I literally just stumbled in.

Started by Malicious, March 03, 2007, 10:38:32 AM

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Goodness, Getting lost on Google, I've stumbled upon your forum, so if you'll have me, this looks a really cool place to get lost in.
           I'm kinda new to.. well everything and... cubi?  Whats a cubi?


First dibs on the newbie! :) It's rare for me to get in first...

Welcome to the forum! Let's see... a cubi is... well, you can find all you need to know here: http://missmab.com/demonology.php

Anyway, please accept this big basket of special muffins I baked! Hope your time here is a bang :3

*scampers away* :rj

llearch n'n'daCorna


I'm curious. What on earth were you searching for in google that we came up?

Oh, and hiya! Welcome to our little corner of the Internet. Mind your feet, leave your sanity outside the door, make sure to keep your claim ticket, but don't expect it to be there when you get back. Watch out for anyone who tells you to watch out for something, they're not to be trusted. Have a coffee mug, it's on the house, here's a ladder so you can go fetch it.

Oh, and watch out for the muffins.

*dons hard hat, skips away into a bunker on the other side of the planet*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I really want the muffins, but I really want to beware the muffins, how conflicting...

The coffee is awesome... awesome!

What do I do now I'm here? I hope there is.. uh, isn't a ceremony involving being tied naked to a lampost covered in whipped cream..
Oh bachelor parties, what fun.

Lovely to meet y'all.


By the time you see the muffins, it's too late. Sorry.


Welcome, Malicious! Come on in, relax, join in the conversation, perhaps indulge in a little RP...kiss your sanity good-bye...

Anyways, it's nice to meet you!


Lucky Charms, they're tragically malicious! :3



Hey! Cubi's are cute, pretty... uh, pretty as well.
I'd love to join you guys, thanks for such a warm welcome.

...um, whats "RP"?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Role Playing.

Don't do it outside the Haunted Ballroom, though. The admins get grumpy.

... well.. grumpiER, I guess. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I think this might be the first person we've ever got who hasn't read any of the comics. Fascinating. Somebody get the dissection kit, I know we have one.

Jokes aside, welcome to the party. Beware of chibi dragons, enjoy the RPs, the conversation... Don't enjoy the muffins though. That'd just be odd, and we have quite a bit of oddness around here. Running out of space to keep it, and all that.


Quote from: Boogeyman on March 03, 2007, 12:55:29 PM
I think this might be the first person we've ever got who hasn't read any of the comics. Fascinating. Somebody get the dissection kit, I know we have one.

Dissection? Charlatan. This requires a lot more delicate study. First, we'll remove his brain and the primary part of his spine. I will want to see the routing of those signals, besides for the brain activity. Then, we can get to work on the rest of the nervous system. Don't know what to do with the rest of the body though. You can play with it if you're a good boy.

Ah... wait. I think I'm forgetting something. Oh, right!

Welcome, Malicious. Needless to say, I am not doing it because I am your namesake. It's all in the name of science.


Quote from: Stygian on March 03, 2007, 01:19:11 PM
Quote from: Boogeyman on March 03, 2007, 12:55:29 PM
I think this might be the first person we've ever got who hasn't read any of the comics. Fascinating. Somebody get the dissection kit, I know we have one.

Dissection? Charlatan. This requires a lot more delicate study. First, we'll remove his brain and the primary part of his spine. I will want to see the routing of those signals, besides for the brain activity. Then, we can get to work on the rest of the nervous system. Don't know what to do with the rest of the body though. You can play with it if you're a good boy.

Ah... wait. I think I'm forgetting something. Oh, right!

Welcome, Malicious. Needless to say, I am not doing it because I am your namesake. It's all in the name of science.

My body? But thats where I keep my delicious nutrients and juices!
Plus I need it for... stuff.
        I guess I can find out what role playing is and how to do it by lookin' around more.  thanks for the warm welcome, and no, not warm like my insides.


Quote from: Boogeyman on March 03, 2007, 12:55:29 PM
I think this might be the first person we've ever got who hasn't read any of the comics.

I remember when this happened back on The Nice... the person involved spammed the old DMFA forum with random threads.  Manawolf's wrath was awesome to behold.  That's unlikely to happen this time, unless you do anything foolish :P

Like Llearch, I'm curious as to what brought you here if it wasn't DMFA or Darkmoon's comic.  I hope it works out though.

Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 01:25:19 PM
I guess I can find out what role playing is and how to do it by lookin' around more.  thanks for the warm welcome, and no, not warm like my insides.

Well there seem to be various styles - most of them seem to run like stories, where each player posts a few paragraphs of text, but I think there are some more hardcore ones where they actually keep count of health points and stuff.

Basically, if you watch the 'Haunted Ballroom' section, you'll get the hang of how it works.  Generally there are two threads, the actual game and a control thread [OOC] where the game is discussed.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ah don't worry, I won't cause trouble, I'll voyeur and keep an unoffensive stance upon everything I see.  RP does sound pretty cool though, I'll try it when I feel confident enough.
              Anything else I should look out for?


Lets, see...

Bill, exploding muffins, talking boxes, chibi dragons, Mab's brownies, stay out of the shadows, and I think avoiding the Boogeyman is common sense.


