The Castle (IC) [M] {04}

Started by Prof B Hunnydew, August 05, 2007, 11:00:41 PM

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"Well, we'll never know now. The victim most certainly isn't telling. Ah, Gina!" Jeremiah grinned, "Just who I was looking for! Come, walk with me a while, there was a few things I wanted to ask you. I'll see you later Rynkura," Waiting up a little for the ferret to follow him Jeremiah set off down the hall, taking a somewhat longer route toward the kitchens so that they would have more time to talk.

"Hey Gina...?" Jeremiah asked when they were reasonably out of earshot of the library. He wrung his hands together nervously, once again reminded that he was about to question someone who had at one point wanted him dead...
"What would you say you know about laughing ghosts?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel nodded a welcome, "Good evening, Sebastian. I had dinner but it was... abbreviated. It was made clear that I was not to linger. I hope the supplies are adequate. I was not sure what was needed or preferred." She smiled a bit, "Excepting Jeremiah's preferences. You will find a lot of junk food available."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"To watch me sweat." The wolf answered, smiling slightly. He very deliberately set his glass down, coughed, and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He tiredly brushed a bang out of his eye and seemed to visibly droop in the chair, although still smiling at the Jackal. He seemed to have calmed down somewhat.
"But thank you. I'm afraid the others would react...rather badly, if they found out. Or, perhaps not." he amended, looking meaningfully at Keaton. "But I think it's something the bat should speak to them about, rather than either of us. Besides."
Cog's eyes seemed to bore into Keaton's for a second. "I'm sure a Cubi, more than anyone else here, would understand...feeding." he said. He stared at her for a moment, when his gaze suddenly faltered for a moment. "Or doing things that you hate..." he murmered. The moon suddenly peeked from out between a gap in the storm, the silver light passing through the room and glittering off Cog's glass before fading again. It seemed that, for just a moment, Cog's eyes continued to glow, even after the light faded.
The wolf coughed, picking up his glass again. "In any case, while I appreciate the sentiment..." The wolf took a slight sip, looking away for a moment. "Please. Do knock the next time you decide to save my life."


'To watch me sweat.' Wow, wasn't that a wonderful response... although it seemed to be a fairly accurate response to how, ostensibly, Stygian appeared to operate. Fidgeting with her bottle, Keaton tilted it this way and that with only the slightest bit of interest, watching the light glide in smooth, silvery streaks along the glass surface of the bottle's throat. Even as their conversation was starting to take a more casual edge Keaton noticed that Cog still seemed uptight, nervous. Not that it wasn't understandable...

When Cog's saffron spheres pierced into Keaton's ocherous orbs, the jackal seemed to falter slightly, especially when he brought up 'Cubi and eating--most especially doing things that one hated. That just seemed to make Keaton freeze altogether, every muscle in her body drawing together into a thick knot like taut rubber bands. That offered a new perspective. Keaton hadn't stopped to consider if Stygian was actually remorseful about what was necessary to survive, nor the similarities between... well, Stygian and herself. That pensive, slightly disturbed expression remained on Keaton's face, the jackal focusing more on rotating the whiskey bottle in her hand and watching with detached fascination as the moonlight reacted against its angle.

The mood seemed to lighten with Cog's last statement, because Keaton found herself smirking wickedly, albeit sincerely. She wasn't sure she had a response to that quip, other than, "I'll take that into consideration." Well, she wasn't exactly vying for any awards for her sense of improvisational humor.

