The Castle [03] (Remba, but don't let it stop you)

Started by Aisha deCabre, May 13, 2007, 06:23:49 PM

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 Cog walked into the library quietly, sliding in between the oak doors left open just a crack rather than risk a noise by opening the creaking things. The plush carpets mostly disguised his steps, and he sat down noiselessly in an overstuffed chair as he watched the others work out the rest of their curses. Despite his silence, Cog was in quite good spirits, grinning softly as he sipped his drink. He merely...needed to think, for a bit. He'd talk with the others when they'd finished. Which, by the look of it, would be soon.
Keats was the last one up - Mel and Ketefe had already been healed, the professor standing close to the dragon and Ketefe looking on eagerly as Rynkura murmured a prayer over the Jackal cubi. Light flared and outlined the succubus as she began to yet again transform - in some ways, similar to the way Sebastian had done so, but blindingly bright instead of murky. It achieved the same effect - it was rather difficult to tell what was going on.
As he sat sipping, however, the sudden, sharp scent of blood, ink, and smoke entered the room, and Cog barely repressed raising his eyebrows. Pretending not to see, he hid a grin under his palm as he watched Keats turn back into her former self. The transformation seemed to have gone beautifully, without a hitch. Cog smiled in truth and leaned back in his chair, taking a deep draught of his coffee.
"Beautiful..." Cog murmured, voice low. "Coniecturalem artem esse medicinam, well and truly." He grinned, and sat up straighter, crossing one leg over the other and wondering what the Bat was doing behind him.


Stygian snorted and flicked an ear, walking past when he saw that Cog had noticed him.
   'Even guesswork is quite often enough to get you through many things. Unless you're just a dimwit,' he said and took a sip of his tea. It was hot and burned his lips, but the taste was sharp and clear and at the moment more pleasant than the wolf's coffee smelled. 'Then it gets much harder.' Granting Keaton a quick smile upon her restoration, he then kicked back into one of the free chairs. 'Although I can't understand why you didn't just sweep the symbol away and get to work. While we're on that, is there anything particular that you want to do here, or should we proceed right to dinner? I am moving to the northern tower either way. A bit more to my liking.' By that he meant more chilly and secluded, and higher up. He remembered the rooms there; they would be quite comfortable once he could get them in order.


Ketefe's joy faded into simple happiness as she watched Mel heal herself and Keaton get healed by Rynkura. The healing process, as she had suspected, was disturbing to watch and looked just as uncomfortable as it felt. Glad I kept my eyes shut...

She smelled coffee - which she hadn't smelled in a long time - and looked up to see Cog and Stygian had returned. Nodding once at the pair, she looked around the library once, unsure of what she wanted to do. She spotted the Braille book from earlier, and grabbed it. She'd be able to figure out what it said if she tried hard enough, and she needed brushing up on her Braille for her next letter to Jarevei.

Letter. She remembered that she'd left her paper and spare outfits elsewhere, but looking out the window, the storm was as strong as ever. She'd have to wait till tomorrow to get them. She looked back at Stygian and shrugged. "I can't think of anything I need to do right now, but I've definitely had enough excitement for one day."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel dropped gracelessly into a nearby chair once she saw everything was back in order. What a day this was turning out to be. The library was in better order than it had been since her surprise size change two days before, if quite a bit worse for the wear. She heard Sebastian's comment about sweeping the glyph up and was surprised to think that would work, considering the effects Keaton's alteration had made. But it was his glyph, he should know. "Dinner sounds good to me. I don't think I could stand much more magic today."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The headtwist was enough. Of course; she'd come from the town, and she hadn't carried a bag. If she was traveling...
   'You know, it's not much past lunch, and if I'm to have dinner too then we should go out and down into town,' Stygian said, looking calmly at Ketefe. 'If you want, I'll hold your umbrella.' He added a little smile to that, which managed to be winning even with the fangs it bared. 'How about that? Anyone else up for a walk in the rain?' he continued and looked innocently around at the others. Secretly, he hoped that they'd all turn him down, perhaps even Ketefe too. But preferrably not. It's not in good manners to play with your food, but I just can't help... he thought.


