Wastelands, Bunker C-17 [IC]

Started by Arcalane, April 04, 2007, 06:05:28 AM

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Dr. Nick, for lack of a better term, exhaled, "Unless anyone here has a terminal dust allergy, and I'm assuming they don't, we're in the clear. Well Terra, you heard the man. To the QM and Mess tech storage!" Dr. Nick posed dramatically, pointing in an unspecific direction meant to indicate "Onward!" Gradually, the hand swung back down to his side.
"Erm... Where's the QM and Mess tech storage?"


Servers are...

"Servers offline. Critical data structure error in Bank 36A, possibly result of EMP shock." echoes the console "Servers will require hard reboot and time to complete a standard diagnostic and maintenance cycle, should startup be in order. Otherwise, all other data is intact."

Jo has maps of the base, or at least decent enough ones for this kind of installation, enough to navigate around the main structures. The console also appears to have a 3d view/map of the installation as well.


Spork takes a look outside over the sholders of the others, he then turns to Johanna

"Johanna could you please open the gate so that Terra can pilot our vehicle inside the safty of the compound, the rest of us may as well hitch a lift to the buildings over there." He gestures towards the control center.
"I would presume that to be the entrance to the facility proper."

"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"Done." Johanna replies. The grinding of not so well oiled machinery could be heard as the gates slowly opened.

Here is a decent map of this place, Nickolas. It would be good if someone else but me had it. Johanna sent to Nick together with the map and some points of intrest.
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Paladin Sheppard

Still standing by the inner door the courtyard Ephrael looked over to Jo. "Anywhere you want me Jo?"


"Madam, you are divine," Dr. Nick gave a low, formal bow in Jo's direction, "C'mon, Terra. I have the maps." And with that, he on his way back outside to the truck, figuring they'd head for the mess first. After all, it was even called a mess, so it was unlikely he could leave it any further disarrayed with his inexperience and Terra's civilianity.


"I need you to close and lock the door when we leave this room. Make sure it's locked good so we won't get any visitors before we get this place online." Johanna said to Ephrael.

Johanna looked at Nick as he walked out. She had preferred to get to the generator and the servers first but they were not in a hurry at the moment.
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Paladin Sheppard

"Ok Jo!" Ephrael said happily as she walked back to the front door and looked at the inside lock. "I think I can do that."


"Right, lets go then"

Spork heads outside to the truck, and takes up his usual position in the hatch.
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"Alright get that vehicle in the gates and close them up for now.  Then relocate to the primary command center.  Let's get the generator, then servers up.  Those assigned to these tasks, lets get moving.  Everyone else check stores as I've suggested for the consumables."

Caden headed out the door and towards the main area of the base.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Johanna added some new strings of codes to the console, mainly removing and adding access levels and upgrading the firewall. She then closed the gate after the truck had passed through and disconnected herself from the console so she could follow Caden and the others.
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The inside lock is fairly simple, and easy enough to secure. Unfortunately... reprogramming interior lock (1d20=2) - oops. On the one hand, the door's quite securely shut. On the other hand it probably won't be opening again without serious maintenance. Ephrael pulls her hand back just in time - Reflex (1d20=9) - to avoid getting electrified fingers.


Jo successfully pulls it off - Modifying the Console (1d20=12) - the modifications should hold if anyone gets too nosey or tries to break the firewall.


With the truck inside the courtyard and the gate closed, business can continue as normal. The main base door opens willingly, the lobby abandoned, papers scattered on the floor and chairs knocked over. The entire facility is eeriely quiet, like an abandoned hospital or factory - very reminiscent of old movies. Thick coloured lines on the wall have words printed on them in Fahlberg Military text - complex looking but easy to interpret. A red line leads off to the left, marked "Generator", as does another orange line marked "Defense Control". Three lines lead off to the right - a green "Barracks" marker, a blue "Mess Hall" marker, and a black "Communications Control" marker. A door on the far wall is half-open, and records indicate there's a small office there - probably nothing of note. The computer at the main lobby desk occasionally sputters and hisses, it's screen displaying a wall of static.


