everyone to hear. "Everyone ok?"


As the reverberating quake resonated throughout the foundations of the chamber upon the pillar's collapse, Keaton coughed and shielded her face from the billowing plume of dust which  detonated from the column's remains by burying her muzzle into her hands. Unwittingly, she curled in on herself the best she could, keeping her eyes squeezed shut, as though she were unaware of the fact Stygian was keeping her away from the peppering shards of stone and mushrooming detritus. When the rumbling subsided and the dust had cleared Keaton opened her eyes again, once more rustling through her pocket for her marble.

Her anxiety was alleviated the moment her fingers curled around the marble and lifted it from the confines of her pocket, cradling it once more in her palm. Keeping it close to her seemed to accelerate the soothing, balm-like suffusion of the white light still lingering vestigially in her body, not to mention it heralded a certain amount of comfort. Deciding that staring at the outside world was too disorienting and thunderous, Keaton locked all attention onto the swirling colors of the marble, watching as each facet of its constantly bubbling hues spiraled in and out of dominance.

Being settled on the bench came as a surprise to her. Keaton blinked, then stared owlishly up at Stygian, realizing that the majority of her vision had returned back to relative clarity. "I--" it took her a moment to register everything Stygian had said, but once the information was fully comprehended she stumbled for words again. "I'm ff... fine. I'm just a bit dizzy."

This was true. Still had a bit of a slur to her voice, but that was almost gone. "What th' hell happened?" Her hand squeezed slightly, the visible sliver of color poking out of her palm vanishing between her digits.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Jeremiah stared hard at the pillar lying where it was, his foot inches away from having been crushed under the large mass of stone. Damn...
That woulda been freaking hilarious. All that I somehow managed to live through, and then just get gooshed under a big rock.
He sobered up from the adreneline rush and fear fairly quickly; the pain of forcing several already bruised and damaged muscles to propel you distances you had no right to ask of them would do that.
"Erm, Rynkura? Me-HACKcoughowowowow-el?" Jeremiah laboriously raised one hand, wincing as it fell back to his side, "Got a minute?"

Aisha deCabre

As soon as she finished healing Keaton, Rynkura backed away for a moment to allow a somewhat stressed Sebastian to gather her up and set her in a safe place.  As the Angel took a moment to replenish her energy, she watched this with a slight bit of reverence, while ignoring the improper statement that the rat had made to Mel.  There was no humor that could break the solemnity of the moment at all, though she guessed the youngster was also just trying to cope.

And that was when the shudder happened.  A quake that hit the castle and shook the floor beneath her bare white paws, as with the others.  Her ears caught a slight crack, a very quiet but sickening noise as rock was shattered, before movement was sensed in one of the pillars.

"Oh by gods," Rynkura growled and rushed out of the way, carefully heeding Jeremiah's sudden words.  Those in the way of the monstrous marble stone were rushing out just in time for it to impact the ground with a thunderous noise.  It rattled the chamber and struck a blow to the nerves of the battle-shaken.  The noise itself was so sudden that Aisha was jolted from her sleep with a short scream, eyes wide and almost bloodshot.

Rynkura grunted as a cloud of dust and cracked floor were thrown in all directions.  She shielded her eyes, and then opened them again to a relief that all had made it out of the way of impact...a few with but a few moments left to spare.  One by one, voices could be heard answering the call.  "We're all fine," she voiced, before one of her ears caught Jeremiah's voice calling for help.

With her breath finally caught, the Healer walked across the damaged floor to Jeremiah and grabbed her staff on the way.  "That was close...right then, let's see about you.  Hold still a moment."  She then placed a softly glowing hand on the frog's back, letting healing magic flow through another one of the adventurers and start to seal wounds within and without...for so many times that day that it was hard to count.  ...What next?  Gods keep giving us strength.  Even on the steps of Hell surely your powers can reach.