The bottle was set on the table, half-empty. Stretching her arms over her head, Keaton stood up, then glanced at the wolf. "Taking into account that you might want some privacy and some time to relax I think I'll be off... and I'll talk to Sebastian if I see him." She added the last few words almost as a reluctant afterthought. Self-encouragement could only go so far.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


'Ah. I see. Well then...' Stygian said and coughed. 'I'm sure things are alright. I just wanted to come down and check how things were. People seem to have wandered off, but...' He turned against them, and simultaneously popped a chocolate praline into his mouth, before turning and starting on a pot of coffee. 'If you want anything you're absolutely welcome to say it. As I said, drinks in the northern tower, so you know where to find me.'
   Having said what he'd come for, Stygian got himself a cup of tea, put honey in, stirred gently for a few seconds and then exited with his things, giving Ketefe another smile and disappearing around a corner into shadows, from which he made a very immediate way back to the tower.
   'I don't know whether you like chocolate, but with coffee drinks it usually goes well...' the bat said, stepping in before Keaton had managed to even properly remove herself from the room.

Prof B Hunnydew

After entering the grand entrance hall, Bambi stayed in the hall looking depressed and reject and watches the others going to library or kitchen as she thinks about things which were and weren't her faulty.  Gina goes to library after waiting for Bam to say something.  Bambi looks away a shame, and she doesn't know what to say yet.

Bambi looks at the entrance hall's damage from weather, battles, and age over the years.  She waves her magical of mending spells around which washes away the dust and cobwebs, restores dry rot, broken glass and wood molding.   She cleans the mess of the hall as she thinks about this mess she made with the local police and with the Gina's warnings.  but also about the Castle, and the bat.  The main entrance hall is finally cleaned of dust and cobwebs, and the signs of many battles, when she finished.....

With a sigh, Bambi goes to the Library to look doe Gina, and asks her to come with the Fae to a private cover.  

"Gina I am sorry, and I mess up I thought you were right behind me.  With all your warnings, I figure you want to get back to the castle as soon as possible with or without the local law enforcement approval... I thought, whatever is coming, is going to be bigger than just the police's fur getting matted. up.  I don't know what happen I usually think about the average  people's feelings. But, no,  I just want to get you out of there, knowing the police will or may connected you to that murdered cubi....I loved you and I want help you in everything. Yet, you have you own talents, you need to trying use them.  and bop me on the head when I need to listen.   If you want me to stay, I will but right now I am not sure what is directing me, myself or my chaotic magic, the dizzy fae nature.  I am going to the showers and then to  bed to sleep.  I have supplies coming with my All terrain RV arriving in two days. I call my robot assistant as we left the tavern.  You ...or We can decide then if I stay or go. from the Castle.  But you need to start trusting some of the others.  I will not be revealing any of your secrets, but we or they have to start working together, because the world will not wait for us to get our act together.

"Think about this Gina, because there are those who want this castle, and we set off a large magical flare that was seen by everyone with magical sight or sense for a thousand miles around here. Creatures of all types will know something has change here. And will be coming to check the place of treasure or weakness.  We don't need more enemies because we already have a sociopath ready to break in and kill us. That spiderlady will likely throw a mind control mob of town people with torches against us next.  She is just out there wait until she has lick her wounds and grown stronger, and then whoever hired her to kill the bat is out there, too." says Bam

* sigh* I need a shower, you need to think  What or how will you protect you and your castle?" asks Bam and she goes to the bath.



 Cog nodded at the Jackal, leaning back in his chair. "I could use a few minutes, yes." he sighed, rubbing his eyes. He lifted a hand up half-heartedly to bid the Jackal adieu, murmuring a goodbye under his breath as Keaton made for the door. "And thank you." he said, his voice sincere.
Before Keats had gotten halfway there, however, the door burst open, Sebastian entering the room with yet another tray of goodies. Removing his hand from one side of his face to gaze at the bat, he took a slow, cautious sniff of the air. Chocolate, it smelled like, with a hint of...butter. Chocolate cookies, then. Or something like that. He was about to stand, when the bat mentioned something to the Jackal about coffee.
Cog paused.
Coffee would be damned good right now.
He lurched forward and stood, his momentary lethargy forgotten. He raised an eyebrow at Sebastian, tilting his head. He still seemed...tense, somehow, but it was ebbing. By his expression, something warm and soothing might do the trick better than alcohol.
"Did you, perhaps, say coffee?"

