[Story] The Future History of Jakob Pettersohn (11/Jul/09 - Final Chapter)

Started by Tapewolf, February 24, 2007, 03:15:04 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

The flu. Nothing much unusual, just downright nasty. Three days in bed, cold sweats, shivering, nausea, lack of appetite, achey hair, coughing up a lung every other minute, etc.

All the usual stuff. Nothing to write home about.

Mostly recovered, now.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Just as a heads up, I'm probably missing an update this week.  Have fun, all...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chapter 48 - Consequences

Jakob paced the floor.  Though it would mean a break of several days, the others in Ha'Khun had agreed that the best approach would be to wait until Josh got back from Manuma City where he had been giving testimony at Keaton's trial, along with Ashford.  He could only hope that they didn't look too closely into exactly how the ex-Commander had returned to the land of the living, or who was responsible for doing it.  Otherwise things were going to hit the fan in a big way.

The wolf's musings were interrupted by a voice calling his name.  He glanced around to see Daryil standing in front of a table with an expensive-looking china tea set laid out over it.  He was holding the tablecloth tightly and the expression on his face cast a chill down Jakob's spine.

"Want to see my new trick?" Daryil asked.  Before Jakob could say "no," the fox gave a short, hard tug and whipped the table out from underneath the cloth.  Jakob stared in disbelief at the tea-set, which was hovering undisturbed in mid-air.  As he opened his mouth to ask how it was done, the whole thing fell to the floor with a terminal-sounding crash.

"I managed ten seconds just now," the fox beamed and tying the ends of the tablecloth up into a ball, threw the remains of the tea-set out with the rubbish.

"Have you ever considered doing useful things with your new powers?"  Jakob asked after a few moments.

"Yes," Daryil told him and began to count the molecules in a nearby glass of water.

As Jakob left, muttering imprecations under his breath, Daryil's ears suddenly pricked up.  He could feel a new mind... fresh prey!
Crockery and water forgotten, he made his way over to the laboratory, playing hopscotch on the floor tiles as he did so.

Sitting bewildered on the usual hospital bed was a large, muscular dalmatian in a jerkin.  Daryil's heart leapt.  "Well hey there, big boy!" he beamed, running over to the dog and hugging him tightly.

"Woah," Das said, grinning appreciatively at the attention, "We don't even know each other yet!"

Daryil's eager expression suddenly changed to abject horror as he saw the tattoo on the other's shoulder.  He let out a piercing scream.

"Niall!" he shrieked.  "What have you done!?"

"What is it?" the younger fox squeaked.  "What's wrong?"

"He's one of them!  The enemy!"

"What enemy?" Niall asked, uncomprehending.

"One of the bastards who killed Timmy!  Ti'Nera's clan!"

"You!" Dasgard whimpered, backing himself against the wall.  "The Evil One!  Oh gods... oh gods... please... not my soul..."

At this, Daryil's eyes brimmed with tears and he ran off sobbing.

"Now look what you've done," Niall said pettishly.  "You've made our clan leader cry."  There was no response and he glanced back at the terrified dalmatian.  Niall sighed and put his hands in his pockets.

"So... You're of clan Ti'Nera?" he said.  "Damn, I knew I should have looked up that clan mark."

"What are you going to do with me?" Das warbled.

"That's up to you, I think," Niall said.  "Many Ti'Nera 'Cubi want to see Daryil die.  As you may know, he is exceptionally powerful... so if that is in any way a part of your goal, I suggest you surrender here and now.  It will make things easier all round."

"But my soul... he'll rob me of my soul... he'll destroy me for ever and ever and ever..."

"Oh, come now," Niall told him, placing a reassuring hand on the dalmatian's thick shoulder.  "I wouldn't worry on that account.  Daryil doesn't eat people's souls, hasn't done for at least a millennia."

"But he is the Evil One," the dalmatian said fearfully.  "He ate our clan leader... He declared war against the whole of our clan... they say his own clan grew rapidly to raise an army that will slay us all!"

"Ti'Nera was the last soul he ever killed," Niall said with a grimace.  "It was that... which drove home just what soul-slaying is all about.  By then it was too late, of course.  He suffered a nervous breakdown shortly afterwards and from what I hear tell was markedly less sane thereafter.  But, the long and the short of it is this: Daryil might not like you, but he's not going to kill you.  Unless you try to attack us, at any rate.
"We, as a clan, are not out to get your lot anymore.   That said, I understand your clan still calls for the extinction of ours.  We will, of course, defend ourselves by any reasonable means."

"You paint us with the broadest of brushes," Das said.  He had stopped whimpering and now paced the floor nervously, glancing around as if Daryil might suddenly leap out of nowhere and feast upon his very sentience.

