Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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I'm hoping I'm not the only one confused... 

So, does Dorcan only have the ability to read minds/thoughts/whatever when he comes in contact with someone else with psi power? Like his system operates off their abilities? And because of that he can only read the minds of those with psi abilities?

Or is it just a latent ability that he can read minds/thoughts/whatever that's currently awakening?
Actually, I think Tapewolf and the rest of us are going to have to go with Dorcan not having any mental abvilities whatsoever. (Though I still think that's not right) Instead, we seem to be going with focused telepathy sets up a temporary link between the telepather and the subject. Emphasis on temporary. Like, without actual concious control, one-second temporary.

Tech I don't want to seem like I'm arguing or trying to put you in your place or anything like that but mate....I think you need to back off and let Ryudo make up his own data, it is his own RP after all not one run by Amber and is not  DMFA canon.
But Dorcan is not from Ryudo's world. That and I've already accepted Dorcan not having any of his own mind-powers anyway. So there is no problem anymore.

Ryudo Lee

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  Being a GM is akin to being a kindergarden teacher.  </lawl> :3

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna

tech, it doesn't -matter- if Dorcan is from anywhere that Ryudo made up.

Ryudo is the GM. His word is law.  End. Subject.

.. having said that, wild theorising follows:

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 02:05:50 PM
THOUGHT-reading, not mind reading! Of all people llearch!

It's a difference in scale, not significance, IMO. Mind-reading (a la Cubi deep reading) is something that involves being able to connect to their mind. Thought-reading requires the same basic connection, albeit with less effort to keep the flow going.

I'd say if you can't get thought-reading, you can't get mind-reading. And either way, what Jakob and Dorcan were trying to implement -was- mind-reading, not just thought-reading. I'd just take the latter as the first step towards the former, and figured that the first step was a doozy. If you can get thought, you can up the power and get the mind as well - it's just figuring out how to manage the thought connectivity, and how to connect that -back- to Dorcan's mechanical (mostly) mind, is the bit that's got them stumped.

I mean, come on. You've got a nigh-on invincible geek who's been alive for umpteen hundred years. He's got to have some -serious- inventiveness, and one heck of a lot of knowledge about all sorts of things. If he can't crack mind-reading in a week, then it's an -evil- problem, and it's going to take some time. *shrug*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, now that all of this is -hopefully- over, I apologize to everyone here for causing such a trivial delay in the RP. I'm sorry.

Ryudo Lee

Heated debate in a game is often times a healthy thing, in my own experience... so long as we don't start a debilitating flame war.

What I expect from you guys is to ask me questions about the world, and customize your characters to fit into the world that I've built.  Most of you have done a good job at this already.  I don't think I could possibly foresee every single little detail that you as players need to know.  Dorcan is from the DMFA universe, but he's built in such a way that it doesn't impose problems in this world, and that's fine.  But questions like who has what power and how do these powers work can and should be raised at any given time.

You should also keep in mind what your character is able to do.  If there's some confusion, be prepared to explain yourself.  If I need to limit you, as I have done previously here, I will.  If I don't see that a character is too powerful or a particular ability is going overboard, then it's up to the player to be able to say "this is what my character can do" and the rest of you need to accept that and have your characters work with that character. 

Arguing the fine points of mind-reading versus thought-reading isn't really helping, but it does serve a purpose, somewhat.  That purpose would be to provoke thought and possibly refinement of the abilities.  I certainly won't stop you if you need to fine-tune your abilities, just so long as it's not overpowering.

Also consider that, as Tape mentioned, the magic in this world may not be compatible with Furrae's magic, and that may hold true.  That's still up in the air for me, since really, the subject hasn't truly come up.

That being said, I am always open for suggestions.  I consider pretty much everything that's been said to me in regards to plot or NPC behaviour.  Even the things that llearch has said, I've actually put thought into.  I'm not going to rule-nazi you guys on your own abilities.  I will limit you since we're still early in the game, but those limits will eventually go away, that I will guarantee you.  This is, after all, a free-form RP.

