I literally just stumbled in.

Started by Malicious, March 03, 2007, 10:38:32 AM

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Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 03:22:58 PM
Oh wow, that sounds so groovy.  What sort of music do ya make?

I don't really have a fixed style, although neo-prog is what I'm generally aiming for.  I take a lot of inspiration from webcomics.

The thread is here:, but these are some of my current favourites:

http://www.dougtheeagle.com/stuff/wendigo3.mp3 - Operation Wendigo (from Turnsky's Foxfire comic)

http://www.jpmorris.force9.co.uk/music/xssjpm5.mp3 - Princes of the Dreams (a cover of Xss' song about DMFA)

http://www.dougtheeagle.com/adatpf/adatpf10.mp3 - Sacred Jaguar (12 minutes, 13 megabytes)
..the thread doesn't have much of my earlier stuff on it, so I may have to add some.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Welcome, Malicious!  As the newest member of the welcoming committee (I think), I must warn you about syringe-wielding kittens named Christina.  Well, okay, there's only one, but watch out for her, or you'll regret it!

In case you're wondering, I'm pretty sure its mandatory for all members of the welcoming committee to warn newcomers about something.

If you roleplay, you'll probably see me hanging around the Haunted Ballroom.  Look for the dragon- and prehistoric-creature-based characters, amoung others.  And keep in mind what I said about Christina.  Well, see you around!  *scampers off*


Oh Kittens don't sound so bad, I'm sure I'll- wait SYRINGES?!
And yeah, I'm coming to expect warnings but funnily enough, the more warnings I'm getting, the more drawn in I'm becoming.

I had a goosey at the RP forum and it looks awesome, I'd love to take part in one so I had a look at the rules, rules aside, I've never done it before and have absolutely NO idea what the heck I'm supposed to do.

If theres anyone who's experienced at it I'd really appreciate some advice for a newbie.


Hello random internet user. (what, you expect me to say something more interesting? FORGET IT!)


Welcome my freind....So I hear you like the cubi eh...Well I am sure some are lurking around here..Just watch yourself now...:veryevil

Amber Williams

 :bigsword  Well would you look at the time!~

Welcome.  I'm one of the guilties responsible for bringing this madcap group of nutballs together into one gathering place.  Hope you enjoy your stay and have a good time.  We're mostly harmless.


Heh, thanks guys I'll take your word for it.  And yeah, the cubi's are.. aheh.. well their fur is cute and everything else is in the right place if ya know what I mean. *wink*

Those RP's make a really good read, I just realised an hour has past since I started!  They look so much fun, how d'ya take part in one?... and well, how do you do "it" in the first place?


Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 05:37:24 PM
Heh, thanks guys I'll take your word for it.  And yeah, the cubi's are.. aheh.. well their fur is cute and everything else is in the right place if ya know what I mean. *wink*
Oh no...

QuoteThose RP's make a really good read, I just realised an hour has past since I started!  They look so much fun, how d'ya take part in one?... and well, how do you do "it" in the first place?
Well frankly, 'Furrae Chronicles' is my first go at taking part in one, and I'm more-or-less winging it.  However, it is based on Gareeku's fanfic of the same name (which inspired me to start writing - originally filler chapters for when he was busy, later my own story).

I guess all you really need is a reasonable imagination and decent writing skills.  Taking part in the FCRP really helped me flesh out my character.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 05:37:24 PM
Heh, thanks guys I'll take your word for it.  And yeah, the cubi's are.. aheh.. well their fur is cute and everything else is in the right place if ya know what I mean. *wink*

Those RP's make a really good read, I just realised an hour has past since I started!  They look so much fun, how d'ya take part in one?... and well, how do you do "it" in the first place?
Post in the OOC or calling for interest thread stating that you'd like to join, post the information on the character you plan on using, and wait for it to be accepted.

As for how to, think of it as writing with a lot of coauthors. You get one character, you folow the rules, etc.


Quote from: Boogeyman on March 03, 2007, 06:20:41 PM
Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 05:37:24 PM
Heh, thanks guys I'll take your word for it.  And yeah, the cubi's are.. aheh.. well their fur is cute and everything else is in the right place if ya know what I mean. *wink*

Those RP's make a really good read, I just realised an hour has past since I started!  They look so much fun, how d'ya take part in one?... and well, how do you do "it" in the first place?
Post in the OOC or calling for interest thread stating that you'd like to join, post the information on the character you plan on using, and wait for it to be accepted.

As for how to, think of it as writing with a lot of coauthors. You get one character, you folow the rules, etc.

Thanks man, could ya link me to one o these threads? I'm kinda lost.


Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 05:37:24 PM
Those RP's make a really good read, I just realised an hour has past since I started!  They look so much fun, how d'ya take part in one?... and well, how do you do "it" in the first place?

I consider myself a decent roleplayer, so I'm going to try to offer you a few tips, and hope they end up being more helpful than annoying. :animesweat

Start with a good and interesting character, obviously.  If you're already a writer/roleplayer, I might suggest altering existing characters for certain roleplays rather than making up all-new ones.  I find that characters become much more interesting after you've been developing them for a while.  While you can crank out a decent character in a few minutes, the ones that are really fun to play (and to read about) usually take a few months to really fine-tune.

