Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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Hold the phone a sec.


One of the MAJOR rules of roleplaying is that you DO NOT CONTROL ANOTHER PLAYER'S CHARACTER EVER

EDIT: I meant to bring this up sooner but I figured it probably wouldn't get out of hand, but I guess it did.

Also, the two of you should wait longer between posts so other people can respond and make any input. There are multiple players here. :< I mean sure if nobody else has replied for a couple of days go ahead, but don't bounce posts back and forth without anyone else being able to reply.

llearch n'n'daCorna

And here I thought you could... but only if you had cleared your request with the other player first.

That generally means pm'ing the other player, asking politely if you can do (x) with their character, reacting like (y).

Better safe than sorry, etc etc. The one time I've done it, I asked, got confirmation, and checked the responses I wanted to throw in with the char owner, before I made a post.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 09, 2007, 09:21:23 PM
And here I thought you could... but only if you had cleared your request with the other player first.

Right. Which would be the only exception in this case. If the other person's already given you the okay then it's fine. Whilst I note Kryptic/Baiye did say they'd have limited access, they didn't specifically give the go-ahead for anything. :B

In fact I did bring it up earlier;

Quote from: Arcalane on July 05, 2007, 12:57:43 AM
Tech; I also reccommend that you not play other people's characters, even for minor actions. Whilst some may allow it, others find it extremely rude.

What you can do is pass them something. What you can't do is dictate their response. Just as I can pass you a bread roll and you can choose to refuse it or take it, I can't FORCE you to take it. Well, I can try, but that would be irrational since I'm only offering you a bread roll. But you get the idea.


Also, being a forum, we can wait for responses if necessary (though Kryptic isn't due back for a couple of days yet). I also doubt that anything trying to monitor the comms would be so detectable as to be picked up so quickly, even with the Rebellion tech doing it's thing here.


Oh, friggedy. I missed all of this while I was posting in the IC. Ah well, if Kryptic or Azlan ask me, like I said in the IC, I will remove in an instant.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 08, 2007, 10:37:48 PM
It would be ironic if the Brotherhood is using psion to control the masses even as they claim that they are the enemy to all." says the Doctor
Um, Prof, are you saying that the Brotherhood proclaims themselves enemies psychics in addition to magic-users? Because that is incorrect.

Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM
--Being any form of psychic does not count as being a magic user, so that is allowed and most likely won't get you killed.  Psy power will also eventually even out with tech and magic levels.

Sorry, Sally was just making a generalized and is not authority with the Brotherhood policies.  If you call her on it she will say she maybe wrong



I agree completely with Arcalane, I do not appreciate "autos" of my characters.  I'm fairly capable of posting on my own, though maybe not as often as some.  I also am under the opinion that there is maybe one player character capable of being good enough to out hack Morgan and they have not posted recently.  Also, the dialog is not very "in-character" for Morgan either.

The post will need to be edited, and I must request some sanctions be put in place to prevent this from occurring again.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Allright. Just tell me what you want edited, and I'll do it.
Though, in my opinion, if it isn't done often, and is very minor, I don't see much problem with a very tiny amount of godmodding. I try my best not to, but sometimes it just can't be helped, if things are happening fast, the right people aren't around, and you just need one line said by another character.
If someone else were to use Jexx like that, and it was only rarely, I personaly wouldn't have cared less.
But that's just me.
My mom always used to tell me that I have no manners. :B


That is no excuse, even if things are happening fast, life prevents others from being glued to the forums.  This will not happen again, one player having issues is enough to cause it to stop, but the count is at two and in my books that would earn a warning to be followed with suspension and then an RP ban if the behavior does not correct itself.  I am, luckily for you, not in charge of that.

You will need to remove all auto'd actions from Morgan, if this leaves you hanging in an uncomfortable spot... that is too bad.  Please see that this does not happen again.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Alright, I'll edit. Though like I said, I don't care if someone else uses Jexx in that minor way. Which is why I only do it when I feel it is neccesary, and minor. Oh well.


Edited. Goddamnit, I had to remove almost the enitre post. Glorious. Couldn't you have just told me what Morgan would have said instead? *sigh* Everyone's a grumpy bear... Oh well.

lucas marcone

Quote from: Azlan on July 10, 2007, 12:34:23 AM my books ...

speaking of... could i grab a seat in the next one or something? i dont belive ive had the honor of an azlan rp.

lucas marcone

hay paladin alcohol and beer nuts are considered food.

Paladin Sheppard

lucas marcone


Ryudo!  What happened with this?

Quote from: Azlan on July 09, 2007, 05:57:33 PM
Morgan almost shivered at the grin and cheery tone, "This must be quite the place to live, everyone seems so happy, good natured and neighborly.  What's your secret?  Clean living?  Good diet?  Tai chi?" 


