Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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Just a minor edit to Dorcan's speech to Sally, to drop in the fact that he was alive once.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Really sorry guys about my lack of activity...Thanks Ryudo for letting me stay. I guess Victor is staying at the base camp for the moment but if PBH wants to give him a physical I'll play for a bit as I have a net conection for a while.


I though Joywaves already took care of Victor's physical...


Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:04:21 PM
I though Joywaves already took care of Victor's physical...

I can't find any post refering to it...can you point it out if you can?


Hmm. Just checked myself, I was mistaken.

Mr. Phoenix will have to be told of course, but I don't want the others to know that I'm an android yet."  He sighed.
Tapewooooolf, what an anticlimax! Just out with it like that?  :<


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:17:35 PM
Tapewooooolf, what an anticlimax! Just out with it like that?  :<

I've been thinking it over for several days and basically that's how I saw Dorcan handling it.  It would have been more entertaining to let Sally find out the hard way, I'll admit, although the fact that Dorcan goes in all nervous with Sally cool as ice, and then comes out calm with Sally shaken makes up for it IMHO.  >:3

This isn't the end of Dorcan's paranoia, mind.  There's still the possibility that the Rebels would take him for a Brotherhood spy of some kind, especially given Project Fusion, so he's not going to admit it to all and sundry.  He hasn't even quite decided whether to admit it to Baiye or not...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 22, 2007, 12:33:51 PM
and then comes out calm with Sally shaken makes up for it IMHO.  >:3
And just FYI, someone has noticed that...  >:3

Ryudo Lee

I don't think that the rebels are going to think that Dorcan is a Brotherhood spy, since the whole teleportation thing was witnessed by a credible rebel spy in the Brotherhood tower.

Jeez tech, getting a little hostile are we?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


But Dorcan may not think that way.  >:3
I'm fairly sure Tapewolf thought of it, but that is out of character. Bringing it into the game is metagaming. >:3 >:3


QuoteWhat Jexx didn't realize is that Dorcan actually heard his thoughts.

I don't think Dorcan realised it either.   >:3
He doesn't have that ability anymore - with Sally it looks like she was pumping her thoughts into him, if I understand PBH's commentary correctly, so unless Jexx has the same kind of ability (I'll check it in a moment) it wouldn't work...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Well this is the OOC thread after all.  Speaking of, how does one go about changing the title of a thread?  I'd like to change the title of this thread from "Call for interest" to "OOC Thread".

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 22, 2007, 12:50:30 PM
Well this is the OOC thread after all.  Speaking of, how does one go about changing the title of a thread?  I'd like to change the title of this thread from "Call for interest" to "OOC Thread".
Edit the Subject of the original post.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Yes, I just figured that out.  I'm a dummy.  Thanks.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I don't think Dorcan realised it either.   
He doesn't have that ability anymore - with Sally it looks like she was pumping her thoughts into him, if I understand PBH's commentary correctly, so unless Jexx has the same kind of ability (I'll check it in a moment) it wouldn't work

Aw crap, i thought that BASIC thought-reading would have been MUST when Jakob designed an android-Cubi. I mean, come on. A Cubi, even an android one, that can't even read thoughts? Wtf man?  :0 How could Jakob live with himself, allowing something like that? Reading surface thoughts and emotions is one of the most fundamental abilities of the Cubi! A Cubi wihtout even thought-reading is like... a light bulb without electricity! It's nothing!

Ryudo Lee

But he lost all his abilities when he died.  He's mentioned that several times.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   But in the 'Future History' they had been working on several technological replacements for rudimentry abilities. The mindshield and hiding headwings were two of them. If they could technify something as simple mind-shield, i thought they would have at least done the same with something as rudimentry as thought-reading.

EDIT: aw crap, Tapewolf's not online anymore. he was just on minutes ago! I want to wait for Tapwolf's final word before I decide to remove or keep that small part of my post.

EDIT EDIT: Tapewolf, when you read this. I think I remeber you just recently saying how far into the 'future history' timeline you want it to be when Dorcan gets stuck in this dimention. I've got an idea. make it just far enough that Jakob has found a way to somewhat replicate the thought-and-emothion reading ability. What Dorcan is able to sense is limited to the most intense thought or emotion in the immediate vicinity. That way, Dorcan will be able to hear what Jexx just thought. Sound good?


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:53:25 PMCubi wihtout even thought-reading is like... a light bulb without electricity! It's nothing!

Not really. It's just a 'Cubi lacking one of their most common abilities. Just because it's lacking that ability doesn't make it a useless article. :P


I didn't say useless, per se, I said nothing. Without electricity, there is no lightbulb, or, in other words, it is not a lightbulb. To me, the same holds true with Cubi and thought-reading. If there is no thought-reading, there is no Cubi, or, in other words, it is not a Cubi.


Quote from: Arcalane on June 22, 2007, 12:04:54 PM
As a note, guys, it's Baiye, not Braiye. :rolleyes

Thank you. >,<

It's pronounced just like "Bay", if that's any help. ^^

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:58:40 PM
   But in the 'Future History' they had been working on several technological replacements for rudimentry abilities. The mindshield and hiding headwings were two of them. If they could technify something as simple mind-shield, i thought they would have at least done the same with something as rudimentry as thought-reading.

From reading that, I'd say mind-defense is easy - you just set up an interference with -everything- incoming.

Mind-reading is a lot more tricky, because at the very least, you want to not wipe the mind of the person you're attempting to read, because that would be murder.