Never be afraid to be too detailed.  Describe your characters appearance in all the detail you can think of, describe their thoughts, actions, the setting, everything.  Stuff tends to be more interesting to read when the reader has a really clear view of what's going on; that, and nobody likes a one-liner.  Of course, you can also be over-descriptive, but I don't see that happen nearly as often as its opposite.

Avoid the three deadly sins of roleplaying; where I'm from, they call 'em godmoding, powerplaying, and metagaming, but I think they may have different terms on this forum.

Basically, godmoding means controlling another players character, or in any way denying them from having a choice in what happens to their character.  Players should always have a chance to have their character avoid something, especially if their characters would be able to avoid it.  And if someone avoids /everything/, or dodges something that they shouldn't be able to, they are commiting the next sin; powerplaying.

Powerplaying is when you create a character who is just ridiculously powerful/invincible/perfect.  This ranges from characters that nobody else can land a hit on, to characters who can take unrealistic amounts of punishment without flinching, to characters who are so attractive that every living thing in a twenty mile radius swoons when they enter the area.  This varies from roleplay to roleplay; a character who would be considered ridiculously powerful in a no-magic world might be just right for a highly magical world.  But, always have a few character flaws on the back burner, just in case.

Metagaming is when your character knows stuff that you, the player, know, but that the character has no good reason to know.  Sometimes its easy to forget what your character does or doesn't know, and that's fine; just don't do it on purpose.

That's all I can think of.  Hope it helped!


I'll keep that in mind, thanks buddy.

Gotta be honest with ya though, as silly as it sounds, I'm a tad nervous about the whole shebang.  I don't wanna annoy the experienced guys with my newbie questions or worse still, try to join in and do something stupid and ruin it for everyone!


Don't worry. The worst that can happen is Styg trying to kill you. And he's in Sweden! It'll take OVER A DAY before he hunts you down and drags you into a back alley and slits your throat and removes your spleen and smashes your skull in.  ;)


Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 07:47:00 PM
I'll keep that in mind, thanks buddy.

Gotta be honest with ya though, as silly as it sounds, I'm a tad nervous about the whole shebang.  I don't wanna annoy the experienced guys with my newbie questions or worse still, try to join in and do something stupid and ruin it for everyone!

Don't be too nervous.  As long as you're trying, and not just goofing around, that's all most people ask for.  Don't be scared to ask questions; everyone's new to roleplaying at some point, so I'm sure nobody's going to point and laugh at you.  And reading what's been going on in the roleplay before you enter should be enough to keep any misunderstandings from happening.

And, um, sorry if it was my tips that scared you.  Roleplaying really isn't as strict as I sometimes have a tendency to make it sound.


S'ok, check the Castle thread! Styg approved me and let me make my first post! Hope its okay though.

Don't worry about making it sound scary, I scared myself mostly, being new and not knowing anyone an all that.

EDIT : About that, Its like, 1am here and I might not last much longer, is it okay to have to be AFK to sleep or do I have to let someone know?


No, now that you're in an RP you can never sleep again! :mwaha


Best put the kettle on eh?

Woop, looks like I'm gonna have to run, I think its 3am now. Can't see the clock what for the dark an all. I'll be sure to y'know, not sleep.


I've read your roleplay posts so far, and you have no reason at all to be nervous.  I've seen veteran roleplayers much worse than you.



I swear to you that yes, I have.  I used to roleplay on Neopets, if that means anything to you.  So yes, yes I have seen supposedly veteran roleplayers who were waaaaaaay worse than you.  *looks for an eye-twitch emote but can't find one*



Oh!  I never noticed that his eye twitched before!  I thought he was just blinking.  I feel really dumb now.

Jim Halisstrad

Wooo I'm late to the party.

Hey new person *waves*


Hai experienced person. *waves back*

Tiny crested flint

I'm late also but don't worry, I'm not that important. :>

You seem like a pretty cool guy and we'll likely get allong great.  However, I must at this point state that it is I who is the bigger noob. :3 

ummmmmmmm......what the!?! It's cool that there's been all this RP talk and junk but how come no one has said anything about the arena? :U  I like it the best. It's a bunch of (like it says) mindless games that often provide a good laugh.

Ya'll probably don't care since I'm this late and annoying anyways and I don't expect you too.  The most important thing to do is IGNORE ME‼

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Density D. on March 05, 2007, 05:24:07 PM
ummmmmmmm......what the!?! It's cool that there's been all this RP talk and junk but how come no one has said anything about the arena? :U  I like it the best. It's a bunch of (like it says) mindless games that often provide a good laugh.

"fresh meat" posts get some leeway on RP. It's the only exception.

Play nicely. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Heheh. Ran across you in the Castle RP, and thought you were doing a great job, so I decided to drop by and give you an official welcome since your topic was still active.

Name's KBJ, which stands for Keaton the Black Jackal, as my title plainly displays. I've been RPing since I was thirteen, writing since I was ten (at least on paper), and drawing since I was tapdancing on my mother's uterus. I sincerely hope you enjoy the RPs, the insanity, the people, the emoticons, have fun, and avoid the box--I'm looking at you Llearch--like the #%&^ing plague.

Since there's not really anything left to say, I shall dance for you.


~Keaton the Black Jackal

llearch n'n'daCorna

Why is everyone so paranoid around me?

I mean, it's not like I'm evil or something, is it?

I even shower, every other month....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


It's 'cause you're a good mod, and everyone fears the good mods.  Must be why Bill's so easy to get along with. ;)


Can it for to be ban time now pleeez?  :<