"When Lady Ti'Nera was... destroyed... her clan split into a number of factions.  The radicals called for the death or soul-eating of the Ev... I mean, D-Daryil... and all his followers.  Most of the rest of us, we renounced soul-eating entirely.  It would make us as bad as Daryil Soul-Slayer.  We just want to get on with our lives."

"...and it's the lunatics you always hear about."  Niall finished for him, with some feeling.

* * *

Joshua settled into his seat.  The trial had gone through with extraordinary speed.  All that remained was for the final verdict to be pronounced, and it looked like that was about to happen.

"Katherine Beatrix Imenwati-Jyraneth," the judge began, "For the charge of murdering the late Commander P. Ashford, the jury accepts your plea of self-defence.  I therefore find you not guilty of this charge.  For the charges of falsely imprisoning his soul, breaking and entering in this court's own evidence chamber, three counts of murder and twenty-six counts of Grievous Bodily Harm, the jury has found you guilty.  You will serve four life sentences in the maximum security unit at Pentathia."

Keaton's face soured.  'Life' meant 'Being life' and was typically around thirty years in real terms.  Four life sentences would be at least 120 years, and boring as hell.  Maybe her lawyer could get it reduced on appeal or something.

"This court accepts your contention that the latter charges were racked up in the course of attempting to restore the Commander to life.  Therefore the aforementioned prison terms will run concurrently.
"Have you anything to say?"

The jackal shrugged.  "It's a fair cop."

With a sigh, Ashford watched as they led her away.  As he turned to leave, a firm restraining hand was placed upon his shoulder.

"Mr. Ashford?" the guard said, "You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Katherine Jyraneth."

* * *

"Dorcan," Jakob said, in a voice not dissimilar to when he'd offered to turn the Doberman into a killing machine, "It may just be my own paranoia, but I feel that too many people are starting to learn about the android project far more quickly than I had intended.  I am becoming increasingly concerned that we're going to face a serious legal problem when the Being-Creature Commission finds out about this."

"You think they'd try to kill me?" Dorcan asked nervously.

"It's not impossible.  It's more likely I could face some serious charges, though.  And that itself might kill you in the long run if you can't get any replacement parts, servicing or refuel yourself.  If I go down, the technology involved could be lost or suppressed.
"Either way, I must take the initiative.  The Commission are going to send someone to audit us at the start of the month.  Before then, I want to build a cast-iron legal case to ensure the continuation of the project."

"But where do I come into this?" the Doberman asked.  "I'm not a lawyer.  Nor are my parents.  The closest I've got is 35 years studying middle-management at the Academy."

"No, I need you to find someone for me.  Bring me the finest legal mind in this world.  Ask around.  Your Clan may know, or have contacts."

"I'll do what I can," Dorcan promised.  "But it's a big job and you aren't giving me much to go on.  Or much time, come to that.  Do you have any suggestions where I should look or something?"

"Well, at the risk of setting you off on the wrong foot, I have heard rumours of a Master known as Quangyre.  For all I know he may be dead by now, but if he lives, and if half of the legends are true, he's the man for the job.  Or woman... the stories are somewhat unclear on that particular point.  Indeed, he may be a shapeshifter."

"Let's back up a little," the Doberman said, and his headwings drooped.  "Why me?  Can't someone else do this?"

"Daryil has seen your soul," Jakob told him.  "I have studied your reactions during your job interview and I know we can trust you.
"Understand, Dorcan... I need absolute secrecy on this, otherwise my legal team at Jayhawk would be dealing with it.  Most of the others I would send are still in Ha'Khun.  I can't recall them because I need that business resolved too.  I can't have the spectre of Ha'Khun hanging over me... I need to appear squeaky-clean."

"What about Daryil, though?  He seemed to handle his own defence pretty well.  Can't you put him in charge of it?"

"He cheated."

"So?  All's fair in love and war..."

"He used his Power," Jakob said heavily.  "That may work on some half-assed judge out in the sticks, but it won't wash with the Being-Creature Commission.  If the current 'Cubi representative isn't a tri-wing or subservient to one, I'll eat my trenchcoat.  They'll be at least on par with him, given that he's still learning.
"Besides, after that little prank, they'd see it coming.  No-one with half a brain is going to let Daryil within ten miles of a courthouse if they can possibly avoid it!"

"You, though... you have an advantage, if I send you to get legal aid.  No-one knows there is a link between the two of us..."

"Actually, they might." 

Jakob stopped cold at the Doberman's words.  His wings fluffed out.


"I... during my second execution, I shouted out that... Johan Cross was responsible for my return.  And Scruffs knew... if he recorded the wiretap, if anyone finds it, they'll know.  Sethir knows, though it's in his interest to keep quiet about what he is too.  My family knows, and everyone who saw Daryil's party knows.  My lawyer knows."

"That's not good," Jakob agreed, and looked Dorcan deep in the eyes. "But you'd still attract a lot less attention than, say, Azrael.  Besides, you're looking for legal aid anyway with your own financial problem.  It's the perfect cover, and... I think you're the best I have.  Will you do this for me?"

