Hey, Jorge!

Started by Destina Faroda, January 12, 2006, 12:32:17 AM

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Destina Faroda

I was going to throw you a surprise party but it looks like your loved ones beat me to it.

La familia de Jorge Fuentes...

I didn't know your family was that big!  Happy Birthday, you old goat.
Sig coming...whenever...


This is today isn't it? HB.


Uh...... is this a birthday thread or something? O.o

If so, his birthday is the 12th. What the hell is up with these early happy birthday threads? They're beating me all to it!

Jorge D. Fuentes

I don't know any of the people in that picture.
I don't know if I should be amused or insulted at the Goat Picture.  It is rather humorous, heh heh...

Thanks, people.


Actually, technically speaking she posted this on January 12th, at 12:30 in the morning. The forum is just set to CST.

So, technically, it wasn't early. It was on time.


Bah! Stoopid time zones.


Jorge D. Fuentes

Xuzaf D

Yeah! Happy birthday to the satan like image I see in the first post...

Jorge D. Fuentes



Happy birthday(to late) i was trying to contact you in the CVdungeon forums yesterday,but you not are here, and today i found you in some topic of inverted CV dungeon and well Feliz cumpleaƱos! or happy Birthday!
"more older,more anger"
and tell me:when is the weding?,not, realy is a joke. :januscat
to:goat boy