Assuming Nick and Terra make their way to the Mess Hall, it is indeed a Mess. An absolute tip, in fact. Drink cans, cups, wrappers and trays are lying all over the place. A faint humming comes from behind the serving counter, the fridges still running on their own shielded power supplies, and a large board above the counter proclaims that the soup of the day is tomato.


Caden follows the red line off to the left, he intends to check out the generator to see how it has faired.  He uses the light on his gun to illuminate his way, otherwise he keeps the gun pointed forward, tracking the area visually like a good little soldier boy.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

"Eeep!" Ephrael squeaks as the lock spits some sparks. "Sorry Jo I don't think this door will be opened again.."

"Where to now you think?"


"Mmm... Tomato..." Dr. Nick says, happily rubbing his hands together, "Well, this place would give the food and health board a heart attack or two," he kicked a few cans and piles of trash out of his way as he slowly made it to the fridges, "Let's see if anything's still good."


Spork follows the green line towards the barracks, in the rush of evacuation some stuff might have been left behind.
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Johanna wasn't really intrested in food so she followed Caden towards the generator.
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Red Corridor - Jo, Caden

The red corridor is fairly normal, the left wall a row of reinforced glass windows looking outside, and office doors down the right wall. Most of the offices are empty or a scattered mess. The generator access is a little further along the hall, behind a large blast door.


Mess-tech - Nick, Terra

Surprisingly, most of the food is still good - if you could call Fahlberger military rations "good". Which they were, in most cases. Decently good taste and you could live off one bar for a week or so. There are also several bottles of chilled energy drinks and assorted carbonated and alcoholic beverages, as well as frozen food, suitable for frying or cooking. Practically a feast compared to standard bunker rations!


Barracks - Spork

The barracks are just as much a mess as mess-tech. The main room is lined with lockers and has several double-bunk beds, each with footlockers. Bedsheets and pillows are strewn everywhere, as well as some hastily discarded bedclothes. Most of the lockers are shut, though a few swing open, and the electronic locks seem to have been fried.


Caden approaches the blast door and examines the access panel.

If it is openable, Caden does so, otherwise he motions to Jo, "can you check this out?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Spork searches the open lockers for useful items, before moving on to the locked ones, he attempts to break them open with his hands and any simple tools he may acquire easily from the surroundings.
If required to, he makes use of a bed sheet to carry the loot so as not to make more than one trip if he finds alot.
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Blast Door

The access panel seems relatively intact, if grimy, and the blast door itself seems to be covered in a thin layer of dust. Like the main door it seems to want some kind of access code - no doubt 20 digits long in Fahlberger code with at LEAST a second layer of security behind it.

Fortunately, it has an access port below the keyboard.


Very little is still usable - there are some old Fahlberger base duty uniforms, distinctive black with silver trim. The closed lockers crack open fairly easily - especially as Spork is designed with superior manipulative strength in mind. Many of them contain more uniforms, though some have an assortment of power cells, and a few mid-caliber kinetic handguns in the lockers of obviously lower ranking officers. Another locker with a distinctive red stripe down the center refuses to open, almost daring anyone to attempt to crack it open with something a bit bigger. It might take a bit of luck to get it open.


Spork collects the weapons and ammo together, he then considers the red striped locker for a microsecond. After this period of consideration spork procedes to examine its locking mechanism.
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Johanna rolls up next to Caden. This panel would probably be much harder to hack than the console.

"Can you connect me?" Johanna asked Caden. Hopefully, they could get the wireless networks up soon. Then she wouldn't have to ask others to connect her all the time.
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Caden nods and takes the jack, inserting it into the port.

"good to go."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

While the others had all gone inside Ephrael decided to hang around outside till someone need her.

Walking over to the truck she decided to climb to the top and have a look around.


The food's still good. Terra and I'll see about getting some back to the truck. The others set themselves on fire yet? the medbot sent to Jo. Nick saw to gathering up the various rations, prioritizing them by nutritional value, "Terra, don't suppose you could be a dear and not mention the booze to the rest of the gang? I've a sneaking suspicion that letting them get their hands on stuff that's this old would violate my programming."


Not yet. Johanna replied to Nick.
She began testing the security of the panel by using codes and handshake protocols that she had picked up from the gate control. Once she knew what type of security there was she began booting up her hacking programs.
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