Aisha deCabre

Aisha thought of the bat's offer to make a meal as she considered how hungry she was...and figured she wasn't right then, not yet.  "That's kind of you, Sebastian.  I'll consider eating later," the panthress relayed as he walked out carrying his own little selection of things.  Things were seemingly going smoothly now, as she finally saw happen, and the last of her frustration and anger subsided into well as her suspicion of their host.

Considering things could have gone much worse in town, I guess we should count ourselves lucky.

Sitting at the table with Mel opposite, Aisha considered her options on what to do.  People were indeed scattered...she hadn't heard anything from her other comrades since they got back...and in the case of Gareeku, since before they left.  Evening was falling, the storm still lingering, and the castle was draped in silence that was only slightly less dreary, in favor of calming.  Better stay that way, she thought.

Then the panthress gave herself a mental shrug, and stood up from her chair, comfortably readjusting the straps of the sword sheath winding down across her chest.  "I think I'll go check in on Mistress Rynkura and--"

"No need, child," a new voice interrupted, a familiar one accompanying the clicking of a staff point on the floor.  Rynkura appeared from the darkened entryway, having gone out of the library just a few moments after Jeremiah had.  She looked across to the panther and dragon with a kind smile.  "Good to see the rest of you are back.  I'm just here to fix myself a little something and get back to the library.  I shall be quite busy reading the fascinating books on enchantment this place has," she chuckled.  "Old habits.  You go ahead to whatever you were planning."  I guess I shall speak to you later about town events, the tigress added silently to herself, her back turned as she looked around.

Aisha watched her for a moment, then barked a quiet laugh.  "Alright...I might as well see what drinks they'll be serving in the tower, then.  What'll you be doing, Mel?"  The panthress asked out of curiosity as she started for the doorway.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


When Stygian entered the room, Ketefe wasn't altogether surprised. She'd been half-expecting him. His words confused her a little, and she couldn't respond in time before he walked off. (A) I couldn't have stayed in town even if I wanted to, and (B) OF COURSE I seemed tense, you idiot! And I think you know why! She hated coming up with good answers after someone had left. She knew Stygian was probably just acting clueless on purpose to throw off the others or herself, but she knew that he knew that everyone else probably knew already.

His voice was calm, but the look he gave her as he headed for the kitchen suggested otherwise. She couldn't decide whether he was pissed at her or just messing with her. Trying to read into every signal given was like trying to read Braille written by a caffeinated woodpecker. Somewhat dazed from her failed attempt to decipher the bat's thoughts, she followed him into the kitchen.

"Not that hungry, thanks," she said in response to Stygian's offering of food. When he headed back up to the north tower, inviting others to follow, she blinked. She found herself thinking one phrase over and over:

What does he want, what does he want, what does he want, what does he want...

Then she shook her head, subtly, so the others wouldn't notice. The offer hadn't been targeted at her; Aisha was already on her way to join Stygian. Besides, he still had no reason to hurt Ketefe. It's not like his need for blood is some big secret, and everyone here knows who killed that succubus. Besides, somehow, part of her trusted the bat completely. If he wasn't worth trusting, she would have known it the second she'd stepped into the castle; the fact that someone of his power hadn't simply killed her for trespassing was all the proof she'd needed.

She walked over to where Aisha was. "I'll go with you. I think I need to talk to Stygian."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


'That, I did,' Stygian said, effortlessly balancing the tray in his hands over to his other hand and gently placing it on a table. 'If you haven't smelled it already, I have a pot of it here.' Calmly, he poured himself a cup and added a hefty bit of Irish Cream, stirring it lazily before sitting down on the bed next to Cog.
   'You really don't have to leave, Keaton. The others are joining us quite soon,' he said, sipping his coffee. He hissed through his teeth a bit at the steaming warmth. 'You don't have to feel pressured. Not by me or by Cog here. Right?' He turned slightly to look at the wolf. The next second, Cog felt something pinch his left buttock, clearly the bat even though he was holding the wide cup in both hands.