"Thanks," Dorcan said, looking at the floor with embarrassment the way dogs sometimes do.  "I'll do my best.  I do have one request, though.  I want to confer with Salomere.  While I guess it sounds a bit lame for me to run and get my mother, she's got one of the sharpest minds I've ever known.  And she already knows about the project."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

*snerk* I love the table.

And Das. Das is nicely - and poignantly - covered, there.

I think I should go back and re-read the entire thing, though...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 05, 2009, 01:47:16 PM
*snerk* I love the table.

And Das. Das is nicely - and poignantly - covered, there.

I think I should go back and re-read the entire thing, though...

I would comment more, but I feel much the same way. I've grown rather lost, I think.

Daryil running off crying did make me laugh, though.


Quote from: Cogidubnus on January 06, 2009, 02:23:16 AM
I would comment more, but I feel much the same way. I've grown rather lost, I think.
In summary:
1. The Ha'Khun investigation is suspended while Joshua testifies at the trial.  He remains there to see the result.  Keaton is jailed.  To his surprise, Ashford is too.  Personally, I think this might have been the bit which threw most people.  The investigation resumes next chapter.

2. The gay dalmatian guy Niall revived in the previous chapter turns out to be from one of the only clans that Daryil actively hates.  We get some Daryil backstory here.  There are a few hints around chapter 12 13, but some of it you'd have to re-read CJP to get.  Which I don't wholeheartedly recommend as I suspect there are a few inconsistencies now  >:3

3. Jakob starts to get paranoid about the Being-Creature Commission punishing him for creating a new race and sends Dorcan off to find a Master to help them legally.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It was interesting to see some of Daryil's backstory, and to get a peek at how the legal system works.

Now, instead of instructing people not to read back because of the inconsistencies, why don't you try to fix them? :rolleyes
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on January 07, 2009, 06:28:54 AM
Now, instead of instructing people not to read back because of the inconsistencies, why don't you try to fix them? :rolleyes
Someday I might, though there are a few Mary-Sue events, conflicts with DMFA lore and things I wish I hadn't done now.
What I will say is that I'm thinking of including some of the better chapters as flashbacks or side-stories in Project Future.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 21, 2007, 04:27:31 PM
I'd also wonder how Ephrael would have stayed sane for 150 years trapped in a rock.
Imagine how Ulric is feeling about now.

Anyway, I just came upon this and I must say, for fan fiction, I am impressed. This story, and the Chronicles, have been extremely entertaining and I can't wait for the next one.

Also, Daryil is quite possibly the most insanely awesome character I've seen in the past year. The trick with the table was awesome, and the whole counting the molecules thing was a perfect addition. And then of course there are the JC impersonations as he goes around resurrecting people and what not. Almost every single scene involving him has given me a good, long laugh.


Quote from: Tyranastrasz on January 18, 2009, 01:30:13 AM
magine how Ulric is feeling about now.
Oh, I think his soul was freed about the time Jakob left Ha'Khun.  I'm not sure whether I included that fact in the text or not.

QuoteAnyway, I just came upon this and I must say, for fan fiction, I am impressed. This story, and the Chronicles, have been extremely entertaining and I can't wait for the next one.
Thanks.  CJP was pretty much the first time I'd written fiction in about 12 years.  Looking back at it there are a few times it's slipped into Mary-Sue - something I've been a bit more careful about in Future History.
As you may have noticed, FH is also being run as the webcomic 'Project Future'.

QuoteAlso, Daryil is quite possibly the most insanely awesome character I've seen in the past year. The trick with the table was awesome, and the whole counting the molecules thing was a perfect addition. And then of course there are the JC impersonations as he goes around resurrecting people and what not. Almost every single scene involving him has given me a good, long laugh.
Yes.  I think Daryil and Keaton are my two favourite characters to write for.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on January 18, 2009, 07:38:50 AM
Quote from: Tyranastrasz on January 18, 2009, 01:30:13 AM
magine how Ulric is feeling about now.
Oh, I think his soul was freed about the time Jakob left Ha'Khun.  I'm not sure whether I included that fact in the text or not.
I could've sworn you said that Jakob took Ulric's soul with him... Yeah, here; "Among other things, I also took his treatise on gate manipulation, Daryil's notes on advanced metabiology and the bottle containing Ulric's soul." It'd be rather interesting to see what Ulric would do if he just woke up as an android one day after all these centuries, though, heh.