I can see Jakob (and, hence, Dorcan and everyone else working with him) being a) very careful about this particular thing, and b) having a few other tasks to keep them occupied in the intervening period.

From what Tape said earlier, he's pondering, but has not yet reached a decision about, if Jakob & Dorcan made a fix to the basic design to enable mind reading.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


THOUGHT-reading, not mind reading! Of all people llearch!


Essentially the same. If you're reading someone's mind, you're reading what they're thinking. If you're reading what they're thinking, you're essentially reading their mind.

Take in mind that these are things that cannot really be mechanically read or duplicated.

For example; Exo's thoughts cannot be read by 'Cubi or whatever, because he doesn't actively think like you meatsacks do. There are no brainwaves. Instead, there's ones and zeroes and so on. Plug into him with monitoring hardware and software, then bypass the security measures and you might get an idea of what he's thinking. But good luck keeping up. ;)

Not quite quantum processing, but getting there.

However, I would expect mind reading to be deeper and allow reading memories as well.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:58:40 PM
I've got an idea. make it just far enough that Jakob has found a way to somewhat replicate the thought-and-emothion reading ability. What Dorcan is able to sense is limited to the most intense thought or emotion in the immediate vicinity. That way, Dorcan will be able to hear what Jexx just thought. Sound good?

As Llearch says, I've been pondering it.  I'm a little reluctant to retrofit it to him at this stage as most of his interactions have been based on him being helpless and confused and it would kind of break nearly everything I've done so far.

If they do make a fix, it will likely be magical, like the mind-shield charm and I've been acting on the assumption that Furrae magic isn't quite compatible with magic in this realm - which actually means that Jakob himself will get sick if he enters it because the magic in his metabolism won't work properly if he enters.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 02:05:50 PM
THOUGHT-reading, not mind reading! Of all people llearch!

Beings can cast spells to prevent their thoughts being read.  I don't think thought-reading spells exist in the conventional sense.  Dorcan is equipped with a mind-shield spell similar to those used by Pegasus et al in the Wedding arc, cast on Dan by Fa'Lina and on Jyrras by Abel.

What might be a better fix would be to have Jexx a latent telepath whose abilities are starting to awaken.  Alternatively we could assume that Dorcan contains some experimental circuitry intended to give him some kind of thought-reading ability which as written off as a failed experiment but left in.  We'd have to figure out why it's started to come online.
Finally we could say that he has somehow gained the ability to read thoughts since he arrived - or since Sally touched him - and invent some reason for it later  :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


There is a difference only in the depth one is reading.  I do not like to use my own character as an example, but Morgan can only read surface thoughts, essentially the working RAM of the human mind.  If we were both standing in a room and I was to break the silence and say "banana", you might picture the actual fruit or in your immediate thought process think: "waht is this idiot talking about?" or some such.

Deeper reading involves breaking ino memories and the long term storage areas of the brain, this is where the classic mind readers pull information about a person's history, secrets and the like.  Such information can be brought into the "RAM", but it usually requires that one trigger the desired memory with suggestions, keywords and the like.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


*sigh* thought-reading and mind reading are two. Different. Things. Read the Cubi mind-abilities min-arc.

Jexx having latent telepathic abilities? Hmm, he already has hiddem magic... aw what the hell I'll add it in.

But I did just realize something. If Dorcan could here Jexx's thoughts (thanks to the new invented telepathy ability for Jexx :P) Then Sally must have heard it too!

Ok. I will edit my post accordingly.
New additions; Jexx has extreamly minor psi power tied to his hidden magic. Sally heard Jexx too.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 03:16:37 PM
*sigh* thought-reading and mind reading are two. Different. Things. Read the Cubi mind-abilities min-arc.
I'm a little confused at who that was aimed at.

QuoteJexx having latent telepathic abilities? Hmm, he already has hiddem magic... aw what the hell I'll add it in.  But I did just realize something. If Dorcan could here Jexx's thoughts (thanks to the new invented telepathy ability for Jexx :P) Then Sally must have heard it too!

I'm thinking it's more directional.  e.g. Sally reads Dorcan's thoughts and he can read hers while the link is active.  Jexx looks at Dorcan and inadvertantly creates a mental link to him.  That would mean that only the two people involved would 'hear' each other.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I figured that Sally's empathy was less focused than that. Even if that is so, and Jexx only set up a momentary metal link between Jexx and Dorcan, due to the intensity of the feeling, I'm sure Sally would at least 'overhear' it.

*sigh* thought-reading and mind-reading are two. Different. Things. Read the Cubi mind-abilities min-arc.
I'm a little confused at who that was aimed at.
Everyone who suggested they were the same. And Fa'Lina herself is backing me up. You. Just. Don't. Argue. with. Fa'Lina.  :P :P :P


I'm hoping I'm not the only one confused...  :mowdizzy

So, does Dorcan only have the ability to read minds/thoughts/whatever when he comes in contact with someone else with psi power? Like his system operates off their abilities? And because of that he can only read the minds of those with psi abilities?

Or is it just a latent ability that he can read minds/thoughts/whatever that's currently awakening?

Paladin Sheppard

Tech I don't want to seem like I'm arguing or trying to put you in your place or anything like that but mate....I think you need to back off and let Ryudo make up his own data, it is his own RP after all not one run by Amber and is not  DMFA canon. And I'd apreate not comenting on peoples posts/lack of.