Ketefe arched an eyebrow at Stygian. He seemed to have gotten much cheerier since they'd seen him last. And he'd offered to take her into town. I guess he figured it out.

She went into thought, not looking anywhere in particular. The bat wasn't conveying any malicious intent, and she trusted him on some level. What confused her was this - there was food in the castle, or there had been last night and this morning. So unless they'd completely run out, why would Stygian need to go into town for his food?

Wait..... has he run out of.... oh God.

Narrowing her eyes just a fraction, she tugged the strap on her sheathed sword once before meeting Stygian's eyes again. "Well... as much as I hate walking in the rain, I do need to get my stuff from the tavern." She looked around at the others, secretly praying that someone else would come along. Maybe she was just being paranoid, but she really didn't want to go alone with Stygian.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


 Alternating between taking sips of his drink and listening to the others, Cog leaned back further into his chair and sighed, the drink and the cushion relaxing him utterly. Not to mention the sudden relief from about a thousand little pressures. He felt like he could go to sleep. He swished his cup in his hand, suddenly glad the drink was more than just tasty. As he sipped, he heard Sebastian speak to him, and he inclined his ear in feigned surprise. He smiled slightly at the bat, staying silent.
He listened to the others speak, and as Sebastian decided it might be a good idea to go out on the town for some food. A night out wouldn't hurt, Cog supposed. Still, Ketefe looked remarkably pale for such a comment. Cog raised and eyebrow, sipping some coffee, only jerkily stopping once as he drank. As he brought the cup down, he made as if to adjust his glasses, pushing them back up over his eyes, still staying silent.


Gareeku had completely lost track of time when he had decided to take a walk around the Castle's grounds. As he walked slowly, his mind wandered, thinking about the events he had experienced, the people he had met, and the enemies he had made. Eventually he realised how long he had spent walking around like this, and so decided to head back inside, making his way to where the others were.


"I'll go," Jeremiah offered, "I like the rain, and the more hands you have carrying things the more food you can bring back," He only caught Ketefe's look after the fact. She expects trouble? Wait... He was no fool. While things were a bit too hectic at the time to really comprehend, he knew what had happened when he'd first brought Gina to their ever so charming host. It's Styg. Same guy who chucks gobs of black magic amongst us like a kid with water balloons. Duh. Well, can't back out now without it looking bad... Apart from that was his desire to prove to the others that he was still good ol' vaguely useful Jeremiah, rather than that thing he'd turned into the previous day or the one before that when they'd first arrived, but getting him to admit it would take some effort.
"Besides, gotta pick up some stuff in town anywho."

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi goes to where Gina is....And she asks her"Well, it seems we all are going to town.  We need not stay with Stygian, but we could have  a few hours at the tavern, a meal, and some drinks, and we could fly back home if we need to and fly straight home afterwards.. So what do you say to a few hours break?  Or you rather just go shopping?" with sweet smile.  Then Bambi leans in to the angel's face

"or would you like us to just stay here without the Bat all alone?" whisper the fae girl into Gina's ear.



Stygian did notice the sudden air of discomfort, but made no sign of it. He got out of his seat, making sure his slight smile didn't grow into a smirk, and then walked up and over a bit closer to the masked feline. Head slightly inclined as he looked down at her, he did his best to come off as friendly and polite.
   'You're welcome to stay here, of course. But the same recommendations as before are still in order,' he said, and then turned a bit. He watched Gareeku reenter with mild interest and nodded toward the soaking wet wolf with a meaningful look, then turned his eyes back to Ketefe.
   'Shall we get going?' he said with a tilt of his head, and then began slowly walking out.

- -

Gina opened her mouth as if to answer Bambi's question, but upon the feline's advance her cheeks were stained red and she stopped with saying whatever it was she had intended to. Her eyes didn't veer from Bam's, but it was, as always, hard to see with her empty whites.
   'Umm... ah... Well,' she began lamely, then swallowed. 'I want to get out of here for a while... This place is uncomfortable... But we can do as you like.' She pinched her mouth a little at that last part and blushed some more, and then she looked away.