Quote from: Tapewolf on January 18, 2009, 07:38:50 AM
QuoteAnyway, I just came upon this and I must say, for fan fiction, I am impressed. This story, and the Chronicles, have been extremely entertaining and I can't wait for the next one.
Thanks.  CJP was pretty much the first time I'd written fiction in about 12 years.  Looking back at it there are a few times it's slipped into Mary-Sue - something I've been a bit more careful about in Future History.
As you may have noticed, FH is also being run as the webcomic 'Project Future'.
Oh, I've noticed alright. I actually found the webcomic before this. I was a bit too impatient with the weekly updates to find out about this story, though. Now I'm in a similar dilemma, however; I want to see this as a comic and now I have to wait for weekly updates to see the story progress in the comic form, and to see it progress as a story I must wait until you finish and are ready to post the next chapter  :<

Quote from: Tapewolf on January 18, 2009, 07:38:50 AM
QuoteAlso, Daryil is quite possibly the most insanely awesome character I've seen in the past year. The trick with the table was awesome, and the whole counting the molecules thing was a perfect addition. And then of course there are the JC impersonations as he goes around resurrecting people and what not. Almost every single scene involving him has given me a good, long laugh.
Yes.  I think Daryil and Keaton are my two favourite characters to write for.
They definitely have the best crazy antics, that's for sure :P


Chapter 49 - Vanishing

Keaton's conviction and the subsequent arrest of Mr. Ashford earned a mention on primetime news, and the team in Ha'Khun quickly reconvened in anticipation of Joshua's return.  James was about to get lunch when the husky's face appeared on the screen, replete with headwings.

"Hi guys," he said.  "I'm at Mundathra railway station, but the line to Ha'Khun Central is closed."

"Do you want us to pick you up?" Azrael asked.

"Nah, there's a replacement bus service," Joshua replied.  "I should be with you in about an hour."

"Fine.  In that case, we'll start now and fill you in when you arrive.  Sound good to you?"

"Works for me.  Catch you later," Joshua said and signed off.

When the coach arrived, he immediately noticed that the driver's seat was missing, ripped out to accommodate a four-legged Gryphon, who stood there sulking petulantly.  As Joshua showed his ticket and settled into a nearby seat to relax, the driver began to issue an unending stream of complaints about how he would have got more exercise pulling a cart in the Good Old Days.

* * *

Despite his new physique and stamina, Dorcan was not one to waste time if he could avoid it and trekking all the way Kurnshire and back would be boring.  While Jakob had an Amulet of Recall, Dorcan was well aware that Niall had a warp-aci and that might be a better bet depending on how good Kirian's geography was.

"Niall," he called out.  "Is there any chance I can borrow Ki-" he stopped as the brown-haired figure glanced around.  It wasn't Niall, it was...

"Dorcan?"  Dasgard yelped.  "My gods... I thought you were dead!"

"I could say the same," Dorcan said.  "Weren't you hanged for a mass-murder in Mundathra?  I mean, Jesus, Das!  What were you thinking of, murdering all those poor Beings?"

"Not murder, a rampage," Dasgard corrected, looking at the floor.  "Maybe I'm arguing semantics.... I know that it can't excuse what I've done, but it was supposed to be a... a wake.  For you."

"A wake?" Dorcan queried, his eyes bugging slightly.  "I'm not sure whether to be honoured or horrified.  Mostly the latter, I think.  Surely lighting a candle at the temple would have been a more suitable way of showing your respects?"

"I guess... I guess I wanted to avenge you.  But... now I've done worse than what you were accused of.  I'm sorry, Dorcan... If it's any consolation I am dead.  And I know now why your Clan denounced attacking.    And knowing that you're still alive and it was all pointless... that makes it all the worse."

"There, there..." Dorcan said, and put an arm around the gently sobbing incubus.  "I don't know how Jakob will take it, but I trust Niall's judgement, and I guess he does too."

"Thanks," Dasgard said.  "I'm not proud of what I did.  It was a mistake, it should never have happened.  I... Have you you been working out?" he suddenly asked, noticing Dorcan's arms.

"No," Niall said, entering the room.  "That was an accident."

"Accident...?  Oh.  You did to him, what you did to me?"

"So it would seem.  Now, Dorcan... forgive me for asking, but am I right in thinking that the two of you... are an item?"

"W-what makes you say that?" Dorcan asked, his headwings fanning out.

"When I retrieved Dasgard's soul from his locket, I found your picture in it."

"I..." the Doberman closed his eyes.  "At one time we were, pretty much.  But... well, I wanted to call it off."

Dasgard looked shocked.  His mouth remained tightly closed.

"If you two want me to leave you alone for a bit..." Niall began, edging towards the door, but Dorcan gestured him to stop.

"I mean, I like you and all," the Doberman continued, staring at the floor, "But... I wanted to raise a family, help make the clan bigger.  That's not something you could have offered me.  I didn't really know how to put it and I didn't want to hurt your feelings.  I hoped that when I left the Academy you'd find someone else.  I'm sorry, Das."

"Just friends, then?" the dalmatian said, with a tinge of regret.

