So... (Personal Introduction)

Started by Knight, November 30, 2006, 01:52:32 AM

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Now that I've done my obligatory first post and made at least a third of the forum hate me from the getgo, let me actually tell you a little about myself.

I'm 25, male, my real name is Jeremy, and I live in a corner of Texas that is about as appealing as Cuba.  I love video games (duh) but have kind have grown from a console to PC gamer.  The only thing I play somewhat regularly at this point is Ultima Online, which I've gone away from and back to multiple times over the years.  I'm going to college online (AIU) for an associates degree in Business Administration, and then hopefully a Bachelor's in IT following that.  I like anime, though I've kind of lost my following of it due to lack of money or time, and my favorite series are Evangelion and Angel Sanctuary.  I'm known to be prone to the firewater every other weekend or so, am a smoker, and listen to Rock/Goth/Classic as well as (mostly) Electronica & Dance.  I love movies, and have seen just about every cult classic out there.

Anyway, cuz you care and stuff.   So that's me.  :zombiekun2


Now that you've hatched your cunning plot to become instantly (in)famous, let me (and whoever ninja's me with a "Hello and welcome! :)" post) welcome you to the forum. I'm Toric, the resident Forum Robot. Please accept this random gift of an Indiana Jones action figure with whip-lashing action.
Yap by Silver.


Now all I need is the body-melting Ark to complete my sinister plan.



School online, very nice.

Evangelion, that's a mind-fuck right there... *curls up into the fetal position*

Oh snap! It's a normal introductory post! This forum isn't built to withstand that kind of assault! Abandon thread, abandon thread! D:

llearch n'n'daCorna

... doesn't that usually signify it's time for everyone to leap -into- the thread and start posting?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Knight on November 30, 2006, 03:01:37 AM
Now all I need is the body-melting Ark to complete my sinister plan.

I've found that about 16 doses of Silver Serpent Venom can have a similar effect.  It has an unfortunate tendency to kill you as well, though.

That's 233 out of 30.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Pfft. What's a measley -122 hitpoints between friends?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2006, 08:51:34 AM
Pfft. What's a measley -122 hitpoints between friends?
A smoking hole in the ground, I think, given they usually die around -15.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I prefer my serpent venom safely processed, thank you very much.


Quote from: Knight on November 30, 2006, 01:52:32 AM
Now that I've done my obligatory first post and made at least a third of the forum hate me from the getgo, let me actually tell you a little about myself.

I'm 25, male, my real name is Jeremy, and I live in a corner of Texas that is about as appealing as Cuba.  I love video games (duh) but have kind have grown from a console to PC gamer.  The only thing I play somewhat regularly at this point is Ultima Online, which I've gone away from and back to multiple times over the years.  I'm going to college online (AIU) for an associates degree in Business Administration, and then hopefully a Bachelor's in IT following that.  I like anime, though I've kind of lost my following of it due to lack of money or time, and my favorite series are Evangelion and Angel Sanctuary.  I'm known to be prone to the firewater every other weekend or so, am a smoker, and listen to Rock/Goth/Classic as well as (mostly) Electronica & Dance.  I love movies, and have seen just about every cult classic out there.

Anyway, cuz you care and stuff.   So that's me.  :zombiekun2

...are you my male twin?  :U  I've also gone from a console to a PC gamer, UO has called to me numerous times (and still does with freeshards), and I like the same music.  I'm into anime myself, but my tastes are a little weird. :P


Hi, and welcome.  :)

I'm Aiyno and I have no clue what kind of informative information to write here at the moment because I clearly lack a brain....

note: Next time I won't let my brother make up my lines..



My secret identity revealed!... by myself!

Anyway, all my IM's are posted on my profile.  Feel free to chat with the strange one if you are bored late at night, as I get bored easily myself if I'm not working 40-60 a week.

Aiyno... who knows?   I've seen weirder things in movies.  I've got the Kanji for Heaven on my left arm, do you by any chance have "Hell" on your right?  :januscat

Also all:  Here is my MySpace page, which will give all of you all the ammo you need to more efficiently mock me, but there's really no better internet introduction:

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. Myspace.

Don't even need to view it. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Welcome to the insanity! Pull up a seat, light up with a flamethrower, and relax!


*reverse time flow up down start select*


you've just been Zander'd. there is no escape, there is no time...

YOU. WILL.... um... do, something... I don't know-*electric shock*