In the background, Aisha saw the column from a part of her slightly blurred vision.  Thankfully, as she heard Rynkura say that everyone was fine, she could still her rapidly beating heart and close her eyes again.  "Damn it...I don't think...we should've come..." she murmured to the wolf.  She hadn't even questioned as to why she felt such comfort in his arms...the warmth was as healing to the panther as any magic.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


As the others were being healed, Gareeku remained sat there with Aisha in his arms. They were located a little distance from the others, although they could be easily seen by the group.

It was then, however, that the wolf's ears perked up upon hearing a quiet cracking noise coming from above. Sharply looking up, Gareeku's eyes widened as he saw the column begin it's descent, Jeremiah wisely advising the others to run. As the column struck the ground, the wolf sheilded Aisha from the plume of dust it created, coughing as he closed his eyes. Hearing Aisha speak, Gareeku held her close to him.
"'s ok...i'm here..." he said softly to her.


Stygian stroked Keaton's hair back. 'Nothing important,' he said, and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring look. It was hard to look gentle with his facial features and eyes, but he tried his best. 'Rest. Lie down until you feel like you can get up.' And hopefully not too soon, he thought. It occurred to him that he should get Rynkura to see if she had a concussion or something that might have caused the slurring. But the others had to have their time as well, however sparse it was.
   He sat there for a while, simply leaning back and working as a cushion for the jackal while staring off into space, dark thoughts clouding his head. Finally, he eased his way out under Keaton and gingerly laid her down on the bench with the cloth around her and under her head for comfort. Standing, he took a long look at the others.
   'If you don't think you can make it down there,' he said after a long pause, speaking to them all, 'then you should stay up here. Make sure that the exit doesn't cave in.' He thought more of Mel and Jeremiah than any of the others. Both were wounded, and neither would like the environment when they approached the gate. 'This is my battle, and I don't want to put anyone here at any unnecessary risk.'

lucas marcone

"Not once in my life have I passed on a challange that may well put my life on the line if only for a friend. I don't intend to start now." Ian had a look of calm resolve on his face as he made sure his gun was in working order. "It'd be an honor to fight along side you in the pits of hell, Styg."


 Cogidubnus stood covered in dust, his formerly elegant-looking black clothes ripped completely to shreds. At this point, the wolf was simply wearing an open shirt and long shorts, the rest of his clothing long lost or left behind. His chest was one large, open would, barely scabbed over and threatening to start bleeding out again at the slightest provocation, his body was covered in scratches and burns, his fur had patches in it, his hat was gone, and the wolf's hair had been given an inpromptu acid-haircut.
The wolf already looked like he'd been through hell.

Adding to this laundry list of detriments was a new impediment - the falling marble column had clipped the end of his sword sheath, breaking the wood in pieces. The sheath of his blade lay at Cog's feet, the broken and lacquered saya now good for only so much firewood. Cog held his naked blade in his hand, letting the tip rest on the marble floor.
His face was dark, and his eyes were stormy beneath the only piece of his ensemble still intact - the magic glasses Mel had given him.

At Sebastian's question, Cog simply spat out a bit of blood, wiping his mouth on his wrist. "That bastard is going to die." Cog stated, his voice even, and the wolf sat down on the marble column as he waited for the others to make their decision.


Still keeping her beloved keepsake marble nestled protectively and comfortably between her palms, Keaton didn't resist nor vociferate any indignation or surprise at feeling Stygian rake his fingernails through her hair, digits serving as combs to cleave through the bloodied and tangled mess and draw it out of her tired-looking face. Color had been restored to Keaton's features, flushing away the perishing paleness and making her appear significantly less moribund than she did previously. Still remaining was the slight tremor to her body and the fixation on her marble, which she was still toying compulsively with as Stygian spoke to her. His voice was eerily calm in her heightened tension and negativity, strangely soothing, which Keaton fortunately did not misconstrue as she looked up at his attempt to create a gentle expression on his face.

When she was so exhausted Keaton knew better than to deny any assistance, no matter how sour she felt. Her head was settled against his chest when he took a seat with her draped nearby, colorful orb clenched between her fingers. Trembling was abating somewhat, as was the slur to her voice, but she still realized that she felt as emotionally damaged as she did before. With her expulsion out the window she had been ejected along with her pride, which, unlike her, did not survive the fall. As far as she knew, it was resting in a bloodied heap hundreds of feet below, simmering in the pits of Hell. Still persistent were those dreadful feelings of encroaching uselessness, which she had managed to curb before but were now nearly exacerbated to the point she could shed tears. Such a thing never happened, though, as she restricted this by staring at the boiling colors sealed in her marble.