"Friends, certainly," Dorcan said and shook his hand.  He was slightly surprised at how calmly Dasgard was taking this until he saw that Niall was standing behind Das and his hands were faintly glowing.

The moment was suddenly broken as Daryil walked into the room.  He looked slightly subdued, and his stride had lost most of its bounce.  He strode up to Dasgard - who froze like a guilty school kid - and solemnly handed each of the dogs a single coin.  This done, he turned about and left the way he came.

Gingerly, Dasgard turned the coin over and realised that it had two heads.  Dorcan's had two tails... he shrugged and pocketed it.  In the corridor, a faint grin spread across Daryil's muzzle.  He loved confusion.

The dalmatian's mind suddenly polarised into a single mood - terror.  "Dorcan," he begged, "You've got to help me...  He'll kill me!"

"Who will?"

"Daryil, of course!  He has it in for me!"

"Nonsense.  You have to bear with him sometimes, but he's a good man.  I owe him my life.  Yours, too."


"He bankrolled the android technology," Niall told them.  "He hoped to use it to bring Timanjurath back from the dead, but he didn't want to come.  Keaton wasn't the only one to be disappointed in that way, though it's probably for the best... I don't know how Simeon could have fitted into it all."

"He can raise the dead?"  Dasgard said, trembling slightly.

"He can do a lot," Niall said.  "He's Ascended."  Dasgard curled up on the floor and made little whimpering noises.

* * *

"Petter," Sanderssen said, "I believe you have some thoughts for us?

"Well," the incubus began, "From what I've been told so far, it sounds like a classic example of a messianic cult.  The leader will typically have some notion of divinity or a belief that he communes with the Gods.  He will also try to establish complete control of his followers.  In extreme cases this involves eradicating errant followers, either by making an example of them through public executions - as with Jyraneth's Clan, for example - or sometimes through carefully-staged 'accidents' as was the case with the Moonbar Cult last century, and to a lesser extent Malnemar's coven which Jakob may remember.  The strategy will vary depending on how complete the leader's control is, and whether he has any kind of facade to keep up."

"Anyway, that's my take on the situation.  Ashley, Azrael... any thoughts on what kind of a thing he is, Creature-wise?"

"I think so, but we'll need to confirm it.  Tell me, Abidan, do you have wings?"

"Yes," the puma said, reluctantly.

"And you're a shapeshifter, so you've hidden them.  Do you have any other powers or abilities?  Or strange things that only you can see or hear?"

"We... " he looked around.  "When we reach a certain age, we start to hear voices in our heads.  When this happens, we have to tell the Father, and he blesses us.  That makes the voices go away for a while.  We get our second wings about the time this happens."

"Like these?" Ashley said, revealing his head-wings.  The brother looked flustered.

"The head-wings?  Yes, but.... I was told it was a sin to show those in public.  Most indecent!  Same for the back-wings.  The Father is exempt from these strictures, of course..."

"Well, then.  That's that.  You're a 'Cubi.", Jakob said.


"'Cubi.  As in Incubi and Succubi, singular form 'Incubus' and 'Succubus'."

"And I'm an incubus?"

"Unless you're really female, yes.  I guess the good news is that your finger is liable to grow back over the course of a few years.  The bad news is you're a soul-stealing monster, and most Beings will either distrust you implicitly or try to kill you.  Welcome to the club."

"Makes sense now why I couldn't determine what he was." James added. "Had he been a fully realized 'Cubi..."

"I'm a monster?" the Brother said.  He sounded rather distressed.

"Only if you choose to be.  Taking souls is a skill that must be learned, it's not something you can do by accident.  And I might say, it's not strictly considered a very good career choice, either.  Beings - and heck, other Creatures - will tend to hunt you down and kill you if you run around feasting on people's souls.  Revenge soul-slaying is not unheard of, I might add.  Best not to go there in the first place."

"Enough about the souls!" the Brother yelped.  "I... I don't want to think about it!  What else can I do?"

"Shapeshift of course, but you already knew that.  You'll live for thousands of years, longer if you take souls... though there are less-violent substitutes," he added hastily.  "You won't need to eat, drink, sleep or even breathe, able to subsist entirely on emotional energy.  You have a natural talent for magic, and you can read thoughts."

"Read thoughts?  You're shitting me," the puma said.

"Think of a number between 0 and 65535," Ashley told him.  "4728?" he added a moment later.  Brother Abidan looked horrified.

"That's what those voices you could hear were... other people's internal monologues.  With practice you can turn the ability to hear them on and off at will."

"Is it possible to have a clan which feeds on ignorance?" Petter said, pondering out loud.

"Charmed, I'm sure," the brother said, looking rather put out.

"I don't know how to put this politely, but your knowledge of the world is decidedly... shallow."  Sethir interjected.  "I'm not saying it's your fault, of course.  It sounds very much as if you were deliberately kept in the dark about your race and your own capabilities.  Anyway, tell us about your family."