"Whatever it is, the rest of the world sure could use it."  Morgan lied, but as he did so, he immediately took air samples and examined the area with all spectrum of sensors from ultraviolet, infrared and errant electromagnetic signals or presence, aural signature of the chief.  He also scanned all sound ranges, from ultrasound through the highest ranges he could pick up.

The small contingent of nanites on the card proceeded to enter the chief and begin their analysis. 

OOC: all the scans are visible through the feed being sent back to base camp.  The nanites are fully functional and controlled by my internal processor unit.  They will attempt a cellular and chemical analysis.


Important note: My internet access may be limited until Saturday/Sunday because I will be flying out to Connecticut to help setup my company's new branch out there.  It will be a gruelling few days.  My hotel may or may not have internet access that is easily useable.  My laptop is running a Vista Build and I've been having problems between it and my wireless.  This will be my first trip with the new laptop.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Got it.  Your sensors wouldn't pick up the field, but the nanites are slightly affected by it.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!



Acting quickly, Morgan had cloned his presence, errected an artificial construct with a limited TTL, and rerouted his hacked datastream through it.  He placed this fascade over the local Brotherhood mainframe and cut all authoring traces.

If it is a Brotherhood security analyst, they will be surprised to find they've been hacking their own mainframe.  If it is another force not related to the two organizations, then the Brotherhood will be tipped off to them and they will learn not to hack randomly.
Umm, a little late for that, Azlan. Caffinated already got Omega in and out of your system, with the location of our camp and nothing else, before Morgan could do anything.

Ryudo Lee

That's going a bit far right there.  I think you and Azlan need to discuss what your systems capabilities are before you go assuming you can crack his without even trying.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Don't look at me, i said it was Caffy! Jeez!

Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


 Still barring the fact that Omega was in and out before Morgan could simply react. Add that to the fact that Omega never went directly into Morgan, Omega piggybacked on Morgan's boadcast for a tiny bit, then bugged off.
Add that to the simple fact that Azlan is just simply too late for this. :B

Ryudo Lee

I think that Morgan's systems are sufficient enough to detect and react against an AI piggybacking on his broadcast.  You just don't do something like "I do this, I get this, and get away before anyone can react".  That's rather rude and, IMHO, a form of powergaming.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Like I said earlier, I do not accept autos of my character and hacking my signal is considered an auto as far as I'm concerned.  If you steal a car and manage to evade discovery, that doesn't mean you now have the right to sell it back to the owner.  Caff made no attempt to coordinate with me, and as such I have no obligation to acknowledge it.

The only person who can arbitrarily make such a call is Ryudo and that is it.  It will be corrected or my next post will be along the lines of: 'A thought bomb, imbedded in the location data is triggered when he accesses it, wiping out all information and leaving him at square one yet again.'

I will only bend to Ryudo's will in this.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


To Ryudo: *sigh* I'm just going to do this;

The man took the clipboard, "Erm, ya, thank you."
<Omega, you ready to hijack the system?> He thought, sitting down.
<Wait, something's broadcasting information out of here.>
<Hm? Where is it coming from?>
<Third door on the right, someone might have discovered us.>
<Don't worry, I have a back-up plan.>
He took a pen out from his cloak and started to fill out the form. Suddenly, he stopped.
<Omega, tap into the outgoing signal, copy everything, I want to know if it's for reinforcements.>
<Got it.> And then a part of him was gone.

  Jexx was still monitoring information, and redirecting all pertinant data to Sally, when he started to get some weird readings from Morgan's broadcast. They were very subtle, virtually undetectable to the untrained eye, but Jexx's eye wasn't untrained. After looking at them for a moment, he recognized them.
  "SHIT!!!" Jexx swore at the top of his lungs. "Morgan! You're being hacked! Cut off your broadcast NOW!! Baiye, get in here!" He screamed, jumping out of the van at lighning speed, grabbing Baiye, pulled her back into the van, and sat here down in the main command conole chair. "We've got to get this hacker out of Morgan, and that's is your job, not mine. Work your magic." Jexx said, fidgeting nervously and bouncing slightly, seeming like he could barely contain bouncing right out of his skin.
  He watched as Baiye began to decode the hacker. Looking at the readings, he commented, "Doesn't look like it's the Brotherhood. If I didn't know better, I would say these readings are coming from an AI."

As Omega floated in cyberspace, she met up with a train of information
<Hmm... let's see... nope, not about reinforcements, test results? Hmm... not Brotherhood, I know that much...> She felt a tingle and turned around, <Hello? Hm, must be an abnormality. Ah! Got the destination!> She felt the tingle again, stronger, <Hmm... someone's trying to access me. Operation: Recon, Abort!>

<Ah, your back! And?>
<Could only get this: It's not for reinforcements, but I have the information's destination IP address.>
<Good job. Can you trace it?>
<Yup. It's on the radar.> she said bringing up the radar. Sure enough, a small green blip pinpointed the location.
"Ugh... my stomach!" The stranger yelled, as he ran out of the office dropped the clipboard with the blank form, and clenched his stomach.