And to give everyone fair warning, there may be times like it may seem like I'm railroading you.  I tend to do that, having come from a background of mostly console RPG's. :3  So if it seems like I'm pushing you through a particular plot segment, then it's because it's important to the plot and I need you to sit through it and not steamroll my villains.  Kinda like a cutscene, ya know?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Editing note: I have adjusted the character description of Morgan to correctly reflect auditory enhancements, range limitations for existing psychic abilities and document his aura perception and the mind shield abilities which seem to have been missing.

Added: detailed explanation of the Cybernetic Tactical Computer (CTC). 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 22, 2007, 04:37:19 PM
Even the things that llearch has said, I've actually put thought into.

I'd like to think I've put some thought into them, too.

Admittedly some of it is off-the-cuff amusement value, but anything longer than that, I -do- think about before posting. Often times, I'll review the entire post and remove various sentences to make my point clearer and more succinct...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 03:37:28 PM
Tech I don't want to seem like I'm arguing or trying to put you in your place or anything like that but mate....I think you need to back off and let Ryudo make up his own data, it is his own RP after all not one run by Amber and is not  DMFA canon.
But Dorcan is not from Ryudo's world. That and I've already accepted Dorcan not having any of his own mind-powers anyway. So there is no problem anymore.

Not to prolong the argument at all, but just because two worlds seem identical on the surface doesn't mean they follow the same rules. For example, D&D and a Medieval d20 system. :B

Things don't always work the same when you start hopping dimensions/worlds/universes/whatever.

Pay no attention to the Orz behind the curtain.


Lemme say that again...



To PBH, Sally didn't 'hear' Jexx? I put it in my post that she did, because, even though the one-second mental link was between Jexx and Dorcan, I figured that her natural telepathic empathy would allow her to 'overhear' it, especially with the intensity of what was going on. While even though she wasn't in the link, she probably wouldn't have heard precicely what was being thought, I figured she could get the general gist.

and to Ryudo, on a post a little bit back that i missed,
Jeez tech, getting a little hostile are we?
you have to remeber that Jexx is slightly paranoid and mildly psychotic. You'd be that way too, if you woke up one day in some underground complex with absolutely no memories whatsoever, machines for limbs, and strange people in scary robes standing around you. That and Jexx was a bit suspicious when Dorcan requested a private examination, but his suspicion skyrocketed when Dorcan went in a little nervous, but then came out an unusually short time later just fine, and Dr. Joywaves looking shaken up.
The doctor panicked and lost composure as she let him out.
Damn it, he thought.  The others will notice that.
But that is really what I built off of.


Quote from: Arcalane on June 22, 2007, 08:41:40 PM
Lemme say that again...


Yeah - um... Please? I can understand if you got it wrong once or twice, but it's consistent. I'm not mad or anything, far from it - I'd jusHunnydew?t like to remind you that it is Baiye. Pronounced like Bay - not as in Brain, but as in "San Francisco Bay" or maybe "E-Bay ". Alternatively, you could pronounce it "BAY-yuh", but whatever.

I just want to make sure that it's down pat. Baiye.  ;)


and pulls out a vile of fluid and pressure shot-gun.  "I can give you a anti-pregnancy shot good for six months, if you need it.  Unless you are pregnant, now."
An anti-pregnancy shot?  :erk :erk :erk :erk o_0? What does Sally possibly think Baiye is going to need that for? Does Sally think Baiye's gonna get captured and raped by the Brotherhod or something?  :yuck

Prof B Hunnydew

Sorry If I misspelled it.

ANd the doctor does look Shocked and afraid but it is not Dorcan, but no one knows it is not him, right now.


Edit:  This is a doodle of this Exam with Baiye,  But I thought Baiye was a dog...So don't sue.  And I am not so cute.


No worries, PBH. I've been in tighter situations with my characters. I think even despite of this moment, Baiye will like the good Doc. We girls must stick together.

And my usual character is a dog (Audacity) so you're not too far off the mark.  ~_^

Gid's a dog - but he's a four-footed sort with no human attributes save the AI and his voice.