- -

Gina had made as if to start talking to Jeremiah when Rynkura left for the kitchen, but before she could she was briskly whisked away by Bam. She made an irritated face at first, one that settled somewhat as she heard the fae talk.
   'I know all those things, Bambi, and I think of them. The problem is that you don't seem to,' she said, a bit sourly but also somewhat sadly. 'Those people don't understand what is going on, and telling them will not help us in any way. I was just trying to do what I needed to, and as carefully as I could. Think!' She stepped closer, looking up at the cat seriously.
   'I have to protect this place, and I am not strong enough to do it alone. But getting reliable help is crucial! Anything else is just dangerous,' she said, and turned her back on the cat. 'I'm sorry. I just... I'm going to talk to Jeremiah.'
   With those words, the cat left Bam and walked back to the library, a sad look on her face.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel smiled at the tiger. "Good evening Mistress Msh'taan. There are tea and cookies here to tide you over until you decide on a meal." At the mention of books on enchanting items Mel gave Rynkura an interested look. "Do they have any by Cray? I always promised him I would read his work. He was such a joker, you never knew what sort of enchantment he would put on something."

When Aisha asked what she was going to do Mel paused. While discussing enchantments was something she could spend hours on their host had invited them. "I will join you, Aisha." She stood and bowed to Rynkura, "Perhaps we can exchange book reviews another time, Mistress Msh'taan?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

While Aisha leaned on the door awaiting Mel's answer, she quirked an ear to Ketefe who had walked in the room whilst they were talking...the huntress noted her demeanor, perhaps just a little jumpy.  Nonetheless, Aisha smiled and nodded to the masked feline.  "Sounds like a plan then."  Her head turned to observe Mel and Rynkura converse for a moment.

Rynkura turned around to the dragon with a chuckle.  "Ah, yes, Cray, the old fool.  There's one or two I picked out lying on the tables in the library."  The tigress paused however as Mel answered Aisha with confirmation that she was also going along to the north tower.  "It will be nice discuss it later then, Mel of Icewing, if you are interested," she said with a polite bow back, her head tilting a little.  It wasn't far too often that she found someone with the same kind of interests.  "And thank you for the tea and cookies."

Aisha nodded her head with confirmation.  "'Tis settled then, amigas. To the drinks," she smirked and started out the door, sparing a bow to her mentor before exiting.  Because she had mapped out nearly the entire floor, it wasn't too hard to find the corridor leading to the north tower, and the voices from above accompanying as they stepped further up.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Jeremiah shook his head with a chuckle as Gina returned, Those two... If I hadn't at some point been menaced by the both of them it'd almost be adorable. "Glad you could make it, I was starting to think that Bambi was going to monopolize your company all evening," he looked around to make sure the room was empty before continuing. Fortunately, it seemed that most everyone had vanished to the kitchen.
"Now, correct me if I'm mistaken Gina..." He continued with a friendly smile, "But last I checked you knew a good deal about this castle. Its residents, its history, and on a more important note its curses," he shrugged, "The latter I have reason to take an interest in. Namely the curse that results in those cackling specters; the kind that scratched me a mere few minutes before we were first introduced. I've been going through everything relating to such afflictions in this library and I've yet to find anything on the subject of how to dispel it or indeed, and mention of a monster ghost curse at all. I don't suppose you could tell me anything on the subject?"


 Cog sighed in relief as the bat said so, the rich flavor filling his nostrils. Just what the doctor ordered. Something to soothe his frazzled nerves...
Cog was about step forward and pour himself a cup, when he felt something brush up against his pants and suddenly pinch his left buttock. He jerked, his eyes snapping to Sebastian, and by an almost supreme force of will he kept himself from blushing, stepping forward. He kept his eyes glued to the bat - Sebastian said nothing, of course, his face a perfect mask of innocence, although his eyes glinted with silent amusement.
Cog sighed and grabbed a mug, pouring himself a bit of the steaming liquid and fixing it up to his liking before returning to his seat, settling down and taking a drink. He seemed to groan as he sipped, the wolf seemingly emanating waves of relief - tension seemed to drain out of him, and with a deep sigh he seemed to calm a great deal.
He took a deep breath, savoring the aroma, and nodded at Keaton. "I'm actually feeling much better. If you'd like to stay, please, do." he murred, steaming mug in hand.