Prof B Hunnydew

"To the Town, it is!! Oh yea Girls' night out!" yells Fae Feline  "School is out and we will take the town by storm."  Bambi looks at Keaton, and then Stygian, and giggles

"Aisha, Kefete, and Mel, Come on. Let's let our hair down and go wild" as Bam grabs Gina's hand and rushes her out the door of the library to the grand entrance hall.


Mel Dragonkitty

It looked like at least half the party was heading into town. Mel slowly stood and sauntered after the group. Having teleported in she hadn't yet seen the town. It might be interesting. "What is the town's view of creatures? Should I change?" While riling up the townies could be fun she didn't want to cause any problems for the others.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Ketefe stared up at Stygian for a moment when he stood over her, trying to decide whether her paranoia was justified or not. The others didn't seem concerned with his earlier comment at all, and he was acting normal enough. And even if something did happen, she was well-prepared.

She nodded once. "All right," she said, her voice even and calm. She began to walk towards the door, looking amused as Bambi grabbed Gina and ran. She noticed Gareeku had rejoined the group out of the corner of her eye as she left.

"Wow. You missed everything," she told the wolf, her yellow eyes shining as she suppressed a grin. Before the wolf could respond, she went out the door and followed the sound of Bam's footsteps to the entrance hall.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


 Cog coolly gulped down the last of his drink before rising, pulling his hat down a little tighter on his head and setting his cup on the sidetable. The weather still looked positively dreadful outside, and he pulled his coat around himself as he followed the others out of the room. He raised an eyebrow as the professor dragged the ferret girl out of the room, giggling about something.
Cog narrowed an eye. The ferret worried him somewhat. He glanced surreptitiously to Jeremiah, the formerly possessed girl making him think of the magic teacher, when his eyes slid over Gareeku. Wondering where the wolf had been, Cog nodded at him as he exited the library.
He braced himself for the foul weather, pulling his coat tighter. A little rain never hurt anyone, but storms were still terrible to travel through. Still, the town wasn't too far away, and food and a roaring fire awaited them there.
The first gust of wind nearly blew Cog's hat straight off. Grumbling as he secured it, he used his other free hand to keep his coat closed, rain beading on his glasses as they walked to the city.


Mel's question was sensible, and in truth the presence of the castle had caused the townspeople to develop a slight paranoia toward all that was magic and creatures, but Stygian did not care. It was not something dreadfully important. He smiled and cast a glance toward her while walking.
   'Go as you wish, dear dame! For obligation and prudence are matters of concern for us crude and cruel of visage and manner, while your fair countenance and pleasant ways forgive all imagined offenses that pitiful minds may perceive,' he said in a dramatic tone, and smiled.

   As he had said, Stygian really did hold Ketefe's umbrella for her. Or, more accurately, he escorted her like a guard through the castle, walking just behind her shoulder and keeping his face straight and mouth shut, until they got to the entrance hall and he closed his shirt, got his coat and stepped out, unfolding a large matte black umbrella. He guided her down the steps, and they all walked the winding road down to the town below, Cog's coat blowing around slightly and Jeremiah looking rather calm for the moment, which really meant that he only cast a suspicious glance around every ten or twenty seconds or so, and Stygian managing to keep the umbrella straight in spite of the wind somehow.
   It was when they entered the empty square, where the paved ground was slick with water and the puddles around reflected the steep roofs of the houses around in blurry paint-like images, that Stygian turned around. His face was a bust of creamy pale gold amid the dark gray, red and brown blotches that the world seemed made up of right then.
   'Well, here we are,' he said, and cast a quick look toward the tavern. 'If you fetch your things we can meet up here, or back at the castle if you so like.' He didn't seem the least bit annoyed that the others had decided to come along, though in truth he was. 'You can take the umbrella if you want. I'm going to take a walk.'


