A question of RP?

Started by Cerberus, January 24, 2007, 04:04:05 AM

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maybe it looked like a joke becuase it was in fact a joke


Well that ws kind of hard.

Perhaps ts me being paranoid...but I'v efetl alot of tension towards me since i started posting  :mowsad


well I'm sorry if I made you feel bad :mowsad
I do hope your game does well though :) It must have taken a lot of work and time to make your Role Play


Its fine...I'm just really paranoid when I join a new forum

Its an idea I've been toying with for over a year. I'm hoping soon to have some time to sit down and brain hurricane it out. I want to have every thing covered first. Just to get it started I may only include a few basic classes that would in corperate diffrent styles (any one who used a fire arm would be a gunman, and any one who used magic would be a mage, any one who used swords was a swordman, etc)

I have land descritions, species description and traits. I just need to sit down, type it all out, and modify it as it comes to me.