Prof B Hunnydew

With heavy sigh and a long look after Gina, Bambi goes to the bath room. "More reliable" weighs heavy on her.  She starts with a shower and then in just soaks in hot tun of water.  She had banished her leafy dress, and tries to think of who is in charge of her, what was controlling her actions... She finds that her personality has been changing.... But why?  Her new found power, new love, her Fae nature surfacing.  She would have medical exam, once Beeker 2.0, her robot got here.  He could check of abnormal conditions or effect on or to her.  Yet, Could she even use any of her old equipment without it exploding in her face.?  Mab never seem to be able to bake cookies, even from uncooked dough without her destroying the Alexsi's kitchen.

Even now , with the storm and the rain, she feels like just jumping out of this tub and fly or zip around the castle and few dozen times.  Just to feel the power of her wings and the wind in her face.  Bam had to find the healer, she decides maybe she could help her.

Bambi gets out of the bath, and wave her paw at the water.  The water runs up and out the bath and cleaning the tub and the tiles around it and down the drain in the floor.  

The Fae heads to the library and waits for the healer to return. The tigress is greet by a depressed and down Fae sitting in the healer's chair once her returns to the library.



Standing up again, Stygian smiled and sipped his coffee further, brushing a bang of pallid hair out of the way.
   'Tense? You seemed quite exhausted not ten minutes ago, puppy,' he said, not making a particular face but the mischievous glint in his dark eyes still strong. His ears swiveled just a bit as he stood to the side in between Keaton and Cog, leaning against a chest of drawers.
   'It seems we have another guest coming. Step in, Aisha!' he said, calling out the last words a bit louder.

- -

Gina stood and looked at nothing for a short while after Jeremiah posed his question, empty eyes in a solemn face. Then, slowly, she turned those white, gleaming orbs against the frog, face unchanging. He felt that gaze rather deeply.
   'The ghosts that you talk about have no real names, because no one ever thought of naming them. I guess you could call them Lunacies, if that's what you're after,' she said, her tone businesslike and bitter. 'They are the remnants of those who have gone insane and died of it here in this castle. They are immaterial and invulnerable, just like madness is, and still they can interact with the world around us, so long as they have a physical anchor. The masks, remember? You never see madness in someone through just looking at their face. It hides behind the mask of the flesh.' She exhaled slowly and looked down for a bit, before speaking again. 'Fighting them is like fighting madness. They are poisonous, because they use the conflict and insanity within a being and infects it, magnifying it. That's why they are so deadly to someone frightened or already a bit crazy, because it's easier to affect them.'


"Distressingly fitting," Jeremiah murmured, "So, you say fighting them is like fighting madness? I doubt that you mean counseling sessions and overmedication. I note that all of these Lunacies, as you call them, vanished after you... settled on a voice..." the frog began looking about nervously, his gaze briefly darting over to Bambi. (When did she come back?, "You mentioned how to fight these things, but what about restoring them? Is there any sort of cure?" he continued, keeping his voice down.

Aisha deCabre

With the others behind her as far as she could hear, Aisha traversed the path to the tower and stopped mentally mapping the trail to relax her head a little bit; it was experienced knowledge that going around a long time in the rain and dealing with a stressful situation at the same time tended to give one a headache, or worse.  But the atmosphere seemed to feel a little more welcoming as she approached the door where voices could be heard...three different, all familiar.

And it was confirmed when her name was called before she even set her paw within three steps of the threshold.  There was only a slight pause before she entered the room with a laugh in reply, laying her eyes upon those already inside...Cogi, Keaton, and of course Stygian.