A little astonished that he had been serious, Ketefe was silent as Stygian guided her a to the entrance hall and down the winding path that led to the village square. That he actually held the umbrella for her amused her a bit, but she didn't say anything till they reached the tavern.

She listened to Stygian when he spoke, her azure face turned towards his pale blond visage. Her paranoia about his earlier comment hadn't diminished, but she believed that Stygian probably wasn't going to hurt her. The guardian-like manner he had shown had somewhat assured her of that. Besides, she hadn't done anything to upset him, as far as she could tell.

"Meeting up here sounds good," she replied, taking the umbrella. "Thanks." She inclined her head politely at the group, then turned and headed to the tavern.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura had to shake her head and laugh at the procession going on, just after a hectic event had been solved.  As the others gathered around and she overheard Sebastian saying something about going into town with Ketefe, the tigress flexed the fingers of the hand she had been using to dispel as if the process had caused a cramp.

While doing so, she watched the door as Gareeku walked in, perhaps having either slept in or had been alone for a whom she gave a polite nod of greeting upon entering (what a story that would be told for what he and Aisha had missed...!)  But for a moment, she wondered if the panthress was even going to return.  Concern found its way into Rynkura's eyes, and she pondered going to find her.

But right then, as if she were calling the devil, Aisha herself pushed the doors open to the library while everyone was still there and talking of leaving.  "Buenas, all, I...wha?" she paused, getting out of the way as Bambi rushed out of the door with Gina, seemingly in an excited mood.  Having perhaps not noticing the raven as it sat on the opposite shoulder of the one facing them, the panthress even forgot it was there herself in the apparent rush.  She paused and looked to Rynkura with a questioning look.

"Sebastian is going down to the town, and much of the group volunteered to follow," she chuckled with explanation as the said group conversed.  "In the rain, no less."

The only movement Aisha made was an irritated swish of the tip of her tail and a quirked eyebrow, before turning and shaking her head.  "Crazy.  But I guess the excitement can't seem to stop," she smirked before glancing to Gareeku, whom she hadn't seen that whole stormy morning, and giving a smile of hello.  "Guess you're going too, huh?  And you, señora?" Aisha also asked the tigress as she pried the red-eyed bird she recovered from her arm and perched it gently on the back of a chair.

Rynkura shook her head and sat down.  "I am happy right here for now, chica.  I could spend hours and days in a library."  She smiled.  "I may like water, but that does not entail walking in a storm.  The rest of you do what you will.  And before you waste time asking, yes, everything went well here.  But ask someone for details, I'm sure you'll be amused."

...How does she do that?  Aisha wondered, as she indeed had been about to ask that question.  Then she shook her head dismissively, also again regaining the look of thoughtfulness from before about her mentor's reason for coming.  She's either really a Cubus or just really good at reading me.  "I guess I'll go and follow everyone.  Perhaps there's something in town to do.  Haven't had a good mission or glass of ale in days."

The huntress smirked, and turned to walk through the doors and down the corridors to the entrance hall to catch up with everyone far ahead of her, pausing to fetch her cape.

Rynkura meanwhile watched her leave, her gaze then meandering to the rain outside pounding on the windows.  "Through a storm, looking for trouble.  Hah, adventurers.  Woe betide the trouble they find," she muttered in a tone that mimicked nonchalant and amused.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


A faint flash and a peel of thunder from somewhere off sounded, and a consecutive bolt elsewhere made the clouds overhead refract the light in that dramatic way that is so pleasant to see. Stygian shook his coat and turned up the collar, watching Ketefe stroll off toward the tavern with a pleased look. When she folded the umbrella back and disappeared behind the door, he glanced around, and then looked toward the others.
   'Well, that's that. Do as you please. Let's meet up here in an hour or so. Much later than that and I'll go back up,' he said, and then turned, striding off calmly through the rain. No one out. Not so much as a dog. Pity... he thought to himself. I wonder what will go wrong first... Cog trying to stop me, or Bam getting arrested for misconduct...?