Stygian left, but not after gathering some of the blanket around so that way she could remain relatively comfortable. Feeling too ashamed to be grateful, Keaton stared after his back, then listened to him, steadily recovering. Now her stamina was returning. Sheepishly, she stared down at the shredded remains of her clothing, then sighed. Had to shapeshift so that way she could replace this apparel, as well. How embarrassing could this get? She felt increasingly more grateful that Stygian had draped the blanket over her.

Though, despite her recovery, was she in any condition to fight?

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

As Rynkura finished healing the frog, again with the damage gone and only leaving a sense of exhaustion, she thought about what was going to come next.  The battle with several kinds of demons had been rough...and it was hard to expect Asmodai to just show himself.  But the tigress just kept her concentration on the wounds of the adventurers.  At one point, with Ketefe's permission, she snapped the bracer of light from around her wrist with the unlocking magic.  Hopefully, the feline wouldn't need it for the time being...and it was a relief to have the trinket back in case it was needed again.

And that was when Stygian made the announcement that he was going down into the depths to fight through hell...and that it was their choice to either stay or go.  The tiger paused as she heard a couple of voices speak up.  The wounded were certainly staying, that was for least she hoped they would.  Aisha would not be going into that pit, or she would surely be killed.

And Rynkura...she hummed, her eyes taking on a look of resolve.  As one of the least injured, her talents would not be used on the sidelines...the Angel believed that she would be far more useful fighting.  And thus, she stood straight, facing the bat.  "I will go.  A good use will be made of my energy in battle there, if it means stopping this."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"And I will stay here." Gareeku said, looking up at the others. "I am not going to leave Aisha."
Though he was no longer injured, the wolf wanted to stay with the pantheress. Yes, he would be most useful in battle considering his fighting skills, but he could not bear to leave Aisha alone. He wanted to be with her, and if that meant sitting out on the sidelines, then so be it.

lucas marcone

Ian stripped Ketefe of his second gun. "Turn for the worse dear, I'll be needing this. Stay safe." Ian said with a smile and turned back tot he others. "I feel much better knowing we'll be in your capable hands, Rynkura."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel hesitated a moment at Stygian's question regarding who would go and who would remain behind to guard the exit. She was hurt but that didn't put a magic user as far behind as it did a fighter. She could cast magic one-handed. She had her left hand tucked into her jacket pocket to disguise the fact that she wasn't nearly done healing that arm. But before she could speak up Rynkura volunteered to go into the catacombs. That made the dragon's decision.  "Someone with magic should stay behind to help guard the gate and the injured. If Mistress Msh'tann is going I will stay." She turned to Cog,  "I think I should finish that healing before you leave."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Jeremiah thanked Rynkura as she finished up, standing tentatively. He felt great compared to how he was a second ago (Although that wasn't saying much. Terrified, aches and pains everywhere, vaguely sick with dread... Dr. Kervorkian would've been able to make the frog feel better), ready to take on the world, he-
Naturally, Stygian chose now to mention the opt-out clause of this particular adventure. Jeremiah felt good, but not THAT good.
"I'm probably more useful as an extra pair of eyes up here than down there, folks. I'll keep Mel company if she's staying up here," the artist shrugged, "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? We just carved our way through a huge damn..." Jeremiah stopped and considered the brief glimpse of the creature they'd fought that he managed to see when he was getting up, "... That thing." He finished lamely, gesturing to where the guardian had fallen, "What's gonna be dumb enough to chase us?"

lucas marcone

"It's best not to take chances though." Ian said sitting down waiting for everyone to finnish makeing up their minds and getting ready. He was noticably makeing an effort not to look at Kaeton. we'll have a nice talk later. wait, you can't not look at her it makes you look weird! Crap! Don't stare! Ian thought to himself.