"Father Albina and my brothers and sisters," the creature replied instantly.  "They are my family."

"No, no.  I meant, who were your parents?  Who was your mother?  Your father?  Who raised you?"

"I don't know who my mother was.  None of us do.  But Albina was definitely my dad.  He sired us all.  Why do you think we all call him 'Father'?"

"All...?" James stuttered.  "And how many of you are there?"

"About two hundred and fifty of us," the puma said.

"And you all live in the Church?"  Sanderssen asked, agog.  The puma nodded.

"A normal 'Cubi clan contains something like twenty to sixty members," Jakob said slowly.  "Maybe a dozen or so more.  As far as I know, there has never been a clan this large on record since the Dragon wars."

James raised a hand.  "Where's Joshua?" he asked.  "He should have been here an hour ago."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. Daryil loving confusion is about right. *giggle*

As for Abidan (interesting that you have so many characters whose names begin with A, in passing) that's an interesting point. The fact that The Father can field more than four other clans (not counting the larger clans, mind, that haven't been listed) is counterbalanced by the lack of training they have; still, not an inconsiderable force...

Hmmm. It's getting deeper...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



And that was quite a revelation about Dorcan. I guess he missed fulfilling his dream after all.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


250? How much power do the individual cubi have? I know clans with tri-wings have the founder's excess power divvied between the other members. I'm not sure about non-tri-wing clans; but, one that large certainly can't have stronger members. These guys can't be operating at "normal" cubi levels, even with equivalent training. And they have, what, no training at all?

What's "Father" going to do, just sacrifice them for something?


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on January 19, 2009, 04:16:28 AM
Quote from: !KCA on January 18, 2009, 10:27:32 PM
What's "Father" going to do, just sacrifice them for something?
Raise an army?

As he's already stated, though, they are hardly trained yet, and I doubt SAIA will accept 250 'Cubi of unknown origins who have no idea what they really are and are led by a crazy priest. Not to mention that I'm sure they don't have that kind of time before they are stopped anyway, unless you write an extremely depressing story where the bad guy wins, that is. However, I can't see that happening if Jakob has anything to say about it, or Daryil for that matter.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah... he hasn't said anything about how trained they are, in-story. So far, they're still discussing it; and the priest may well have trained them - or taught them to train each other - in combat-useful moves, as part of the "growing up" process.

Just one of those interesting ideas; you can hide _anything_ if you wrap it up in mysticism.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


True... I guess they could be fairly well-trained, although the one who blew himself up on the floor didn't seem to be very good at combat...


Quote from: Tyranastrasz on January 19, 2009, 04:55:33 AM
As he's already stated, though, they are hardly trained yet, and I doubt SAIA will accept 250 'Cubi of unknown origins who have no idea what they really are and are led by a crazy priest.
I might point out that the brethren aren't all the same age.  A largeish chunk of them will be underaged.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tyranastrasz on January 19, 2009, 05:24:35 AM
True... I guess they could be fairly well-trained, although the one who blew himself up on the floor didn't seem to be very good at combat...

You don't need to be very good to manage, say, a suicide bombing. Just to pick an idea out of the air, as it were...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


One thing I loved in chapter 48, during the entire story everyone has been freaking out about Cross and how he is going to eat their soul.  Then in chapter 48 its, Daryil is going to eat my soul.  I love the turnaround on that.


Quote from: AndersW on January 20, 2009, 10:42:57 AM
One thing I loved in chapter 48, during the entire story everyone has been freaking out about Cross and how he is going to eat their soul.  Then in chapter 48 its, Daryil is going to eat my soul.  I love the turnaround on that.

Interestingly, that was almost a byproduct.  The actual turnaround I had planned was that he's had the hots for nearly every guy they've resurrected (and a few more he's just randomly run into) and when he finally comes across someone who's receptive to his affections, he's the one who runs off screaming.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm not sure which is scarier:  Him having the hots for them.. or him wanting to devour their soul.  Though I guess the two can be considered quite similar in some respects.


For those who are wondering, I've been working like a demon on Project Future and haven't had time to finish off the chapter.  It should be ready later this week, at the weekend latest.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chapter 50 - Seekers

Sanderssen pressed a button on a remote control and Jakob shrunk to a small picture in one corner.  The rest of the screen was filled with an advertisment for some kind of yoghurt.  Changing the channel, he found the news.

"...has risen to a new high of 258.3 against the bottletop, which is still the preferred currency in parts of southern Bognolia.  And now, back to our studio for the main headlines.
"Latest figures show a disturbing rise in the number of antler thefts...." the newreader stopped, and paused.
"This just in.   Police in Ha'Khun are investigating what appears to be an invisible mugger, after a traveller - believed to be a male husky in his late twenties - suddenly collapsed outside the central railway station."

