My theory on Abel's femininity

Started by wussycat, May 19, 2007, 09:11:33 AM

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A lot of people have assumed that Abel is feminine because he's gay, but I have a theory that's less obvious and more interesting.

I believe Abel is subconsciously acting more like his mother so he can feel closer to her and distance himself from his father.

What do you think?

Faerie Alex

I think this is a common theme among Amber's male cast. Such as this example.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Abel just wants to be like Devin. Except...less dead.

Oh dear.


Quote from: rabid_fox on May 19, 2007, 09:29:00 AM

Abel just wants to be like Devin. Except...less dead.

Though of course we're only assuming the latter ;)


Oh, I do so hope Devin's still alive. Though...with the...pain and bleeding and glazed eyes and whatnot...well.

Oh dear.


Don't worry, you can just write a fanfiction in which your character swoops in and saves them at the last second! Hooray!


It'd end up being the Abel's Arch version of "Misery", featuring Devin as the patient.

Oh dear.


Abel acts feminine because he looks smashing in a skirt.


/kicks the internet over


Abel acts Feminie because he's me in a past life...

You have to reincarnate several times to reach this level of gayness


"Paging Dr. Freud, Paging Dr. Freud..."


I personally don't see anything pointing to what this thread assumes...

And no, TGH, you seem to have misplaced the (modern) definition of gay.


Bah!  Abel's not feminie, he's manly!  All that sniping and grousing is very masculine if you ask me.  ~Physically~ Abel's pretty androgynous but he was like that back here:

(At which point, I might ad, I was worried it would turn out that this was Jailbait Abelcake which would cause me to have to take lots and lots of extremely cold showers...)

But I basically think of Abel as having some very physically androgynous features (sexy curvy hips, shapely back, pretty hair... mmm... 'scuse me..) and a snitty verbal edge which people tend to construe as feminine but which is really a classic "jerky boy" behavior, induced by long centuries trying to avoid getting close to people so he won't be hurt when he loses them.

Of course if it turns out that Devin escaped alive, and Abel lived out a long, yaoi-packed few decades with him a la Highlander during which he picked up many of his mannerisms, I would certainly not complain.

Nope, not one bit.


doesn't amber draw everyone that way?


Quote from: Wussycat on May 19, 2007, 09:11:33 AM
I believe Abel is subconsciously acting more like his mother so he can feel closer to her and distance himself from his father.

And him being gay means he subconsciously wants to bang his dad!


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 19, 2007, 03:47:23 PM
I personally don't see anything pointing to what this thread assumes...

And no, TGH, you seem to have misplaced the (modern) definition of gay.

sorry I'm a bit confused about what your saying there hon


Then forget it. It wasn't really important.


Maybe... someone can be gay and not like the color pink, being a queen, frilly things, starbucks, lisps, girly screeching... Maybe someone can enjoy those things and not be gay.

Eh, maybe not.


Quote from: Netami on May 19, 2007, 06:23:21 PM
Maybe... someone can be gay and not like the color pink, being a queen, frilly things, starbucks, lisps, girly screeching... Maybe someone can enjoy those things and not be gay.

Eh, maybe not.

ohh of course Abel doesn't do any of that... set the skirt wearing and girly screams

and neither do I ... cept maybe for the pink

the whole thing was in fun... jeeze and then some one comes along all serous like and has to wreak it


Well I dont have much but I know we will find out soon or later


Quote from: thegayhare on May 19, 2007, 06:58:06 PM
Quote from: Netami on May 19, 2007, 06:23:21 PM
Maybe... someone can be gay and not like the color pink, being a queen, frilly things, starbucks, lisps, girly screeching... Maybe someone can enjoy those things and not be gay.

Eh, maybe not.

ohh of course Abel doesn't do any of that... set the skirt wearing and girly screams

and neither do I ... cept maybe for the pink

the whole thing was in fun... jeeze and then some one comes along all serous like and has to wreak it

Didn't you use to work as a butcher? Like all stereotypical gay men. D:


Bah, skirts are just as manly as anything else. He probably wears it because its a turn on for his prey(he is an incubus). >:3


RJ demands a picture of a body-builder!Abel.


Quote from: RJ on May 19, 2007, 09:09:56 PM
RJ demands a picture of a body-builder!Abel.

Ignore her! Stygian demands a picture of gymnast-Abel! Female and male!



I demand hair-dresser Abel! CONFORM TO STEREOTYPES!!!


I demand a picture of body-builder!RJ.


I demand Cake

moist and tastey cake


Quote from: thegayhare on May 19, 2007, 10:04:47 PM
I demand Cake

moist and tastey cake
But you're the one who makes cake!
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly



I'm still waiting for my god damn cake.