Starcraft 2

Started by fakelike, May 19, 2007, 02:40:29 AM

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Jim Halisstrad

I'm going to be spending a lot of time over at my friends houses when this game comes out.

"Need a light?"


Seems like the service smells of the battlefield with many of random Zerg like moments X3

Metal Juggernaut

OOHH!!I cant wait for it to come out.

SC 1 was awesome despite how old it is,then they popped out brood FINALLY  they're coming out with a sequal almost a decade later...they had better not have replaced my precious BC's....I love them :P


Take this from someone who is actually a part of the official Starcraft.Org community, we are FREAKING OUT over this! After ten long years, Blizzard has finally retured to save us from the depths of hell!


i'm pretty sure being without a starcraft sequel is NOT that bad.


Quote from: Drake Manaweilder on May 21, 2007, 07:56:29 PM
Quote from: Vidar on May 21, 2007, 03:18:19 PM
What kind of system do you have anyway? Maybe you can upgrade by the time the game comes out. It's only just been anounced, so you should have quite some time to save up for a proper machine. Also, the longer you wait, the more performance you can buy for your money.

Lets see here... It's a Dell, 71.4 GB of harddrive space and the "System Properties" says:
Micrsoft windows XP Home edition 2002
Intel Celeron CPU 3.06GHz 504 MB of RAM

Can't find anything about the sound/vid cards though... but I know it lags a bit on CnC Generals if I have all the effects on.

...I hate it when I haven't a clue what I'm talking about...

Your video-card is something on-board, and eats 8MB of ram from the main memory, is slow, and most likely made by Intel for the sole purpose of being cheap to produce and displaying your desktop.

Upgrade the RAM to about 2GB and upgrade the video-card to something descent (modern mid-budget geforce or radeon should yield a significant increase in game performance), and you should be able to run most modern games with reasonable results. (eg. No more lag in CnC Generals).

I have no idea what Starcraft 2 will run on, so I can't guarantee that it will run on your computer.
You might want to start saving now, and upgrade when SC2 is out in the shops.

Sound card isn't really important, as long as it makes noise (unless you are an audiophile).

\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 22, 2007, 11:08:41 AM
i'm pretty sure being without a starcraft sequel is NOT that bad.
The you have NOT seen a real SC fan before. We have always despised Blizz for pilling all their attention on pretty-boys Warcraft and Diablo... We hate our rich, pampered brothers with a vengance, for we have been cast out on the street and in the cold, watching them get all the love, and it has been that way for ten long years. BUT WE ARE REJOICING! OUR HOURS OF SUFFERING ARE NEAR AN END! OUR SALVATION IS NIGH! We will finally march out of the darkenss and back into the world with our heads held high!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Counting your chickens before they hatch, much?
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Metal Juggernaut

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 22, 2007, 06:17:10 PM
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 22, 2007, 11:08:41 AM
i'm pretty sure being without a starcraft sequel is NOT that bad.
The you have NOT seen a real SC fan before. We have always despised Blizz for pilling all their attention on pretty-boys Warcraft and Diablo... We hate our rich, pampered brothers with a vengance, for we have been cast out on the street and in the cold, watching them get all the love, and it has been that way for ten long years. BUT WE ARE REJOICING! OUR HOURS OF SUFFERING ARE NEAR AN END! OUR SALVATION IS NIGH! We will finally march out of the darkenss and back into the world with our heads held high!

GLORY TO THE SC!!!!May its rule reach into the unknown!!!!MY LIFE FOR AIUR!!


Quote from: Metal Juggernaut on May 22, 2007, 06:46:12 PM
GLORY TO THE SC!!!!May its rule reach into the unknown!!!!MY LIFE FOR AIUR!!

Ah! A true fellow StarCraft Brother! Greetings, friend! But you are outside of the comfort and protection of the StarCraft.Org community! Go there, and you will find your kin!
(unless you already have an account there, I wouldn't know, but if that is the case, then what a coincidence! Greetings and salutations, Bother Crafter!)


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 22, 2007, 06:17:10 PM
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 22, 2007, 11:08:41 AM
i'm pretty sure being without a starcraft sequel is NOT that bad.
The you have NOT seen a real SC fan before. We have always despised Blizz for pilling all their attention on pretty-boys Warcraft and Diablo... We hate our rich, pampered brothers with a vengance, for we have been cast out on the street and in the cold, watching them get all the love, and it has been that way for ten long years. BUT WE ARE REJOICING! OUR HOURS OF SUFFERING ARE NEAR AN END! OUR SALVATION IS NIGH! We will finally march out of the darkenss and back into the world with our heads held high!
Diablo? Getting attention? Get your facts straight or don't say anything. Complaining about things that aren't happening is dumb. Really.


