Modern VampireKiller - "IM KILLING A VAMPIRE!"

Started by Knight, July 01, 2007, 03:46:15 PM

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What the hell?? THAT guy is the one who needs to be put to sleep. Painfully.

Unreliabel Dragon

That guy is crazy. He probably killed it for fun and came up with any excuse.


Aisha deCabre


Now that's just sad...also brutal, stupid, and cornering the market on ignorance.

One would think I just described the human race in general.   :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Quote from: Aisha deCabre on July 01, 2007, 08:38:42 PM

Now that's just sad...also brutal, stupid, and cornering the market on ignorance.

One would think I just described the human race in general.   :rolleyes

*signs Aisha up for the Human Extinction Associated Persons... HEAP... which is also where they throw the bodies!*   :U
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


ooo, do they have literature?  Sign me up, too!

I'm reminded of the old "Boots of escaping" video.


Once again, these threads turn into something I have no idea what the fuck is about.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I blame the vampire peacocks and their brain waves.


LMAO I heard about this on Monday on the radio. Dad and I both were dumbfounded as to how someone could be this deranged and stupid.


sadly this amount of stupidity sums up most of the human population...
in other news... i'm not wearing any pants... more on that after the break :kruger

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: gh0st on July 10, 2007, 12:43:32 AM
sadly this amount of stupidity sums up most of the human population...
in other news... i'm not wearing any pants... more on that after the break :kruger

... Does anyone else see the irony in this post?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


No, I don't see the irony, because he hasn't tried to deny his own stupidity >.>


What I find strange is that apparently nobody did anything to stop him. Here they are feeding this bird, having a good time, when this guy comes running up and starts beating it to death. Why didn't anyone step up to save the bird? I mean seriously deranged guy beating a very large bird to death and they all just sit there and stare while someone calls the cops?
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Ryudo Lee

It must be one of those things that's like a car wreck.  You just can't look away.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


It isn't about looking away, it's about stopping the idiot.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Some madman starts tearing a bird up in front of you...

... how do you know he won't start on you next?

And then there's the shock factor - you shock people, most of them freeze for a bit. That can be long enough for him to get completely away, while they're still trying to believe their eyes. Wouldn't surprise me to discover that that was what everyone around at the time was thinking - one of those two, if not both.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


they apparently weren't shocked enough not to ask him what he thought he was doing and generally doing things that DON'T involve stopping him.


The answer is very simple.  Some people love pets, but not enough to put their lives on the line for an animal.  The guy was obviously crazy, and they didn't want to stand between him and his vampire crusade.  Self preservation.


They're multiple people up against an unarmed man. If you think you're in any danger you're an idiot.


Quote from: AngelSephy on July 07, 2007, 12:14:22 AM
LMAO I heard about this on Monday on the radio. Dad and I both were dumbfounded as to how someone could be this deranged and stupid.
And still on the street :erk :boggle :aack :blink

Quote from: Evil Richter on July 12, 2007, 01:08:46 AM
The answer is very simple.  Some people love pets, but not enough to put their lives on the line for an animal.  The guy was obviously crazy, and they didn't want to stand between him and his vampire crusade.  Self preservation.

Someone should have still given him a boot to the head.


You both seem to miss the fact that assault against a man for reason of harming an animal is assualt nonetheless and not by any means justifiable.


you forgot the part where he's a dangerous maniac and they can claim self defense easily. Even if they couldn't, restraining the damn guy wouldn't be too much to ask.


This is a great discussion; we'll all know exactly what to do when we see a guy strangling a supposed vampire peacock. :3


Quoteyou forgot the part where he's a dangerous maniac and they can claim self defense easily

No, he attacked no people.  Self defense requires being attacked.


Aye, but how do you know he wouldn't have attacked anyone if he were provoked by, say, someone trying to restrain him?


Explain that to the police.  "Oh, but he was attacking a peacock, so I assaulted him".  Unless you encounter an animal loving judge, you're screwed.  Even if you did, you're pretty much neutralized.  Such is the law.


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on July 12, 2007, 04:01:26 AMAye, but how do you know he wouldn't have attacked anyone if he were provoked by, say, someone trying to restrain him?

Well, the law doesn't work like that.  You can't say, ``Well, if I had tried to talk him off the ledge, he might have thrown me down, so I was justified in shooting him.''

I'm don't think that the law works like Evil Richter says, either.  If you think you, or someone else, or someone else's property is in imminent danger, then you're probably allowed to take reasonable, non-lethal action against the person to prevent bodily harm from coming to (in this case) that peacock.  Trying to subdue the man would probably fall under this category.

Of course, you try doing that when you've got a crazy man in front of you who may be hopped up on some pain-numbing, muscle enhancing drug trying to kill a peacock because it's a vampire.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I'm not, by any means, suggesting anyone attempt anything being said, I'm just telling what could happen.