hello !1

Started by animefreak247, February 25, 2007, 10:48:22 PM

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Hi i just joined this site so wassuppp people . :zombiekun2


hello animefreak welcom to the forums, and have fun :)


Oh dear, I see this being met with varying responces. Well, welcome animefreak. Seeing as nobody has showed up to warn you about anything yet, have a painting whose nose follows you around the room. However, if I may warn you of a few things? Grammar and spelling are highly valued around here, so I (note the caps lock) would advise getting into the habit of using both. Just a precaution. Regardless of that, people are quite friendly so long as you don't let them near any objects as sharp as a rolling pin. Enjoy!


ok i will rember to keep up on the spelling and gramer.



sorry everyone for the bad spelling ill try.


That's okay, Animefreak, you made Bill cry, something that earns you much respect in parts of the forum.

Welcome! Come on in, relax, and let the warm waves of insanity wash over you in a refreshing yet odd sort of way!

Tiny crested flint

Welcome, here have some fire for no particular reason :wizfire :)

It is very important to watch out for a Cardboard box that talks.  More important to IGNORE ME!!!


Welcome! Please ignore the crazy people and accept this basket of homebaked muffins! :rj

Oh, and please ignore the fact that they glow in the dark... that has nothing to do with radiation.. nope...  :paranoid


The muffins are good. Be sure to have a gas mask before handling, though.  ;)


Don't listen to Bill. RJ's muffins glow because they make you big and strong! :)

Really, really big and strong...


And then you explode. Sometimes. But exploding is fun! For us to watch.  >:3


Don't worry about Bill, he's just a gas mask-wearing, power-abusing, NASCAR-loving prog-rock connoisseur.  He's also a PITA, not to be confused with PETA. ;)


And Haz is a communist.  :<


*chomps on the n00b*

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: BillBuckner on February 25, 2007, 11:25:44 PM
And Haz is a communist.  :<
Why are you always picking on me? :<



What, being chomped on is a good thing?  Sounds pretty painful, to me. :/


pain=pleasure..to me anyways. :3


That would make you a masochist. :P And the only reason I know that is because it was one of my vocabulary words in my English class a few weeks ago (yeah, weird, right? :/).


Hi, just  be careful okay? Just wait till evil comes around then things will really get amusing here.  :)
enjoy yourself, don't get on the nerves of the single individual who has them here.  :U

Jim Halisstrad

 Pro Tip:  Spam :pzilla alot and you will make many friends

I have a face you can trust.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hi, welcome, etc etc.

I'd suggest you watch out for anyone advising you to do something, or not do something, or to watch out for something. They're not to be trusted, and probably have an ulterior motive...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Unless they have a permit to be an asshole....Then they can hurt you for a price >:3 But anyhow...Enjoy your stay....The inucubus way! *waggles tentcles*

llearch n'n'daCorna

I thought I'd kept my permit up to date...

*checks* See? Needs renewing next century, though...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


wow you people are kinda wierd ... but very funny.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 26, 2007, 06:48:21 AM
I thought I'd kept my permit up to date...

*checks* See? Needs renewing next century, though...

Unlike some others, who just can't wait until some things pass the stature of limitations...


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 26, 2007, 06:48:21 AM
I thought I'd kept my permit up to date...

*checks* See? Needs renewing next century, though...
You need a permit? Shit!  :<


Quote from: BillBuckner on February 26, 2007, 09:01:04 PM
You need a permit? Shit!  :<

It's alright-- you don't technically need one if you're already a repeat offender. The asshole-fuzz can just recognize you now.

Asshole-fuzz sounds so much better than ass-police, don't it?

Oh yeah-- welcome, animefreak! Prosperity and long forum life to you. Just remember: good grammar is sexy.


When in a conversation Animefreak is really fun to talk backwards to.  :U