Big whoop: Sony makes another idiotic mistake and then attempts to cover up.

Started by Aridas, April 29, 2007, 05:56:23 AM

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A really really long URL

It's all there, folks. Some of you probably are already aware, but hey.

((edit: linked the URL so it doesn't mess the window up. -- llearch ))
edit: I should have probably done this in the VG section, but I figured that it was more about what sony did than what they did it for that mattered in this case.

Amber Williams

Honestly, I have a hard time raising a hissy fit over it.  It was an adult party and promotion (and I mean geez, there were topless servant girls even.  Its obvious its playing to the old-skool Greek debauchery).  People are acting like they just dropped down and did this in the middle of a crowded mall.


That's because it's cool to hate Sony. Seriously, it's what all the cool kids are doing.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 29, 2007, 08:28:25 AM
That's because it's cool to hate Sony. Seriously, it's what all the cool kids are doing.
If I wrote a trojan that infected millions of computers with a backdoor that couldn't be removed without destroying the Windows installation, they'd throw away the key.  Deliberately releasing a CD which does that as a normal business decision is a perfectly valid and justifiable reason to dislike them immensely.  The other stuff is pretty much small beans and I couldn't care less.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

in an attempt to keep this topic from straying off course, i agree with amber on this one. god of war is an M rated game and this obviously was intended for adults. besides thay arn't doing what the greeks have already done. and who is to say that goat was a real (perviously) live goat anyway? that article was pretty biased. the best news comes from indiffrent parties.

Amber Williams

I will give them the benifet of the doubt that it was a real goat.  Though I've been to a few pig roasts and other various animal cook-offs where people had gone out the day or two before to pick the animals they were going to eat themselves. 

And really...I like animals...and I can realize some people are going to be really yicked by the gimmick aspect...but it still was used for food in some way.  Granted it wasn't displayed in a very respectable manner, but as long as they killed it swiftly and with mercy, I dont think its going to care how its carcass is being displayed.


QuoteSickening images of the party have appeared in the company's official PlayStation magazine – but after being contacted by The Mail on Sunday, Sony issued an apology for the gruesome stunt and promised to recall the entire print run.

lol, dead goats in ur magazines

edit: also, I wasn't paying attention... so here's another snippet.
QuoteWe have reproduced the spread – headlined Sony's Greek Orgy – here, but have pixellated the image to spare readers the sight of the goat's decapitated head hanging by a thread of tissue from its corpse, with blood dripping to the floor.

But the magazine's readers were shown the picture in its full horror.

The article, based on a Sony Press release, shows more vivid pictures from the event under headlines such as Topless Girls! and Flesh Eating?

It asks readers how far they would go to get hold of Sony's next-generation console, the PlayStation 3.

"How about eating still warm intestines uncoiled from the carcass of a freshly slaughtered goat? At the party to celebrate God Of War II's European release, members of the Press were invited to do just that . . ."



And in the middle east today, normal families were invited to do just the same to goats in celebration of every damn day over there.

Sensationalist 'tards! It's no worse than some of the horrors that occur in this country. It's cool and it's greek and GoW deserves such an interesting party.



Either way, it's still sony doing something people had some kind of reason to take a fit about, and they're busy passing the blame around.

Amber Williams

Yes. Because Sony is a single individual who is solely responsible for everything that is involved from product creation, development, and marketing...and not a variety of people and administration levels amidst a large international company where the potential for misunderstandings and communication problems can occur.


And it IS the higher-ups responsibility to be in the know about these things, isn't it? even if not, the people making the bad decisions for sony are still representing the company.


let us bask in the vague-ness of the previous post.......

Okay now, as an American, I've got to say that people have a right to choose how they wish to live (so long as their way of life doesn't interfere with another person's right to choose).

The party itself, theres nothing wrong with it (see above).  Putting the images in a magazine?  Nothing wrong there, I mean I've seen worse scenes in news footage with HUMAN carcases.

In fact, the only reason sony would recall the image is because it might hurt sales due to people not having any logical processes in their brain.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

lucas marcone


lucas marcone

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 12:21:21 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on April 29, 2007, 12:13:04 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 09:50:06 AM
But, but... BLOOD IS ICKY! :<

so you play E rated games only then?