Speaking of common sense, avoid that too.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2007, 01:39:33 PM
Quote from: Boogeyman on March 03, 2007, 12:55:29 PM
I think this might be the first person we've ever got who hasn't read any of the comics.

I remember when this happened back on The Nice... the person involved spammed the old DMFA forum with random threads.  Manawolf's wrath was awesome to behold.  That's unlikely to happen this time, unless you do anything foolish :P

Also, here we have rather closer control over what goes on - it's not just Amber who can clean up stuff, so it's not just on her head when someone goes nuts. Since we have rather more moderators (6) floating around, we can share the load, share the stress of keeping on top of things, and we can also mute people who -really- step out of line, quickly, if we have to. Unlike on the Nice, where apparently it took the Admins weeks to respond - no disrespect to them, I'm sure they had lots of things to deal with, given the number of forums they were responsible for.

And, of course, the admins here don't care if everyone hates them. That helps a lot :-) (Hi, Darkmoon!)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hate is Darkmoon's source of energy. The more you bitch, the stronger he gets.  :dface


Quote from: Stygian on March 03, 2007, 01:19:11 PM
Quote from: Boogeyman on March 03, 2007, 12:55:29 PM
I think this might be the first person we've ever got who hasn't read any of the comics. Fascinating. Somebody get the dissection kit, I know we have one.

Dissection? Charlatan. This requires a lot more delicate study. First, we'll remove his brain and the primary part of his spine. I will want to see the routing of those signals, besides for the brain activity. Then, we can get to work on the rest of the nervous system. Don't know what to do with the rest of the body though. You can play with it if you're a good boy.
And how do you propose to remove such organs without a dissection kit? Just reach into his mouth and grab the first thing you find? Try if you like, the results are bound to be more interesting than informative. Besides, the neural system is bound to be a tad strange on the basis that he's sane. I propose we examine his optic systems. After all, how would the eyes of one not adapted to use in high quality webcomic or forum roleplay be configured? You fiddle with your brains all you like, I propose that we find something more useful. Brains, while interesting, attract little funding.

Oh, don't mind us.


Heya, Malicious!
Welcome to the forums, My name's Miaka, and, uh..... I'unno.

Only useful warning I can think of is to beware of the forum artists....
We tend to be kinda weird in  the head.
But then again, so's everybody else.....

*tosses an acorn* Have a standard newbie-gift.


I salute you newcomer, fear the power of box

My name is Wolf.. Aiyno wolf
Shaken stirred I dun care.


Not the face! Not the face!
I'll look out for "chibi" dragons, whatever they are.
Thanks for the acorn, I'll uh.. save it for later.
You're an artist? Groovy~  I'm a graphic design student, kinda like art being that theres a lot of illustration, photoshop and fireworks ya know.
You'll have to show me where I can see all the art, if Boogeyman doesn't remove my eyes before then.


Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on March 03, 2007, 02:24:56 PM
I salute you newcomer, fear the power of box

My name is Wolf.. Aiyno wolf
Shaken stirred I dun care.

I'll salute you back, my short time in the military was good for something other than mindless violence after all!
      I'd pour you a drink if I knew much about alcohol, or how to make a James Bond drink.


Greetings. :) I am the Monitor of installation 00. I am 7 Itos Atio. Someone has released the Mows. My function is to ... A double post! D: Kill it!

*ITOS uses Flamethrower on double post*
*ITOS burns down Computerscreen*

This generic comment was brought to you by:


I think I just learnt my first lesson..


Yeah... Don't use a flamethrower on your screen.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 02:28:27 PM
You're an artist? Groovy~  I'm a graphic design student, kinda like art being that theres a lot of illustration, photoshop and fireworks ya know.
You'll have to show me where I can see all the art, if Boogeyman doesn't remove my eyes before then.

Believe it or not, the Tower of Art is where all the art is:

Most of the artists who post there regularly are pretty good.  King of Hearts is excellent with lineart, most other people do cel-shaded stuff.  Of the top of my head, you might want to check out Zinacat, RJ, Turnsky, James Starrunner, KBJ etc.  Many of the readership who post are artistically inclined in some way, so there are plenty to choose from.

There are also various writings and some music, although for the latter it seems to be just Moekii and myself for the main part.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2007, 03:04:13 PM
Quote from: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 02:28:27 PM
You're an artist? Groovy~  I'm a graphic design student, kinda like art being that theres a lot of illustration, photoshop and fireworks ya know.
You'll have to show me where I can see all the art, if Boogeyman doesn't remove my eyes before then.

Believe it or not, the Tower of Art is where all the art is:

Most of the artists who post there regularly are pretty good.  King of Hearts is excellent with lineart, most other people do cel-shaded stuff.  Of the top of my head, you might want to check out Zinacat, RJ, Turnsky, James Starrunner, KBJ etc.  Many of the readership who post are artistically inclined in some way, so there are plenty to choose from.

There are also various writings and some music, although for the latter it seems to be just Moekii and myself for the main part.
I was going to start recodring my voice, but then I can't write songs for shit, so none of it'd be origional.... it'd just be a crappy recording of a mediocre voice.


Aridas used to have a thread for his music, but I'm sure it's several pages back, now.


Oh wow, that sounds so groovy.  What sort of music do ya make?