Hey Fizzbit

Started by ilpalazzo, November 27, 2005, 07:04:00 PM

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I've got a couple questions.
one where did you get your avatar (i've been singing that in my head for two hours now)

two: could you draw samus fully suited?


One: friend showed it to me.

Two: Sry :(


Okay I'll give a five dollars and ummmm one of my....... games?

Jorge D. Fuentes

I can do the Samus request.


heh, Jorge slinks in for the game...

Jorge D. Fuentes

I'm almost done with it, too.  :D :D :D


I can't draw mechanics =P

Jorge D. Fuentes

Hee, yeah she has problems with them.
Landscapes, too.

Anyway, preliminary Sketch (only some areas got solid lines in 'em):



dude, the top section of that, if it was larger, would make an awesome bio pic for her on CVRPG...

Jorge D. Fuentes

That can be arranged.
The preliminary sketch was massively scaled down due to the fact that I'm on Dial-Up when at work.

At home I can scan it larger and whatnot.

I can also attempt at some coloring and stuff... might look nice.  Then some spritework to the side with the CVRPG logo and you're golden.


whootness. ^_^ Sounds like a plan. Then I can write a bio for her.


pm me your address and ill send a ps2 game.


you phail. Jorge doesn't have a PS2 =P

Jorge D. Fuentes

No but scrounge up a working used Ps2 and I might take that.
I refuse to give Sony money, is all... unless it serves the purpose of letting me screw them over more.

For example, I never bought a PSX and very few PSX games, but I have gladly bought a Sony DVD-Burner to burn PSX ISOs and PS2 ISOs to disc (plus the burner was on Sale).  I play PSX via Emulation.

I also will not buy a Sony VAIO (those things suck so much and yet 'trendy' people buy 'em).
Needless to say, I also haven't bought a Ps2 and won't buy a PSP or Ps3.

I play Ps2 games via friends who own Ps2s, rather than paying for the system myself.  I usually do a one-week trade, where I'd play a game for a week for Ps2 and they'd play a game for a week on 'Cube.  This worked for RE4, since it was SUPPOSED TO BE 'Cube-exclusive.  Now that it's on Ps2, I don't trade-game nearly as often, unless my friends get a hankering for Fire Emblem or Baten Kaitos or something.

As for the image, It'd already be up if I could FUCKING LOG INTO TO Inverteddungeon.com from home (my laptop has no problem logging in, but its FTP program's expired).

Sin Ominous

That's my view when I got Katamari Damacy.

I have made a separate category for such circumstances on my Christmas list:

For PS2:

We <3 Katamari
Kingdom Hearts

For X-box:

Conker: Live and Reloaded
Doom 3

The only problem is that this portion of the list will be disavowed entirely by my folks. Le sigh.


how bout Tos? or what systems do you own?

Jorge D. Fuentes

I have a NES, SNES, Gameboy (via Super Gameboy), GBA-SP, NintendoDS, Nintendo64, Gamecube, Sega Genesis, and Sega Dreamcast.

Oh, I'm still coloring the picture.  It's looking really cool, too.

ToS?  You mean Tales of Symphonia?  I have it already.


Jorge D. Fuentes

Ooh, that'd actually work out.


Now you know why they call him Whore-hay :)

Jorge D. Fuentes

Quiet, you!

Anyways, here's a small Teaser:


Sin Ominous

That's make a good text block pic in an RPG.

Imagine that. :P


Jorge D. Fuentes

You should go check out the finished version over at the Tower of Art and shhhtuff.