The picture changed.  Joshua walked towards the door, and suddenly his head snapped forwards as if he'd been hit by a club.  His legs buckled, but instead of collapsing, he slowed to a halt and floated, his head bobbing to the rhythym of invisible feet as his mysterious assailants carried him away.

"Fifty gold dollars says the Gnostics are behind that," James said.

* * *

The first thing Dasgard saw when he opened his eyes was Daryil's face.  He let out a yelp and shut them again.  When he cautiously raised one eyelid just a fraction, he saw that Daryil was gone, but there was a small envelope on the ground.  Gingerly he picked it up and opened it.  It seemed to be very short.

I Guess I owe you an apology, the letter began.  Usually I'd give you some lollipops or something, but I guess you're a bit too dead for that.

Lollipops? Dasgard wondered, and glanced down at the letter again.  He almost dropped it.

Yes, lollipops, it read.  I'm sorry about your clan leader, by the way.  I mean she was a murderous bitch an' all, but even she didn't deserve what I did to her.  It sounds a bit trite, but if there's anything I can do to help make amends, or help you settle in, just let me know...

Dasgard began to tremble.

Oh calm down, it continued.  Hang on.... Maybe this wasn't such a great idea.

"Sorry about that," he said, suddenly appearing behind Dasgard and making him jump.  "It seemed like a good idea at the time.  Anyway... I understand you know Dorcan well?"

"Uh yes, Sir..." the dalmatian said.  "We were room-mates at the Academy.  I guess, when you think about it, we were both members of small clans who were in hiding, both brought up to a pacifistic ideal... I guess it makes sense that the administrators put us together."

"I see.  So, what's he like in bed?"  Daryil asked.  "Uh, forget I asked that," he added quickly as Dasgard's face turned a brilliant shade of pink.

"So, does you clan - or splinter group - have a leader?" he continued hastily.  Dasgard leapt backwards.

"Oh nonono.  I know your game!" the hound declared, backing away.  "For all your pretty words, you want to hunt down the survivors and destroy them!  You need me to give you the location of the key men!  Do what you will do me.  I'll not betray my clanmates!"

As he looked up, Dasgard noticed that the fox was covering his face in irritation.

"If my aims were that crude, your own life wouldn't be worth much to me, would it?" he said at last, and there was a strangely cruel gleam in his eyes.  "Think.  With the powers at my command I could dissect your very soul to learn what I seek.  Your agony and terror would be bliss to me.  Ask yourself... why haven't I done this?"

"I don't know!"

"I'll give you three guesses."

"Because I might die too quickly?"


"Because it would upset Dorcan?"

"True, but not the one I'm looking for."

"What happens if I can't guess!?" he wailed.

"Then we eats it, precious!" Daryil cackled.

"Please!  I'll do anything!"

"Both wrong!" Daryil said, and sat down.  "Actually, the reason I haven't done this is because it would be a very shitty thing to do.  Also, I think you're kind of hot."

Dasgard ignored the latter comment.  "But if it's not a vendetta... why do you want to meet my leader?" he quavered.

"To apologise, of course."

The dalmatian grunted.

"Is that really so hard to believe?" the fox sighed.  "For all you know I've already seen his address in your mind, killed him and replaced him - in which case there's nothing you can do anyway.  So why worry?"  He smiled at Dasgard, who cringed.

"Look.  I've been thinking about this for a while.  I did your clan a great wrong, and while I can never undo my crime, I would at least salvage what I can.  My quarrel was with Ti'Nera herself and she has more than paid the price for her deeds.  If our clans can bury the hatchet, we can put the whole nasty business behind us and move forward.  I have already placed Dorcan's clan under my protection, and I'd be quite happy to extend the same deal to your lot."

"My clan is already divided," Dasgard said cautiously.  "This would make things worse.  Besides which he'd never agree to meet you."

"So we call him up," Daryil said.  "Even I can't steal someone's soul over the phone.  At least, I don't think I can..." he added.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Attaboy," Daryil said, and planted a kiss on his cheek.

* * *

Joshua opened one eye.  A blow to the head wouldn't do a huge amount to him unless the shock itself was enough to physically damage his neurocircuitry, and that would take a blow hard enough to shatter the skull of most Beings or Creatures to powder.  Nonetheless, the impact had forced a self-check, and when he'd recovered it seemed better to let the others think him unconscious. 

The husky picked himself up and brought out his wings, his eyes glowing very slightly in the dark.  He was lying on a crude pallet in an unlit cell of the kind often found in monastries.  That was good - it meant that he'd been left to recover.  For a moment he'd thought that he'd been dumped in the morgue.

Why didn't they think they'd killed me? he pondered.  I don't breathe and I've got no pulse.
His feathers ruffled for a moment as the idea that they were 'Cubi or some other telepathic race occurred to him.  Yes, if they had felt his mind, that might explain why they didn't check for vital signs.  Either that, or they simply didn't care too much whether he came back to them alive or not.
There again, they might know what I am, he thought.  And that thought scared him even more.