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel followed the others into the grand entry, reverting to her snow leopard disguise as she went. Pausing before the doors she grabbed her little bobbing ball of light and gave it a few magical twists and prods. When she tossed it back up she had the magic equivalent of an umbrella following her and keeping her perfectly dry and unsplashed. She followed the group slowly, often wandering off to one side of the road or the other to inspect various rocks alongside the path, a few small ones even disappearing into her pocket.

When they reached the town square she showed a little more interest, spotting a jeweler's shop immediately and disappearing inside with only a nod to Sebastian that she had heard the one hour deadline, checking the watch pinned to her lapel as she left the group. She had a few magical toys on her that she wouldn't mind trading, just for the chance to talk to someone who shared her passion for making enchanted metalworks. It was a little selfish to wander off, but she's help those who were shopping carry things back.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


 The wind whipping his coat about a bit, Cog wiped some of the rain off his shades and watched the others start going about to their destinations. Ketefe headed into a nearby Inn, presumably to get her things. Cog moved under a nearby overhang to get out of the rain, shaking his head as he stepped into the dry air. He removed his hat and shook it as well, a futile gesture. He was completely soaked, and rather cold.
He leaned against the wall and watched Mel head off, and then Stygian towards some unknown destination. Cog put his hat back on and pushed off the wall, a tiny sigh escaping him as he followed the bat. He kept silent, the only sounds the patter of rain on the street, and the occasional splash as he stepped into a puddle.


It was soon that Cog was painfully reminded of how difficult it could be to follow Stygian, especially under the conditions. The rain doused nearly all of the surrounding smells and the shadows that streaked the streets caressed the bat's black-clad form, embracing him as one of their own. He walked at a restful pace for a couple of minutes, looking around and seemingly searching for something as he did. Then, as he turned into an alley, the few lights that cast their pale illumination on the paved stone flickered and died. It was just for a few seconds, and Cog didn't let his eyes off him, but it was more than enough for Stygian to disappear. A slight creeping movement in the dark and a sound like a whisper were all that Cog caught as the bat slipped out of sight.

- -

Upon inspection, the jeweler's shop seemed to have closed, but the adjacent magic and fine mechanics shop was clearly open, though the man ducking behind the windows seemed to be taking things in and preparing to close that one too. His back turned to the window, broad shoulders moving under a white shirt and suspenders, he was bent over some small table, clearly fixing something rather small.

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi watch Mel make a umbrella spell, and then made one big enough for Aisha, Keaton, Gina, Gureeka and Cog if he want to come in out out of the rain, but had a low ceiling against the storm and Cog and Gareeku felt crowded under the Fae's umbrella shield

Once they made it to town, Bambi and Gina also started for the Tavern, but Bambi stop Gina and the rest of the Girls.... "Okay Food or shopping ah Where is Mel?" she asks, as she see the Dragon in the jewelry shop... "Well, Mel choose shopping, so we can try looking for some clothes before dinner.  We can meet here in the hour like the bat asked.  But we, girls, can get a table for ourselves or add the Boys."

The Dress maker's shop seemed to be open, but it had only one candle in the front and no one in the shop.
"Come on Gina, Let's get dress for Dinner, and I can't go around in a leafy swimsuit."  Bambi says as she enter the clothing store.  She check the fabric's colors out, "So, which would look good on me the blue or the green?" she asks Gina,  with both bolts of clothes, one over each shoulders.



Jeremiah pulled his hat down over his eyes and wrapped his coat around himself a bit tighter, glad that he'd remembered to grab them on his way out. The damp he could deal with, and the coat took the edge of the rainy chill. He watched a few of the others go off in their own directions before starting off on his own as well. Better Cog keeping an eye on Styg than me; the bat loves arguing with him too much to hurt him. Now then... He smiled to himself and rummaged in a pocket for his wallet, checking to see what he had on him, Lets see if there's anyplace around here I could get some art supplies. I feel like drawing.