I wanna try my hand at doodling the scene too. I think it shall be recorded for posterity. It's somewhat reminiscent of Dr. Ink, IMO. *ponders*


Victor grimaced as Doc Sally gave him the news about his implants. "I'm gonna kill that brotherhood puke if I see him again, I paid for top of the line gear and I get second hand junk!" He thanked her and left.
Umm, Paladin, do you mean the Brotherhood of the Machine, or the 'Black' Brotherhood you mentioned in your character profile? Because if it's the Brotherhood of the Machine, that can't be right. They don't get involved in commercial business, and even if that were so, he'd never be able to tell who sold him what, or find said person gaian, because BrotherhoodOTM memebers never take off their face masks.

Paladin Sheppard

Tech hes a merc who as been neurtral in this fight so far and therefor had some contacts in the Dark Brotherhood he had assumed the implants he had gotten were decent parts. And for him saying if he found the guy again is just him thinking out loud and frustrated, he knows he'd probably not find him.


Err, ok.... It's still going to sound mighty weird and suspicious to the charcters, though.


"Stop, hey, what's that sound?  Everybody look what's goin' down..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


You can't play the "staying neutral" card here without getting a lot of odd looks and making everyone distrust you a lot, I don't think, Pal. Since he's admitted doing paid work for the Brotherhood, I doubt anybody is about to trust him. :P

They probably gave you duff implants on purpose anyway. If you don't get yourself killed on an op, eventually the implants will wipe you and then you won't be able to "talk". >:3


You can't play the "staying neutral" card here without getting a lot of odd looks and making everyone distrust you a lot, I don't think, Pal. Since he's admitted doing paid work for the Brotherhood, I doubt anybody is about to trust him.
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines as well, but I think i made Jexx go back to normal too easily. Oh well.


says the Doc   As she hands the list of spare parts she will need of Victor to Mia
Heh heh, PBH, Mia's already in the supply room, getting the stuff everyone else asked for. :P Sally is gonna have to scurry off to Mia to give her the list. :raspberry


Should Dorcan interpret Baiye's lack of response as a snub, or should he suddenly turn away from the map to see that she's on the other side of the room?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


ACK! Oh I totally missed that - Between Baiye's embarrassment with the Pregnancy shot, poking around in Exo, and now the new deal with Victor, I accidentally missed your post, Tapewolf.

Thousand apologies. I'll go edit accordingly.  :animesweat


Quote from: Kryptic on June 23, 2007, 03:04:34 PM
ACK! Oh I totally missed that - Between Baiye's embarrassment with the Pregnancy shot, poking around in Exo, and now the new deal with Victor, I accidentally missed your post, Tapewolf.
Thousand apologies. I'll go edit accordingly.  :animesweat

No problem - I wanted to know if it was intentional before reacting, though :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Tis fixed. >,< And it all works in so no one else should have to edit.


I'm thinking of knocking 100 years off Dorcan's age if no-one objects.  Either way, he didn't take any driving lessons when he was at SAIA.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I certainly don't object. It's not my character, and I learned my lesson well last time.


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 23, 2007, 03:27:57 PM
I'm thinking of knocking 100 years off Dorcan's age if no-one objects.  Either way, he didn't take any driving lessons when he was at SAIA.

I certainly don't care. 

I should have a driving class at the SAIA, that is a good idea.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Can't be worse than American driver's ed.


Quote from: Azlan on June 23, 2007, 03:43:24 PM
I should have a driving class at the SAIA, that is a good idea.

Yes.  Indeed, they would be a good idea for the modern incubus since if you're going to impersonate someone with your shapeshifting abilities, you'll be kind of stuck if they are supposed to drive to work each day.  I'm leaving it open as to whether there ARE lessons.  It's also possible that they came and went - all vehicles could well be automated by the time he came out of the Academy.

Does Ryudo's world (we need a name for it!) have self-driven vehicles?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I would almost guess that Ryudo's world does have self driving vehicles, his call on that of course.  I mean, we have self-driving vehicles now... or am I not supposed to talk about that yet?  Oh well, if there are no press releases about them yet, please don't quote me on that.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"