  As Jexx, Baiye, and anyone else who heard Jexx a minute ago (which was everyone) were watching Baiye try to get the hacker out, the hacker's signal suddenly went dead. Everyone froze for a moment, then let out a held breath. "He's gone." Jexx said, stating the obvious. "I hope Morgan's all right."
I hope this makes things clear(er).

To Azlan:
And Azlan, basically the only way to change what has already happened without shooting continuity to hell is to completely remove eleven entire posts.

And you are completely screwing over the original direction of getting Gerald into the party. He needs our location, so he can head for it, where Jexx will ambush and cature him alive, and take him to our camp, introductions, explanations, blah blah blah.

And you are trying to sic the Brotherhood on him. How the hell is Gerald supposed to survive that to even get to our party?

*groan* I wish Caffy and all other relevant people were here, so we can hear what they have to say, because I am trying soooooo hard not to speak for them, but this is getting increasingly difficult...So far, all I've been doing is stating facts. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep that up...


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 10, 2007, 02:47:44 PM

To Azlan:
And Azlan, basically the only way to change what has already happened without shooting continuity to hell is to completely remove eleven entire posts.

And you are completely screwing over the original direction of getting Gerald into the party. He needs our location, so he can head for it, where Jexx will ambush and cature him alive, and take him to our camp, introductions, explanations, blah blah blah.

And you are trying to sic the Brotherhood on him. How the hell is Gerald supposed to survive that to even get to our party?

*groan* I wish Caffy and all other relevant people were here, so we can hear what they have to say, because I am trying soooooo hard not to speak for them, but this is getting increasingly difficult...So far, all I've been doing is stating facts. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep that up...

As I have already basically said, two wrongs do not make a right.  Just because the two of you posted stuff, that doesn't make it set in stone.

My argument is this, if you allow this to go, then you set a precedent that this is acceptable and just because a couple of players want to run off and game while everyone else is busy or gone, it is okay for them to post actions for them.  You may say minor, but eventually it will become more elaborate.  I say that posting for other characters is a no-no, no matter what a few say, because for those that do not allow it will be cut out of an entire scene.  If a player must go on hiatus for a short period of time, then I recommend only one person... the GM, Ryudo, should be allowed to make a ruling on what someone does.  This is mainly because I do not trust some player's judgement on things, as evidenced by the previous posts here and the conflict that has arisen.

So if that means that 11 posts get tanked... well, that is what the Abandoned Mine is for.

As for Caff's entrance, that should be worked out between Caff and Ryudo... not Caff and Tech, for the last I checked Tech was not in charge here.  the appropriate discliplining has not occurred for his actions in the past, and this is the result.  As a warning to Ryudo, this will continue to escalate until some sanctions are placed on him.

As for me "sending the brotherhood after Caff", my actions are completely within character.  If it was a Brotherhood troubleshooter, then he will be rather sheepish when he hacks his own mainframe, but if it was some independent, then that is bad for business.  We have a sensitive operation, and a wildcard introduced into it could jeopardize the whole mission and even the lives of the entire team.  The point is that Morgan has no way of knowing that this hack was from someone who would be a friend eventually, that is metagaming.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Three wrongs don't make a right, either.
And yet you have continued to post in the IC thread, even though you are fully aware of our continutiy problem. Talk about hipocrisy. I'm not one fool enough to compound an already existing problem. That's why I haven't posted ever since the 'godmodding' issue, I was waiting for that to blow over and for Kryptic to get back. But I've been holding off now because of this latest development. We aren't talking post editing anymore, we are talking post deletion. Probably of the entire 13th page, when all of this has started. Though scrapping and starting over is really sounding like a good idea, it will give others a chance to properly respond, i.e., Kryptic and Prof.


Keep wanking kid, I'm sure you will be schooled sooner or later.

My posting continues along the line that has no continuity problems, my interaction with the chief and the analysis has little to do with the Gerald/Morgan hacking conspiracy.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Except for simply adding to the number of posts that -might- need to be deleted, especially if it's the entire thirteenth page...


Wrong. The offending posts can be cut out without deleting anything after. Kind of like removing a tumour in someone's upper leg. You don't need to hack their entire leg off to do it - you can just take out the bad bits and leave the rest.

Also, stop arguing both of you, before you get this thing locked for impending drama.

Tech, you are hopelessly outgunned here. You're treading all over the damn rule I explained to you a few posts ago already as well. I'm going to reiterate this in a slightly more obvious manner;

"What you can do is pass them something. What you can't do is dictate their response."

You cannot 'force' Azlan's response here merely because he's not posting fast enough to keep up.


"Also, being a forum, we can wait for responses if necessary. Time is not of the essence and bulletposting back and forth does not set a situation in stone. That might roll in a realtime scenario/RP, but in a forum RP YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.