Well that's the mystery solved as to where two of them went, she thought to herself as the panthress followed her introduction with a lithe step and a light-hearted bow, her crimson cape flaring slightly behind her.  "Thanks for that welcome, and greetings.  Quite a party this is is looking to be," she joked, and jerked her thumb back to the doorway as she stepped in.  "Mel and Ketefe should be straight behind me."

*     *     *

Rynkura hadn't been too awful long in the kitchen.  She listened to the others leave, the remaining tea left on the table...she figured then it might be a good idea to take the trays with her.  There hadn't been many footsteps coming back towards the kitchen, and the tea was likely to get cold fast if left.  The tigress made her own small meal of a couple of sandwiches with assorted pieces of meat on the inside, and proceeded out of the kitchen through the quiet corridor to the library, staff floating along behind her on command instead of having to be carried with full hands.

On the way she hummed to herself, just to listen to the echoes produced off the stone.  The storm sung along, or at least tried to interrupt with a thundrous drumming sound.  She hadn't minded.  It would break the silence just so...

The healer could be heard still humming before entering the library, where she quietly stopped her singing to look upon those gathered.  At a table near the central portion sat a very somber-looking Bambi, and at another table Jeremiah and Gina conversed among themselves.  "A motley group," she chuckled and set the tray down with the remaining cookies and tea at a table near them all.  "These are courtesy of Mel, should you partake," Rynkura notified with a nod of greeting and proceeded towards where she was sitting before, books strewn in different places.

"And what ails you now, child?" the tigress said, tilting her head questioningly at the saddened Bambi as the staff floated back into her free hand.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sitting and waiting with her eyes close, Bambi listen to the Frog, go on about curing the undead, ghost of all thing.  Her impulse was to jump down his throat with comment There is no healing the dead, but she stay silent and waited for the healer to arrrive.

Once the Healer return with Tea and ask her a question, Bambi opens her eyes.   

"Healer, please I need healing, I am still cursed in someways and I don't know my own mind sometimes.  Can you check me over?"pleads Bambi "Can you find out why there is still mental blocks in my speech and other things"   

"And Jeremiah, the ghosts just need to realizes that they re dead and sometimes need to be guided to the afterlife." sigh Bam and turns to the tigress "We all need guidance sometimes, even those with ultimate power, need help in using it."


Mel Dragonkitty

Mel was a few steps behind Aisha. The freshly smashed wardrobe at the first landing gave her a momentary pause. Despite the fact that they were invited that seemed like more of a keep out. Since the panthress ahead received a friendly greeting that didn't involve projectiles Mel continued upwards.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Ketefe followed Aisha and Mel upstairs. She found herself humming "Breaking the Girl" along the way, just to pass the time. Although the broken wardrobe surprised her for a second, she stepped around it gingerly and continued. Aisha had been invited in warmly enough so that some of Ketefe's paranoia dissipated, so she looked and felt a bit more relaxed as she walked up to the panthress and Mel.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

As she let Bambi speak of her problems, Rynkura sat down on the table opposite of her and set her own plate of sandwiches down.  She had just gotten in a couple of small bites when the Fae finished her plea, to which the tigress had a look of brief thought in her emerald eyes.

The first thing she did was chuckle at her insistence on what seemed to be Jeremiah's problem.  "From what I overheard--and I do apologize for that," she interrupted herself with a glance toward the frog before continuing, "Is that these aren't average spirits.  I propose you let them deal with their problems and focus on your own," she relayed with another quiet laugh.  "And plus I must correct that there is no such thing as 'ultimate' power.  However powerful a Creature would be with an array of magic or a specter with energies abound, they will always have weaknesses.  Just as with anything that occurs in nature, all anything tries to do is find a balance."

The tigress cleared her throat as she took a sip of tea and another bite from her meal and looked back to Bambi.  "Lecture say you have a problem with mental blocks?"  She hummed, looking thoughtful and yet apologetic.  "I have no experience with mental healing, I'm afraid.  I have only dedicated myself to physical wounds and dappled in spiritual as well."  She smiled.  "Anyway you seem well and capable of speaking, and it looks to only get better with time.  But what else ails you then?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


 Taking a sip of his coffee, Cog did not quite manage to hide a slow intake of breath at Sebastian's last comment. He coughed once, not quite looking at the bat, and suppressed a small smile.
"Well, perhaps I feel a second wind coming on." he said, his eyes sliding over to meet the bat's own, a slight hint of amusement in his yellow eyes. He glanced back quickly, however, seeing the panthress walk in.
"Mel and Ketefe." Cog murmured after she spoke, sipping his drink. He seemed calm, except for a brief flicker of worry that seemed to pass over them. "Well, good then." he said, his voice suddenly cheerful. "They can try one of Sebastian's drinks."


When Keaton mentioned that one defining trait about Stygian was unpredictability, she couldn't have been more right, especially when the chiropteran himself seemingly materialized out of nowhere (well, at least from her perspective) behind her. Probably entered the room without her realizing it, but it didn't make his appearance any less spontaneous and unexpected. It took an almighty effort to keep herself from screaming out another, unpleasant curse at this turn of events.

"Oh jesu--uh, I mean, hi." Keaton forced out her greeting from between her tightly-clenched teeth, quaking lips spreading to something akin to the semblance of an insincere smile. "Sebastian. We were, uh... just..."

Unconsciously, her eyes landed on his cup of coffee, the steam gently rising from it in sifting coils. When he entered the room she attempted to forge some relaxation to her countenance, shoulders slumping and hands digging around for her marble. "Yeah. I need to--"

Then Aisha arrived. Blinking at the untimeliness of this appearance, Keaton regardless shrugged it off, and waved her hello to the melanistic feline. "Oh, hey," she said, then managed to choke off a laugh at the mention about a 'party.'

She had no idea. Ironic about how something which was so initially shocking to her became so comedic within the next few minutes. If Cog wasn't still feeling uptight about it she would probably torment him about it... ambiguously, that was. She didn't want to risk anyone else finding out.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel stepped over the last threshold into the room. "Good evening Cog. Keaton."  A quick glance around showed why Sebastian had taken these rooms, they bucked the predominately blue decorating trend of every other room she had seen. Dark and heavy they didn't seem to belong to the rest of the castle.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

"*sigh* It is OK, then I have my sleep-learner arrive ina few days.  I had known five ancient languages, and a few spoken ones before coming here to this Castle.  Now, I might be up to a ten year old in this primary language of Furrae.  But, Fae are know not to be Tech-friendly. I may afriad to use my old lab or my old equipment  Also, it seem a limiting facture of Fae is their ADHD nature" says Bambi.

"Thank you for bring tea, I will pour if you want some.  Healing Rynkura, I would like someone to help me learn to control my magic and maybe myself also then I maybe will feel less flickle   Gina and Jeremiah would you guys like some tea? " asks Bambi as she pours more tea for the tigress and then serve herself.


Aisha deCabre

Rynkura had nodded her confirmation to the felid as she continued eating and listening, also allowing her to pour some more tea.  Her thoughts were screening through this predicament, and its possibilities.  The condition she described was somewhat strange, but from the things the tigress had heard of and witnessed in the castle, it wasn't too far-fetched a notion to lose part of one's mind.

Her eyebrow quirked however as Bambi went into controlling her magic and about her Fae nature...that was something that struck her as something confusing.  Taking another sip of tea, Rynkura cleared her throat.  "Well, pardon me for asking, but were you not born a Fae, child?  Unlike many creatures, when one has the knowledge of how their death and rebirth is controlled, one would think that they know how to control their abilities sooner or later and thus know what they are.  You act as if you only just learned of this without inherent least, by my observation."

She smiled.  "Also thus, if you were able to operate your machinery before, you should still be able to do so."  Rynkura took another pause to finish one sandwich, and continued.  "Like other individuals, individual Fae may all be different.  All share a sort of..." she rotated her wrist as she tried to find the right word.  "...Of a fleeting, carefree streak.  Some are just more impulsive than others, and some others not as experienced, and smarter.  So contrary, not all Fae has such a reaction to technology as you describe.  Inborn skill cannot be changed so quickly."

The healer hummed as she glanced at the orb at the end of her staff, glowing with a perpetual soft light.  "As for your magic," she sighed and shook her head.  "I doubt that you would not have control over it, as it's tuned into your own nature, not just knowledge of its use.  That shouldn't take too long to regain, even without help," she smiled reassuredly.  "I would just suggest thinking of others and the situation before you make a hardy decision about using your magic."

Rynkura grunted as she stood up from her chair, using the staff to help herself to her feet.  In her mind, she thought about what Bambi had said about needing help, before sighing apologetically.  "Also, I'm not sure I should be taking any more pupils at this point in time.  Learning by observing isn't enough, however one thinks it is.  Also...wherever you get lessons, and there are books here as well to gain knowledge from, sooner is better than later."  The healer said with a smile, non-chiding, but with an expression that said the suggestions were serious.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

My past, first the Fae often roleplay and act out a "part" in the Furrae.  I want to try out a co-play with low magic in a Hi-tech city of beings.  So, my magic was suppress to a mimium and I started my role as a infant to a two professors. 

For twenty-five years, I learned science, and because of the low magic levels, my studies and experiments worked.... Yet my Fae nature must have slowly shutdown and  I was lost in my role as a top scientist, when an accident at the lab brought me to Lost Lake.  There I met a other Fae, Miss Mab, I remember,  the fact I was one, too.  Still I was trying to learn about Technologies from Jyrras, even if he was not hiring.  Here, I am find my magics skills are alittle rusty" tells Bambi as she sips her tea.



Almost as if sensing Keaton's thoughts, Stygian only spared a moment to down the last of the latest drink, and then walked over to the jackal, rounding just behind her back.
   'Yes, I like that idea,' he said in affirmation to Cog, and then stopped right over Keaton's shoulder, just beside her. 'What were you going to say?' His tone was neutral, but to her it sounded loaded with meaning. 'Should I fix you something up? How about a Mind Eraser, hm?'
   The bat didn't wait for Keaton's response, but immediately turned against the other women and greeted them with a warm smile.
   'Ah. Glad you decided to come. What will it be? We've just had an Orgasm. The wolf does like his coffee...' he said unhesitatingly. 'We had some Kamikazes too. So maybe something less bitter for the ladies?'

- -

The ferret eyed Jeremiah solidly, chill in her gaze.
   'It's nothing that's happened before this,' she said, clearly referring to the situation in the castle, 'so no one has ever tried to cure it. If it were me who were afflicted,' she continued and took a step closer, the chill not entirely disappearing from her eyes but a sort of sympathetic softness still springing up in them, 'I would try to stay calm and composed whatever happened, and look around for some sort of magical psychosis suppressor the first thing I did.'

Aisha deCabre

While Mel and Ketefe made their appearances as per her words, Aisha's eyes wandered over the size of the room and the others within while finding a place to sit down.  Her head tilted when she regarded Cogidubnus and Keaton, both of whom seemed to look just a bit less than enthusiastic at their arrival.  For a moment she wondered if they knew that Sebastian had invited others up for drinks, and what seemed out of place...and decided that it was best not to inquire anything, dismissing any thoughts with a roll of her eyes.

As the panthress sat thinking of what to have and listening to their host on drinks, she suddenly had to cast a strange look at the bat upon his unhesitating "Orgasm" remark, as well as repressing an indignat snort.  The heck kind of name...?

Despite that, Aisha calmly shook off her gaze and nodded back.  "Sounds good to me.  Whatever you recommend; I'm not too knowledgeable on mixing drinks."  Thinking of coffee for a moment as well, she didn't really much care for that either.  And she was already pretty much wide awake...the tea had helped with that.  The very setting somehow did, too...which the huntress didn't bother to pinpoint.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.