Its great and all that they are finally returning to Starcraft, but really this is probably just going to lead up to another expansion then another MMOrpg, like how Warcraft III led to the TFT then to WoW. They practically got South Korea in their back pocket with this one and in the interests of lining their pockets I doubt they are gonna let it slip by.

I'll buy the game, and let gameplay and story decide whether this is the work of the Blizzard I remember, and not the work of the guys on WoW.  :shifty


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 22, 2007, 11:39:12 PM
Diablo? Getting attention? Get your facts straight or don't say anything. Complaining about things that aren't happening is dumb. Really.
Diablo has gotten more attention than StarCraft. If you don't belive me, check what Blizz has made for each beyond the originals. If you are lazy, let me recap:

WarCraft: 2 full sequels, numerous expansion packs, and a freaking MMORPG.
Diablo: One complete sequel, at least one expansion pack for both the original and number 2.

StarCraft: One single stinking expansion.

Get YOUR facts straight Soulfire. Diablo has more than SC, even if it is nowhere near what Warcraft has. That is what I meant.

...gods dammit, I went belligerent again. My apologies ahead of time. Lemme rephrase; It actually really isn't Diablo at all, I just felt it was worthy of mention. I did not put any special emphasis on it, but maybe I sould have for WarCraft to avoid confusion...again... as you seem to do with so many of my posts. That is why the last time this happendd, I started spelling out everything I said. Which complelty ruined the humor for anything funny I was trying to say. I don't want to have to go back to that, it isn't fun at all.


Yyyeah. Well, Diablo has one measly sequel, for a game that has little replay value beyond playing another character and attacking more things in much the same way as ever. I'm not even sure if D2 has many, if at all, books with stories based on the world. I'm pretty sure starcraft has tons of those. Warcraft would be the ONLY series out of blizzard to really make a mess of things in terms of equality. Let's go over that right now, and see what Bliz has been doing all these years...

Warcraft II
Warcraft II expansion
Warcraft II Edition
Warcraft III
Warcraft III expansion
World of Warcraft

And of course, all Warcraft books. Seems like they've spent a whole lot of time on their first successful series. Well... maybe second. They don't even whisper of The Lost Vikings anymore, and it seems as if they never wanted a sequel to Blackthorne. Even I can't remember all the classics.

Reese Tora

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 23, 2007, 01:48:53 AM
Yyyeah. Well, Diablo has one measly sequel, for a game that has little replay value beyond playing another character and attacking more things in much the same way as ever. I'm not even sure if D2 has many, if at all, books with stories based on the world. I'm pretty sure starcraft has tons of those. Warcraft would be the ONLY series out of blizzard to really make a mess of things in terms of equality. Let's go over that right now, and see what Bliz has been doing all these years...

Warcraft II
Warcraft II expansion
Warcraft II Edition
Warcraft III
Warcraft III expansion
World of Warcraft

And of course, all Warcraft books. Seems like they've spent a whole lot of time on their first successful series. Well... maybe second. They don't even whisper of The Lost Vikings anymore, and it seems as if they never wanted a sequel to Blackthorne. Even I can't remember all the classics.


Diablo: Hellfire (produced by a third party, admitedly)
Diablo II
Diablo II: LoD
WoW (which cribbed many of it's classes and abilities from Diablo and/or Diablo II)

There was also a line of Diablo books

Still not on par with Warcraft, but a bit more impressive than you made it out to be.

Both Warcraft and Diablo also had 3rd ed. D&D books/settings from them, though the Warcraft one did better, IMO.
(The Diablo one was to recreate the game in D&D, the Warcraft one was an entire setting based around WoW, but using more material from the RTSs)

I have a feeling that the fans are hyping themselves up, though, and are going to have thier expectations too high when SCII comes out.  Starcraft was, at root, a sci-fi version of Warcraft, and very similar to WCII in terms of play.  I hope that I'm wrong, but I think that SCII may end up being very similar to WCIII.

*is borne off to be burned at the stake by rabid SC fans for first reminding them of the other games' success and then expressing doubts about the awesomeness that will be SCII*

Atleast I didn't mention Starcraft:Ghost... awwww C***
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The Diablo expansion was ONE extra act and not a whole lot else. WoW may have stolen elements from Diablo but isn't a diablo title, nor can you even compare it. There were diablo books, but I'm taking a good guess that there were plenty more for either warcraft or starcraft, take your pick.

Reese Tora

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 23, 2007, 04:03:18 AM
The Diablo expansion was ONE extra act and not a whole lot else. WoW may have stolen elements from Diablo but isn't a diablo title, nor can you even compare it. There were diablo books, but I'm taking a good guess that there were plenty more for either warcraft or starcraft, take your pick.

I'll not dispute that with you, it was only one act, but the scope of that one act, plus the additions to gameplay aside from it, are more than on par with the average content of an RTS expansion.

My point was, though, that the amount of work put into the Diablo franchise, and work derived from it, is not so insignificant as you made it out to be.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation