What would you be?

Started by Metal Juggernaut, May 22, 2007, 11:52:05 AM

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Xuzaf D

It is an interesting subject that anyone can talk about.

...Also, each of my tentacles will carry death weapons.


When I was playing Dofus, I played as a shield/tank/buffer thing.

Metal Juggernaut

Quote from: RJ on May 26, 2007, 10:40:57 PM
When I was playing Dofus, I played as a shield/tank/buffer thing.

Erm...whats Dofus?Never heard of it before.

Xuzaf D

Another random free MMORPG out there that looks a lot like the thirty or so others people have mentioned here.


I'd probobly be a samurai of some type and definatly a ronin that way i can go wherever ,as long as i can survive. That or a shape shifter lots of fun with shape shifters.


Aristotle style element manipulation caster.  Fire, water, earth, wind, and with electricity thrown in. 

That or shape-shifting.  And not the pansy kind like Mystique or dull like morph into animal.  I'd choose that for versatility.  Need speed?  Morph some muscle into your legs and heart, sacrifice excess weight in other parts of the body.   


It might be neat to be a FF Tactics-style Geomancer. I'm a fan of magic that uses the surroundings instead of just being summoned out of nowhere.

My ideal class hasn't really been in any game I've played, though.
/kicks the internet over