When Rynkura said that she wouldn't need to repeat what she had said to Ketefe, Keaton nodded, albeit with slight hesitance. She had been so engrossed in trying to reverse the hieroglyphic circle that she had hardly registered anything which had passed between both felines. Pierced eyebrow raised when she noticed the concern briefly flash in Rynkura's eyes, the jackal unaware of her innermost thoughts. Cubi or not, she didn't rely on mind-reading and smashing her way through mental obstacles to reach her destination. It was too... underhanded for her tastes. Something rather hypocritical, seeing as Keaton's policy on foul play hardly ever applied to her. Instead of such invasive methods Keaton confided in natural affinity for absorbing and detecting emotions, as well as her mastery of reading body language... well, mostly. She liked to think she was a master at it.

Her mild apprehension upon sensing Rynkura's concern faded, however, when she executed the spell. White light spilled over her body like a rushing waterfall, completely suffusing her outline in a manner almost identical to how she would cloak herself in shadows, albeit the prickling sensation that danced along her flesh would normally be absent during the latter ritual. Where it had originated from she was uncertain, and was just as confused as to decipher whether it was a pleasant feeling, or like the prelude to something much more vile. Probably a conflict of elements, Keaton surmised. Either way, the prickling erupted into mild blistering for a split second before it cooled down, bathing her much like the alabaster-ambiance was. Internally, Keaton heard the shrill shrieking of the shadows collected in her body as they were instantly disintegrated under the embracing energy coalescing throughout her insides. It was an unpleasant feeling, sensing something so close to her being so abruptly severed and crushed, but ultimately she felt liberated, especially when the light died down and she was, upon further inspection, her former self.

Keaton glanced down her arms and body, examining herself from every angle, admiring the efficiency the magic had used. She could no longer sense any trace of the darkness inside of her, save for her own, familiar essence. Keaton remarked, "Wow, you really know how to be thorough. Thanks a lot," she said sincerely, flashing a grin in Rynkura's direction.

Now that everything had been remedied, Stygian announced that he was going to go outside the castle, rather openly inviting Ketefe. Apparently because she felt rather uncomfortable, she unconsciously gestured, implying that she wanted someone to go with her. Since everyone else volunteered, Keaton sighed, deciding that it would be best to remain with the group, since it wouldn't be a wise choice to remain alone in the castle.

"Alright, count me in," Keaton said, dusting herself off and following the group.


Once outside in the rainfall and the center of the town, Keaton was happy to dart under the comfort of Bambi's proffered umbrella, shielding herself using the trenchcoat she had conjured up previously. "Oof. Thanks," she said to Bambi, shaking her tail free of water in a manner similar to that of a non-sentient canine.

Shamelessly, the rest of her body followed as she individually shed each limb free of water. After seeing that Mel went into the jewelry store Keaton thought for a moment--she rather liked jewelry, although she never would admit it. It reminded her of one of her sisters. Waving to Bambi after she entered the clothing store, Keaton proceeded to walk down the streets, coiling wisps of shadows collecting in her hand. Steadily, it started to forge the shape of something, becoming steadily more and more solid, until it became a pitch black umbrella.

And now safely protected from the rain, Keaton wandered throughout the town.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Even though the evening had still some time to come, darkness was already slowly settling over the town, on account of the heavy clouds. The air weighed heavily and the dark-roofed buildings loomed high on the small back streets. Even to Keaton who was used to hearing the thoughts or feeling the emotions of others, the town seemed bare and cold. A few brief aftertastes of boredom and what could only be called 'coziness' were all that she picked up for a long while, as she walked through the heavy rain.
   'Excuse me, miss. Could you please tell me what time it is?' a voice said beside her, suddenly. The speaker was a tall man, a bit over six feet, feline and with a strong build. His fur was a dark-brownish black, and his shoulder-long hair sharply lined and tipped with white in a pattern that almost zigzagged. He made quite an impression in a dark green coat, very handsome features and a smooth, pleasant voice and dialect of a murky character that made Keaton feel oddly relaxed and familiar. 'I'm afraid I lost my watch,' he continued with a charming, large-incisored smile.
   That's when it hit her, very suddenly, a sharp surge, no, a flood of fear so strong that the distance it had to come from did little to diminish it. Keaton wasn't traditionally schooled, but no cubi would have any problem sensing that sort of terror. Whoever felt that would be too scared to even think.