"Ah, you are awake, my son," said a voice.  Joshua turned, hiding his wings.

"Be not afraid, child," the mongrel said.  "You have come in search of the truth, have you not?  The Father has given me leave to show you what you seek.  Follow me."

Feigning weakness, Joshua took the Brother's hand and was led into a small room containing a two chairs.

"Now your journey truly begins, young Joshua," he said, and closed the door behind him.  The husky's eyes widened as the Brother turned back to face him, his face a close replica of Joshua's own.  "Soon, we two shall be one," he added, with a paternal smile.

* * *

"Good to see you," Neremath said, hugging his son.

"Yes, you as well.  I'm sorry this has to be a flying visit," Dorcan told him, "But as you know, this is a bit urgent.  I promise, when things settle down a bit more, I'll visit you more regularly."

"I quite understand," Nem nodded.  "Now.  As for the Master, you're in luck.  When your mother was in trouble, I was referred to him as a possible option.  He keeps moving around, but I suggest you start your search in Vagslav forest.  Even if he isn't there now, people may be able to point you in the right direction."

"Did you meet him?"  Salomere asked.  "Can you describe him?"

"He's a cheetah.  Large, feathery wings and pale orange fur.  His hair's very light blue, almost white."

"An Angel?"

"I suspect so.  Anyway, he's a bit weird.  I told him about your problems, and he promptly assumed the lotus position and closed his eyes.   Exactly 24 hours later, he snapped out of it and told me that it wouldn't work, because he could only influence the outcome of a trial or similar judgement.  At the time, you were in more danger of being summarily executed or killed by a bounty hunter."

"Did he give an estimate?" Dorcan asked.

"Yes.  But... I can't remember what it was.  I remember it was pretty steep.  I hope your Jakob can afford it."

With his augmented vision, Dorcan was the first to spot the ageing muskrat as they approached the edge of the forest some two hours later.  Her frame was stocky for all the grey fur around her muzzle, and she was pulling a wheelbarrow loaded with what appeared to be market produce.

"Ho there, elder!" Dorcan called as they drew close.  "We seek for one known as Quangyre.  Know you where he can be found?"

"There is a crazy man who lives in the forest", the musk-rat told them after a pause.  "I think that may be what he calls himself.  But be careful, good folk... He has wings.  I fear... he may be a Creature!"

"That's okay, we're Creatures too..." Dorcan blurted out, and clapped a hand over his mouth.  The ancient Being sucked her breath in sharply.

"Look at that!" she yelled, pointing into the sky.  As their heads turned, she sprinted away in the opposite direction with surprising ability, leaving the cart far behind.

"Nice work, Ace," Salomere told him, helping herself to an apple.  "You've spent too long among other 'Cubi at the Academy, you have.  Small wonder they caught you the minute you left.  Think you can carry those?"  She gestured at a pumpkin and a large yellow melon.

"That's stealing, mum!"  Dorcan protested.

"I doubt she'll complain," she replied, writing out an IOU as Dorcan reluctantly removed the fruit.  "A couple of gourds in exchange for her soul seems like a pretty good deal to me."

"You wouldn't do that anyway," Dorcan pointed out, putting the melon in his backpack and dutifully tucking the pumpkin under one arm.

"She doesn't know that."

* * *

"It is done, Father," Brother Oswald burbled in Joshua's voice.  "Our errant child has been sent upon his journey towards the truth."

"It took you long enough," the Father replied, raising an eyebrow.

"He struggled muchly, Father," the Brother said.  "I was hard-pressed to tame him."

"Ah yes... it is often the case that a sinful soul will struggle against the Truth.  It is a sad, sad thing, but now, at last, he can learn the error of his ways in life."

"Yes, Father," the Brother chirped, nodding eagerly.

"Very good, my son," the Father said, and made a gesture of dismissal.  "Now go to your chamber and pray for the purification of his spirit."

"Yes, Father, thank you, Father," the Brother said, bowing respectfully and leaving.

As soon as he was out of sight, Father Albina smiled to himself and went to retrieve the corpse - and the soul - of their latest victim.  The body of a canine was lying slumped back in the chair as always, but Brother Oswald had forgotten to leave the lights on as he had been instructed.

Shaking his head, the Father flicked the lightswitch and suddenly froze, his mouth falling open.  The figure slumped in the chair was not a Siberian Husky at all, it was a mongrel, the Brother he'd sent in to perform the killing.  With a sense of rising panic, he reached under the chair and felt around for the soul-stone usually fastened there with gaffer tape.  It was missing.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Three things.

First, Daryil's letter was absolutely hilarious.

Second, Joshua is awesome.

And third, I'd just like to note that gaff tape is a wonderful thing.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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