I ONLY PLAY NEOPETS. Visit my store and donate, thx :3

Yeesh, Blood is blood. really now . . . . on the scale of gore, blood's pretty tame.

Course, being a woman helps in that regard.  :3


It'd just a goat, I still trust Sony. Fooyah to all of you non-believers.

lucas marcone

but what's with the whole console wars anyway? can't any one see the positive aspect in all consoles? the closeminded people who are elitist wether it be for Xbox360 Wii or even PS3 are all fools. i mean im a fanboy of the playstation it has been my platform of choice since sega kicked the bucket but come on! even i can clearly see the fun in halo, and the novelty of the Wii!


lucas marcone

it seems to me that you harbor a strong.....shall we say....dislike for sony. this got me thinking of the wars


Oh, I dunno, maybe that's because I HAVE VALID REASONS? Sony's been doing nothing but screwing up in recent months, and seeing slews of new sony battery recalls just about monthly isn't about to get me worshipping them like you expect me to.


remember the good ol' days when something died in the video games and it stayed dead, all that remained was a pool of blood as the body magically disappeared... Is that what the Whiners were expecting to happen with the goat?
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 29, 2007, 02:54:41 PM
remember the good ol' days when something died in the video games and it stayed dead, all that remained was a pool of blood as the body magically disappeared... Is that what the Whiners were expecting to happen with the goat?

No, they wanted the blood to dissapear too and the meat to be magically cut up and put in plastic containers, ready for cooking in a kitchen of stainless steel.

You've got wonder, what are they (those who complain) worried about? It wasn't that many generations ago that kids here were taught how to slaughter cattle themselves.
This generic comment was brought to you by:

Amber Williams

Dude Ari.  I'm not a Sony fan myself and even I can sort of see the snideness when you comment about Sony and such.  The title alone is basically a "Sony sucks" flashing red sign.   

Yeah, Sony hasn't been exactly stellar and I'd be willing to bet a good chunk of the people here aren't expecting anyone to suck off the company.  But getting all defensive when someone calls you out for having a hate-boner for Sony isn't gonna matter. 

So there was a marketing flub in regards to PR.  It happens.  I fail to see how it can really be chalked up to product failures.  Its not like the guys in game promotionals are working the factory lines.  If you hate the fact a product is being suckytastic, then do so.  But piling on the "Rawr! Sony iz teh failz!" for things that have barely any relation other than the company behind it is being snitty.

And I note that the article never even mentioned exactly when and how the goat was killed.  If they did it just before and were humane about the method, then how they handle the corpse shouldn't be such an issue.  Getting all gory on a dead thing is morbid yes, but in some ways not moreso than what probably goes on in a meat processing plant.  Now if they painfully killed the goat, I could see issues.  But so far all I've read is people going "oh was graphic and gory and my sensibilities are traumatiiiiized."



It's all the Greeks' fault!  If they weren't performing heathen rituals all the time we wouldn't have these problems! 

Still, I do have to wonder why people who make games these days seem to be getting off on making them as grotesque as they can get away with.  Must be all snuff-loving furries working there... F%$&ing furries!    :B

Needs more vore...  >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: Alondro on April 29, 2007, 04:50:50 PM
It's all the Greeks' fault!  If they weren't performing heathen rituals all the time we wouldn't have these problems! 

Still, I do have to wonder why people who make games these days seem to be getting off on making them as grotesque as they can get away with.  Must be all snuff-loving furries working there... F%$&ing furries!    :B

Needs more vore...  >:3

Vore is one thing. Vore while your food is masturbating is quite another.

(Thank you FurAffinity . . .)


*stares at the goat* ... *reads about the bit where people ate from its still-warm stomach* ...

Hey, isn't Kutaragi retiring in June?


Quote from: RJ on April 29, 2007, 08:13:31 PM
*stares at the goat* ... *reads about the bit where people ate from its still-warm stomach* ...

Hey, isn't Kutaragi retiring in June?

Maybe there starving :<