- -

Jeremiah had to pass by a closed art gallery and a present shop before he found a bookstore that was still open. With the rain, it seemed that no one was out, and so all the shopkeepers were closing early. The little place, called 'Brooke's Books', was a relatively small two-floor crammed in between two much larger, more heavily built houses with white foundations and walls, so that it looked much like a little rock being squeezed in between two meeting glaciers. The lights were on and the sign said open, but there was no one to be seen through the display windows.

- -

Gina looked at Bam that way she had seen before when she was so energetic. It was a bit surprised, speechless and sardonic, but amused and loving nonetheless.
   'The blue. It's just the right tone for your hair,' she said. Then she looked around. 'No one's here. Isn't the shop open?'


Keaton ambled down the streets absentmindedly, curved umbrella handle gripped loosely in her gloved hand. Rain pelted the opaque surface of her shielding umbrella in watery dollops, rolling down its sides in thick pearls and dribbling around the periphery of the umbrella like a distorted, halo-shaped waterfall. While Keaton appreciated thunderstorms, she really only enjoyed them when she was within the comfort of her normally temporary living quarters, not when she was smack dab in the middle of a shower. Sighing, Keaton reached up and tucked some sodden hair behind one of her unusually large ears, feeling it twitch instinctually and jostle the piercings festooning its lobe.

As far as she was concerned there were no stores open which interested her. Hell, there weren't even any emotions to feed on or that she could detect from around the quaint little town. She probably would've continued to venture about until she at least found one which served as decent protection from the rain, or could provide decent emotions for her to leech off of. Keaton didn't expect to discover any humiliation or suffering, but maybe something else would suffi--

A voice startled her out of her musings. Boot-clad foot withdrew in the middle of a step, settling beside her as her head whipped 'round to face the striped feline standing beside her. While normally apprehensive of strangers which seemingly and suddenly materialize out of nowhere, she somehow found herself relaxed, as though soothed by an unseen aura surrounding his form. Probably was his voice, or maybe just an impression he exuded, who knew. "Uh, sorry," Keaton said as politely as someone as brusque as her could manage, "But I really don't have a watch..." To emphasize this, she extended her free arm, which, indeed, had no watch to speak of on it. And magically conjuring one up would garner too much... well, simply put, it would freak him out.

Keaton didn't have to think about it much longer. Barreling at her out of nowhere came a sudden bombardment of screaming, agonizing fear, splitting through her senses like a guillotine through a victim's neck in jagged, angry bolts of crimson. It didn't hurt her head from the overflow of emotions, no; it simply caught her off-guard, the Succubus whirling away from the feline stranger standing pleasantly nearby to face the direction it came from. That was--unnatural. Not the sort of thing one would experience in such a peaceful-looking town.

Quickly, she addressed the feline just as she ran off, "SHIT! Sorry, I--gotta go!"


Following the excess trail of wailing terror, Keaton dashed through a darkened alley and swiftly made her way into some sort of backyard, boots splashing through the water. Judging by the way the emotions intensified when she approached the source, she was definitely getting closer.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


A single thought hit Keaton's senses in the time there was; I don't want to die! Then the emotions were clipped off abruptly, dying out in a cold, dry aftertaste like razors of ice, leaving the world bleak and empty again. The darkness that held the backyard seemed suddenly closer somehow.
   At first Keaton wasn't sure where she should look. But then, as she walked forward she began to hear... sounds. That's what it was, even though the wet, filthy sound of flesh being torn apart is always dramatic enough that one thinks it should have a word for itself. Rips, smackings and snaps, closer with every step, as her eyes adjusted to the dark. She rounded a corner.
   The blood that poured through the torn-up neck of the canine woman's throat had already leafed and spread like veins over the stone from where she lay in the shadow, running fast with the rain but still intense in its redness. Redder than the maple leaves that lay in it, strewn across the gray. The scene had the air of a painting. Her eyes, pupils contracted to pinpricks. Her hand, outstretched and open. Two pairs of feathered wings, the ones on her head tucked, those on her back spread unevenly. Her torso was ripped open from her neck and down. And hunching over her was a blackened monstrosity, crouched on all fours, hideous things emerging from its still humanoid form and swarming around it in a veritable swamp of tentacles, claws and slick darkness that seemed to ripple with muscle.
   There was a rip and a wet slap as the thing arched its main head back and snapped its fangs around something from out of the woman's chest. It growled lowly, a sound that made the hairs on Keaton's back stand, then stopped for a second. And then it shifted its weight over to one arm and turned its head around slowly. Burning, glowing red eyes stared into the jackal's.


I don't want to die!

Gone. That single sign of life, along with the surging rush of fear, was extinguished, disintegrating Keaton's emotional guide and any signs of life she had initially detected. Leaving her utterly alone, with only the darkness and the torrential rain for company.

Rather than hinder her or deter her from her goal, this only seemed to strengthen Keaton's resolve as she started off in a random direction, hoping against hope that it was the correct way. In a miraculous stroke of luck, while her original means of following the stream of fear had been washed away with that one, mental exclamation, a new opportunity unraveled itself: in the form of strange, grotesque sounds, like sharp teeth shredding something thick and... wet. Flesh? Too macabre, but she had to expect the gruesome.

While the stench of blood had faded in the rain, Keaton was still capable of using her hearing to guide her, cautiously drawing darkness in corroding clumps towards herself for energy. Better safe than sorry, and in this atmosphere she had plenty of shadows to manipulate and orchestrate to her advantage. Besides, if all else failed, she still had her mace to rely on, which was still hanging casually in its holster.

She definitely needed it, as she realized when she finally advanced on the source.

Lying on the ground in a strewn heap was a winged canine girl, bisected from throat to stomach. Blood diluted in the pummeling rain from around her mangled body, fluctuating and fragmenting around each pellet of water, dirtying the earth and staining it a syrupy sanguine. The deceased girl wasn't what horrified Keaton though, oh no. What caught Keaton's attention the most was the blackened abomination huddled over her, framed by squirming, writhing tentacles composed of pure darkness, still humanoid and yet so ferally hideous. Normally people would've taken a step back, but Keaton found herself inexorably frozen, staring with stunned shock at the horrendous sight before her.

A loud snap as the creature's head jerked back was an abrupt exclamation point to that terrifying silence. Hackles elevated like thousands of yellow-black pinpricks on the back of Keaton's neck as it growled, its body rotating so it could peer directly into her brown eyes.

Everything moved swiftly, fluidly. Keaton reached back and whipped Catatrophe from its resting place, the darkness clustered around its form flashing and shattering almost like the glass of a window pane, orbiting about the heavy mace like thousands of little, eerily glowing shards. Roaring furiously, Keaton leapt at the creature, swinging her mace back, 'round her head, and then brought it down, bright energy erupting from the spikes jutting from Catastrophe's crown.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


He'd always preferred small shops for art supplies. The fact that they couldn't afford some huge edifice was an indication that those who owned the place were, in some way, artists, and would thus have an eye for quality. However, one thing seemed off...
He looked in one shop window and, using that marvelous breed of absentminded logic that assumes the slightly smaller window on the other side of the door might offer a more comprehensive view of the same damn room, checked the other. A book store always has people in it when it's open, regardless of weather; it's a great refuge for the quiet types that every town seems to generate. May not have what I'm looking for, since if there was there would probably be someone else here to ogle items they cant afford. Curious. Mebbe there's some boycott going on. Finally he entered with a shrug, assuming the shopkeeper would hear the door and come out. But why let local goings on get in the way of expression, eh?